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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1926)
Classified Six room all modern house with garage and adjoining corner lot for sale. Terms to reliable parties. WEB. 4869 or WEB. 0567. 2206 N. 28th Ave. FOR RENT—MODERN FURNISH ed room. Single men. preferred or will rent to a woman. WEB. 2342. It. FOR RENT or for sale, modern, five room house, 671 North 45 street. FOR RENT — Neatly furnished room. Modern. 2410 Seward street. WEbster 2677. NICELY IIEITLD FI R^ISHLD ROOMS for young men "at $2.50 a Week. Call at 1310 North "i wtnty-third street. FOR RENT—Three heated furnish ed house-keeping rooms, or will rent separately. Call Webster 27C9. FOR RENT—Light hou-e k eping partly furnished. Modem ex cept heat. 2635 Parker street. Phone aft<= 6 p. m. WEbster 1259. FOR RENT — Thvee-r -om apart ment, nearly furnished. 2514 North Thirty-first street:. WEbster 0562. FOR .RENT—Idght house keeping apartments. Furnished WEbster 1825. Married couples only.—2t For rent. Four room modern .pm nn-rt-, 1547-1551 North Se» a teen! b street $15.00 per month. It. 6863. if. For rent. Neatly lurni-bed room. Heat and kitchen privilege. V b. 2Ql > FOB RENT—1Two fttrnMic-d rooms a modern borne. WEbster fit s FOR RENT. NEATLY 11 HMSill II room—one block from Dodge and Twenty-fourth street car line. Gentleman preferred. WEB. 5652. FOR RENT—Modern furnished rooms ^tparn heat. Close in. On two car lines Mrs Anne Banks. 924 Nortr Twentieth street .Turk-on 4370 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms in modern home We 6834 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. 2310 North 22nd street. WEbster 4162. FOR RENT —Light housekeeping rooms. 1 block from car All mod ern conveniences. 1712 North Twen t-v-fifth street WEbster 5450—tf. FOR RENT—Modern furnished rooms from $4.00 up. Web. 4769. Mrs. Williams. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. On car lines in four directions. Web. 4660. FOR RENT—Apartment, furnished or un furnished. for couple. Web. 6975. 2216 North Twenty-eighth Ave. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT—2 and 3 ROOMS WEbster 4983 2130 NORTH 28th STREET F- '' RENT—To couple wishing nice housekeeping apartment, two rooms furnished ;,nd private kitchen. Price reasonable W«b. 6975. 2216 No. 28th Ave. FOR RENT—Strictly modems rooms. Rates reasonable. Also 3-room fur nished house. Miss Hogan. Web ster 3221. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. One block from car line. 7. <• b. 41 >64 1405 No 25th street FOR SALE—All modern five-room house. Good location. WEbster 2478 or WEbster 3030 FOR SALE—Kohler and Campbell upright piano. Soft tone, good fin ish, cheap. 108 South 28th St. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished back room, suitable for two gentlemen. One block from car line. 1823 North 23rd St. WEbster 5372. FOR RENT — Neatly furnished rooms. Heat and kitchen privileges. Prices reasonable. 2433 Franklin. WEbster 2089. SPECIALIZING IN HOME BAKING rolls, bread and cake. Esther Hicks, *!H23 Blondo street WEB. 4659. It. WOMAN SUFFRAGE Washington—New Zealand was the first nation which extended woman suffrage in 1893. The other nations since that time, with the dates of enfranchisement, are as follows: Australia, 1902; Norway and Iceland, 1913; Denmark, 1915; Finland and Russia, 1917; Canada, Great Britain, and Austria, 1918; Germany, Belgi um, Netherlands, and Poland, 1919; United States and Czechoslovakia, 1920; Sweden, 1921; and Turkey, 1923. Business Directory _ART BEAUTIFUL COLORED DOLLS, pictures, calendars, high grade toilet articles. Dr. Pryor’s Japo Wonder Soap. Stuart’s Art Shop 1803 No. 24th St. BAGGAGE AND HAULING J A. GARDNER’S TRANSFER. Bag* gaffe express, moving, light and hi ivy hauling. Reliable and rom I merit. Six years in Omaha. 2622 M- pie Street. Phone WEbster 4120. C. H. HALL, stand, 1103 No. 24th. Baggage and express hauilr.g to ail parts of the city. Phones, stand, WE. 7100; Res., WE. 1056. BEAUTY PARLORS MADAM EDITH LLEWELLYN, Poro air dresser. Work done at your home if desired. WEbster 1515. •'ADAM ANNA E. JONES TUBBS, Scalp .and hair treatments. For good nd fiu ck results call WEbster 6150. 1712 N'>rth 25th Street.—Poro. MADAM 7.. C. SNOWDEN. Scientific i alp treatment. Hair dressing and nufacturing. 1154 No. 20th St. H Elister 6104. HAM WILLIE DIXON, .426 [Hondo street. WEbster 6153. Poro ban dressing, facial massage, Turk ish baths. Hot’ e comforts. COAL DEALERS SOLOMON GOAL AND ICE CO. At your service winter and summer. All kinds of good coal at prices to uit. Phones WEbster 3901 and 4238. DRESSMA KINC and SEVYINC MRS. ADDIE NELSON, 2631 Grant street, We. 4948. Plain and fancy sewing neatly done. Men’s fancy shirts a specialty. DENTISTS DRS. SINGLETON & SINGLETON, Dentists. 2411 North 24th Street. Phone WEbster 0266. DRUG STORES ROSS DRUG STORE, 2306 North 24th Street. Two phones, WEbster 2770 and 2771. Well eefuipped to supply your needs. Prompt service. THE PEOPLES’ DRUG STORE, 24th and Erskine Street*. We carry a full line. Prescriptions promptly filled WEbster 6323. HOTELS PATTON HOTEL, 1014, 1016, 1018 South 11th St. Known- from roast to coast. Terms reasonable. N P. Patton, proprietor. THE HOTEL CUMMINGS, 1916 Cum •<.' St. Under new management. Terms reasonable. D. G. Russell, proprietor. LAW\ EES V\, P. BRYANT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-Law. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block, 17th and Famam Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 2502. W. G. MORGAN—Phones ATlantic 9344 and JAckson 0210. H. J. PINKETT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-I-aw. Twenty years’ ex perience. Practice* in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block. 17th and Farnams Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 3180. D. H. OLIVER, LL. B. Lawyer. Graduate University of Nebraska. Practices in all courts. Jewell Bldg., 2221 No 24th St. WEbster 0963 and WEbster 1209. A. P. SCRUGGS, Lawyer. Large ex perience. Handles all law eases. 1516% North 24th St. WE. 3567. Residence, WEbster 4162. NOTIONS_ PAINTERS ANI) PAPER HANGERS A. F. PEOPLES. Painting and decor ating, wall paper and glass. Plaster ing, cement and general work. Sher win-Williams paints. 2419 Lake St. Phone WEbster 6366. PRINTERS FORD PRINTING COMPANY, Jew ell building, 24th and Grant Sts. For good printing see us. We. 1760. No Advertisement Accepted f»r fliU Classified Directory for Lees Than Six Months PLUMBERS NEBRASKA PLEMBING CO. J. I Allison, marni '>'r. Estimates fur nished. 2522 ! ike S’. Phone WE 5846 RESTAI RANTS 'F, T I'ESTA t' ft A NT 1405 Nor’ 21B Street. V I we t rinse who d r<\ B.imjt cooking at reaaot !e pr ■ •; go. WEbster 0530. "J ’ REPAIRING BE IA’iTI' & THOMAS a ways -A satis."-ct: n. Best material, reason able - All work niarant'eer 14E V rth 24th v KB-ter 508 l NDKRTAKERS JONES COMPANY. I'tidettake; t 24th and Grant Sts. WEbster iW Satisfactory service always. A 4H.ES a CO., funeral dir” t. r . licensed embal" e - (ton . i-:.t -erviee in the las h ... ]-39 N .rth T-. unty-fourt • t Phones, office WEbste 713"; residence WEbster 6349. ----- IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE CLASSIFIED !>!RE( TOIB NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In tiic County Court of Douglas Coun ty, Nebraska In the Matter of the Estate of WILLIAM ALEXANDER, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that a petition has b> • n filed in -aid Court alleging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 23rd day of January, 1926, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 23rd day of January, 1926, at 9 o’clock A.M. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administra tion of said estate to Wesley Jones or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD County Judge. 3T-1-1-26. :: HILL-WH MAMS DRUG £ m\ COMPANY % I* Fountain Pens—Stationery I> Cigars and Candy 5 if Ea-tman Kodaks and Supplies £ ^ 2102 Cuming Street £ ■J % ,••■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■> a ammmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmw | I, I T T 1. E WO N 1) E R X BARBER SHOP £ £ 1012 North 21th Street % t X'*x-:-X"X-X"X-:"X":-: v-x-x In the County Court of Douglas j County, Nebraska In the matter of the estate of Marie I Lee, deceased; persons interested in sain matter are hereby notified tnat on the 7th day of January, 1926, Peter H. Wood ale filed a petition in ;iid, County Court, praying that this fi- j nal administration account filed here- ! in be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator; that a hearing will be j hrd on said petition before said court j on the 20th day of January, 192b, anu J that if you fail to appear before said court on the said date at 9 o’clock : a. m., and contest said petition, the I court may grant prayer of said peti tion, enter a decree of heirship, and make such other and further orders, allowances and decrees, as to this S court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be settled and determined finally. Brvce Crawford, County Judge. 2-T.-1-15-26. SEEK TO COMBINE-SORORITIES | Washington, D. C.—(A. N. P.) The, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority had | much succses in its Eight Annual | Boule just held in this city. At the first public meeting held on Monday night in the Andrew Rankin Memor-; ial Chapel of Howard University, \ Kelly Miller delivered the address of j the evening, in which he very 1 it- ’ tingly expressed the long cherished : hope of Alpha Kappa Alpha, i. e., to unite with all sororities and frater nities in one big concerted campaign for race betterment. Alpha Kappa Alpha has taken the initial step for the carrying out of said plan, in the year 1927 in the same city, for tne purpose of pooling ideas and ideals for such constructive work. Mrs. C. Spikes is leaving this week for Los Angeles, Cal., where she will visit two or three months. The Brandeis Store A Very Special Offering of Large Size e Comfi >rters j Comforters that Would Ordinarily Sell for $5 Regular size comforters filled with fluffy white cotton—assuring a cozy warmth. These are cov ered with a fine quality sateen, plain with cretonneN borders, or in floral patterns. Carefully stitched to give long wear. $ At this price it will be true thrift to buy several —for seldom are we able to offer them at so low a price. THE BRANDEIS STORE BARGAIN BASEMENT / _.. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Douglas Coun ty, Nebraska, in the matter of the estate of George B. Hockley, de ceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court praying for the probate of a certain instru ment now on file in said Court, pur porting to be the last well and testa ment of said deceased, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 16th day of January, 1926, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 16th day of January, 1926, at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest the probate of Baid will, the Court may allow and pro- a bate said will and grant administra- f tion of said estate to S. H. Dorsey |j or Edith Llewelynn or some other suitable person, enter a decree of heir ship, and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 3t-12-18-25 County Judge.