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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1925)
I Local and Personal Happenings * I | we print the news while it is news fj[ Webster 4243 j ADDRESS BOX 1204 , __ -fMWMWMwm K. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Peten Trust building, Jackson 3841 or Har nev 2156. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Watson had a fine son born to them on Monday of this week. Mother and son are doing nicely. The couple live at 22nd and Paul Sts. The new son increases their family to four. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kellogg, who for merly lived at 2614 Burdette, have moved into their new home, a cozy lit tle bungalow, at 2918 Grant St. Mr. George Powell, who recently left the city for Chicago, wrote his wife the early part of the week that he is well pleased with the prospects of the “Windy City.” Mrs. Powell will be joining her husband there in the near future. FOR RENT—To the right kind of tenants large 8-room modern home, 2418 Seward street. For information phone The Monitor, WEbster 4243. FOR SALE—First class upright Star piano. $125 cash. 2120 North 30th street. 3t, 4-10-25 WILL GIVE HOME to desirable wo man who will be companion to in valid. Mrs. W. H. Mortimer, 2716 Ohio street. WEbster 5361. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms in modern home. We. 6834. ROOMS TO RENT—Half block from Dodge and two from Twenty-fourth car line. 2407 No. 22nd St. We. 2833. 4t-4-5-25 FOR RENT: One 3 room and 1 5 room apartment, with city water, Alfred Jones, 1322 Dodge. At. 9547. FOR RENT: Furnished rooms in mod ern home. Prices $3.60 to $4.50. Home conveniences. Web. 6731. 4t-4-5-25. Recent arrivals at the Patton Hotel: R. Cook, Kansas City, Mo.; G. <5. Crow Kingston, N. Y.; W. C. Overs, Colum bia, Mo.; J. C. White, Salt Lake City, Utah; R. L. Briggs, Leavenworth, Kans.; I* C. Steward, Portland, Ore.; I. Green, Lincoln, Nebr.; R. Marshall, St. Joseph, Mo. Mrs. Violet Hopkins, 2801 Charles St., who has been on the sick list is much improved. Thomas S. “Buster” Phillips, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Phil lips, 2870 Corby St., is quite ill. Thos. is a senior in Cefttrul High School. Mrs. Anna Banks who has hern quite ill at her home, 924 No. Twenti eth St., for the past two weeks is slowly improving. Diamonds and jewelry loans, quick service, safe and reliable. Diamond Ixmn Co. N. W. corner 16th and Chi cago. — Adv. The home of Attorney and Mrs. John A.lams, at Twenty-eighth and Corby street, was damaged by fire last Saturday night. Fortunately the fire was confined to the rear end of the residence. R, L. Williams, commissioner of the Colored Commercial Club, left last Saturday night for his old home in Columbus, Ohio. He expects to be absent from the city for about ten days. The Rev. E. H. McDonald, recently appointed Deputy Oil inspector, has been detained at home by illness since last Thursday. P.VAWAVV.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.VW.W.V.VVW. Come Friday! To the Special Purchase Sale of M. E. Smith and Company's RUGS, LINOLEUMS and DRAPERIES Savings are greater than in the ordinary sale because this is a WHOLESALE STOCK bought at a very low figure Orchard - Wilhelm I^eslie Sjhipman loft for Getldes, S. D., Sunday to resume work on the large grading contract which is being done by the Shipman Bros, grading contractors. Ezekiel Phinney one of the veteran employees of the Swift Packing Com pany has been detained at home, 1115 North Twenty-first street, for several days by illness. Miss Mary Liverpool is employed as stock girl at the Kiddies’ Shop at Ooldstein-Chapman’s. Mrs. Kneeter speaks in the highest terms of Miss Liverpool. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smith have moved in their new home at 2211 Ohio street. It is one of the most complete built homes in the city. DREAMLAND CAFE OPENS. Dreamland Cafe, one of the most thoroughly equipped and beautifully appointed in the city, occupying large and commodious quarters in the Jewell building, opened for business, Thurs day, April 2nd, with a full line of sodas, icandies, fine pasteries, soft drinks and home cooked meals. An elegant new soda fountain has been installed and the proprietors, Messrs “Dollie" Thompson and “Mud” Tay lor, (former popular and efficient U. I’, chefs,) will be in charge and on the job at all times. The cafe is one of the finest operated by our group west of Chicago and will no doubt be come one of the most popular places on the stroll. The decorating was done by the A. F. Peoples Co., the plumbing by Ed “Buck” Jackson and the carpentry by Thompson & Son, all members of our own business group. BIG EASTER BALL. Great preparations are being made for the big Easter ball to be given Easter Monday night, April l.'ith at Dreamland hall. The management is sparing no pains to make this one of the swellest affairs of the season. The Melody Five will furnish the music. Dance from 9 P. M. till 2 A. M. THE ROYAL DI KES CU R The Royal Dukes Club, composed of 30 young men are now occupying their new quarters in the Jewell building. Mr. William Chambers, Secretary of the club, has been confined to his home by illness, this week. The members of the club enjoyed a pleasant smoker Tuesday evening in their club rooms. NORTH SIDE BRANCH 22nd and Grant Streets EDNA M. STRATTON, Executive 9ec’y The publicity committee held its regular monthly meeting, Monday evening, March 30th. Business of much importance was discussed. A special social meeting will be held Sunday afternoon, April 5th, at 4 p. m. All members are urged to be present. In Boston they are called zymolo gists instead of bootleggers. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 24th and Ohhio St. THE REV. GEO. W. DAY, Pastor. There were large congregations at all services last Sunday. The usual services and meetings of the various organizations will be held | Sunday and at the appointed time dur ing the week. Group No. 5, Mrs. Flor ence Beasley, Captain, carried off the honors Sunday. TENDER PASTOR SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY. Last Monday was the birthday an niversary of the Rev. W. F. Botts, pastor of Zion Baptist Church. At the close of the evening services which are being conducted by Dr. Young, the auxiliaqies of the Church had planned a reception for their pastor in the church parlors, where felicita tions were extended, refreshments served and a delightful evening spent. IN FORM ATION W A NTED If Marietta Stewart, formerly of Nebraska City and last heard of in St. Joseph, Mo., but believed to have subsequently come to Omaha, will communicate with The Monitor she will learn of something to her ad vantage. If anyone knows of the whereabouts of Marietta Stewart it will be appreciated if they will com municate with The Monitor, Box 1204, Omaha, Neb.— Relatives are trying to trace this young woman, who was adopted as a five-year-old child by a family named Stewart at Nebraska City. OMAHA WAITERS ASSOCIATION The Omaha Waiters Ass’n held its regular meeting Monday eve, March 30, at theeir quarters, 2424 Lake. The get-together club of the as sociation meets Monday eve at 6:45, in the waiters’ quarters at Brandeis cafe. Mr. E. L. Reid was the prin cipal speaker of the evening. Many interesting talks were made by mem bers. Mr. .1. W. Shield read a very interesting paper on “Race Co-Oper ation.” Mr. Ben Slaughter will take charge of Lakoma club this summer. Mr. Brooks, who had charge of the Field cluh last year, will resume his posi tion this year. Mr. W. Trusty of the Brandeis tea room is back at work after being ill for two weeks. Now that the snow has gone and spring has made its appearance the country clubs will soon be open and the waiters are happy and wearing a pleasant smile of satisfaction. A Fisher, who was ill all summer and fall, is quite recuperated and is as of yore and is at the Brandies res taurant where he has been for many years. Tom Lynch is liberal with his money and says where it goes he will follow. Flowers FOR Easter And All Other Occasions I I 403 South 15th Street I* II O N E .1 A C KSON 0 13 2 The Brandies waiters are 100% as sociation members. The waiters association will enter tain with a big pre-Easter ball Wed nesday eve, April 8th, at the beautiful Dreamland Hall. Prof. George Morrison, who played at the World theatre last week, was guests at the waiters’ association quarters and recommends our asso ciation highly. The association is glad to see so many of the railroad boys visiting the association rooms. Keep it up boys. The waiters association meets every Monday night at 2427 Lake street, at 9:80. Come out, fellow waiters, and let’s make this association one of the largest in the country. A. S. Brown, Reporter. [ beautiful hair 1 For Every Woman Aristocrat of Toilet Preparations Used by Best Dressed Women and High - Class Hairdressers ARROWAY PRODUCTS I Arroway Hair Grower and Ueautifier 5#c j) Arroway Smoothing Oil 50c Arroway Skin Bcautiher 50c d Arroway Hairvelvrt Creme (For Mefl), 50c Arroway E1*st:c Cap (For Men). #S« Agents Wanted Everywhere FREE! The Beauty Book I Complete Beauty Course with Diploma and Degree . . 916.## P THE ARROWAY 5 I 3423 Indiana Avenue Chieege. lime K Dept. 2 f | FREE! FREE!! | 4 This coupon is good for X X 25c up to May 1, 1925, ap- £ •{* pied on a 50c Jar of X 1 y Robinson’s SKIN WHITENER X and Freckle Remover £ | Liberty Drug Co. | | 1901 No. 21th St. WE. 0386 X %♦ USED CARS bought, sold and exchanged. Used parts for all makes of cars. AMERICAN At TO PARTS COMPANY 1011-1013 No. 18th Street •^•X“X"XX"XXX"l,'lv,XXX"XX“X"l”j | Rush Action | Required *1' Our great Remodeling Sale will y X close in a few days. Buy fur- X £ niture, Rugs and Stoves now at A X one-third to one-half reduced Y A prices. Cash or easy payments. A Gate City Furn. Co. | A 520-22 North 16th Street X V DREAMLAND CAFE Opens Sunday, March 29, in the Jewell Bids., 24th and Grant Sts. —SERVING— i Ice cream, candies, soft drinks, sodas, and home cooked meals. THOMPSON & TAYLOR, Proprietors \ BUILDING '“•LOAh ASSOCIATION 322 South 18th 6% Dividends Payable Quarterly Assets. . , $15,000,000 Reserve.... $460,000 Be Thrifty end Start a Saving* Account Today ' Thirty*§ix years of success ip Omaha and Nebraska We handle a complete line of FLOWER, VEGETABLE, GRASS AND FIELD SEEDS BULBS—For Spring and Fall Planting When in need of CUT FLOWERS don’t forget our Moral Department, as we have a complet seasonable assortment. STEWART’S SEED AND FLOWER SHOP 109 North 16th Street (Opposite Post Office) ! JAckson 3285 Buy a Home! QUIT PAVING RENT! ! i have a number of bargains ■ ; in homes, 5, 6 and 7 rooms, well \ ’ located; am able to sell at $260 • ■ and up; balance monthly like \ rent. Here Are Some Bargains: ; 6 rooms, modern, paved street, \ near car line, $2,860; $250 ■ ; cash; balance $27.50 per mo. ! 6 rooms, modern, garage for • two cars, south front, paved ; street, $3,750; $300 cash, bal- :; ance $30 per month. E. M. DAVIS REAL ESTATE : We. 6178 1702 North 26th St. 1 j “The Fire in 1 The Flint” I! I v The Great Race Novel of the Day x | By :: £ WALTER F. WHITE f | 5: A i » A i » X A thrilling story depicting race conditions in thi . \ X South. ! X <» y Critical book reviewers pronounce it a master- •• $ piece. y £ Should be read by EVERY AMERICAN, Black f or White. X X I | $2.50 A COPY | X 4 ! i | For Sale by The Monitor and the Omaha Branch | of the N. A. A. C. P. I 4 " J, | Do You Take a Race Paper? | g Subscribe Now for 1 | The Monitor • 1 $2.00 a Year j 5= gg MlUlllttlllllllllllll!IHIIIIIIIIIIIIillllll!lllllllllllllll!llllliiilllllllllll!l!!lllllllllllllllllllllllll1!!!lllllllllllll!IIIIIIIII!lilllllllllin^ ❖ ❖ * £ EPISCOPAL | i£ Church of St. Philip the Deacon £ Y 21st near Paul Y Y Y A Rev. John Albert Williams, Rector A A A £ SUNDAY SERVICES £ ♦> 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion ♦♦♦ | 10 a. m. Sunday School | Y 11 a. m. Sung Eucharist With Sermon Y ♦> 8 p. m. Service and Sermon ♦♦♦ X X £ The Church With a Welcome £ Y i Y £ and a Message, Come X ❖ ♦> Y ❖. ♦> *t*