NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ; \ < ► - . . * * In (he County Court of Douglas Coun- ! I « > ty, Nebraska \ \ «► In the Matter of the Estate of | * WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Deceased. ' ► • * All persons interested in said estate .. are hereby notified that a petition has |j been filed in said Court alleging that !. said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for administration v upon his estate, and that a hearing ^ will be had on said petition before X said court on the 23rd day of January. 1926, and that if they fail to appear £• at said Court on the said 23rd day of | January, 1926, at 9 o’clock A.M. to X contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant administra tion of said estate to Wesley Jones or some other suitable person and •j proceed to a settlement thereof. < • BRYCE CRAWFORD I! County Judge. ;; 3T-1-1-26. ♦ _ | Please be ready to pay your subscrip- I tion when the collector for The Monitor calls. X A »*♦ ♦% f »!mX**H**X**‘‘ “The Fire in I The Flint”! % The Great Race Novel of the Day By | WALTER F. WHITE •!• X - A *1* A thrilling story depicting race conditions in ths X South. I Critical book reviewers pronounce it a master- ;j;| piece. Should be read by EVERY AMERICAN, Black X or White. X A | $2.50 A COPY | I - I X For Sale by The Monitor and the Omaha Branch of the N. A. A. C. P. .*♦ **♦ ♦% ♦% *!* »!♦ •!» *!* »!» •!< * ❖ ❖ t | EPISCOPAL ❖ % Church of St. Philip the Deacon % $ 21st near Paul V v v X Rev. John Albert Williams, Rector A | ❖ x SUNDAY SERVICES * 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion *> «£ 10 a. m. Sunday School 11a. m. Sune Eucharist With Sermon X ❖ 8 p. m. Service and Sermon * t :> | The Church With a Welcome % ❖ and a Message, Come * ❖ ❖ ♦> H. J. PINKETT, Attorney. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL In the County Court of Douglas Coun ty, Nebraska, in the matter of the estate of George B. Hockley, de ceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a petition has been filed in said Court praying for the probate of a certain instru ment now on file in said Court, pur porting to be the last well and testa ment of said deceased, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 16th day of January, 1926, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 16th day of January, 1926, at 9 o’clock A. M., to contest the probate of said will, the Court may allow and pro bate said will and grant administra tion of said estate to S. H. Dorsey or Edith Llewelynn or some other suitable person, enter a decree of heir ship, and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 3t-12-18-25 County Judge. Don’t swear off. Just quit and see if you can cut the mustard. f"WATERS r BARNHART PRINTING CO. 3 ^ + a-ao J OMAHA S You 11 Sell It Today With a Monitor Want Ad ■ •■ ■ >• •• Dan Desdurnes Says: A picture may be good but still not exactly please you. That rule also applies to husbands and wives. Be it known that it is our sincere desire to please you at all times at the LAKE THEATRE. Help us to grow! Try to come just once a week. Admission only 10c and 20c. i EVER-STRATE HAIR \ DRESSING v Special Treatment for Mobbed Hair J £ MRS. C. C. JOHNSON .j $ 1515 No. 26th St. Weh. 1984 J Classified FOR RENT — Two rooms strictly modem, neatly furnished. James Apartments, 2425 Grant street. Phone WEbster 3634. Madam Brown, 2221 North Twenty-fifth street.—It. FOR RENT or for sale, modern, five room house, 671 North 45 street. Apply to Miss Palmquist, Publis Defender’s Office, Court House. j FOR RENT — Neatly furnished room. Modern. 2410 Seward street. WEbster 2677. NICELY HI. VI ED FI RNISHED ROOMS for young men at $2.50 a week. Call at 1810 North Twenty-third street. FOR RENT—Three heated furnish ed housekeeping rooms, or will rent separately. Call Webster 2769. FOR RENT—Light house keeping rooms, partly furnished. Modem ex cept heat, 2635 Parker street. Phone after 6 p. m. WEbster 1259. I FOR RENT — Three-room apart-1 ment, nearly furnished. 2514 North ‘ Thirty-first street. WEbster 0562. FOR RENT—Light house keeping apartments. F'urnished WEbster 1825. Married couples only.—2t For rent. Four room modern apart ment*, 1547-1551 North Seventeenth street $15.00 per month. At. 6863. tf. For rent. Neatly furnished room. Heat and kitchen privilege. Web. 2089 Wanted desirable young man to share large room with another young man in modern home. $2.50 per week. Web. 1008. It. FOR RENT — Light hoousekceping rooms, furnished. WEbster 1825. 2629 Seward street. Quiet tenants only.—2t. ... - ■ M FOB JUNT—Two fa misfeed rooms la modsm boms. WBbstsr HU. FOR KENT. LIGHT HOUSE KEEPING rooms, partly furnished. Modern except heat. 2635 Parker street. Phone after p. m. WEBster 2769. FOR RENT. NEATLY FURNISHED room—one block from Dodge and Twenty-fourth street car line. Gentleman preferred. WEB. 5652. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms, 253G Pa "rick avenue. Two blocks from ear lisa. FOR RENT—Modern furnished rooms. Steam heat. Close in. On two car lines. Mrs. Anna Banks, 924 North Twentieth street Jackson 4379 FOR RENT—Two furnished room* in modern home We. 6834 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. 2310 North 22nd street. WEbster 4162. FOR RENT—Light housekeeping rooms. 1 block from car. All mod em conveniences. 1712 North Twen ty-fifth street. WEbster 5450.—tf. FOR RENT—Modern furnished rooms from J4.00 up. Wnb. 4769. Mrs. Williams. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. On ear lines in four directions. Web. 1660. FOR RENT—Apartment, furnished or un furnished, for couple. Web. 6975, 2216 North Twenty-eighth Aye. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT—2 and 3 ROOMS WEbster 4983 2130 NORTH 28th STREET FOR RENT—To couple wishing nice housekeeping apartment, two rooms furnished and private kitchen. Price reasonable. Web. 6975. 2216 No. 28th Ave. , -1- , . ■ FOR RENT—Neatly furnished back room, suitable for two gentleman. One block from car line. 1823 Noirth 23rd St. WEbster 5372.v "jfltt. FOR RENT—Two comfortably fur nished rooms on car line. $3.50 per week. Heat and light. 1154Vt North Twentieth street.—It. FOR RENT — Neatly furnished rooms. Heat and kitchen privileges. Prices reasonable. 2433 Franklin. WEbster 2089. FOR RENT—Strictly modems rooms. Rates reasonable. Also 3-room fur nished house. Miss Hogan. Web ster 3221. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. One block Irom car line. Web. 4064. 1405 No 25th street MOTHERS Will care for your children by tha day or by the week. Call AT 0663. 976 No. 25th St. Mrs. John Harkar. ' J'HOKOLflllLY worthy uMd furni ture of every description is offarad for sale at very reasonable prices in our warehouse, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 5 n. m. week days. 8tk and Capitol Ave.—Orchard & Wilhdtm Co. FOR SALE—All modem five-room house. Cood location. WEbster 2478 or WEbster 3030. I FOR SALE—Kohler and Campball upright piano. Soft tone, good fin ish, cheap. 108 South 28th St. ly.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v/.v.w \:\ HILL-WILLIAMS DRUG J COMPANY l\ ■J Fountain Pens—Stationery !■ Cigars and Candy ;! "* Kastman Kodaks and Supplies ‘ ■ I* 2402 Cuming Street .V.V.V/.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.N^ Classified Negro Business and Professional Directory These Firms Can Supply Your Needs and Respectfully Solicit Your Patronage ARCHITECTS and BUILDERS j JOHN T. McDONALP, Sr., Architect and Builder. 3809 Camden Ave. "Better Built Houses for I^ess.” Ken. 5634. _A RT BEAUTIFUL COLORED DOLLS, pictures, calendars, high grade toilet articles. Dr. Pryor’s Japo Wonder Soap. Stuart’s Art Shop 1803 No. 24th St. BARBER SHOPS CENTRAL RARBER SHOP, J H Russell, proprietor, 1918Cuming St., at 20th. First class service. BAGGAGE AND HAULING J. A. GARDNER’S TRANSFER. Bag gage, express, moving, light and heavy hauling. Reliable and com petent. Six years in Omaha 2622 Maple Street. Phone WEbster 4120 C. H. HALL, stand, 1403 No. 24th. Baggage and express hauilng to all parts of the city. Phones, stand, WE. 7100; Res., WE. 1056. BEAUTY PARI/ORS MADAM EDITH LLEWELLYN, Poro hair dresser. Work done at your home if desired. WEbster 1515. MADAM ANNA E. JONES TUBBS. Scalp and hair treatments. For good and quick results call WEbster 5450. 1712 North 25th Street.—Poro. MADAM A. J. AUSTIN, Beauty Cul turist. Manufacturer of Denova hair preparations. Parlors 1411 No. 24th Street Phone WEbster 5122. Hours 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. MADAM CORA L. OWENS, Author ized agent of Mme. C. J. Walker Company. Gives scientific scalp treatments at the “Snow White Beauty Parlor”, 2403 North 29th St. WEbster 2361. MADAM Z. C. SNOW DEN y Scientific ■/•alp treatment. Hair dressing awl manufacturing. 1154 No. 20th St. W Theter 6194. MME. H. J SHEELEY, Beauty Shoppe and College. Toilet articles, hairdressing, manicuring, weaving, fac*al massage. Open until 9 o’clock by appointment. 1705 North 24th St. Phone WEbeter 2763. MADAM WILIJE DDCON, 2496 Blonde treat. WEbeter 6153. Poro hairdres. mg, facial message, Turk ish baths Home comforts. "‘.'i1'1... =—5”!" CARPENTERS YANCY W. LOGAN, carpenter and builder, 1628 North Twenty-second street. WEbster 0239. JESSE SNELL, carpenter and baflder. 1920 Nort-i Thirty-sixth street. WE. j 4698. If you Ukt The Monitor, as you say you do, pleas/ support it by paying your own subscription promptly and by gat ing your friends and neighbors to sub scribe. Help ue put The Monitor in every home. Thank you. CLUBS COLORED COMMERCIAL CLUB, 1514 *'2 North Twenty-fourth street. WEbster 1822. R. L. Williams, commissioner. Free employment bureau. General information. ■ — — _i REAL ESTATE L. C. BROOMFIELD, Real estate. We buy, sell and rent homes. Office hours all hours. 2425 North 24th 3t. WEbster 1091. G. B. ROBBINS, Real estate and in surance. 20 Patterson Block, 1623 Famain St. Office Phone JAckson 2842. COAL DEALERS C. SOLOMON COAL AND ICE CO. At your service winter and summer. All kinds of good coal at prices to suit. Phones WEbster 3901 and 4238. CONFECTIONERIES R. ROBINSON CONFECTIONERY, 2608 Seward Street. Pies and cakes baked to order daily. Ice cream, cold drinks and sodas. We. 3207. DRESSMAKING and SEWING MRS. ADDIE NEI.SON, 2631 Grant street, We. 4948. Plain and fancy sewing neatly done. Men’s fancy shirts a specialty. MRS A BALDWIN French system of fancy dressmaking and design ing. 2910 North 26th Street. Phone W Ebster 6632. MME. E. C. GREEN High das* dressmaking, and designing. Men’s shirts a specialty. 2613 No. 26th street. We. 3318. -L.'ria5Sj!7 iI.Ijs'i.. DENTISTS DRS. SINGLETON A SING1JBTON, Dentists. 2411 North 24th Street. Phone WBbeter 0266 DRUG STORES ROSS DRUG STORE, 2906 North 24th Street Two phones, WBIseter 9770 and 2771. Well equipped to supply your needs. Prompt service. THE PEOPILES’ DRUG STORM, 24th; and Erskine Streets. We carry a full line. Prescriptions promptly filled. WEbster 632* DRY GOODS MRS H. J. CRAWFORD A JONS, 2208 No. 24th street. Ladies’ and (rent*’ furnishings. Children’s ap parel Wt 0184. HOTELS PATTON HOTEL, 1014, 1010, 1918 South 11th St. Known from coast to coast. Terms reasonable N. P. Patton, proprietor. NEW LAMAR HOTEL, 1808 North 24th street. Tel. WEbster 6406. Semi-modern, comfortable rooms, reasonable. Cafe in connection. Mrs. E. V. Dixon, proprietress. THE HOTEL CUMMINGS, 1916 Cum ing St. Under new management. Terms reasonable. D. G. Russell, proprietor. LAUNDRIES THE WOODROW LAUNDRY, 2711 Charles St. WEbster 5579. Where satisfaction reigns supreme. Wet wash, rough dry, finished work anil fine lace curtains neatly done. LAWYERS W. B. BRYANT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-Law. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block, 17th and Famam Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 2502. W. G. MORGAN—Phones ATlantic 9344 and JAckson 0210. H. J. PINKKTT, Attorney and Coun seior-at-I,aw. Twenty years’ ex perience. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block, 17th and Famams Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 3180. D. H. OLIVER, LI,. B. Lawyer. Graduate University of Nebraska. Practices in all courts. Jewell Bldg., 2221 No 24th St. WEbster 0963 and WEbster 1209. NOAH W. WARE, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law. Practices in all courts. Bonds furnished reliable persons. 2731 Q St., (So. Side). MArket 5364. Res. WEbster 6613. A. P. SCRUGGS, Lawyer. I,arge ex perience. Handles all law eases. 1616V4 North 24th St. WF„ 3667. Residence, WEbster 4162. MATTRESS MAKERS C. W. ANDERSON, 3325 Emmett street. WEbster 1358. Mattresses made over in new ticks, if neces sary. * MEDIUMS MADAM M M. HALL. Medium and healer. Member of the State Spir itual Association of Nebraska. 2511 Corby Street. — 1 • ... .s NOTIONS PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS A. F. PEOPLES Painting and decor ating, wall paper and glaas. Plaster ing, cement and general work. Sher win-Williams paints. 2419 Lake St. Phone WEbster 6866. PAYTON BUCKNER, Painting. Ex terior and Interior decorating and stippling. Old furniture and hard wood floors refinished. All work guaranteed. ‘‘If he says he will, he wfll" We. 1520. i Mr.':.-.''-a PLUMBERS NEBRASKA PLUMBING CO. J. F. Allison, manager. Estimates fur nished. 2522 Lake St. Phone WE. 5840 No Advertisement Accepted fer IUi Classified Directory for Lass Than Biz Months PRINTERS FORD PRINTING COMPANyTjS^H ell building, 24th and Grant Sts. For good printing see us. We. 1760. RESTAURANTS PEATS RESTAURANT, 1405 North 24th Street. Where those who de sire good home cooking at reason able prices go. WEbster 0530. SHOE REPAIRING BENJAMIN & THOMAS always give satisfaction. Best material, reason able prices. All work guaranteed. 1415 North 24th St. WEbster 50*4. C. L. CURRY, SR., Cobbler. Shop in rear of 1520 North Twenty-sixth Street. Work called for and deliv ered. WEbster 3792. - —•••• ~ a* TAILORS J H. HOLMES, the reliable tailor whe gives satisfaction. Suita made te order. Cleaning and repairing. 221t North 24th St. WEbster 3320. LET OMAHA BETTER CLEANSM do your cleaning and repairing in a manner that suits and at prieea which please.—2510 N. 24th St. WE. 3300. M. LYNCH, Tailor and haberdasher wants to aak a question: Why pay more for a misfit when you cap have them made to fit? 1807 North 24th St. WEbster 2088. ROULETTE, Cleaners and hatters. Speciality cleaning and dyeing at reasonable prices. Suits made te your individual measurement. 21N North 24th. WEbster 1020. KEKP-U-NEAT, Clearing, Dyeing and repairing. Work called for and delivered. 1919 Cuming street. JAckaon 14S9, J. C. HALL, 1614 N. 24th St, Omaha, Nebr., progressive tailor, '"lantng pressing, alterations. We call for and deliver. Suits made te order. Ladies and gents fine tailoring. "" — - ~i.~irzai5gig'jjil i1 .TTTHiikjj TAXIS --- - **gj GRANT STREET TAXI CO. North Twenty-fourth street. - Js phone WlCbetar 445*. Rrnidamie. Huey, WEbster 5104; Al. Grey, WEbster 2202 Five can ride ee cheap as one. Taxi by hoar er trig UNDERTAKERS JONES A COMPANY, " ‘ ~ ift ill 24th and Grant Sts. WKhrttr 11 Oh. Satisfactory service always. H. A. CHILES A CO., funeral dim tors and licensed endaelmers. O—e teous, efficient service In Km laet sad hour. 18*9 North Twenty-AmSE street. Phones, office WHhehsr 7133; residence WEbster (Ml. rr pats to ADYnrrna IN THE CLASSIFY*!* DIRECTORY