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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 4, 1925)
Ed. F. Morearty, Attorney-at-law Peters Trust Building NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT To Man- Reynolds, non-resident defend ant: You are hereby notified that William F. Reynolds, plaintiff, filed his petition in the District Court of Douglas County. Ne braska. on March 17th. 1925, to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of ex treme cruelty and desertion. You are required to answer said petition on or before August 30, 1925. 4t-7-3l-25 WILLIAM K. REYNOLDS. ED. F. MOREARTY Attorney-at-law 700 Peters Trust Building To Peter D. Kerble, non-resident de fendant: Yrou are herein notified that Alvina El dora Kerble, your wife, the plaintiff, filed her petition in the District Court of Doug las County, Nebraska, on the 6lh day of May, 1925, to obtain an absolute divorce from you on the grounds of desertion and non-support, and for the care and custody of their minor child. Y'ou are required to answer said peti tion on or before September 15th. 1925. 4t-8-14-25 Alvina Eldora Kerble. W. G. MORGAN Room 19, Patterson Block NOTICE BY PI BLICATION To George Larby, whose place of resi dence is unknown, and upon whom per sonal service of summons cannot he made, defendant: Take notice that on the 27th dav of March. 1925. Ardelia Larby filed her pe tition against you in the Fourth Judical Dstrct of the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska; Doe. 219. No. 153. the object and prayer of which is to procure an absolute divorce from you on the ground of extreme cruelty. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th dav of September, 1925. ARDELIA LARBY. 4t-7-31-25 Per W. C. Morgan, her \tty. Excluding the 50,000,000 or more dark inhabitants of India, the Negro race numbers about 150,000,000. The daily consumption of butter In New York City is estimated at more than half a million pounds. Don’t Fuss With Mustard Plasters Musterole, made of pure oil of mus tard and other helpful ingredients, will do all the work of the old-fashioned mustard plaster — without the blister. Musterole usually gives prompt relief from bronchitis, sore throat, coughs, colds, croup, neuralgia, headache, con gestion, rheumatism, sprains, sore mus cles, bruises, and all aches and pains. It may prevent pneumonia. All drug gists — 35c and 65c jars and tubes— • hospital size $3. Better than a mustard platter For all stomach and intestinal troubles and disturbances due to teething, there is noth ing better than a sale Infants’ and Children’s Laxative Mrs. Winslow’s Syrup BEAUTIFUL HAIR For Every Woman - , 'f THE ARROWAY Aristocrat of Toilet Preparations Used by Best Dressed Women and High- Class Hairdressers ARROWAY PRODUCTS Arroway Hwir Grower and Beautifier 50c Arroway Smoothing Oil 50c Arroway Skin Beautifier 50c Arroway Hairvelvet Creme (For Men). 50c Arroway Elastic Cap (For Men) 65c Agents Wanted Everywhere FREE ! The Beauty Book Complete Beauty Course with Diploma and Degree $10.00 THE ARROWAY 3423 Indians Avenue Chicago. Illinois Dept. 2 He Owes His 40 Years o ” Constant Good Health to Beecham’s Pills "In 1884 I started taking Beecham's Pills two or three at hedtime and can now eat anything I like without feeling distressed. I nave not had a sick day in all the 40 years. "I have recommended Beecham's Pills to my friends and in almost all cases they have proved satisfactory. “I was troubled with sleeplessness and Beecham's helped me very much. " F. LOUIS LOEFFLER Rochester. N. Y. Beecham's Pills bring prompt relief to sufferer: from constipation, biliousness, sick headaches, and other digestive ailments Easy to take and non-habit-/arming FREE SAMPLE—Write today forfre*sample to B. F. Alien Co., 419 Canal St.. New York Buy from your druggist In IS and fee bosu^i for Better Health, Take Beecham’s Pills 1—1——milli >ii~ * Valet The Safety Razor that i jk . q. Sharpens Its Own Blades % /lUtUk/U ''P COMPLETE OUTFITS $1.00 rfc AND $5.00 Razor For Sale at All Store. Selling Razor* . —Sharpens Itself »nd Bud*» <~X^^X“X“X~X~X*X~X^~XK~X~X~X~X~X“X~X~X~X~X~X"X~X~X~:' - Y t I I Brodegaard Bros. f I 1 ?’ * JEWELERS FOR 41 YEARS f\ WILL SERVE YOU BETTER I y ? i II X 16th and Douglas Streets Omaha, Neb. % % || X~X~:~X“X~X~>«~X»X^X~X-X~XK~X~X-X-X~X-X~X~X>*-X-X“X~X» FOR RENT—Furnished room, strictly modern. One block from North 24th and Dodge car line. Phone WE. 1888. 2524 North 25th St. FOR SALE—All modern five-room house. Good location. WEbster 2478 or WEbster 3030. FOR SALE—Kohler and Campbell upright piano. Soft tone, good fin ish, cheap. 108 South 28th St. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished back room, suitable for two gentlemen. One block from car line. 1823 North 23rd St. WEbster 5372. EXPERT BARBERS USE' I ARROWAY TimimiMIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIMlilHItlllHHIIIIIIIDmilllllMIIIIIMIHHItlllimtHtllllMl', » --- 1 GOOD LOOKING HAIR FOR EVERY MAN “Hair Velvet Creme” I E Makes hair lie straight, = smooth; gives beautiful = gloss; nourishes,encour* 5 ages growth. Used by = well-dressed, particular § men and first-class Bar I ber Shops. Arroway Elastic Hair Cap ? ARROWAY Hair Velvet Creme (For | Men) 50c = ARROWAY Elastic Cap (For Men) 65c | ARROWAY Skin Beautifier 50c = ARROWAY Hair Grower and Beautifier | (For Women) 50c | ARROWAY Smoothing Oil (For Women) 50c FREE Book on Care of Hair and Skin THE ARROWAY | 3423 Indiana Ave. Chicago. III. Dept. 2 ^iiiiiiiiuiiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiuiinimiiiiuiiiiiniiminiiiiiiiHiiiimiiMWimai DR.HUMPHREYS* To sutferers from weakness, nervous conditions, loss of appetite, and thin blood—take Dr. Humphreys' "24." The Tonic Tablets that build you up An old, reliable remedy for men, ■women and children. Ask your Druggist, or, write us. HUMPHREYS’ HOMED. MEDICINE CO 156 William Street. New York ...-.a ;~X~X~XK~X~XK.«~X~X“X"X“X--;. JUST A FEW GOOD * X HOMES TO SELECT X X FROM % .% J Now Vacant, Want Quick Sale .'j! t 1623 North 23rd Street | if; 2905 North 26th Street X 1831 North 21st Street X X 3020 Franklin Street X X 2623 Grant Street X X 2802 North 28th Street X <• 2610 Wirt Street X | 2621 Grant Street X 2116 North 27th Avenue y ('an Arrange Terms to Suit y 'X Purchaser X X Many Other Good Homes to X. ;j; % Select From y | A. J. DAVIS | REAL ESTATE CO. X y Office Phone WEbster 2900 | Res. WEbster 0839 || X Notary Public X Office 2221 North 24th St. X t Jewell Building X ■X"X"X**X-X-X“;-X“X"X«.X~X"MH> LOOK HERE FIRST! LOOK!! LOOK!!! Classified Negro Business and Professional Directory These Firms Can Supply Your Needs and Respectfully Solicit Your Patronage ARCHITECTS and BUILDERS JOHN T. McDONALD, Sr., Architect and Builder. 3809 Camden Ave. “Better Built Houses for Less.” Ken. 5634. BARBER SHOPS CENTRA!, BARBER SHOP. j7 H Russell, proprietor, 1918Cuming St., at 20th. First class service. BAGGAGE ANI) HAITI ING J. A. GARDNER’S TRANSFER. Bag gage, express, moving, light and heavy hauling. Reliable and com petent. Six years in Omaha. 2622 Maple Street Phone WEhster 4120. C. H. HALL, stand, 1405 No. 24th. Baggage and express hauilng to all parts of the city. Phones, Res., We. 1056; stand, We. 0530. BEAlT'i PARLORS MRS. C. C. JOHNSON, 1515 North 26th street. W’Bbster 1984. Reg istered Mme. C. J. Walker’s agent. MME. A. I.. McMILLAN, 2525 Hamil ton. We. 0348. Antiseptic hair grower for ladies who wish beauti ful hair. Once tried, always used. Satisfaction guaranteed. MME E. HACK LEY LA WSO.\’72631 Lake street, We. 1665. Scalp treat ments scientifically done. All kinds of human hair goods made to order. Acme hair preparations and skin whitener for sale. MME ANNA L. MITCHELL, 2860 Corby street, We. 7103. Buva Sys tem graduate. Scalp and beauty specialist. Comfortable, homelike parlors; all work guaranteed. MME. ZELLA SKINNER, Poro Sys tem. All work done by electricity. Violet Ray Treatments. Phone We. 6221, 2613 Hamilton Street. MADAM ANNA E. JONES TUBBS. Scaln and hair treatments. For food and quick results call WEbster 5450. 1712 North 25t.h Street.—Poro. MADAM A. J. AUSTIN, Beauty Cul turist. Manufacturer of Banova hair preparations. Parlors 1411 No. 24th Street. Phone WEbster 5122. Hours 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. MADAM CORA L. OWENS, Author ized agent of Mme. C. J. Walker Company. Gives scientific scalp treatments at the “Snow White Beauty Parlor”, 2403 North 29th St. WEbster 2361. MADAM Z. C. SNOWDEN. Scientific scalp treatment. Hair dressing and manufacturing. 1154 No. 26th St. WEbster 6194. MME. H. J. SHEELEY, Beauty Shoppe and College. Toilet articles, hairdressing, manicuring, weaving, facial massage. Open until 9 o'clock by appointment. 1705 North 24th St Phone WEbster 2763. MADAM WILLIE DIXON 2426 Blondo street. WEbster 6153. Poro hairdressing, facial massage, Turk ish baths Home comforts. BILLIARD PARLORS THE FRIENDSHIP BILLIARD PAR LOR. While on the troll stop in. The place for the gentleman. Fred English, prop.; Carl Frampton, manager. 1818 North 24th Street. Phone WEbster 0814. CARPENTERS YANCY W. LOGAN, carpenter and builder, 1628 North Twenty-second street. WEbster 0233. JESSE SNELL, carpenter and builder 1920 North Thirty-sixth street. WE 4630. CLUBS CO 1/3 RED COMMERCIAL CLUB.I WATCH ITi ENLARGE For Rent ROOMS - .. ■ "T —.. ( FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms in modern home. WEbster 6834. ———————_ FOR RENT—Partly modern furnished rooms in neighborhood of all houses. One block and a half from Armour’s. 5219 South 29th street. MA. 9876. FOB BENT—Three housekeeping rooms, furnished. 2024 Burt St. Tel. Atlantic 6126. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms, 253<5 Pa'rick avenue. Two blocks from car line. FOR RENT—Modern furnished room*. Steam heat. Close in. On two car lines. Mrs. Anna Banks, 924 North Twentieth street. Jackson 4879 FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms in modem home. We. 6884. FOR RENT-—Furnished or unfurnish ed rooms for rent to respectable married couple. 2310 North 22nd street WEbster 4162. FOR RENT—Light housekeeping rooms. 1 block from car. All mod em conveniences. 1712 North Twen ty-fifth street. WEbster 5460.—tf. FOR RENT—Two six-room apartments, three rooms upstairs and three down. Modem convenience. Rent reasonable. 1622 North 21st Street. Web. 6556. FOR RENT—4 rooms, upstairs. $16.50 per month. 2210 No. 26th St. N. Moore. FOR RENT—Modem furnished rooms from $4.00 up. Web. 4769. Mrs. Williams. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms; strictly modem. 1810 N. 23rd St. Web. 7009. i MOTHERS Will care for your children by the day or by the week. Call AT 0563. _^76 No. 26th St. Mrs. John Barker. FOR RENT—Apartment, furnished or uii* furnished, for couple. Web. 6975, 2216 North Twenty-eighth Ave. FURNISHED HOUSE—Will share a furnished house with some respon sible party. Will consider children. HArney 6699.—4t. FOR RENT—To couple wishing nicej housekeeping apartment, two rooms furnished and private kitchen. Price reasonable. Web. 6975. 2216 No. 28th Ave. FURNISHEDAPARTMENTS FOR RENT—2 and 3 ROOMS WEbster 4983 2130 NORTH 28th STREET FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms; all conveniences. Call Web. 1897. It I* OR SALE—Good ffraphophone with ten records. Mrs. Hockley, WEb ster 1424. 2614 Grant street. r|''HOKOUGHLY worthy used furni ture of every description is offered for sale at very reasonable prices in our warehouse, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 6 o. m. week days. 8th .7 and Capitol Ave.—Orchard 4 Wilhelm Co. •WATERS BARNHART PRINTING Cft ^ o-8-ir* < > X514Vi North Twenty-fourth street. WEbster 1822. R. L. Williams, commissioner. Free employment bureau. General information. COAL DEALERS C. SOLOMON COAL AND ICE CO. At jour service winter and summer. All kinds of goo.l coal at prices to suit. Phones WEbster 3901 and 4238. CON Kh'tTION ERIES K. ROBINSON CONFECTIONERY, 2608 Seward Street. Pies and cakes baked to order daily. Ice cream, cold drinks and sodas. We. 3207. DRESSMAK ING and SEWING MRS. ADD IE NELSON, 2631 Grant street, We. 4948. Plain and fancy sewing neatly done. Men’s fancy shirts a specialty. MRS. W. H. JOHNSON, 2701 Corby Street. Plain and fancy sewing. Rates reasonable. WEbster 5034. MRS. A. BALDWIN. French system of fancy dressmaking and design ing. 2910 North 26th Street. Phone WEbster #682. MME E. C. GREEN. High class dressmaking, and designing. Men’s shirts a specialty. 2513 No. 26th street. We. 3818. MRS. C. E. REESE. 2858 Corby. w£. 7103. Fashionable dressmaker and ladies'tailor. Most modern and up to-date electrical appliances. DENTISTS DRS. SINGLETON A SINGLETON, Dentists. 2411 North 24th Street. Phone WEbster 0256. DRUG STORES ROSS DRUG STORK, 2306 North 34th Street. Two phones, WFfcatar 2770 and 2771. Well equipped to supply your needs. Prompt set-rice. THE PEOPLES’ DRUG STORE, 24th and Erskine Streets. We carry a full line. Prescriptions promptly filled. WEbster 6323. DRY GOODS MRS. H. J. CRAWFORD * SONS, | 2208 No. 24th street. Ladies' and p-ents’ furnishing's. Children’s ap | parel. We. 0184. FURNITURE S. W. MILLS FURNITURE CO., 1421 I North 24th St. We sell new and second hand furniture. Call and sea us before you purchase. We also buy second hand furniture. WFibster i 0148 and 1664. _ GARAGES RED FRONT GARAGE, 2816 Cum Street, Arnold Black, Prop. Re pairinp a specialty. We. 3480. GROCERIES MONTGOMERY GROCERY, 2531 l^ake street. We carry a full line of fresh yroceries, meats, fruits and sundries. We. 0226. THE SMALL STORE, 2614 No. 27th Street. A. H. Massey, prop. A full Mne of groceries, cipe-rs, candy and , -tuple poods always on band. WE. 6062, TRADE AT THE NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY. He carry a full line of fancy proccrie* and meats. 2220 No. 1 27th St. Web. 6080. I. Carey, Prop. ■—1—-• ' . _ 75= 1 HOTELS PATTON HOTEI 1014, 1010, 10181 t ooth 11th St. Known from coast to coast. Terms reasonable. N. P. Patton, proprietor. THE HOTEL CUMMINGS, 1916 Cum ing St. Under new management. Terms reasonable. D. G. Russell, proprietor. _LAUNDRIES THE WOODROW LAUNDRY, 2711 Charles St. WEbster 5579. Where satisfaction reigns supreme. W'et wash, rough dry, finished work and fine lace curtains neatly done. LAWYERS W. B. BRYANT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-Law. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block, 17th and Famam Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 2502. W. G. MORGAN—Phones ATlantic 9344 and JAckwn 0210. H. J. PINKETT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-Law. Twenty years’ ex perience. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block. 17th and Famams Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 3180. D. H. OLIVER, LL. B. Lawyer. Graduate University of Nebraska. Practices in all courts. Jewell Bldg., 2221 No 24th St. WEbster 0963 and WEbster 1209 NOAH W. WARE. Attorney and Counselor-at-Law. Practices in all courts. Bonds furnished reliable persons. 2731 Q St., (So. Side). MArket 6354. Res. WEbster 6613. A. P. SCRUGGS, Lawyer. Large ex perience. Handles all law cases. 1516*4 North 24th St. WE. 3667. Residence, WEbster 4162. MATTRESS MAKERS C. W. ANDERSON, 3325 Emmett street. WEbster 1358. Mattresses made over in new ticks, if neces ji sary. MEDIUMS i____ MADAM M. M. HALL. Medium and healer. Member of the State Spir itual Association of Nebraska. 2511 Corby Street. NOTIONS MRS. L. ABNER. Notions and art istic work. 141914 North 24th St., near Charles Street. PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS A. F. PEOPLES. Painting and decor ating, wall paper and glass. Plaster ing, cement and general work. Sher win-Williams paints. 2419 Lake St. Phone WEbster 6366. PAYTON BUCKNER, Painting. Ex terior and interior decorating and stippling. Old furniture and hard wood floors refinished. All work guaranteed. “If he says he will, he will.” We. 1520. PLUMPERS NEBRASKA PLUMBING CO. J. E. Allison, manager. Estimates fur nished. 2622 Lake St. Phone WE. 5846. PRINTERS FORD PRINTING COMPANY, Jew ell building, 24th and Grant StR For good printing see us. We. 1750 —- v REAL ESTATE L. C. BROOMFIELD, Real estate. We buy, sell and rent homes. Office hours all hours, 2425 North 24th ot. WEbster 1091. G. B. ROBBINS, Real estate and in surance. 20 Patterson Block, 1623 Farnam St. Office Phone JAckson 2842. RESTAURANTS PEATS RESTAURANT, 1406 North 24th Street. Where tnose who de sire good home cooking at reason able prices go. WEbster 0630. McGII.L & DAVIS CAFE, 2616 Q street. When in South Omaha visit us. Big meals from 26c un. MArket 2860. NEW PLAZZA CAFE, 1801 North 24th St. WEbster 2863. (Formerly Little Wonder Cafe). Has moved into its new quarters, serving home cooked meals, soft drinks of all kinds. Meals sent to any part of the <dtv at moderate prices. SHOE REPAIRING BENJAMIN & THOMAS always give satisfaction. Best material, reason able prices. All work guaranteed. 1415 North 24th St. WEbster 6084. C. L. CURRY, SR., Cobbler. Shop in rear of 1520 North Twenty-sixth Street. Work called for and deliv ered. WEbster 3792. TAILORS J. H. HOLMES, the reliable tailor who gives satisfaction. Suits made U order. Cleaning and repairing. 2218 Nortli 24th St. WEbster 3320. f LET OMAHA BETTER CLEANERS do your cleaning and repairiag in a manner that suits and at iwices which please.—2610 N. 24th St. WE. 3300. M. IA NCH, Tailor ami haberdasher wants to ask a question: Why pay more for a misfit when you ca» have them made to fit? 1807 North 24th St. WEbster 2088. ROULETTE, Cleaners and hatter*. Speciality cleaning and dyeing at reasonable prices. Suits made to your individual measurement. 2120 North 24th. WEbster 1020. ECONOMY TAILORS. Chas. M Sim mons, proprietor. We rut, maks and trim. Suits to order, $38 and up. 2 pants suits, $45 and up. All work guaranteed. 1313 Dodge St Business, JA. 3423 Res., WE. 6370 KEEP-U-NEAT, Cleaning, Dyeing and repairing. Work called for and delivered. 1919 Cuming street. JAckson 1439. J. C. HALL, 1614 N. 24th St,, Omaha, Nebr., progressive tailor. Cleaning, pressing, alterations. We call for i and deliver. Suits made to order. Ladies and gents fine tailoring. TAXIS CRANT STREET TAXI CO. 2420 North Twenty-fourth street. Stand phone WEbster 4458. Residence, Huey, WEbster 5104; Al. Gray, WEbster 2202. Five can ride as cheap as one. Taxi by hour or trip UNDERTAKERS JONES & COMPANY, Undertaker*. 24th and Grant Sts. WEbster 1100 Satisfactory service always. II A. CHILES & CO„ funeral direc tors and licensed embalmers. Cour teous, efficient service in the last sad hour. 1839 North Twenty-fourth street. Phones, office WEbster 7133; residence WEbster 6349. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY No Advertisement Accepted for This Classified Directory for Less Than Six Months