Iij Local and Personal Happenings « § I WE PRINT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS fL Webster 4243 I I ADDRESS 80X 12 04 -_■_•_ g EM. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Pe ters Trust Building, JAckson 3841 or HArney 21B6. i — Mrs. Mattie O’Banion Perkins died suddenly at her home, Twentieth and Paul streets, Thursday morning. The E funeral was held Monday morning from the H. A. Chiles & Co., chapel at 10 o’clock. Interment was at Laurel Hill. Rev. John Albert Williams of ficiated. The deceased is survived by her husband. Mrs. 0. A. Bailey of Wichita, Kans., sister-in-law of Mr. W. P. Wade, and Mrs. Alice Allen of Richmond, Mo., delegates to the C. M. E. conference, are the house guests of Mr. Wade. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith have re modeled and repaired their home at 2409 Blondo street. Cyrus D. Bell, one of Omaha’s pio neer colored citizens, now past 80 years of age, is quite seriously ill at his home, Thirty-first and Maple streets. Helen Singleton entertained at a very pleasant birthday party October 3 at the residence of her aunt, Mrs. C. H. Singleton, 2628 Maple St. Danc ing and games were enjoyed by her guests. Many pretty and useful gifts were received by the young hostess. . > M rs. Leonard Britt, 2519 Maple St., entertained at breakfast Sunday morning in honor of Mrs. Marian P. Panky of Oakland, Cal. Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Anderson of Parkerville, Mo., who have been the house guests of Mrs. Mary Lacey, 1204 North Twenty-seventh street, during the Kansas and Missouri con ference of the C. M. E. Church left for their home Monday morning. A largely attended and delightful dance was given in honor of the del egates to the American Legion con vention at Dreamland Hall Monday evening, October 5, by the Roosevelt Post and Auxiliary. Mrs. Raylee Jones of Denver, Colo., who was the guest of Mrs. E. W. Kil lingsworth last week, left Sunday for her home. Messrs. Ralph Motley and Marshall Coats motored over from Denver and spent Legion week in this city, visit ing friends. They were the house guests of Mrs. J. H. Smith, 2211 Ohio street. — The State Grand Chapter of the O.! E. S., Mrs. Kate Wilson, G. M., Mrs. Maggie Ransom, A. G. M.; Nate Hun ter, W. P., will meet in Lincoln next Wednesday. Mrs. E. W- ^Killingsworth enter tained about forty of the young mar ried set at a delightful buffet supper and dance in her apartment in the Jewell building Friday evening in honor of her house guest, Mrs. Ray Lee Jones and Messrs. Motley and j Coats of Denver, Colo. Big Balloon Dance at Dreamland Monday evening, October 19th. Prizes. Plenty of fun. Dixie Ramblers.—Adv. Harvest Home Dinner and Bazaar at Hillside Presbyterian church, Thir tieth and Ohio street, Tuesday, Octo ber 20. Bazaar all day. Dinner 6 to 9 p. m. Dinner 60 cents. Many practical things at bazaar, very cheap. (Adv.) Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Alexander were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Britt, 2619 Maple street, Monday ev ening. Messrs. Alphonso and Thomas Wil son and the Terrel brothers motored over to Chicago Sunday in Mr. A. Wilson’s new blue Nash for a ten-day visit. Major West H. Hamilton and Cap tain L. E. Jones of Washington, D. C., were house guests of Mrs. Martha Smith, 2210 Ohio street, during the American Legion convention. Big Balloon Dance at Dreamland Monday evening, October 19th. Prizes. Plenty of fun. Dixie Ramblers.—Adv. Mrs. Allen Jones, 2427 Ohio street, and Mrs. Jas. Kirby, 2203 Grant street, have returned from ti tifip east. While away they visited Bal timore, New York, Pittsburgh and Chicago. They enjoyed a most won derful visit. Mrs. Cinderella Jones Lapsley left Sunday for Chicago to join her hus band for an indefinite stay. On Sat urday evening the usherettes of Zion Baptist church presented Mrs. Laps ley with a lovely gift of remembrance, j Mr. Frank Wells of Chicago is stop ping at the residence of Mrs. Jas. Kirby, 2203 Grant street. Miss Amy Anderson entertained at a beautifully appointed dinner at the “Y” last Thursday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Leon Smallwood of Washing ton, D. C. Covers were laid for thirty. —4 The Bachelor Benedict Club reserv ed a special table at the “Y” on Thursday in honor of visitors to the American Legion convention. Mrs. B. E. Wilson . of Kansas City, Mo., is the house guest of her sister, Mrs. B. B. Cowan, 2724 North Thirtieth street. A delightful program of music, vocal solos and speeches was arranged by the finance committee who were hostesses for ‘Dinner day’ last Thurs day at the ‘Y’. Mrs. G. Lee Kinner entertained a few friends at her home, 2915 North Twenty-fifth street, last Thursday evening in honor of her guest, Mrs. Givens of Kansas City, Mo. Mrs. Frankie Givens of Kansas City, Mo., who has been the guest of Mes dames Jasper Brown and G. Lee Kin ner for the past two weeks has re turned to her home. Mrs. W. H. Robinson and her house guest, Mrs. M. P. Panky of Oakland, Cal., spent Monday and Tuesday in Kansas City, Mo., returning to Oma ha Wednesday when Mrs. Panky left for a visit to Chicago, her former home. <, Ray L. Jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Williams, died Wednesday, October 7, at the Methodist hospital after an illness of two weeks. It was buried Friday, October 9. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fagan of Santa Barbara, Cal., were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Costen, 2717 North Twenty-eighth avenue. RKV. JAMES T. BLAINE IS RETURNED TO CLEAVE TEMPLE The Rev. James T. Blaine, pastor of Cleaves Temple C. M. E. Church, twenty-fifth and Decatur streets, has been returned by the Kansas-Missouri conference to this charge for another year, much to the gratification of the members of the church. CHANGE LOCATION Roulette, cleaners and hatters, an nounce their removal from 2120 North Twenty-fourth street to 2114 North Twenty-fourth street, where they will be glad to see their old customers and greet new ones.—Adv. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy extended during the illness and death of our beloved wife and mother, also for the many floral tributes. J. L. Dillard and Son. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks to our many friends for the kindness and sympathy extended to us during the illness and death of our beloved baby. We are also grateful for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Williams, parents. Mrs. L. M. Ervin, grandmother. I Boys and Girls! I I Do You Want a Real Gold Watch? I I Read Every Word I 9 THEN LET’S PUT THIS OVER BIG! WHAT? 9 9 The Monitor’s Big Subscription Drive for New Subscribers. 9 9 We are giving, for a few moments of your time each day— 9 I 2 Valuable Prizes I M Choice of a string of pearls or an Elgin wrist watch to the most in II dustrious girl, and a nifty 12 size Elgin watch or suit of clothing to the ^ hardest working boy. 9 fi Besides these prizes we pay cash commissions on all orders taken. 9 9 You have often wanted some present all your own. You have also X 9 wanted some spending money all for yourself. You may have both if 9 ys you work real earnestly. ^ Beginning October 20th and continuing until December 15th, just in Xj time for Christmas, we are giving a number of boys and girls an oppor- S 9 tunity to win a nifty, valuable prize and make some real money. 8 I THERE ARE NO STRINGS TO THIS OFFER. S iff You do not have to live in Omaha to get into this contest. Any boy Bl ■ or girl in any section of the country may enter. B j§§ For further information mail attached coupon or call at Monitor of- 9 9 fice, 1119 No. 21st St.: 9 I MR. ROBERT A. GREENE, & 9 Circulation Manager, The Monitor, B 1119 No. 19th Street, 9 Omaha, Nebr. X ■ Please enter my name in your contest. I afn anxious to win one of B HI your prizes. Tell me all about it. I am ready to work now. fj|| — -------J COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA ) Leon Blake of Esterville, la., and Winfred Gilbert of Council Bluffs, returned home Tuesday evening from attending the seventy-third Rock Island anniversary and track meet at Kansas City, Mo., and Kansas. Mr. Blake won first place in the 100-yard dash and in the 220-yard dash. Mr. Gilbert won second in the 220-yard dash. There was a banquet given in the Pompeian Room of the Baltimore hotel Monday night at 6 o’clock for all the athletes, at which Messrs. Blake and Gilbert were treated royally. Mr. Blake is an electric welder and Mr. Gilbert is a trucker. The new pastor of Bethel A. M. E. church arrived Saturday evening. He is Rev. Mr. Moore. His family will arrive later. Double funeral services were held Monday afternoon from Cutler’s chapel for Bennie and Esther Davis, children of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis, who died from asphyxiation at their home, 1408 Eighth avenue, Friday afternoon, Rev. J. P. Jackson of the Tabernacle Baptist church offi ciating. Music was furnished by Mrs. Mattie Turner, Viola Harris, Evelyn Caldwell, Wauneta Green, Rosa Cald well, Theodosia Kemmerd, and Ruth Anderson, with Mrs. Annie May Too ley at the piano. Pallbearers were Viola Harris, Evelyn Caldwell, Wau neta Green, Rosa Caldwell, Theodo sia Kemmerd and Ruth Anderson. Burial was in Walnut Hill cemetery. ....iiimnmmimmiiiiiib | Planting Time | For the most satisfactory results E E all hardy perennials, shrubs, tulips, S S etc., should be planted now. Get E E your order in now before the Fall ~ H rush. When you get your lawn I; — seed, fertilizer, shrubs or bulbs of — S the OLD RELIABLE you know it ^ 2 is right. Special for one week: E E One double pink, one double red and ~ = one double white peony, all for E E One Dollar. Home Landscape | Service E 24th and CUMING S Tel. JAckson 5115 or HArney 8033 E niiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiinmiiiir; ^m***^***m*mJm****h**«**«*m'*«*m^«|m*m*m2m*m*m2m*m*m^m*m**4 It FOR RENT $ Strictly modern 8-room .£ house at 1624 North 21st. | Could be arranged in single $ rooms. Steam heated. With $ or without garage. Also modem 6-room duplex at X 1620 North 21st St. Mod- *|* erate rental rates on both. *£ TEL. WEBSTER 5556 $ i For Rent ROOMS FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms in modern home. WEbster 6834. FOR RENT—Partly modern furnished rooms in neighborhood of all houses. One block and a half from Armour’s. 5219 South 29th street. MA. 0876. FOR RENT—Three housekeeping rooms, furnished. 2024 Burt St. Tel. Atlantic 6126. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished sooms, 2530 Patrick avenue. Two blocks from car line. FOR RENT—Modern furnished rooms. Steam heat. Close in. On two car lines. Mrs. Anna Banks, 924 North Twentieth street. Jackson 4379 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms in modern home. We. 6834. FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnish ed rooms for rent to respectable married couple. 2310 North 22nd street. WEbster 4162. FOR RENT—Tight housekeeping rooms. 1 block from car. All mod ern conveniences. 1712 North Twen ty-fifth street. WEbster 5450.—tf. FOR RENT—Two six-room apartments, three rooms upstairs and three down. Modern convenience. Rent reasonable. 1622 North 21st Street. Web. 6656. FOR RENT—4 rooms, upstairs. $16.50 per month. 2210 No. 26th St. N. Moore. FOR RENT—Modem furnished rooms from $4.00 up. Web. 4769. Mrs. Williams. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms; strictly modem. 1810 N. 23rd St. Web. 7089. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. On car lines in four directions. Web. 4660. FOR RENT—Apartment, furnished or un furnished, for couple. Web. 6975, 2216 North Twenty-eighth Are. FURNISHED HOUSE—Will share a furnished house with some respon sible party. Will consider children. I HArney 6699.—It. FOR RENT—To couple wishing nice housekeeping apartment, two rooms furnished and private kitchen. Price reasonable. Web. 6975. 2216 No. 28th Ave. FURNISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT—2 and 3 ROOMS WEbster 4983 2130 NORTH 28th STREET FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms; all conveniences. Call Web. 1897. It FOR RENT—Neatly furnished back room, suitable for two gentlemen. One block from car line. 1823 North 23rd St. WEbster 5372. FOR RENT—Six rooms, furnished, strictly modem. Will rent all or part. Price reasonable. Telephone WE. 1760. Call after 6:30 p. m. FOR RENT—Three room apartment, neatly furnished. 2507 Indiana Av. Price reasonable. 2t-9-21-25 FOR RENT—All modem furnished rooms. One for light housekeep ing for man and wife. Web. 2180. 4t-8-28-25. FOR RENT—Furnished room, strictly modem. One block from North 24th and Dodge car line. Phone WE. 1888. 2524 North 25th St. FOR RENT—Strictly modem 6-room house with garage. 2824 North 26th street. Call WEbster 7004. FOR RENT—Strictly modems rooms. Rates reasonable. Also 3-room fur nished house. Miss Hogan. Web ster 3221. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with kitch enette or board for married couple. 2102 Ohio street. 2t FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. One block from car line. Web. 4064. 1405 No. | 25th street MOTHERS Will care for your children by the day or by the week. Call AT 0563. 976 No. 25th St. Mrs. John Barker. r|,HOKOUGHLY worthy used furni ture of every description is offered for sale at very reasonable prices in our warehouse, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 6 d. m. week days. 8th and Capitol Ave.—Orchard & Wilhelm Co. FOR SALE—All modern five-room house. Good location. WEbster 2478 or WEbster 3030. FOR SALE—Kohler and Campbell upright piano. Soft tone, good fin ish, cheap. 108 South 28th St. FOR RENT—Furnished room in pri vate family. Modern home. Phone . WE-3454. It FOR RENT—Large furnished front room in modern home; one block from car line; $4 per week; gentle men only JAckson 6195. It MADAM EDITH LLEWELLYN, Poro hair dresser. Work done at your home if desired. WEbster 1515. SPECIAL MEN’S HEAVY RIBBED UNION SUITS $2.00 Value. While they last, $1.25 SWE ATERS 89c Up JUST ARRIVED j A Full Line of DIXIE TIE OXFORDS for \ LADIES and MISSES At Geo. Colton’s 1714-16 North 24th St. (Facing Clark Street) We handle a complete line of FLOWER, VEGETABLE, GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS BULBS—For Spring and Fall Planting j When in need of CUT FLOWERS don’t forget our Floral Department, as we have a complet seasonable Iaasortment. STEWART'S SEED AND FLOWER SHOP 109 N rth 16th Street (Opposte Post Office) JAkson 3285 josh i HILL-WILLIAMS DRUG : | COMPANY X FOUNTAIN PENS—STATIONERY | CIGARS and CANDY Z Eastman Kodaks and Supplies I 2402 Cuming: Street A NEW DISCOVERY Mr. A. C. Parsons of 1932E Gravois Ave., St. Louis, Mo., has just recently discovered a new preparation that straightens the hair and keeps it neat ly combed. A test by over One Hundred Bar bers has just been made and their de cision is that it is the most wonderful preparation they have ever used which can be verified at our office. It is not greasy, gummy or sticky, and is guaranteed to not change the color of the hair or injure the scalp in any way and equally as good for la dies as for gents. To those desiring a trial package of this most wonderful preparation, just send $1.00 to Mr Parsons and they will receive a 4% oz. jar by return mail, postpaid.—Ad vertisement. 9-5-4t NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing persons have associated them selves together for the purpose of forming and becoming a body cor porate, under the laws of the State of Nebraska, John E. Walker, Harry W. Leland and Jessie Leland. The name of this corporation shall be the WALKER-LELAND MANU FACTURING COMPANY, and its principal place of business shall be at Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. The objects of this corporation shall be to purchase, lease or otherwise ac quire inventions, patents, patent rights, privileges, improvements, se cret processes, special patterns, tools, samples and manufactured goods own ed by John E. Walker, for the manu facture and sale of glasses; to con tract for the manufacture of or establish a factory for the purpose of manufacturing glasses; improvements thereon and inventions which this company may acquire by purchase, im provement, invention or otherwise. It shall also be the object of this com pany to manufacture glasses, buy, sell, import, export and generally deal in glasses, and machinery used for the purpose of manufacturing glasses and other articles owned or acquired by this company, and to grant licenses for the use of, or to seell or otherwise deal with any patents, patent rights and privileges, inventions, improve ments or secret processes, acquired by this company; to sell, mortgage, lease or oherwise acquire real or personal property necessary for the conduct of the business of said company. The highest amount of indebtedness which the corporation may at any time subject itself, shall not exceed two thirds of the capital stock. The capital stock of this corporation shall be Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars, divided into one thousand shares of common stock of the par value of Ten ($10.00) Dollars per share. All stock shall be fully paid when issued. The life of this corporation shall be for a term of fifty years, and shall commence on the first day of August, 1926, and terminate on the 31st day of July, 1976. The Officers and Directors who shall govern the company shall con sist of not less than three nor more than fifteen. They shall have full and complete executive and administrative power; they shall have power to adopt suitable by-laws for the government and operation of the corporation. The officers and directors who are to serve until the first annual meeting of the corporation shall be: John E. Walker, President and Director. William E. Jackson, Vice-Presi dent and Director. Harry W. Leland, Secretary Treasurer and Director. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We have hereunto set our hands as Incorpora tors this 30th day of July, 1926, at Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska. John E. Walker. Harry W. Leland Jessie Leland. 4t-9-ll-26