The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, June 25, 1926, Page THREE, Image 3
PERSONALS — Ed. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ters Trust Building, JAckson 3841 er HArney 2166. TO HE PULL OF VIM. VIGOR AND VITALITY, TO KEEP TONED UP ILL THE TIME- USE BAR-COL Tablets. For sale at Hamilton Phar macj; Ross Drug Store, 2306 N. 24th; Peoples Drug Store, 2411 N. 24th St.; Stewart's Art Shoppe; Q St. Phar macy. 2725 0 St.; Lustgarten Drug Store, 28th and Q Sts.; Sales Dept., 1123 N. 21th Street. PRICE—$1.25, 9-Days Treatment;1 $2.25. 17-Days Treatment. Mrs. William Wade of 2640 Binney street, who has been in Detroit, Mich., for the past four months visiting her son, Mr. Frank Thomas, has returned home and reports a delightful time in “The City of the Straits.” The Rev. Russell Taylor left Tues day night for Chicago, where he goes as a delegate from the Omaha Branch to the 17th annual conference of the National Association for the Advance ment of Colored People. A. P. SCRUGGS, Lawyer. Large ex- , perience. Handles all law eases. 2310 North Twenty-second street. WKbster 4162. C. C. Galloway left Tuesday for Chicago, where he will attend the na tional conference of the N. A. A. C. P. I)r. and Mrs. Craig Morris left by auto Tuesday for St. Paul, Minn., to attend the Morris-EHi s weddingl which will be solemnized in St. Phil ip’s Episcopal church by the Rev. Fr. Alfred H. Leal tad, Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. Mrs. Elizabeth Shelton, 2412 Sew ard street, died at University hospital Monday. The funeral will be held from Zion IJaptist church Friday afternoon. Mrs. Adah Woodson, who was called to Oklahoma by the death of a friend, will return to Omaha Thursday. Mrs. Elizabeth Dixon has been called to St. Ix>uis, Mo., by the illness of tier sister. The funeral of Mrs. Mary E. Spear man, aged T4, mother of Mrs. Esther Hicks, who died at the home of her daughter, 240!* North Thirtieth street, Monday, was held from St. John’s A. M. E. church Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mis. Otis Sheldon, newly weds, entertained at a dinner party at their home, 2814 Miami street, Sun day evening, June 20. Covers were laid for twelve. James T. I^ewis, 2634 Corby street, has received his II. S. degree in medi cine at the University of Nebraska. Mrs. Lulu I/Cwis and daughter have gone to Chicago to attend the Eu charistic Congress and will go thence to Pittsburgh, where they will visit relatives for two weeks. Rev. John Adams and sons, Harold and Ralph, left Thursday night for Detroit, Mich., where they will at tend conference which opens June 24. They will visit in Chicago and Indian apolis before returning. Dr. and Mrs. I). W. Gooden enter tained at a very delightful dancing party at the Hanscom Pavilion on Wednesday evening in honor of Miss Theresa Liverpool, a graduate of the June class from Central High school. It was noted that many of those pres ent were either high school or college graduates, or those who would soon graduate. A hopeful and encouraging ign for the future. Celestine Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith, and Olive Jackson, daughter of .YU - M. F. Jack son, are spending the week in Lincoln. Miss Mary Brown and Otis Sheldon i were united in marriage Saturday, June 12, anil are at home at 2814 j Miami street. la'onard Quarles, 6-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Quarles, died at the University hospital Tuesday, June 22. Mrs. Margaret Smith, 2224 Charles street, died June 22. She is survived by her husband, William Smith, and a brother, John Clark, and sister, Hat tie Clark, of Atchison, Kan-;. Funeral arrangements have not been made. The Elite Whist club was delight fully entertained by Mesdames Roy Williamson and A. L. Hawkins, at the residence of the former, 2418 Bin ary street, on Monday afternoon. Mrs. Essie Harris has returned from a visit to Keetsville, Mo. " .....MET--1--La — Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Hartsfield of St. Louis, Mo., were visitors to our city this week, the guests of their sister-in-law, Mrs. R. E. Hartsfield, 2854 Lake street. Many social affairs were given in their honor. Mr. Harts field is an honored and trusted em ploy of the Union Pacific. The Indies’ Birthday Kensington club was entertained at the North Side Branch Y. W. C. A. Wednesday June 16, with Mrs. J. Alice Stewart a hostess. A very pleasant after noon was spent by all present. The hostess presented each lady with a j birthday spoon. Mrs. Johnson of Den- j ver, Colo., was a guest of the club. Mesdames Rebecca Cuff and Parker, members of Favorite Temple, are on the sick list. The vacation Bible school is being con ducted ai Spring Hill Baptist church, 33rd and Emmett, from June 20 to July 19 under the auspices of Mesdames C. V. Wood and S. Mitchell and the Rev. M. H Wilkinson, pastor. Mrs. O. C. Ferguson and daughters, Corrine and Marie of Lincoln, Nebr., were Omaha visitors Sunday. Harry Brown, Express and Transfer. Trunks and Baggage checked. Try us for your moving and hauling. Also, coal and ice for sale at all times. Phone Webster 2973. 2013 Grace street. SALESMEN — Wanted to sell Grape Juice. 2210 North 24th Street. CLAREMONT PRODUCTS CO. SPANISH AMERICAN WAR VETERANS MEET The Colored Spanish American War veterans held their first meeting at the office of the Dunbar Realty company. 111 South 14th street. Thursday night. the following officers were elected: Harvey Crouch, commander; John Wright, Adj.; Chris Showaller and Charles Cline, both past commanding officers of Lee Corny i Gamp, installing officers. Camp Allens worth is the name of the colored camp, j Public installation of th U. B. F. and S. M. T.s will be held at St. John's A. M. E. church, Wednesday evening, Jcne 30. Admission, 25 cents. The public is cordially invited.—Adv. PARK EMPLOYEES Mr John A. Smith has again been appointed playground supervisor and Mr Clarence H. Singleton, checker, at the bathing pool at Riverview park. SERVICES AT ST. PHILIP’S _ ! The usual services will lie held at 1 the Church of St. Philip the Deacon Sunday at follows: Holy communion, 7:30 a. m.; church school, 10; sung j eucharist with sermon at 11; evening! prayer and sermon at 8 o’clock. The Northwestern Bell Telephone company will give an educational pro gram at Masonic hall, 24th and Parker streets, Wednesday night, to which the public is invited. No admission. Epidemics Since 1914 Deadlier Than Wars Washington. Epidemics. with a loll j «.f 4imhh),iKmi, have claimed more lives throughout the world since 11)14 than .ill die wars amt civil strife, since that year, the second Can American Ited Cross conference was told hy T. It Kltterldgc. asslstanl director general of the League of Ited Cross Societies (if the rt'J.tXH1,000 lives lost in world disasters since 1011. Jlr Kltl'erldge sn' p nnn.dMi were lost in war mid ijin 'misi (n civil strife. Injuries dtir lug die same period totaled 1 4n.< S Hi, (Sill, epidemics caused 100.0tHI.000 of ihcsc and war 20,000.1100 The num tier of dead and seriously injured In disasters since 1011 conslllilted one iciith of the total world population Eighty live tier cent of relief con trlbutlons for disaster-stricken areas nme from the American continent. 7,r> per cent being from die Culled States. Asserts All Lincoln Rel’c* Are Collected Springfield, lit. Half a century of ii-11\ Itles ol collectors of l.lncoln relics and papers has cleaned out the Iasi vestiges of l.iticolliianu, .1. c Thump son 'miner Judge and lay historian here, says. Mr Thompson, who has had expert cnee as a student of Illinois history and particularly that relating to coin, says he refuses in tie disturbed hy reports of new l.lncoln discoveries '‘Washington's bodyguard." lie sab! •was a long time In dying and ll will he the “nine with l.lncoln The col actions of some Mm l.lncoln cnlhnsl lists and various museums have gar •u red practically everything dial ever related to the emancipator or Ids life " Call It 1'iirlH. Jin yon know wlmt “hi ftocls' k? Tt nppoHrx on tin* >»111 of f»ire of jif! roxtHurHht« In Kninoi* nioniltig nvie' rvonlnjr. 'riu* Ittniirfio* If to l> i lie Kiijilfnl' for ot't fhfeiik, bui It i*ov OlH Utl sIlUUOM of hJ oh k. Amos P. Scruggs, Attorney NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. --— In the matter of the estate of William Wheeler, deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court alleging that said de ceased died leaving no last will and pray ing for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said peti tion before said court on the 17th day of June, 1926, and that if they fail to appear at said Court, on the said 17 day of June. 1926. at 9 o'clock \. M. to contest said petition, the court may grant the same and grant administration of said estate to Ella Wheeler or some other suitable per son thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD Countv Judge, j ST -6-25.26. H. J. Pinkett. \ttorney NOTICK OF ADMINISTRATION. In tin- County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. In the matter of the Kstate of Gertrude F. Hall, deceased. Persons interested in said matter are hereby notified that on the 23rd day of Juno. 1926, Mattie B. Gooden filed a 1 petition in said County Court, praying that her final administration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that she lw* discharged from her trust as ad ministratrix. that a hearing will In* had on said petition before said Court on the 9th day of July, 1926, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said ^ I 9th Hay of July, 1926, at 9 o'clock A. M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other atid further orders, allowances and de crees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and de termined. BRYCE CRAWFORD County Judge. 2T-6-25-26. H. J. Pinkett, Attorney NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. In the County Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. —! ^ In the matter of the Estate of Frances E. Mortimer, deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has been ] filed in said Court alleging that said de ceased died leaving no last will and pray ing for administration upon her estate, and that a hearing will be had on said peti tion before said court on the 17th day of -Inly, 1926, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 17th day of Inly. 1926, at 9 o clock A. AE to contest -.iid petition, the Court may jyrHnt the same and grant administration of said 'slate to William H. Mortimer or some | other suitable person and proceed to a '•Itlentenl thereof. BRACE CRAWFORD County Judge. IT-6-25-26. I -—Mail JOc for copy of ' _ new Oh Henry! recipe ' book showing SIXTY - . — ZZZ new recipes. Write ' Williamson Candy Co .. . . i «■ Chicago, 111. | H. J. Preyor ! Z MASON, CONTRACTOR, ? •{• # *:* X Brick, Cement, Plastering and Carpentry Work. Work guaranteed on all X jobs—large or small. $ 1605 N. 27th St. WE. 5069 | 2 X“XK~X~X^-X~X~X“X~X~X~X~X~ •;-:-xx-x-X":-:-:»:»:-:-:..:..:..:..:..X":-x-: \ 1* I. Levy | DRUGGIST | X Prescriptions Our Specialty ❖ X Order Your Ice Cream l „ V X from Us—Prompt y X Delivery. y 21th & Decatur—We. 5082 £ ? I •x-x-x~x~x~x~:-x~x~x-:~x-x~x' View of Parlor of JONES & CO., Undertakers Modern, scientifically arranged, specially built, fully equipped FUNER AL HOME. Over Twelve Years of Courteous, Considerate and Satisfactory Service in Omaha Hits Established Our Reputation. Twenty-Fourth and Grant Streets. WE. 1100. I^ady Attendant. “SATISFACTORY SERVICE ALWAYS.” I LET US PAY YOU go^ ON SAVINGS 1 -We Treat You Right- £ STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION N. W. Corner 19th and DonKlaK^UrMti^^JBar^^ | ‘ ‘ ^ FOR RENT—Funished and unfur nished rooms in modern home. 2310 North 22nd street. WE. 4162. tf 1 I i __ | x % }• (Formerly Standard £ £ Laundry) X •}• 24th Near I>ake Street | I PHONE WE. 6055 $ - & * _ : l I :j: “Dependable | | Family :|: •): Service’’ f I - f | Dry Cleaning of Ladies and £ y X Gents’ Wearing Apparel y 4* X X and Household Fur X nishings & $ I £ 4> X V X ❖ I SOFT WATER LAUNDERING ? ? ? - ? | Wet Wash :j; Thrifty Wash Dry Wash | Rough Dry V X Family Finish ? Linen & Curtains Blankets, Etc *:* v I J. D. McDavid I i I Landscaping, Transplanting .j. T and Trimming. X % A Regular Tree Surgeon y i 2120 N. 28th St. WE. 1508. t y X 1 3 WATERS' \ BARNHART PRINTING CO. OMAHA S Reid Duffy | % PHARMACY £ FREE DELIVERY £ & Phone Web. 0609 £ | | 24th and I^ake Streets £ | OMAHA. NEB. «~x~x~x~x~x~> ♦j**:-x“x~x-x~x~x-xx~x-x”x~x-;; £ EMERSON’S LAUNDRY % •{• The Laundry That Suite All & 1301 No. 24th St. Web. 0820 * •i“x~x-x-x~x~x~x-x~x*<~x~x~x We handle a complete line of FLOWER, VEGETABLE, GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS BULBS—For Spring and Fall Planting When in need of CUT FLOWERS don’t forget our Floral Department, as we have a complet seasonable assortment. STEWART’S SEED AND FLOWER SHOP j j 109 North 16th Street (Opposite Post Office) JAekson 3285 JUNE FROLIC , Given by L. C. A. Club Monday Night, June 28th AT 22nd and Lake St. FOR Day Nursery Fund PRIZES | Prize will be given to person naming the “Mysterious Lady,” who will appear on Lawn at 11 o'clock. Prizes also given to persons holding lucky numbers. :