The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, January 15, 1926, Page THREE, Image 3
j Local and Personal Happenings » 1 j WE PRINT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS J. Webster 4243 § ADDRESS BOX 1204 - - - | W^is^iwvmwcmmmmwmmwmmxwmwwvwmmmwmwmMwsmmmmmtxwmwsrmrmwimxwM Ed. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe-| ters Trust Building, JAckson 3841 or HArney 2156. The illness of Bishop Shayler pre vented his adiiressing the Men’s Club of St. Philip’s Church last Monday night. He will keep the engagement at some future date. Mr. Charles T. Smith, who) has, been rjuite ill for the past ten days at his home, 2916 North Twenty eignt street is slowly improving. The Eagles are souring, watch them light.—Adv. Mrs. Thomas Buford, who was call ed to Omaha by the death of Oliver Willis left for her home in Kansas | City, Mo. Wednesday night. She has remained with Mrs. Willis since her bereavement. Mr and Mrs. Gibson of Kalama zoo. Mich., who arrived here New ^ ear’s Day to visit Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Chiles left for home last Satur day. Mr. Gibson and Mr. Chiles ure cousins. Watch for the Eagles to light. —Adv. Mrs. William Johnson, 4717 Nortl Eighteenth street who has been con fined to her home for the past week by serious illness is much improved. Announcement of the engagement of Hiram R. Greenfield to Mrs. Julia Embry of Colorado Springs, Colo, has been made. Watch the Eagles soar.—Adv. Mrs. H. J. Crawford was detainee1 at home the first part of the week by illness. C. H. Spriggs, one of Omaha’s vet eran waiters, w>ho was detained at home for several days with lumbago, has recovered and returned to work. • _ Mrs. M. E. Overall, 2010 Lake street, entertained ut dinner last Fri day at 1 o'clock complimentary to; Judge and Mrs. Albert B. George of Chicago. Covers were laid for twelve. Please be ready to pay your subarrip-1 tion when the collector for The Monitor call*. Mrs. Charlotte Knight, mother of Miss Lutie M. Bryant, who has been j a patient at St. Joseph’s hospital fori the past two months, was removed to her home, 2209 North Twenty eighth avenue Monday. Dr. and Mrs, A. I* Hawkins were host and hostess at a breakfast serv ed at the North Side Y. W. C. A last Friday morning in honor of j Judge and Mrs. George of Chicago.] Covers were laid for thirty-six. A. J. Davis, real estate dealer, and Drs. A. A. Foster and A. M. Me-j Millari who have had their offices j in the Jewell building have removed ] to 2424 North Twenty-fourth street.! _ FOR RENT. Two rooms strictly mod ern. Kitchen and bath private. The! new James apartmens. For infor-j motion call at 2221 North Twenty- j fifth street. WEB. 3634. 1-t. The Monitor is pleased to publish local news items if persons will only phone them or send them in. There are no charges for local news items. There are charges for advertisements; but not for personals or news items. Sell goods for a firm who trusts you. Fine quick selling line of toi let goods and medicines on trust* Pay for the goods when you jsell them. Big profit. Write quick. Laro Chemica (Company, Randolph Bldg. Memphis, Tenn.—Adv. RESUME MONEY ORDER SERVICE TO LIBERIA Washington, D. C.,—(A. N. P.) Money order service between the United States and the Republic of Liberia will be re-established January 15, Postmaster General New has ca bled the Postmaster General at Mon rovia. Money order exchange between the two countries waH suspended at the request of Liberia on April 1, 1918. Since that time persons |ln ^either country desiring to send money to friends or relatives in the other have been forced to use other means than postal money orders. U. B. F. and S. M. T. NEWS Mrs. Idola Stallworth left Wed nesday for her home in Minneapolis after spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Hattie Brewer, of 2404 Caldwell street. Mother Matron White entertained the Georgie E. White Juveniles with an indoor frolic January !). All re port a wonderful time. Sister Rose Lee. a membber of Benson Temple, is quite sick. Sister N. Newby, a member of Friendship Temple also is quite ill. District Deputy Grand Master M. C. Sands has been very sick and is still under a physician’s care. Report all news by calling WE. 0208. Hattie Brewer, reporter. PENNSYLVANIA JUDGE REFUSES EXTRADITION Pittsburgh,—After hearing state ments of D. C. Kirby, a North Car olina attorney, to the effect that Ne groes were not permitted to serve on juries in that state, Common Pleas Court Judge James B. Drew ordered that Sandy Huger, an aged Negro, who is wanted in Winston-Salem on liquor law charges, be released on writ of habeas corpus, “I am not go ing to send this man back to North Carolina, where it is evident, if the facts as related are correct, he will not be given a fair trial, and where he was indicted by a grand jury on which colored people were not per mitted to serve,” said Judge Drew. Prenumerera pa Monitor! HIGH RECOVERY RATE AMONG NEGRO INSANE Washington—Although mental disease is still very prevalent among Negroes of the United States, the statistical bureau of the New York State Hospital Commis sion has found that the general recov ery rote in recent years has been higher among Negro patients than among white patients. A high death rate, with males in advance of females, was also noted among the patients studied. Among the causes contributing to insanity among Ne groes, the commission listed the follow ing a« principals: (1) The stress of con gested city life, and (2) Odd northern climates. In its conclusions, the commis sion found that many institutions for the care of Negro insane are inadequate to meet the general needs. VV’.,V*.”.*V%".".’VVVVVVVVVV%M.,VVWVVVVVVVVVVV,.M.M.”.".”.".".,VV%”.*VVVV ? I | Petersen Bakeries | £ 21th and Lake 21th and Ames 1806 Farnam £ X ’£ Puffy White Layer Cakes and Real Home & !• Made Pies for Your Sunday Dinner f | Special Saturday * $ APPLE AND CHEESE COFFEE CAKES i v £ x 1. Y ( Y £ I t ! I Dr. A. A. Foster |: i! Physician and Surgeon I Announces the removal of his * office from the Jewell Build- & £ inf?, Twenty-fourth and Grant ❖ i* streets, to $ {; 2420 North Twenty-fourth '( Street | { (Just South of I>ake) y i Phone WE. 3200 '}. E I I i I I OFFERS $50,000 FOR HOSPITAL Greensboro, N. C.—(N. A. P.) Mrs. Richardson of this city has of fered to donate $50,000 for the es tablishment of a hospital for color ed people here, contingent upon the city of Greensboro and the County of Guilford providing maintenance. It is said that the city officials have agreed as to the city’s share. The county hoard of commissioners will take the matter up at an early date. Mrs. Stemberger of this city gave ten thousand dollars for laboratory equipment. The .Negroes will raise ten thousand dollars for beds anti other equipment. ! I Night and Morning to keep f them Clean, Clear and Healthy Write for Free “Eye Care” or “Eye Beauty” Book Murine Co., Dept. H. S.,9fc Ohio St., Chicago j V III—.... . mm* i •mtittiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiHHMiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiMMiiHitiiitniiiiMiitititimimwmitM’ ? ^ EXPERT BARBERS USE ARROWAY GOOD LOOKING HAIR FOR EVERY MAN “Hair Velvet Creme” Mike, hair iia ttrairhl, • moot h j gives beautiful gloss; nourishes.encour aget growth. Used by well-dressed, particular men and first-class Bar ber Shops. Arroway Elastic Hair Cap ARROWAY Hair Velvet Creme (For = Men) 50c . | ARROWAY Flattie Cap (For Men) 65c | ARROWAY Skin lirmitifirr 50c I ARROWAY Hair Grower and Beautifier § (For Wornen) 50c = ARROWAY Smoothing Oil (For Women) 50c FREE 1 Book on Care of Hair and Skin THE ARROWAY I 3423 Indiana Ava. Chicago. III. Dept. 3 'HHIMMUIIlmHIIlllltlllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIiaillllMlllllllllltUIIIIIMNNeNNai c bARNHART PRINTING CO. f J OMAHA ^ ♦♦■***<• •; Reid-Duffy j IP H A R M A C Y FREE DELIVERY | Phone Web. 0609 £ 24th and I.ake Street* \ OMAHA, NEB. { _.f\ Abonniert auf The Monitor Dan Desdunes Says: “There is a welcome seat and delightful entertain ment waiting for you at the I^ake Theatre. Surely a winning combination.” Matinees tip to fi I*. M. 10c for Everybody Come at least once a week. ;xkk~:**xk**<k***x~x~x~x~X“X“X £ S. M. TRIMBLE £ X Cleaning. Pressing, Altering ;!; £ WEbster 3034 £ £ 1423 North 24th St. £ •k“x*-x~x~x**x*x“x***:~x~x~x~x* •j-x~x--:-:*x~x*^*x^^*X“X-X“X”X* '£ EMERSON’S LAUNDRY £ •{• The Laundry That Suits All £ ;i; 1301 No. 24th St. Web. 0820 £ *X**X*<* <♦ ♦X**I*%*<» •>❖•>♦& We handle a complete line of PI.OWKK. VEGETABLE. GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS BULBS—For Spring and Fall Planting When in neod ot OUT FLOWERS don’t forget onr Floral Department, aa we have a complet seasonal))* assortment. STEW ART'S SEED AND FLOWER SHOP 109 North 18th Htreat (Opposite Poat Office) J Actson 3386 Taylor’s Dairy t 2116 North 24th Street I - | X Our Trucks Come to Your Door Twice Every Week (Bringing Our Delicious Buttermilk PHONE YOUR ORDER WEBSTER 6014 We Carry Also the Choicest Dairy Products, Including Fresh Eggs * X~X*<“X~XK“X«X~X~X~X~X“X"X~X~X~X“X~X»»X»* l/.V//.V.V^V.\VV,\V,V.V.V.V.,.,,,.,.,.VWA,//Ar.V.VW.V Thull Pharmacy j| 24th and Seward Streets ■I EVERYTHING IN DRUG LINE—PRESCRIPTIONS I; OUR SPECIALTY \ Free Quick Delivery Phone WEbster 5876 i \ L LEVY, Druggist |i j GRADUATE REGISTERED PHARMACIST l\ jl Free Delivery 24th and Decatur Sts. WEbster 5802 Ij W/iWWA’A-WMVWATAVWAVWyVWA'WWWWWvS I LET US PAY YOU Qc/L ON SAVINGS I -We Treat You Right STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION •X*<““X~:XX"X"X“X-X-:*<M"X~:~X“:":"X"X"X”:**X“X-‘X»<-XK“X-:“X*<-X« > X * > i. • * £ < > j Brodegaard Bros. | JEWELERS FOR 41 YEARS |; ? WILL SERVE YOU BETTER 11 5* * * i < ► & 16th and Douglas Streets Omaha, Neb. ; \ V _ \ J Peoples Drug Store Under Changed Management BETTER SERVICE—QUICK DELIVERY L. G. Perty, Prop. 24th and Flrskine Webster 6323 ’ THE MONITOR WILL GROW IF YOU WILL DO YOUR SHARE 1111 ' 11,11 ■■"■■ Ll__ . -JJKHL'J-UL".J-L"...Jl1.. 'it. J1. . J ""JLLI.-LJ _ PATRONIZE THE STATE FURNITURE CO. | Corner 14th and Dodge Streets Tel. JACKSON 1317 § BRUNSWICK SnKS: | I 6% DIVIDENDS | t Y V Paid on All Deposits up to ♦% 4»4 $5,000 Every Three Months ♦> | OCCIDENTAL BUILDING & X % LOAN ASSOCIATION «,♦* 18th and Harney Streets Organized 1889 ^ ’^♦X^X^X^X’^^’X^X^^X^X^X^X44*4' .— »«” »♦♦♦♦♦»»♦♦ m ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦eeeeeee TOW CAM MAY* TRI KIND OF JOB TOW ARK LOOKING FOR br brtmg your name and telephone >«Mbw wMh o ALFRED JONES 4 ► Catering and Employment Office i 1121 DODGE STREET AT. 9647 \\ *► . . ......__ . .. • ►