| Local and Personal Happenings » 1 {I WE PRINT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS £ Webster 4243 I j| ADDRESS BOX 1 204 ... | Ed. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ters Truat Building, JAckson 3841 oi HAmey 21&6. Mrs. Knight, mother of Miss Lutie M. Bryant, who has been ill for several weeks was taken to St. Josep’s hospital Sun day morning. Miss Edna M. Stratton entertained ut a theatre party Tuesday evening complimen tary to Mrs. Wm. Mitchell and daughter. Miss laris Towns of Los Angeles. Cal. After the theatre the guests were served with a beautifully apppointed luncheon. Mrs. A. L. Hawkins was the promoter of a delightful surprise party on Mrs. Mit chell and daughter of Los Angeles, Cal., Wednesday night at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mahamitt. A large num ber of guests enjoyed a pleasant evening at cards. If you like The Monitor, as you say you do. please support it by paying your own subscription promptly and by get tng your friends and neighbors to sub scribe. Help us put The Monitor in every home. Thank you. The usual services at the. Church of St. Philip the Deacon Sunday. The hours of service are 7:30, and 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Church school and Bible class at 10. Everybody is welcome. Please be ready to pay your subscrip- j tion when the collector for The Monitor calls. Mrs. B. B. Cowan, 2724 N. 30th street, was called to Pratt, Kansas, Wednesday by the death of her aunt. Olive Jackson entertained a number of her friends at a Hallowe’en Party at her residence 2219 Ohio St., Saturday after noon from 3 to 6. Music and games were the features of entertainment. A lovely luncheon was served . All departed saying Miss Olive was a delightful little hostess. Mrs. Patsie Gregg, mother of Mrs. Chas. Seymour, 2626 Maple St„ returned last Thursday from a three month's visit in Kansas and Missouri. Please be ready to pay your subscrip tion when the collector for The Monitor calls. Mrs. Robert Thomas, of Baltimore, Md., left for her home Saturday after a very pleasant visit at the home of her brother. Dr. W. W Peebles and family. The Elite Whist Club was entertained at the residence of Mrs. Dan Desdunea, 2516 Patrick Avc., Monday afternoon. Mrs. W M. Mitchell was a guest of the club. Order your Colored Dolls early.—Adv. Mrs. J. C. Collier, entertained at a beautifully appointed luncheon at her j home, 3007 N. 30th street on Saturday, in honor of Mrs. G. M. Mitchell of Los Angeles, California. Covers were laid for twelve. The Ladies’ Birthday Kensington Club held their annual exhibit on Wednesday, October 28, at the residence of Mrs. R. D. Allen, 2715 Hamilton street. Many beautiful pieces of needle work were on display. Mrs. G. M. Mitchell of Los An geles, Calif, was a guest of the club. Be sure and get the kiddie a Colored Doll for Christmas. To bo sure of yours order now from Stuart's Art Shop, 1803 North Twenty-fourth street, Omaha, Nebr. -—Adv. The Women’s Auxiliary of the Church of St. Philip the Deacon held an interest ing meeting last Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Jennie M. Scott. 2885 Miumi street. Mrs Sarah A. Bragg is visiting in Chi cago. Mrs. J. D. Lewis, 2414 Binney street, entertained at a delightful reception from 3 to 7 Wednesday afternoon compliment ary to Mrs. James W. Madden of Chicago and Mrs. Robert Taylor of Davenport, la. • Mrs. Gordon Handy of Chicago who was • called rere by the death of her father, Cyrus D. Bell, left for homo Thursday. She has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. . William A. Johnson. i —_ The Old Folks Home Association will meet at the Home Wednesday morning, November 4, at 10 o’clock and the board will meet Thursday night at 8. All mem bers are urgently requested to be present as business of importance is to be trans acted. Mrs. J. L. Peoples entertained at a Halloween party in honor of her aunt. Mrs. Thomas H. Slater of Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Leon Smallwood who has been the i house guest of Mrs. J. C. Donley, 2413 Erskine street left Saturday for her home in Washington, D. C. During her visit here Mrs. Smallwood was the recipient of many social honors. Mrs. William Jackson, 3632 Noth Twen ty-ninth street, entertained at cards and j dancing Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Lucile Hall of Ohio, who is her guest, and for Mrs. T. H. Slater and Mrs. Robert Tay- j lor. i I The Ladies of the First Methodist Epis copal Church, Twentieth and Davenport street, will hold a rummage sale Novem i her 11 and 12 at 6l9 South Sixteenth I street under the chairmanship of Mrs. David Cole Mr. Alfred Jones, the well-known cater er and employment agent, who has been confined to his home, 2811 Caldwell street, for the past three weeks with pleurisy is able to be out again. Mrs. Larry N. Peoples and her house guest. Mrs. Robert Taylor of Davenport, la., will leave in a few days for York, Neb., where they will he the guests of Dr. Tay lor’s parents. Mrs. Moses Thompson, a former Omaha resided!, but now residing in Detroit, Mich., has been visiting her mother, Mrs. Malinda Webb. 514 South Fifty Second street. She left for St. Joseph, Mo„ Tues day where she joined her husband en route to Detroit. Mrs. J. G. Reed of 1702 North Twenty sixth street, returned Sunday morning from a delightful visit to Denver, Colo. Mrs. W. F. Patton, 2602 North Twenty seventh street, returned home last Friday from a delightful ten weeks’ visit to Los Angeles, Calif. Mr. Eugene Newman of Los Angeles. Calif., a former Omalin boy, arrived in the i city last Thursday, for a two weeks’ visit with his oncle, Paul Murray, and cousin. Mrs. Price Terrell. St. Cecelia’s Cathedral parish is holding a rummage sale, Friday and Saturday. November 6 and 7, at 1311 Furnam street. WORKERS COMMUNITY ASS’N The Workers’ Community Associa tion will make it? debut in Omaha with a very timely program Tuesday night, November 10, at 8 o’clock, in the K. of P. hall. Twenty-fourth and Burdette streets. Representatives from all racial or ganizations, especially newspapers, lodges and N. A. A. C. P. and many others, are expected to be present to give a hearty welcome to the organi zation of workers. Most assuredly, Father John Albert Williams, and a representative from the Colored Commercial Club will be with us. Rev. Wm. Hall, President Matthews and Mrs. Johnson and others will speak for the Workers’ Community Association. All working men and women are invited to attend this meeting with an idea. The constitution and by-laws of the Workers’ Community Associa tion will be read and explained. M. L. Hunter, Organizer. ----i FELLOWSHIP WEEK OPENS SUNDAY Fellowship week which is observed by the Y.M.C.A. and the Y.W.C.A. through out the world will open Sunday with a special service at All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Twenty-sixth anti Dewey Avenue, at 5 o’clock to which all young people are invited. Miss Edna M. Stratton of the North Side Branch will sing and the Rev. Thomas Casady will give an address. METHODISTS HELPING DOUGLAS HOSPITAL The Missionary Society of St. John’s A. M. E. Church will give an entertain ment November 12 for Douglas hospital, ; Kansas City, tha being the day designat 1 ed throughout the district for contrihu ! lions for the hospital Admission free. A silver offering will be taken. MRS. J. II. WAKEFIELD, 41, PASSES AWAY MONDAY Mrs. J. H. Wakefield, aged 41, of 4430 South Sixteenth died Monday. She is survived by her husband and two sons John R., who is a student in Creighton university, and Fred T., a student in South High. The funeral will he held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock from Bethel Baptist church, Twenty-ninth and T streets, South Side. ZION BAPTIST CHCRCH The Sunday School held its meeting at the regular time. Covenant service was held at eleven o'clock. The B. Y. P. U. held its regular meeting at 6:15. Miss Ray , A. B. student of the University of Oma ha rendered a piano selection. Miss He len Wheeler rendered a reading. The evening sermon was preached by Rev. W. F Botts The choir will appear in a 2 act drama on Thanksgiving evening Nov. 26 at the Zion Baptist Church at 8:00. All are invited. j MOUNT MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 24 and Ohio St. The Mount Moriah Baptist Church, will observe Father and Son week, beginning with a special service in the Sunday school at 9:30. Dr. A. M. McMiUian will deliver the address to Fathers and Sons. At II the choir will render a special song service, at 11:30, the Pastor, Rev. G. W. Day, will preach a special sermon. Subject: FATHER. At 6 p. m. the B. Y. P U. will close the days’ program with a very interesting meeting, of songs and addresses appro priate for the occasion. The weeks’ program will close on Fri day night the 13th with a Banquet, at the Colored Branch of the Y. W. C. A. 22nd and Grant streets. Dinner will he served at 7:30 after which, a splendid program will be rendered. Any boy who has no father, is asked to phone Web. 6422, giving his name and address, and a ticket will be furnished him. < AI.I.EN CHAPEL A. M. E. CHURCH 25 and R. Street 0. J. Burckhardt, Pastor. Sunday will be Fathers and Sons’ day in connection with the closing of the Trustee Rally. We want all Fathers to be present with their Sons. The subject Sunday morning will be Christian Fatherhood anil in the evening the rela tion of a Father to the home. Mrs. Ger trude Kinney is the president of our Al len League. Mrs. Blanche Blake will be gin a series of revival meetings Nov. 15th. Mrs. Ruth Redd, Mattie Lam bert, Mrs. Lily Bryant, and Father Kelly are all on the sick list. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved baby, Mildred M. J. Camper, also for the many floral tributes. j Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Camper, Parents. ILLINOIS PHYSICIAN GIVEN DEPARTMENT OFFICE Springfield, III. (By the Associated Ne gro Press)—Governor Len Small in a let ter to State Leader, Edward H. Wright, last Thursday, announced the appointment of Dr. S. A. Ware of this city as a sp cialist in the Social Hygiene Division of the Department of Public Health of the State. Dr. Ware who has been a suc cessful ptactitoner here for many years is not only eminently qualified by rea son of his experience and skill, but is one of the well-known men of this section of the state. Dr. Ware is the brother-in-law of Colonel Otis B. Duncan of the hignlh Illinois Regiment. KAPPA’S SWEETHEART Iowa City, la. (By the Associated Ne gro Press)—Gamma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi, located at Iowa University Iowa City, Iowa, has devised a very unique means of rewarding young women who are loyal to the organization and its members. It has created the honorary position of Kappa’s Sweetheart. Each year at the dance following the Homecoming game, that student girl who has been se lected and presented to the audience as the sweetheart fur the ensuing year. She ..—-• | holds the position until the followng | homecoming dance when her successor is chosen. The first young lady to receive this honor is Miss Margaret Hal! of St. Louis Mo., who was selected at the Kappa dance I following the Iowa-Illinois game. Attor ney William E. Taylor of Chicago, an old member of Gamma, and an alumnus of the College of Arts and Science, and the Col lege of Law of the University of Iowa, made the speech of selection. j i J i 1 t 1 ] - - — i! 1 p p A I Lower Prices for Cash f ^ WwMLh Deliveries- II Parts Greater Omaha k | WIZARD - GENUINE RADIANT - SEMI-ANTHRACITE ) ,|j VO EVOKE—HO SOOT—70 lbs. Ash to the Ton Jl VINE BOH will build you a new house to your specification for your { old one. I can sell you good homes ranging from $60 down \ J to $160. For further information see ;; A. J. DAVIS | 2221 North 24th Street, Jewell Building ;; | WEBSTER 2900 EVENINGS WEBSTER 0839 ;> i 6% DIVIDENDS I $ j ♦♦♦ Paid on AH Deposits up to ♦% V $5,000 Every Three Months o % OCCIDENTAL BUILDING & X * LOAN ASSOCIATION 18th and Harney Streets Organized 1889 $ ♦ U Peoples Drug Store Under Changed Management BETTER SERVICE—QUICK DELIVERY L. G. Perty, Prop. 24th and Erskine Webster 6323 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Let Us Serve You Ruth Wallace Flower Shop 2208 North 24th Street Phone WEbster 0184 R. Nathaniel Dett Coming! write | to day MliH;MqelB»f:l[((til111 g > l *7 I don't I 51*00®*®® I REWARD l|| mmmWA B^J I To any one who e^^B ■ will prove that ® anything stated in C this ad is mlsrep- YOUR OPPORTUNITY ■ resented or untrue. To purchase direct from the manu- B (acturer a fine quality suit made of ■ pure wool valued at $50.00. Strictly ■; hand-tailored to your measure, serge or A M ease ■ worsted. Latest models. Single or double- (III IS; breasted for ONLY_ B 8end No Money—Writ* for our Special Offer. Perfect B rFIt and Satisfaction guaranteed. ■ GENTLEMEN’S I $1 0 00 VALUE PUR5 •ILK H°«K_rOR ONLY 0^ QQ I Six Pair Ladles' light Twelve Pair Mao’s ■ or heavy full fashioned light or heavy para B pure SILK HOSE! val- SILK HOSB valued B ued at $10, for only at $10, for only B $1.00 $1.00 1 Gu.rant.ed Perfect " MONriBT I and Finest Quality. full bargain off*? to”" I THE ALLIED 8a£ NEW YORK, N. Y, if