THE AK-SAR-BEN RACES BIO JUNE ATTRACTION Out at Ak-Sar-Ben Field, backed by Omaha’s Big Boosters' Institution, there are signs of activity, which presages the return of thorough-breds June 3rd to the 27th. Ak-Sar-Ben is planning another big running race program that will be second to none in the west. More than $105,000 in purses will be hung up for the horsemen at this coming meeting and advance reservations indicate that horses from every state in the Union and from Merico and Canada will take part in this monster program. The sport of horse racing is becom ing more and more popular with the public. The wonderful mile track at Ak Sar-Ben Field and the arrange ment of the grand stand with a seat ing capacity of 10,000, are such that every movement of the horses on the track can be seen. Some of the finest stables in the country will contest for the handicap purses. In fact, now quartered at Ak-Sar-Ben Field, in a big box stall, is Phusla, the $100,000 French speed marvel. The following are the big events and the days on which they will be run: The Speed Inaugural (Handicap) ! Wednesday, June 3rd; the Ak-Sar-Ben Queen's Plate Wednesday, June 10th; the Omaha Chamber of Commerce Stake (Handicap) Wednesday, June. 17th; the Ak-Sar-Ben King’s Cup (Handicap) Saturday, June 20th; the Nebraska (Handicap) Wednesday, June 24th; the Stock Yards Derby (Handicap) Saturday, June 27tb. There will be twenty-two days of; wonderful racing with six or more races each day. -—— PREJUDICES NOT INHERITED Washington, D. C., May 29—Tend encies toward thinking and acting in certain ways, which are called habits, are the outgrowth of training and ex perience. They are not inherited, says Dr. W. A. Thom, of Boston, who has written an interesting article on the subject of “Child Management” for the Children’s Bureau of the U. S. De partment of Labor. According to Dr. Thom, we begin to form habits at birth and go on through life, forming them quickly and easily in youth and more slowly and with difficulty as the year's advance. “The morals of most of us are to a large extent,” he continues, “the result of habits of thinking formed in early life. Most of our prejudices are the outcome of hab its of thinking formed in childhood. Many persons as children develop a feeling about racial and religious dif ferences which may lead in later me to intolerance and hatred toward their fellowmen. This same attitude of mind is seen in children toward theii playmates who have the misfortune ol being orphans, or the child whose mother is a scrubwoman or whose father is a garbage collector. Care should be taken to see that children are early taught kindness and consid eration for those less fortunate, ior unconsciously they will form their attitudes from the home atmosphere.’1 Dr. Thom insists that our manners are a collection of habits and that we do a rude or a courteous thing almost without stopping to think. H. J. Pinkett, Attorney NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas Coun ty, Nebraska, in the mattei of the estate of Gertrude F. Hall, de ceased. All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti tion has been filed in said Court alleging that said deceased died leav ing no last will and praying for ad ministration upon his estate, and that a hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 1st day of June, 1925, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 1st day of June, 1925, at 9 o’clock a. m. to contest said petition, the Court may grant the same and grant admin istration of said estate to Mattie B. Gooden or some other suitable person and proceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 5-4-3t County Judge. Ed. F. Morearty Attorney-at-Law Peters Trust Building NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT To Hattie Butler, defendant: Take notice that there is now pend ing in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, in an action there LINCOLN NEWS AND COMMENT Dr. C. C. Harper of Dallas, Tex., arrived last Wednesday and is con ducting a series of revival meetings for Rev. H. W. Botts at Mt. Zion Bap tist church, which will continue to June 1st. Mr. Stephan, A. May, Grand High Priest of R. A. M. of Missouri Juris diction, visited Hiram Chapter No. 59 here Sunday. He left Sunday night for Plattsburg, Mo. Visitors to Omaha Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Young, Rev. I. B. Smith, Wm. Woods, T. T. McWilliams and M. E. Williams. A mass meeting at Mt. Zion Baptist church will be on the 12th of June with Mr. Pickens of the National Asso ciation for the Advancement of Color ed People as principal speaker. We have not had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Pickens for some years, so let us remember the date. The Baby Con test closes June 13th, under the super vision of Mrs. Ferguson at Masonic Hall. Both of these dates are for the benefit of the local N. A. A. C. P. Mrs. Lorraine Dorsey and her moth er, Mrs. S. Wilford, are at home from Savannah, Mo., and are improving rapidly. The Rt. Rev. Bishop A. Cary of Chicago, 111., will be the honored guest of Rev. and Mrs. M. C. Knight of Quinn Chapel June 11, 12 and 13. The Norah Taylor Society will enter tain at a banquet on Wednesday night, June 11. A forum has been organized at the A. M. E. church which promis -s a bright future. Sunday was quarterly meeting at Quinn Chapel A. M. E. church. Presid ing Elder J. C. Hicks was present and conducted services during the day. The regular sendees were carried out. Dr, C. C. Harper, visiting evangelist at Mt. Zion Baptist church, delivered a stirring sermon in the afternoon, which was highly enjoyed by all. Quite a number of au‘os filled with Omahans were in the city Monday night to effect an Elks’ organization. Ye correspondent is convalescent. ED. F. MOREARTY Attorney-at-law 700 Peters Trust Building NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION To Challie Loftis, non-reisdent de fendant: You are hereby notified that on thi 20th day of February, 1925, your hus band, Fletcher Loftis, plaintiff here in, filed his petition in the Disttric Court of Douglas County, Nebraska to obtain an absolute decree of di vorce from you on the grounds of de sertion and ertreme cruelty. You are required to answer sak petition on or before June 29, 1925. FLETCHER LOFTIS. By Ed. F. Morearty, 4t-6-29-25 * His attorney j in in which David Butler is plaintiff and Hattie Butler is defendant, the petition of said plaintiff, the object and prayer of which petition and ac tion are to obtain in favor of said plaintiff and against said defendant an absolute decree of divorce on the grounds of willful desertion for more than two years last past. You are required to answer said petition on ■ or before June 10, 1925. DAVID BUTLER,Plaintiff. By Ed. F. Moriarty, His Attorney. 4t—5-8-25 • W. G. Morgan Attorney and Counselor-at-Law Room 19 Patterson Block NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION To Clellie Miller, whose place of res idence is unknown, and upon whom personal service of summons can not be made, defendant. Take notice that on the thirtieth I30th) day of January, 1925, Clara Miller as plaintiff, filed her petition against you in the Fourth Judicial District of the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Docket 218, Number 16. The object and prayer of which is to procure absolute divorce from you on the ground of In Dayton, Ohio, 98.1 per cent of the colored children 7 to 13 years of age, attend school, as compared with 88.3 per cent in Fort Worth, Texas. SOLUTION TO LAST WEEK S PUZZLE Pill |e| ac ra fa !_fay j_cJeB Sk®q m |cp| ■ T«dephenc Atlantic 2524 £ JUST A FEW GOOD * HOMES TO SELECT | FROM ’} Now Vacant, Want Quick •{• Sale X 1623 North 23rd Street y 2905 North 26th Street 1831 North 21st Street % 3020 Franklin Street X 2623 Grant Street y 2802 North 28th Street ¥ 2610 Wirt Street X 2621 Grant Street f £ 2116 North 27th Avenue •1; Can Arrange Terms to Suit Purchaser | Many Other Good Homes to X Select From % A. J. DAVIS ¥ REAL ESTATE CO. j" Office Phone W’Ebster 2900 Res. W'Ebster 0839 •{• Notary Public f( £ Office 2221 North 24th St. £ ¥ Jewell Building X f 1 extreme cruelty. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 23rd day of June, 1925. CARA MILLER. Per W. S. Morgan, Her Attorney. 5t-8-5-25 H. J. Pinkett, Atty. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Douglas ; Country, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of John I Bims, deceased: All persons interested in said es tate are hereby notified that a peti | tion has been filed in said Court al ; leging that said deceased died leaving no last will and praying for adminis j tration upon his estate, and that a 1 hearing will be had on said petition before said court on the 23rd day of May, 1925, and that if they fail to appear at said Court on the said 23rd ' day of May, 1925, at 9 o’clock A. M. to contest said petition, the Court may ! grant the same and grant admlnistra j tion of said estate to Hattie Bims or some other suitable person and pro ceed to a settlement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 5-l-3t Country Judge. plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllli!lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!!lll^ 1 For Your Consideration H $3,500—811 North 45th. A handsome home, just half block ' from the West Cuming carline. Everything strictly == = modern and in excellent shape, big trees, fine lawn. == Nicely fenced. Large garage. 55 No better buy can possibly be found in this city at 55 anywhere near our price. This home is situated in a quiet, retired section of the city, but unlike many such situations, == |§ in close touch with trolley lines to all parts of Omaha. == EH This home will bear closest investigation. Price is right, and can be bought on such low terms as $200 down, and $33 == or $35 per month. 1 AMOS GRANT COMPANT, Realtors ( Atlantic 8380 210 South 18th St., Arthur Bldg. = LOOK HERE FIRST! LOOK!! LOOK!!! Classified Negro Business and Professional Directory These Firms Can Supply Your Needs and Respectfully Solicit Your Patronage ARCHITECTS and BUILDERS JOHN T. McDonald, Sr., Architect and Builder. 3809 Camden Ave. “Better Built Houses for Less.” Ken. 5634. BARBER SHOPS CENTRAL BARBER SHOP. JTh. Russell, propriptor, 1924 Cuming St., at 20th. First class service. BAGGAGE AND HAULING J. A. GARDNER’S TRANSFER. Bag gage, express, moving, light and heavy hauling. Reliable and com petent. Six years in Omaha. 2622 Maple Street. Phone WEbster 4120. C. H. HALL, stand, 1406 No. 24th. Baggage and express hauilng to all parts of the city. Phones, Res., We. 1056; stand, We. 0630. BEAUTY PARLORS^ MRS. C. C. JOHNSON, 1515 North 26th street. WElbster 1984. Reg istered Mme. C. J. Walker’s agent. MME. A. L. McMILLAN, 2525 Hamil ton. We. 0348. Antiseptic hair grower for ladies who wish beauti ful hair. Once tried, always used. Satisfaction guaranteed. MME. E. HACKLEY LAWSON, 2631 Lake street. We. 1665. Scalp treat ments scientifically done. All kinds of human hair goods made to order. Acme hair preparations and skin whitener for sale. MME. ANNA L. MITCHELL, 2860 Corby street, We. 7103. Buva Sys tem graduate. Scalp and beauty ; specialist. Comfortable, homelike parlors; all work guaranteed. --- MME. ZELLA SKINNER, Poro Sys tem. All work done by electricity. Violet Ray Treatments. Phone We. 6221, 2613 Hamilton Street. MADAM ANNA E. JONES TUBBS. Scalp and hair treatments. For good and quick results call WEbster 5450. 1712 North 25th Street.—Poro. MADAM A. J. AUSTIN, Beauty Cul turist. Manufacturer of Denova hair preparations. Parlors 1411 No. 24th Street. Phone WEbster 5122. Hours 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. MADAM CORA L. OWENS, Author ised agent of Mme. C. J, Walker Company. Gives scientific scalp treatments at the “Snow White Beauty Parlor”, 2403 North 29th St. WEbster 2361. MADAM Z. C. SNOWDEN. Scientific scalp treatment. Hair dressing and manufacturing. 1154 No. 20th St. WEbster 6194. MESDAMES SHEELY AND GRAY BEAUTY PARIjOR. Scientific hair and scalp treatments. French sys tem. Hair oils and beauty prepara tions for sale. 1705 North 24th St. Phone WEbster 2763. MADAM WILLIE DIXON, 2426 Blondo street. WEbster 6153. Poro hairdressing, facial massage, Turk ish baths. Home comforts. BILLIARD PARLORS |THE FRIENDSHIP BILLIARD PAR LOR. While on the troll stop in. The place for the gentleman. Fred English, prop.; Carl Frampten, manager. 1818 North 24th Street. Phone WEbster 0814. CARPENTERS YANCY W. LOGAN, carpenter and builder, 1628 North Twenty-second street. WEbster 0233. JESSE SNELL, carpenter and bailder, 1920 North Thirty-sixth street. WE. 463*. CLUBS COLORED COMMERCIAL CLUB. 151414 North Twenty-fourth street. WEbster 1822. R. L. Williams, commissioner. Free employment bureau. General information. COAL DEALERS C. SOLOMON COAL AND ICE CO. At your service winter and summer. All kinds of good coal at prices to suit. Phones WEbster .3901 and 4238. CONFECTIONERIES R. ROBINSON CONFECTIONERY, 2608 Seward Street. Pies and cakes baked to order daily. Ice cream, cold drinks and sodas. We. 3207. DRESSMAKING and SEWING MRS. ADDIE NELSON, 2631 Grant street, We. 4948. Plain and fancy sewing neatly done. Men’s fancy shirts a specialty. MRS. W. H. JOHNSON, 2701 Corby Street.- Plain and fancy sewing. Rates reasonable. WEbster 5034. MRS. A. BALDWIN. French system of fancy dressmaking and design ing. 2910 North 26th Street. Phone WEbster 9632. MME. E. C. GREEN. High class dressmaking, and designing. Men’s shirts a specialty. 2513 No. 26th street. We. 3318. MRS. C. E. REESE, 2858 Corby7we. 7103. Fashionable dressmaker and ladies’ tailor. Most modern and up to-date electrical appliances. DENTISTS DRS. SINGLETON & SINGLETON, Dentists. 2411 North 24th Street. Phone WEbster 0256. DRUG STORES ROSS DRUG STORE, 2306 North 24th Street. Two phones, WEbster 2770 and 2771. Well equipped to supply your needs. Prompt service. THE PEOPLES' DRUG STORE, 24th and Erskine Streets. We carry a full line. Prescriptions promptly filled. WEbster 6323. ^Tiri ~ ■ ri u ii .'ll 1 • rm r r..v •"» DRY GOODS MRS. H. J. CRAWFORD & SONS, 2208 No. 24th street. Ladies’ and gents’ furnishings. Children’s ap parel. We. 0184. FURNITURE S. W. MILLS FURNITURE CO., 1431 North 24th St. We sell new and second hand furniture. Call and see us before you purchase. We also buy second hand furniture. WEbster 0148 and 1664. GARAGES RED FRONT GARAGE, 2816 Cum Street, Arnold Black, Prop. Re pairing a specialty. We. 3480. GROCERIES MONTGOMERY GROCERY^ 2531 lake street. We carry a full line of fresh groceries, meats, fruits and 'sundries. We. 0226. THE SMALL STORE, 2514 No. 27th Street. A. H. Massey, prop. A full line of groceries, cigars, candy and staple goods always on hand. WE. 6052. HERMANN & KILLINGSWORTH, Twenty-fourth and Willis avenue. A full line of groceries and fresh vegetable at lowest prices. Let us serve you. WEbster 6915. HOTELS PATTON HOTEL, 1014, 1016, 1018 South 11th St. Known from coast to coast. Terms reasonable. N. P. Patton, proprietor. THE HOTEL CUMMINGS, 1916 Cum ing St. Under new management. Terms reasonable. D. G. Russell, proprietor. LAUNDRIES THE WOODROW LAUNDRY, 271) Charles St, WEbster 5579. Where satisfaction reigns supreme. Wei wash, rough dry, finished work ami fine lace curtains neatly done. LAWYERS W. B. BRYANT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-Law. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block, 17th and Faraam Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 2502. W. G. MORGAN—Phones ATlantic 9344 and JAckson 0210. H. J. PINKETT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-I>aw. Twenty years’ ex perience. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block, 17th and Farnams Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 3180. D. H. OLIVER, LL. B. Lawyer. Graduate University of Nebraska. Practices in all courts. Jewell Bldg., 2221 No. 24th St. WEbster 0963 and WEbster 1209. NOAH W. WARE, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law. Practices in all courts. Bonds furnished reliable persons. 2731 Q St., (So. Side). MArket 5354. Res. WEbster 6613. SCRUGGS & ADAMS, Lawyers. Large experience. Handle all law cases. 1616V4 No. 24th St. WE. 3567. Scruggs’ residence, KEnwood 2492; Adams’, WEbster 4084. MATTRESS MAKERS •C. W. ANDERSON, 3325 Emmett street. WEbster 1358. Mattresses marie over in new ticks, if neces I sary. MEDIUMS MADAM M. M. HALT,. Medium and bealer. Member of the State Spir itual Association of Nebraska. 2511 Corby Street. NOTIONS I MRS. L. ABNER. Notions and art ! istic work. 1419% North 24th St., near Charles Street. PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS A. F. PEOPLES. Painting and decor ating, wall paper and glass. Plaster ing, cement and general work. Sher win-Williams paints. 2419 Lake St. Phone WEbster 6366. PAYTON BUCKNER, Painting. Ex terior and interior decorating and stippling. Old furniture and hard wood floors refinished. All work guaranteed. "If he says he will, he will.” We. 1520. PLUMBERS NEBRASKA PLUMBING CO. J. F. Allison, manager. Estimates fur nished. 2522 Lake St. Phone WE. 5846. PRINTERS FORD PRINTING COMPANY, Jew ell building, 24th and Grant Sts, For good printing see us. We. 1750. REAL ESTATE L. C. BROOM FIELD, Real estate. We buy, sell and rent homes. Office hours all hours. 2425 North 24th St. WEbster 1091. G. IJ. ROBBINS, Real estate and In surance. 20 Patterson Block, 1623 Farnam St. Office Phone JAckson 2842. RESTAURANTS PEATS RESTAURANT, 1405 North 24th Street. Where those who de sire good home cooking at reason able prices go. WEbster 0530. McGill & davis cafe, 2510 q street. When in South Omaha visit us. Bif; meals from 25c up. MArket 2860. Try LITTLE WONDER CAFE. The cheapest place to eat in the city. Quick service. Lunches sent to any part of the city. 1820 No. 24th St. Phone WEbster 5357. ICING TUTTS CHICKEN HUT. Fancy barbecue. Best service in town. All kinds of sandwiches. Open every day from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. 2010 North 24th Street. P. Smith and C. Davis, proprietors. SHOE REPAIRING J BENJAMIN & THOMAS always give satisfaction. Best material, reason able prices. All work guaranteed. d 1415 North 24th St. WEbster 5084. " C. L. CURRY, SR., Cobbler. Shop in rear of 1520 North Twenty-sixth Street. Work called for and deliv ered. WEbster 3792. _ TAILORS J. H. HOLMES, the reliable tailor who gives satisfaction. Suits made to * * order. Cleaning and repairing. 2218 Y North 24th St. WEbster 3320. OMAHA DOLLAR CLEANERS 2610 No. 24th St. We. 3300. At your service. We clean and press men’s suits, ladies’ plain dresses and spring coats for $1.25, delivered any place In the city. Exclusive agents for Style-Center suits and tailor made caps. M. LYNCH, Tailor and haberdasher, wants to ask a question: Why pay more for a misfit when you can have them made to fit? 1807 North 24th St. WEbster 2088. ROULETTE, Cleaners and hatters. Speciality cleaning and dyeing at reasonable prices. Suits made to your individual measurement. 2120 North 24th. WEbster 1020. ECONOMY TAILORS. Chas. M SinT mons, proprietor. We cut, make and trim. Suits to order, $38 and up. 2 panta suits, $45 and up. All work guaranteed. 1313 Dodge St. Business, JA. 3423 Res., WE. 6370. KEEP-U-NEAT, Cleaning, Dyeing and repairing. Work called for and delivered. 1919 Cuming street. JAckson 1489. TAXIS <' | GRANT STREET TAXI CO 2420 North Twenty-fourth street. Stand phone WEbster 4458. Residence, Huey, WEbster 5104; Al. Gray, WEbster 2202. Five can ride as cheap as one. Taxi bv hour or trip. I UNDERTAKERS JONES & COMPANY, Undertakers. 24th and Grant Sts. WEbster 1100. Satisfactory service always. j ~ '---—-—- / ( • i. A. CHILES & CO., funeral direc tors and licensed embalmers. Cour teous, efficient service in the last sad hour. 1839 North Twenty-fourth street. Phones, office WEbster 7133; residence WEbster 6349. i For GOOD MEAT, POULTRY AND FISH At Fair Prices Trade With A. J. Cadek Successor to Fred W. Marsh 200.3 Cuming Street JAckson 3824 j _ I WATCH IT ENLARGE Ftr Rent _ROOMS _ FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms in modern home. WEbster 6834. FOR RENT—Partly modern furnished rooms in neighborhood of all houses. One block and a half from Armour’s. 5219 South 29th street. MA. 0875. FOK RENT—Furnished room with kitchs enette in quiet home. Married couple only. 2629 Seward Street. WEbster 1825. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished reoma, 2536 Patrick avenue. Two bloeke from oar line. FOR RENT—Modern furnished reams. Steam heat, dose is. On twn car lines. Mrs. Anna Banks, #24 North Twentieth etroet. JncSwon 4TT» FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms in modern home. We. 6884. FOR RENT—3 and 4-room modern apartments, 1547-1561 North 17th 8*. References required. Call at, 1549 North 17th 8t. or phone ATlantic 6863. FDR RENT—Light housekeeping rooms. 1 block from car. All mod em conveniences. 1712 North Twen ty-fifth street WEbster 5450.—tf. FOR RENT—Two three-room houses in good order. One $22.50 and one $28. 3117 and 3119 and 3117 Webates street. Call at 3202 Webster street FOR RENT—4 rooms, upstairs. $16.50 per month. 2210 No. 26th St. N. Moore. FOR RENT—Modern furnished rooms from $4.00 up. Web. 4769. Mrs. Williams. FOR RENT—Strictly modem rooms. 2016 North Twenty-second street Web. 6667. 4t FOR RENT—To couple wishing nice housekeeping apartment, two rooms furnished and private kitchen. Price reasonable. Web. 6975. 2216 No. 28th Ave. Miscellaneous FOR SALE—7-room modern house in good condition; ideal location, near 25th and lllondo Sts. Easy terms. Frank C. Best, 31(0 Peters Trust Building. At. 6135. FOR SALE—Old established chiro pody practice, beauty shop and bath parlor. Established 17 years. Own er retiring. Council Gluffs. Phone 3922. tf ---i... -1 ——i—— UiOK—Fine Social Stationery. Two hundred sheets and fifty envelopes J printed with your name and ad- J dress. A dollar bill. J Register Press. Hannibal, Mo 'j'HOKOUGHLY worthy used furni ture of every description is offered for sale at very reasonable prices in our warehouse, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 5 p. m. week days. 8th and Capitol Ave.—Orchard * Wllhote Co. BIG MONEY selling Everstrate to Colored people. Enormous demand. Sure repeater. Eston, 2500 Second Avenue. Dept. 160, Birmingham, Ala.