The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, March 20, 1925, Page FOUR, Image 4
LOOK HERE FIRST! LOOK!! LOOK!!! Classified Negro Business and Professional Directory These Firms Can Supply Your Needs and Respectfully Solicit Your Patronage i BARBER SHOPS CENTRAL BARBER SHOP. J. H. Russell, proprietor, 1924 Cuming St., at 20th. First class service. BAGGAGE AND HAULING J. A. GARDNER’S TRANSFER. Bag gage, express, moving, light and heavy hauling. Reliable and com petent. Six years in Omaha. 2622 Maple Street. Phone WEbster 4120. BEAUTY PARLORS MADAM ANNA E. JONES TUBBS. Scalp and hair treatments. For good and quick results call WEbster 5450. 1712 North 25th Street.—Poro. MADAM A. J. AUSTIN, Beauty Cul turist. Manufacturer of Denova hair preparations. Parlors 1411 No. 24th Street. Phone WEbster 5122. Hours 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. MADAM CORA L. OWENS, Author ized agent of Mme. C. J. Walker Company. Gives scientific scalp treatments at the “Snow White Beauty Parlor", 2403 North 29th St. WEbster 2361. MADAM Z. C. SNOWDEN. Scientific scalp treatment. Hair dressing and manufacturing. 1154 No. 20th St. WEbster 6194. MESDAMES SHEELY AND GRAY BEAUTY PARLOR. Scientific hair and scalp treatments. French sys tem. Hair oils and beauty prepara tions for sale. 1705 North 24th St. Phone WEbster 2763. MADAM WILLIE DIXON, 2426 Blondo street. WEbster 6153. Poro hairdressing, facial massage, Turk ish baths. Home comforts. BILLIARD PARLORS THE FRIENDSHIP BILLIARD PAR LOR. While on the troll stop in. The place for the gentleman. Fred English, prop.; Carl Frampton, manager. 1818 North 24th Street. Phone WEbster 0814. CARPENTERS YANCY W. LOGAN, carpenter and builder, 1628 North Twenty-second street. WEbster 0233. JESSE SNELL, carpenter and builder, 1920 North Thirty-sixth street. WE. 4630. CLUBS COLORED COMMERCIAL CLUB. 1514% North Twenty-fourth street. WEbster 1822. R. L. Williams, commissioner. Free employment bureau. General information. COAL DEALERS C. SOLOMON COAL AND ICE CO. At your service winter and summer. All kinds of good coal at prices to suit. Phones WEbster 3901 and 4238. DRESSMAKING and SEWING MRS. W. H. JOHNSON, 2701 Corby Street. Plain anil fancy sewing. Rates reasonable. WEbster 50.34. MISS ALLIE B. LEE, 2616 Corby Street. WEbster 0897. Dressmak ing and millinery done at home. MRS. A. BALDWIN. French system of fancy dressmaking and design ing. 2910 North 26th Street. Phone WEbster 0532. DENTISTS DRS. SING1ETON & SINGLETON, Dentists. 2411 North 24th Street. Phone WEbster 0256. DRUG STORES ROSS DRUG STORE, 2306 North 24th Street. Two phones, WEbster 2770 and 2771. W'ell equipped to supply your needs. Prompt service. THE PEOPLES’ DRUG STORE, 24th and Erskine Streets. We cam- a full line. Prescriptions promptly filled. WEbster 6323. FITPNTTTTRE S. W. MILLS FURNITURE CO., 1421 North 24th St. We sell new and second hand furniture. Call and see us before you purchase. We also bu'" second hand furniture. WEhster 0148 and 1664. GROCERIES THE SMALL STORE. 2514 No. 27th Street. A. H. Massey, prop. A full line of groceries, cigars, candy and staple goods always on hand. 1VE. 6052. HERMANN & KILLINGSWORTH, Twentv-fourth and Willis avenue. A full line of groceries and fresh vegetable at lowest prices. Let us serve you. WEbster 6915. “HOTELS PATTON HOTEL. 1014, 1016, 1018 South 11th St. Known from coast to coast. Terms reasonable. N. P. Patton, proprietor. THE HOTEL CUMMINGS, 1916 Cum ing St. Under new management. Terms reasonable. D. G. Russell, proprietor. laundries' THE WOODROW LAUNDRY, 2711 Charles St. WEbster 5579. Where satisfaction reigns supreme. Wet wash, rough dry, finished work and fine lace curtains neatly done. I ——-- . LAWYERS W. B. BRYANT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-Law. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block, 17th and Famam Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 2502. W. G. MORGAN—Phones ATlantic 9344 and JAckson 0210. H. J. PINKETT, Attorney and Coun selor-at-Law. Twenty years' ex perience. Practices in all courts. Suite 19, Patterson Block, 17th and Farnams Sts. AT. 9344 or WE. 3180. D. H. OLIVER, LL. B. Lawver. Graduate University of Nebraska. Practices in all courts. Jewell Bldg., 2221 No. 24th St. WEbster 0963 and WEbster 1209. NOAH W. WARE, Attorney and Counselor-at-Law. Practices in all courts. Bonds furnished reliable persons. 2731 Q St., fSo. Side). MArket 5354. Res. WEbster 6613. SCRUGGS & ADAMS, Lawyers. T,arge experience. Handle all law cases, 1516»4 No. 24th St. WE. 3567. Scruggs’ residence, KEnwood 2492; Adams’, WEbster 4084. — MEDIUMS MADAM M. M. HALL. Medium and healer. Member of the State Spir itual Association of Nebraska. 2511 Corby Street. NOTIONS MRS. L. ABNER. Notions and art istic work. 1419North 24th St., near Charles Street. PAINTERS AND PAPER HANGERS A. F PEOPTJdS. Painting and decor ating, wall paper and glass. Plaster ing, cement and general work. Sher win-Williams paints. 2419 Lake St. Phone WEbster 6366. PLUMBERS NEBRASKA PLUMBING CO. J. F. Allison, manager. Estimates fur nished. 2522 Lake St. Phone WE. 5846. REAL ESTATE L. C. BROOMFIELD, Real estate. We buy, sell and rent homes. Office hours all hours. 2425 North 24th St. WEbster 1091. A. W. ANDERSON REAL ESTATE CO., 1423 North 24th St. Houses for sale or rent in all parts of the city. WEbster 2075. Res. WEbster 1711. I G. B. ROBBINS, Real estate and in-1 surance. 20 Patterson Block, 16231 Farnam St. Office Phone JAckson 2842. RESTAURANTS PEATS RESTAURANT, 1405 North 24th Street. Where those who de sire good home cooking at reason able prices go. WEbster 0530. McGII.L & DAVIS CAFE, 2516 Q street. When in South Omaha visit us. Big meals from 25c up. MArket 2860. — Try LITTLE WONDER CAFE. The cheapest place to eat in the city. Quick service. Lunches sent to any part of the city. 1820 No. 24th St. Phone WEbster 5327. KING TUTT’S CHICKEN HUT. Fancy barbecue. Best service in town. All kinds of sandwiches. Open every day from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m. 2010 North 24th Street. P. Smith and C. Davis, proprietors. SHOE REPAIRING' . BENJAMIN & THOMAS always give satisfaction. Best material, reason • able prices. All work guaranteed. 1415 North 24th St. WEbster 5084. C. L. CURRY, SR., Cobbler. Shop in rear of 1520 North Twenty-sixth Street. Work called for and deliv ered. WEbster 3702. TAILORS M. LYNCH, Tailor and haberdasher, wants to ask a question: Why pay more for a misfit when you can have them made to fit? 1807 North 24th St. WEbster 2088. ROULETTE, Cleaners and hatters. Speciality cleaning and dyeing at reasonable prices. Suits made to I your individual measurement. 2720 North 24th. WEbster 1020. J. H. HOLMES, the reliable tailor who I gives satisfaction. Suits made to > order. Cleaning and repairing. 2218 North 24th St. WEbster 3320. ECONOMY TAILORS. Chas. M. Sim- ! mons, proprietor. We cut, make and trim. Suits to order, $38 and j up. 2 pants suits, $45 and up. All j work guaranteed. 1313 Dodge St. Business, JA. 3423 Res., WE. 6370. KEEP-U-NEAT, Cleaning, Dyeing and repairing. Work called for anil delivered. 1919 Cuming street. JAckson 1439. UNDERTAKERS^" JONES & COMPANY, Undertakers. 24th and Grant Sts. WEbster 1100. Satisfactory service always. H. A. CHILES & CO., funeral direc tors and licensed emfoalmers. Cour teous, efficient service in the last sail hour. 1839 North Twenty-fourth street. Phones, office WEbster 7133; residence WEbster 6349. WATCH IT ENLARGE _i For Rent_ ROOMS THREE and four room apartments for rent. Furnished or unfurnished, in modern home. 2724 Caldwell St. We. 0366. ROOMS for rent in modem home, rent reasonable, 2724 Caldwell St. We. 0365. FOR RENT—Six 3-room apartments with city water, bath and electrici ty in each apartment. Apply to Alfred Jones, 1322 Dodge street. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms, 2536 Patrick avenue. Two blocks from car line. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with or without board. 2724 Caldwell St. V. Ebster 0365. FOR RENT—Furnished room for one or two gentlemen. 2619 Burdette. Mrs. Anna Kellog. FOR RENT:—Four room house at 2912 Erskine Street. Modern except heat. See owner evenings at 2870 Miami street, or telephoneWe. 4968. FOR RENT—I had 4-room modern apartments, 1647-1651 North 17th 9t. References required. Call at 164* North 17th 8b or phono ATlantis MO*. FCW UNT—Modern furnished rooms. Steam boat. Close in. On two ear lines. Mrs. Anna Banka, 1*4 North Twentieth street Jackson 417* FOB RENT—Light housekeeping rooms. 1 block from ear. All mod em eoavenienees. 1718 North Twen ty-fifth street WEbeter 5460—tf. If than arc 500 permanently em ploycd man in year city, organise a second mortgage company to hetp fi agaea their home linjrlnr end build ing activities. FOR RENT—Rooms with board. We. 1102. 2619 Decatur Street. 4t 3-13 FOR RENT—One front and one side room in modem home. Reasonable. WEbster 6789. 2414 Blondo Street. ROOMS FOR RENT—2407 N. 22nd St. Web. 2833. It FOR RENT—Three-room apartment. Upstairs. 2715 North Twenty sixth street. Mrs. Addie Burton. HOUSES HOUSE FOR RENT—3506 Burdette street. Five rooms. Modern. Call H. J. Kinney, Jackson 5506. FOR RENT—Two three room apart ments furnished. One block from car line. We. 0562. 2514 N. 31. It FOR RENT—Two three-room houses in good order. One $22.50 and one $28. 3117 and 3119 and 3117 Webstes street. Call at 3202 Webster street. FOR RENT—First class rooms, 2524 Patrick avenue. WEbster 1888. FURNISHED apartment with kitchen. Call evenings. We. 6975. 2216 No. 28th Avenue. (FURNISHED APARTMENTS For rent—2 and 3 rooms. WE. 4983 2130 No. 28th Street Help Wanted WAXTRD—Colored men to qaalifj tor stooping car and train porters. ■» perienee unnecessary, transpertattos furnished. Write T. McCaffrey, Supt, at. Uoula, lie. WANTED—A couple, man and wife man must be first class experienced house man and valet Woman must be a well trained cook, without children, splendid comfortable hom« for such a coupla Call on Mrs. T C. Byrne, 3607 Jackson St Miscellaneous AITOMO BILES COME IN! See some of our quality USED CARS. Hudson, Essex, Stu debaker, Fords. Large selection to choose from at prices from $100.00 up. OMAHA HUDSON-ESSEX CO., 20th and Harney Sts., Phone AT. 5065. Use DENTLO for the teeth. Large tube 2$«-—Adv. LOOK—Fine Social Stationery. Two hundred sheets and fifty envelopes printed with your name and ad dress. A dollar bill. Register Press. Hannibal, Mo. THOROUGHLY worthy used furni ture of every description is offered for sale at very reasonable prices in our warehouse, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 5 o. m. week days. 8th and Capitol Ave.—Orchard A Wilhelm MRS. Alberta Coles, 2422 Erskine St., We. 2360. Newly furnished rooms by day or week—strictly modern. Kitchen privileges. Our editors are accused of being sharp-eyed and cynical. The number of school lunches served daily is estimated at 5,500,000. BIG MONEY selling Everstrate to Colored people. Enormous demand. Sure repeater. Eaton, 2500 Second Avenue, Dept. 150, Birmingham, Ala. Don’t Fuss With Mustard Plasters Muster ole. made of pure oil of mus tard and other uJpful ingredients, will do all the work of ihe old-fashioned mustard plaster — without the blister. Musterole usually gives prompt rehef from bronchitis, tore throat, coughs, colds, croup, neuralgia, headache, con gestion, rheumatism, grains, sore mus cles, bruises, and all aches and pains. It may prevent pneumonia. All drug* gists-35c and 66c jarg and tubes— hospital sue |3. latw thaw a gsaifadph ' I The Vagrant ) -Move on !! Ah' " KEEP ON MOVING w* V p<mt — '(20UNP TOWN VA UNPER^TANP aw' that PON T meah ■ MAY 0E a __ ^——■————■— -x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x'-x-x-x ;l; EMERSON’S LAUNDRY f •j’ The Laundry That Suits All *j* •jf 1301 No. 24th St Web. 0820 If X"X"X"X“X**X~X"X“X"X"X*’X"X“ I HILL-WILLIAMS DRUG $ COMPANY | FOUNTAIN PENS—STATIONERY jt CIGARS and CANDY > Eastman Kodaks and Supplies V i 2402 Cuming Street X Telephone Atlantic 2524 HEADACHES caused by Indigestion, colds. grippe, fatigue or periodic *-xbaustlon sim ply vanish. Tou brace right up with rPaw*ra,1M) I They bring Instant relief, stomach 1 settles, nerves relax, entire syatens responds Perfect medicine for men or women, prevents nearly all sick- \ j nesa. 10c. All druggists. Millions \ treed yearly. They never fall. For mula on every pkg For a free trial write The Orangelne Chemical Co., ? L—iLSSISiJilLJ S*WATERS \ BARNHART PRINTING CO. Y*' ■ -JlJllllllimiimmmmiitiaiiiiiiimaiiiiiiaii | Do You Take a Race Paper? | I Subscribe Now for | * The Monitor . | $2.00 a Year -1 To Avoid Pyorrhea Use DENTLO PYORRHEA PREVENTIVE TOOTH PASTE j j 25c-2 oz. Tube Manufactured by Kaffir Chemical Laboratories (A Race Enterprise) OMAHA, NEBRASKA ASK FOR IT AT DRUG STORES TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE | Prescriptions i * A GRADUATE REGISTERED PHARMACIST Is in charge of our Prescription Department at all times. • ’ Your safety is guaranteed when you leave your prescriptions at our store. <! * - i • ( • Peoples Drug Store WEbster 6323 !! i >