• ____ Ed. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ters Trust Building, JAckson 3841 or HArnajr 2156. Mrs. Henry Ixmg, who has been quite ill at her home, 3020 Pinkney street, for some weeks is slowly im proving. The Eagles are soaring, w a t c n them light.—Adv. A duughter, Betty Cullen, was bom to Mr. and Mrs. James C. Jones, 2925 Grant street, January 14. Mother and daughter are doing fine. Mrs. Jones was formerly Miss Alice Watson. Richard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Char les H. Stanton, 2617 Erskine street, entertained eighteen little friends at a George Washington party, Satur day afternoon, January 23 in honor of his sixth birthday anniversary. Watch for the Eagles to light. —Adv. Mrs. Susie Brown of Casper, Wyo., left for her home last Saturday after t. stay of three weeks in the city. Mrs. Brown has been visiting her motl or. Mrs. G. A. Price, 4416 South Sixteenth street who has been ill for the past year. Mrs. E. R. West, 2006 North Twen ty-eighth street who was quite seri ously injured and sustained a broken rib by a fall is able to be out again. The Rev. Z. C. McGee, patsor of Pleasant Green Baptist church, is vi siting friends in Chicago. day afternoon, January 23, in honor Central High school Monday! were Vera Walton, Mercedes Ferguson, Walter Anderson, Ollie Madison and Catherine Williams. Watch the Eagles soar.—Adv. Charles T. Smith, 2916 North Twetny-eighth street has fully recov ered from his recent illness. Mrs. Ella Long, 2517 Lake street, was called to Macon, Mo., last weex by the death of her uncle, the Rev. P. C. Crews, a prominent Methodist minister for the past twenty-five years and a brother of the late Nel son Crews. The Young Matron’s Social Society met at the house of Mrs. Mattie Washington, 2701 Corby st., January 13. A delicious three course luncheon was served. The Monitor is pleased to publish local news items if persons will only phone them or send them in. There are no charges for local news items. There are charges for advertisements; hut not for personals or news items. Sell goods for a firm who trusts you. Fine quick selling line of toi let goods and medicines on trust* Pay for the goods when you yseli them. Rig profit. Write quick. Laro Chemica ICompany, Randolph Bldg. Memphis, Tenn.—Adv. Please be ready to pay your subacrip tion when the collector for The Monitor calls. Dumas James, 2221 South Twen ty-.-ixth street, who has been confin ed to his home with an injured foot i- able to be out again and expects to resume work soon. The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Phil ip’s Episcopal Church, held a very interesting and enthusiastic meeting at the residence of Mrs. John A. Smith, 2511 North 22nd St., on last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. B. j|lylurid, 2854 Lake St., entertained at a six o’clock dinner, Thursday evening, January 21, in honor of Mrs. Bledso of St. Joseph, Mo., who is visiting her daughter Mrs. W. E. Evans, 2002 N. 28th St. Covers were laid for six. DO YOU EAT? Try JAMES PRICE’S HOT TAMALIES AND CHILLI JOYLIFE CAFE 12H1 Dodge Street The Northwest Needle Craft Club met at the home of Mrs. L. L. Gaines at 2726 Blondo street, Tuesday, Jan uary 19. Christmas gifts were ex changed among the members by draw ing. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess, Mrs. Gaines. The next meeing will be at the home of Mrs. J. H. Hutten, 1624 N. 33rd st. The many friends of Pearl M. Al exander will be pleased to know of her safe return home after a three months visit in California. Mrs. Al exander wa sentertained extensively while away but in spite of the many and varied experiences she says she is glad to be bark in Omaha. AT HYMEN’S ALTAR Sunday afternoon the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig, 2320 North Twenty-seventh street was the scene of a beautiful wedding when Mrs. Lillian Scruggs became the bride of Mr. Miles Speese. The ceremony was performed under a large horse shoe of white carnations by the Rev. George W. Day, pastor of Mt. Mor iah Baptist church. The bride was charming in a gray crepe gown with corsage of lavender sweet peas. The matron of honor, Mrs. Walter Craig, also wore grey with pink sweet peas. The gifts were many and beautiful. Mr. and Mrs. Speese are at home, 2316 North Twenty-eighth avenue. SCHOOL GIRLS HAVE EXCEPTIONAL RECORDS Two pupils of the graduating class | of Kellom school made exceptional records. They are Ollie Madison, 14, exander was entertained extensively and Catherine Williams, 13. Ollie Madison, who as noted by The Mon-! itor some weeks ago, was elected class president, the class numbering 37, five of whom were colored pupils, ] received 14 A’s, a gold seal for pen manship, and a certificate of per- j feet attendance. Catherine Williams ; received 13 A’s, a gold seal and a per I feet attendance certificate. Both girls | have entered Central high. The Monitor will be pleased to publish the names of other A stu dents if they are furnished to us. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for kindness shown during our re cent bereavement in the death of our husband, father and son. Especially are we grateful to the Knights of Pythias lodge No. 4 and Rough Ashler lodge No. 1. Mrs. Will Wade, wife. Will Wade^J r., son. Sarah Washington, daughter. Mrs. Rachel Wade, mother. \. \. \. C. P. M1SS MEETING TO BE HELD ON SOUTH SIDE t A mass meeting under the auspices j Monday night, February 1st at Allen Chapel A. M. E. church, Twenty-fifth and R street, Rev. O. J. Burckhardt, pastor. A good program and excel-! | lent speeches will be given. The N. j j of the N. A. A. C. P. will la; held . I A. A. C. P. is the one outstanding na tional organization which is doing great things for the race in contend ing for justice and civil rights. Every race loving man and woman should be a member. Come out and hear about it. Monday night, Allen Chapel, South Side. N. W. C. A. HOME The regular board meeting of the Home will be held Thursday evening, February 4th, at eight o’clock. The regular monthly meeting of the Home will be held Wednesday, at 10:30 o’clock a. m., Feb. 3rd. Sev eral visitors were in the Home last week among them being Mrs. P. F’leming of Detroit, Michigan, wno was visiting her father, Mr. John Elder. The ladies of the City Mission vi sited the Home. The Ladies’ Mission ary Society of the Mission brought a nice new quilt to the Home which was appreciated very much. Martha T. Smith, Pres. Elizabeth M. Reed, secy. INDUSTRIOUS CITIZEN DIES FROM ACCIDENT Will Wade, who was recently killed by the falling of a beam, came to Omaha in 1915. In 1916 he began working for Kewitt's and Sons and remained working for this firm until the accident that caused his death. He was well thought of by his em ployer and had a host of friends. He was an industrious and highly re spected citizen and was buying a home at 2640 Rinney St. Mr. Wade leaves to mourn his death a widow, Mrs. Nancy Wade, a son, Will Wade, I Jr., a daughter, Sarah Washington, and a mother, Mrs. Rachel Wade. KHWWHHWHWMIIMHHMWHHWHWHIHHtMHUmHMHinmitHHIHHttHHIHtmHMW; ^EXPERT BARBERS USE* ARROWAY ! t GOOD LOOKING HAIR FOR EVERY MAN “Hair Velvet Creme” - Makes hair lie straight, § smooth; gives beautiful Z gloss; nourishes,ancour1* | ages growth. Used hy | : well-dressed, particular ? men and first-class Bar = her Shops. Arroway Elastic Hair Cap = ARROWAY Hair Velvet Creme (For Men) 50c ARROWAY Elastic Cap (For Mm) 65c | : ARROWAY Skm Beautifier 50c ■ Z ARROWAY Hair Grower and Beautifier I = (For Women) 50c ' ARROWAY Smoothing Oil (For Women) 50c FREE I Book on Care of Hair and Skin THE ARROWAY 3421 Indiana Avg. Chicago. III. Dept. 1 I lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIMIUIMlIlimilllllllllllllHIIIIIIIHIIIIIUIIIIHMUIUIIIIW i x t X X X X Y \% I X x I I I I X Y X. Dr. A. A. Foster I .*• X x f Physician and Surgeon \% - | i? % X Announces the removal of his X office from the Jewell Build jr ing, Twenty-fourth and Grant X streets, to •{• 2420 North Twenty-fourth •}• Street ;}• jr. (Just South of Lake) £ | Phone WE. 3200 | I . i i I ! I Y f I i •; ~ W/ULW BARNHART PRINTING CO. « f l j J OMAHA I, 4 4, 4 Reid-Duffy PHARMACY ■ FREE DELIVERY ; Phone Web, 0609 ! 24th and Like Streets OMAHA, NEB. A i. k • fr«.»«;*vvv99vvyvvvyv97vvv4>vv Abonniert auf The Monitor Dan Desdunes Says: “There is a welcome seat and delightful entertain- j ment waiting for you at the Lake Theatre. Surely a winning combination.” Matinees up to 6 P. M. 10c for Everybody Come at least once a week. •X“X~X*,X“X“X,,X~X~X“X-X~X“X' S. M. TRIMBLE £ . X Cleaning, Pressing, Altering £ { £ WEbster 3034 £ £ 1423 North 24th St. i £ »f»*x**:**x**x**x**:-x-x**:**:**:**>*x-x-H-:* •j» •*••**•*•«*••**«*••*••*•♦*•♦*••*•«*••**•*••*•♦*•♦*»♦*• •*•«*••*•♦**«**•••**• ¥ EMERSON’S LAUNDRY £ V J ! •|* The Laundry That Suits All X £ 1301 No. 24th St. Weh. 0820 X ¥.:*^<~m*.x~x~X“X~x~x-:*4-x~><**x We handle a complete line of FLOWER, VECETABLE, CRASS AND FIELD SEEDS BULBS—For Spring and Fall Planting When in need of CUT FLOWERS don’t forget our Floral Department, as we have a complet seasonable assortment. STEWART’S SEED AND FLOWER SHOP 10!) North 16th Street (Opposite Post Office) JAckson 3285 Office, WEbster 4030-PHONES-Res., WEbster 0949 WAGNER & LEWIS UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service and Prices Guaranteed. When in Need of Such Service Give Us a Trial. 2018 North 24th Street Omaha, Nebraska k~xkkkkk^~x~X“X~xk~x~x-x~x~x~X“X**«x~x~x~X"X~x~x*«*x~J' Taylor’s Dairy | 2116 North 24th Street } Our Trucks Come to Your Door Twice Every Week $ Bringing Our Delicious Buttermilk | PHONE YOUR ORDER WEBSTER 6014 | We Carry Also the Choicest Dairy Products, Including ^ Fresh Eggs ? W.^V.V.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V/.’.'.V.V.'.VA’.VAVA'^AV J Thull Pharmacy \ 24th and Seward Streets J EVERYTHING IN DRUG LINE—PRESCRIPTIONS J OUR SPECIALTY < Free Quick Delivery Phone WEbater 5876 % .■.v.w.v.v.v.v.vwv.v.v.www.v.v.v.v.v.vw.v.wwuw I. LEVY, Druggist l GRADUATE REGISTERED PHARMACIST S Free Delivery 24th and Decatur Sts. WEbster 5802 ^ rV.V.V^^AV.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.V.VV.V.V.V.W.VWWUWW& I LET US PAY YOU goJc ON SAVINGS f -We Treat You Right STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION { N. W. Corner 19th and Douglas Streets Bankers Reserve Bldg. Brodegaard Bros. I •* *♦* [: JEWELERS FOR 41 YEARS | \ WILL SERVE YOU BETTER £ [ l £ 16th .and Douglas Streets Omaha, Neb. I ••'••*M)M{*«'M**«**«|H**<**«*H*M*H)*«'»«*****«*M)**^M*««**4*M*M**4**«*Mj***»«*M*M*M2M*M**»**«*M**«| Peoples Drug Store Under Changed Management BETTER SERVICE—QUICK DELIVERY L. G. Perty, Prop. 21th and Erskine Webster 6323 f THE MONITOR WILL GROW IF YOU WILL DO YOUR SHARE —-■—■■■ ■ .■■■■ i —■ PATRONIZE THE STATE FURNITURE CO. I Comer 14th and Dodge Streets Tel. JACKSON 1317 / Headquarters DDIlMClAllf^W Phonographs for DKUIldfvIvIV and Records A* ; I > YOU CAN HAVE THE KIND OF JOB YOU X l ARE IX)OKING FOR ;; > 4 » by listing your name and telephone number with ! o ! 1 ALFRED JONES t [ | Catering and Employment Office £ 1322 DODGE STREET AT. 9547 X I I