| Local and Personal Happenings . I ! we print the news while it b news Webster 4243 i ADDRESS BOX 1204 Ed. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ters Trust Building, JAckson 3841 or H 4rre» 2166. The La Vieja Banda club will give a musical program between shows Monday, April 19, at the I,ako theater. Elizabeth Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R .D. Allen, 2716 Hamilton has been detained at home this week with an attack of the grippe. Mrs. Hardin Banks, 402 Popnleton Avr., who has been in the University Hospital suffering from an injury has returned home and is rapidly improving. Mrs. Martha Ferguson is leaving this morning for Oak Mills, Kans., where she has l>een railed by the ser ious illness of her daughter-in-law . Mrs. R. I). Allen and Mrs. Henri etta Fox, entertained Thursday after noon, at the residence of the former, 2716 Hamilton street, complimentary to the Rev. Mary E. Palmer of Is>s Angeles, Cal. The body of logan Quinn was hipped to Macon, Mo., April 6, from the Wagner and Lewis undertaking parlors. The remains were accom panied by the widow, Mrs. Pearl Quinn and daughter. Mrs. Joseph D. Lewis, wife of un dertaker Lewis, and one of Omaha’s enterprising young matrons, is con fined to her home by illness. Dan Desdunes, who was critically ill at his home for a week, is much im proved and able to bo out again. There will he a fine musical con cert at St Benedict's church, 2423 Grant street, Thursday evening, April 22, at 8 p. m., by the band and choir. Everybody welcome. Miss Doris Goring will leave Friday evening for her home in Jamaica, L. I., after spending two years here with her sister, Mrs. John A. Singleton. Miss Goring recently graduated from Tech High school. Mrs. J. D. Reed is quite ill at her home. Twenty-sixth and Franklin, and her husband has been called here from Fairbury, where he is employed as ehef in the Fairbury hotel. Allen Kennedy, employee of the Country club for a number of years, is ill at his home, 2629 Seward street. Mrn. Klla Mae Halcomb ha- been placed on the pension list for the blind through the efforts of Miss Grace Rerger, city clerk, and County Commissioner Hart. This deserving •ase was brought to their attention by Mrs. Addio Moore. PHYSICIAN SHOT HY WIFE LEAVES HOSPITAL Dr. Wesley Hill, who was shot, and seriously injured y his wife, April 2, has sufficiently recovered to be able to leave the hospital thi week. He is now at home, where he is rapidly improving. He expects to leave for Oklahoma Sunday morning, but plans to return to resume his practice about May 1. Ah he refuse;, to prosecute his wife, the case against her will probably be dropped. PICTURE AND PLAY FOR ALTAR GUILD See Nazimova, the Great, in “A Doll’s House” and "Her Choice,” a playlet, by the Junior Girls’ Friendly Society, at the Lake Theatre, Satur day, April 24, under the auspices of the Altar Guild of St. Philip’s Epis copal church. Admission 20 cents.— Adr. CA RD OF THA NKS. 1 wish to thank my many friends for the kindness shown me during the illness and death of mv wife, Eliza beth. Especially do I thank Mesdames Pearl Hieronymous, Edna McCaw, I Bailey, Francis Peoples, Charles T. Smith, J. F. Smith, Augustus Hicks and William Murphy. Also, for the beautiful flowers and expressions of sympathy.—SGT. PHILIP LETCHER. Beware of the U. N. I. A. scabs, •perating illegally on Twenty-fourth and Charles street. T. C. Crommer, Mr*. E. C. Presley, Lewis Gaston, Edgar Wiley, Elder Harris, Adventist preacher, and others. Signed, E. Little, President Omaha Division—Adv . . . ~~~ ■ _ i ... COUNCIL BLUFFS NOTES, — (By Mrs. Erma Jones.) Rev. S. P. Jackson; Mr. Manor; Mesdames D M. Mixon; M. Mo ten; Emaline Walker; Allie McCullen, are on the sick list this week. The missionary society are leaving nothing undone to comfort hem. The Mission Circle met at the home of Mrs. Haines, Friday the 9th, with a large attendance with the Young Peoples’ Starlight Band. The hostess erved a delicious luncheon. Bible lesson was “The Creation’’ by Mrs. Anna Crumpton. The Tabernacle Baptist church was well attended Sunday, April 11th. Rev. Henry Delong, an old pioneer, preached for the morning services; Rev. Mr. Gates of Calvary Baptist church preached at the evening ser vici . Rev. S. H. Renolds will preach April 18th for Rev. J. P. Jackson as he is not able to at present. The Promotion Club will meet at the home of Mrs. M. Tullis, 1705 Third St. Mrs. B. B. Anderson entertained the Paint Club April 13th. A delight ful luncheon was served by the hos tess. The Union Missionary meeting will be held at Bethel A. M. E. Church April 25th. All invited The Court of Calanthe will give a play and dinner at Beulah Baptist Church April 26th. All1 invited. The Quarterly Conference was held Monday evening at Bethel A. M. E. Church. It was well attended. Mr .Albert Gorden and daughter, Marderia Shelton, met with an acci den while on the way home, Friday the 9th. Their car was struck by a Northwesten switch engine at lltli & Ave. B. He was bruised and shaken while the girl suffered severe cuts and bruises about the body and face. She is a high school pupil at Thomas Jefferson. A series of historical lectures are being given each Friday night on 1 I he History of the Negro.” These lectures are very interesting and instructive. The public is invited to attend. The topic of the lecture for April 23 is “The Negro in Young America.” Sub topics will be presented. Mr. H. J. I*unkett, leader. -— CONTEST. __ A cedar chest filled with main pretty and useful household needs will be given to one of the four girls bring ing in the highest amount of money over $26. The contest is sponsored by the house committee of the North Side branch, Y. W. C. A. These girlR have started out to win: Ixiuise Scott, Me recede- Johnson Gladys Reynolds and Mercedes Fer guson. Contest to dose the last week in May. Standing of contestants is as fol lows: Mercedes Johnson, $2.50; Louise Scott, $2.00; Mercedes Ferguson, 70 cents; Gladys Reynolds, none. LINCOLN NOTES. (W. W. Moseley) Mrs. Fanny Young is reported mending slowly from a recent stroke. Miss Carmel Rottg is home from Omaha. Mr. Lucious Knight, who has been ill some time, was removid to St. Elizabeth’s hospital last Saturday to take treatments. Mrs. Priscilla Pierce is confined to her home with illness. A party of young folks of Mt Zion Baptist church, chaperoned by Mrs. M. L. Todd, gave little Cordelia Kin ney a surprise party last Sunday af ternoon, she only recently having re turned home from Orthodepic Hospi tal. A number of Lincoln Elks went to Omaha last Sunday to attend the an nual sermon with the Brother Elks in the metropolis. Several stayed by for the big ball Monday night. Regular services were held in the several churches Sunday; the Sunday schools being well attended. The pastors delivered instructive sermons to their congregations, which were well attended. CARD OF THANKS. Words cannot express our sincere thanks to our friends and neighbors for their kindness, sympathy and beau tiful floral offerings at the death of our dear sister, Cutie Taylor. Died March 1, 1926.—Mrs. L. B. Davis, M. Jones, C. Alston, W. M. Alston, M. C. Alston, W. Alston, E. Wright, H. Alston and P. Alston. | | •j; (Formerly Standard Laundry) X •!• 24th Near I*ake Street X X y X PHONE WE. 6055 % l _ | x “Dependable Family | Service” i j j I •j* Dry Cleaning of Ladies and X X Gents’ Wearing Apparel ;i; and Household Fur- X •!• X nishings X I I X - ¥ ? ! X '}• SOFT WATER LAUNDERING I i I * l ,i. x j: Wet Wash ;l* Thrifty Wash X X Dry Wash X x .j. Rough Dry X Family Finish X £ Linen ^ Curtains ;1; | Blankets, Etc X * X iKSK,K;Wlf Franklin County. A M Good for all purposes. 1 M LUMP— $QOO FURNACE LUMP $050 t m Per ton. */ Per ton. O M ■ ———— nyrTn-RnTrEE wtrr — The M 9 PETROLEUM-Carbon Large a i s e for ( ■ Coke. All heat, $T 4*00 domestic use; $Q00 ■ K no ash, ton. J-U per ton. «7 ■ I $050 Clean-Heal-Lump $Qso f 1 v= COLORADO COAL | • SMOKELESS SOOTLBM M ■ OUR OWN GRADE ■ H I kla U Ibr Peak of oil Conle In Its rlnea. Unlike any Mk*f OOLO- I M I A DO aolri here, »« arr OMAHA’S EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, Mf tkr ■ ■ rice haa hern lowered. ■ ■ HARDER CLEANER LASTINO A m inly S% Aak. Dry 1*484 Heat Ualk R ? VT 4444 “Dealers Id Good Coal" AT 4444 ^ Peoples Drug Store Under Changed Management BETTER SERVICE—QUICK DELIVERY L. G. Perty, Prop. 24th and Er.skine Webster 6323 PATRONIZE THE STATE FURNITURE CO. Corner 14th and Dodge Streets Tel. JACKSON 1317 Headquarter' D DII KCU(IA M Phonographs for Dlllllfv WIvlV and Records | :: I YOU CAN HAVE THE KIND OF JOB YOU ;; ? ARE LOOKING FOR -- V * * by listing your name and telephone number with 1 ’ I o ALFRED JONES f :: Catering and Employment Office X 2811 Caldwell Street. WE. 0752. { l l