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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (March 20, 1925)
Local and Personal Happenings . 1 we print the news while it is news ^ Webster 4243 1 ADDRESS BOX 1204 ... I E. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Peter Trust building, Jackson 3841 or Har ney 2166. Diamonds and jewelry loans, quid service, safe and reliable. Diamond T,oan Co. N. W, corner 16th and Chi cago. — Adv. The Waiters’ Association is now ir its new location at 2427 Lake street A formal opening will be held in the near future. It is the hope of the as sociation to have a closer relation among the members from a business, ocial and educational standpoint, '’omhership includes waiters at all the hotels, clubs, cafes and dining cars in the city. Mrs. Marv Shaw, mother of Mrs. George Tucker, 3417 Madison street, South Side, died March 3. Mr-Joseph Scott was called to Kan Citv, Mo., Monday to bury his n:'ce. Mrs. Nellie Onsley. Mrs. Herbert Pendegrass, nee Nona Welker, secretary to H. J. Pinkett, •ttornev. left Wednesday for Dallas, Tex., where she will rejoin her hus band anti reside indefinitely. Fayette Merritt of 925 North Twen ♦ y-fifth street, who has been suffer ing from a fractured knee cap, is get ting on well at St. Joseph's hospital, from which he expects to be dis charged soon. The Eureka Art Class met at the >■< 'dence of Mrs. Guy Wiley, 2923 Erskine street, Wednesday night. A three couse luncheon was served. The guests sprang a pleasant surprise up on the popular and gracious hostess by presenting her with a number of beautiful wedding gifts. The Phi Delta girls are arranging to give a scholarship at the Univer sity of Omaha next year to some de serving student. The Wednesday Bridge Lunch club met at the residence of Mrs. Eva Peoples. 2911 North Twenty-seventh street, last Wednesday. It was the Peter Tinsley Choral club that sang at Bethel’s anniversary Monday evening, March 9; Mrs. H. M. Reeves, organizer and director, and Miss Otis Watson accompanist. Mr. Carter was the tenor soloist. Mrs. Lewis New, 1822 No. 23rd -treet, is just recovering from a pro tracted illness. Mrs. New, although able to be up, is still confined to her home. Mrs. Joseph Drake, 1823 No. 23rd street, is at I<ord Lister hospital where she underwent an operation for ap pendicitis a few days ago. It is re ported that she may be out in a very * hort time. Miss Ernestine Singleton has been detained at home, 2628 Maple street, this week by illness. Mrs. Ashley Russell of Tulsa, Okla., is here visiting barristers, Mrs. L. C. Carter. 2222 North Twenty-ninth street, and Mrs. Herbert Pendergrass. Mitchell Phillips, a former resident of Houston, Tex., died at the Douglas county hospital last Friday night aft er a brief illness. William H. Newsome, who ha-' been quite ill at his home, 2417 Blondo street, for the past week is slowly im proving. Mrs. C. Whitley, who has been re siding in Quincy. 111., for some months has been recalled to Omaha by the illness of her mother, Mrs. George Duncan. Malcolm Scott, who has Iteen se riously ill for the past ten days is, steadily improving and hopes to be able to he out soon. Paul Moore, who entered St. Jos eph’s hospital lost week where he may have to undergo an ope#ation later, is getting on quite nicely. ED. E. MORE ARTY A ttomev-at-T ,e w Peters Trust Ruildintt NOTICE BY PUBLICATION Tn John Ellis defendant: Tnkr notice that there is now on file in the District Court of Doutrlas County. Nebraska, in an action in which TTellen Ellis is plaintiff and v„u, John Ellis. Is defendant, the pe-' tition of said plaintiff, the obiect and prayer of which petition and action are to obtain in favor <tf said plain tiff and against said defendant a de cree of absolute divorce, on the grounds of non-support. You are re ouired to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of April, 1025. HELLEN ELLIS, Plaintiff. Ed. F. Morearty, her attorney. 4t-8-20-26 I SPINGARN IS ELECTED HONORARY FELLOW OF UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH New York, March 20.—Professor J. E. Spingam, donor of the Spin gam medal and treasurer of the Na tional Association for the Advance ment of Colored People since 1!)19, has recently been elected an "honorary fellow" of the University of Munich, one of the largest and most important institutions of learning in Germany. The title is honorary and does not imply any official connection with the institution, being awarded for “dis tinguished work in literature, and interest in the university". Mr. .Spin gam joined the N. A. A. C. P. in 1910, just fifteen years ago, anti was chairman of its board of directors from 1913 to 1919, when he was ob liged to retire because of his tem norary absence in France with the A. E. F. Ml MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH 24th and Ohio Streets Rev. Geo. W. Day, Pastor. Church services were well attended all day and new life in every depart ment is evident. The Sunday School, J. 11. Lindsey, superintendent, has an enrollment of 85. There were two ad ditions to the church Sunday morning. 1'he various groups are enjoying a friendly rivalry. Mrs. Florence Beas ley’s group is leading. Money raised Sunday from all sources was $108.00. The church plans to begin building about May 1st. The trustee board gave a splendid banquet Thursday night. Mayor Dahlman was among the speakers. J. L. Betts and Kzra Hayes were in charge of the ar rangements. The various organiza tions will meet on their appointed days. N. W. C. A. NOTES The regular meeting of the Old Folks Home will be held Wednesday, April 1, at 10:30 a. m. The board meeting will be held Thursday, April 2, at 7:30 p. m. All members should be on time. Mrs. Florence Johnson will be the treasurer for the ensuing year. Different ministers of the city hold services at the Home every Sunday afternoon at four o’clock. Public in vited. » PATTON HOTEL GUESTS — Recent arrivals at the Patton hotel are O. G. Simmons, Cedar Rapids, la.; W. A. Sehell, Chicago, 111.; I,. Ash ton, St. Ix)uis, Mo.; G. C. Moran, Kan sas City, Mo.; J. Smith, Denver, Colo.; R. Johnson, Los Angeles, Cal.; G. Mar tin, Oakland, Cal.; G. Johnson, Lin coln, Neb.; J. White, Indianopolis, Ind.; V. Coffey, Kansas City, Kansas. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many friends for their kindness during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Mary Shaw, and especially Naomi Court No. 42. Mrs. George Tucker, daughter. Mrs. S. L. Arvin, and Mrs. S. L. Perkins, granddaughters. NORTHSIDE BRANCH Y. W. C. A. The committee on management met in their regular meeting at the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday, March 11. Devotion service wes led by the chairman, Mrs. Estella draig. Favorable reports were made from the various committees. Among one of the most interesting reports was from the Girl Reserve chairman, Mrs. Relle Riley. The Girl Reserve department is planning for a mother and daughter banquet in May. This affair is to be followed by a May festival the latter part of May. The Health Education committee, of which Mrs. Sadie Divers is chair man, is also planning a special line of work for spring. Miss Edna Stratton, the branch sec retary, made the assignment of din ner days to the chairman of the dif ferent committees. Miss Stratton al so read the by-laws for the North Side Branch to the board members in order to keep the rules and regula tions forever before them. The meeting adjourned to meet on April 8th, at the association, 22nd and Grant. At this meeting Mrs. Senora Wilkinson will lead in devo tion. YOUNG MEN GET OUT DIRECTORY Twenty-four enterprising young men, junior members of the Colored Commercial Club, have already print ed, ready for free distribution, what is conceded by sane and steady Om aha business men to be one of the greatest boosts for businesses for any group or race, a directory of all Ne gro businesses listed at the Colored Commercial Club. It is hoped, the distributing committee says, that 3,000 copies will be distributed by next Sunday night. “This work comes”, says the group, “to fill an imperative need. We wish the Colored population to awaken to their future possibilities by learning to patronize their own business men. We have c atalogued for their conven ience a very comprehensive list of racebusinesses.” FLOWERS AND CANS TO MEET IN ATLANTA! (Preston News Service) Atlanta, Ga., Mach 20.—Application j for admission to stage a twelve-round bout hpre between Tiger Flowers and ! Alletown Joe Guns, middleweight con- I querer of Jack Delaney, has been filed with the Atlanta Boxing Commission by Walk Miller, local matchmaker and I former manager of the Tiger, it was announced last Saturday. Dine at Leisure with Your £ J Friends at the j. Pacific Coney |! Island Cafe j! 2 Good, clean, wholesome meals % .■ like mother used to cook served .* £ at all hours. 2 / SERVIC E, QUALITY AND I" £ EC ONOMY OUR WATCH- % “■ WORD I; £ GEORGE ROUSIS, Prop. £ ■; 1601 North 24t(i St. £ iw.w/WMPywwww/w Madame C. Whitley Agent for South & Johnson’s t j: # :;: Magic Hair System I 28111 No. 28th St. Web. 3807 f h I f. Appointments at homes if desired X !: t _ I LET US PAY YOU Qcf0 ON SAVINGS I -We Treat You Right- J STATE SAVINGS * LOAN ASSOCIATION N. W. Carner 10th and jjwtlM Strati Banjtfru Keary; Bide. i [ Buy a Home! QUIT PAYING RENT! ! 1 have a number of bargains ■ I in homes, 5, 6 and 7 rooms, well ] located; am able to sell at $250 ! and up; balance monthly like ; rent. Here Are Some Bargains: 5 rooms, modern, paved street, ; near car line, $2,850; $250 ! cash; balance $27.50 per mo. ] 6 rooms, modern, garage for i two cars, south front, paved • street. $3,750; $300 cash, bal- : ance $30 per month. E. ML DAVIS REAL ESTATE We. 5178 1702 North 26th St. ! AFRICAN ALIEN EMIGRANTS EXCEED IMMIGRANTS _ Washington, D. C., March 20.—(Co lumbian Press Bureau.)—According to statistics compiled by the U. S. Bu reau of Immigration, 681 African aliens departed from the United States during the seven months’ period end ing January 31, 1925. This number is 154 more than 527, the number of African immigrants which landed in the United States during the same period. This showing indicates that African people are, to some extent, following the trend of the Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Croatian, and other peoples, whose tendency is to return to their homelands in greater numbers than those that are leaving; while the English, French, German and Mex ican people are flooding the gates of the United States for entrance. BUSINESS MEN HOLD MEETING The Negro Business and Profession al Men’s League held a very interest ing meeting last Thursday evening at the Colored Commercial Club rooms. The feature of the meeting was the adoption of a constitution. Next Thursday a new president is to be elected to succeed John Adams, who was ousted two weeks ago. mmmmmmmm—mmmmmm | The Brandeis Store j Y * «j« ;|; Begins Their Most Outstanding Sale of * j Silk Hose j I Thursday f I x £ All Full Fashioned at I ! 1.00 ' I X Y 1 | j A x Perfect Hose ? x | Some Irregulars :j: J New Colors •{• . X ? Square and Pointed Heels ? x X The Brandeis Store Main Floor t v Y ❖ x x'x-x*<“x»<“x~x'x*x***x*x***x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x"x~x”x** * ,, . . •{• Why Not Let Us Do Your £ SHOE REPAIR WORK £ Best material, reasonable prices. A £ ALL WORK GUARANTEED % X BENJAMIN & THOMAS % X Phone Web. 5084—1415 No. 24th * Phone WEbster 7000 LINCOLN REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE | COMPANY We Buy, Sell and Rent Houses. Wo Write All Kinds of Insurance. C. C. G A L L 0 WAY | MANAGER 2420 22 Luke St. Omaha, Neh. mmm—mmmmmmmmmmmam I Rush Action f | Required | '*• Our great Remodeling Sale will *|* ,( close in a few days. Buy fur- % niture, Rugs and Stoves now at .j. X one-third to onc-half reduced prices. Cash or easy payments. | | Gate City Furn. Co. | £ 520-22 North 16th Street 'k Y •*» , BUILDING — LOAN : ASSOCIATION 322 South 18th 6% Dividends Payable Quarterly Assets... $15,000,000 Reserve.... $460,000 Be Thrifty and Start a Saving* Account Today Thirty-six years of success in ! Omaha and Nebraska There are 769,647 school teachers, including 35,500 colored, of whom 9, 262 are in private schools. Of more than 335,000 grocery estab lishments in the United States, 6,400 are owned and operated by colored dealers. I* YOUR DRUG STORE j THULL PHARMACY PRESCRIPTIONS ! PROMPTLY FILLED •> •:• Phone WEbster 5876 21th and Seward Streets j •/ <“X-x->-x«X“:“X*<»x-:-:-:-x«:“XX-:-x-x-x-:-:-m-m~x-x~x-x X‘*X”X‘X*,X“X*v*X”X*v,X*v,X*,X,vv,X'*XMX**I**XMX,‘XMXMXt,X**X*^MXX*<* I “The Fire in j The Flint” | i I X The Great Race Novel of the Day $ Y _ f i y t i WALTER F. WHITE ;i i — f A thrilling story depicting race conditions in ths X X South. t X T J* Critical book reviewers pronounce it a master X ' piece. X J Should be read by EVERY AMERICAN, Black £ 5; or White. X I - X $2.50 A COPY £ f S i - I x < i X For Sale by The Monitor and the Omaha Branch £ £ of the N. A. A. C. P. £ ! £ X"X“X"i'-X"X">,X"X"X"X"X,,X”X";"X"X"X"X"X"X"X"X"X'>X"XiX-sX' I “EVERYTHING FOR the AUTO” NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, Inc. Phone Atlantic 5524 2051 Farnam Street I GOOD GROCERIES ALWAYS | C. P. Wesin Grocery Co. \ Also Fresh Fruits and Vegetables | 2001 CUMING STOEET TELEPHONE JACKSON 100* PATRONIZE THE STATE FORNITORE CO. | Corner 14th and Dodge Streets Tel. JACKSON 1317 . Headquarters D D IIIICIA' IA|f Phonographs | for DllUnvsiftvn Rod Records I I „ EXPERT BARBERS USE 1 j [ARROWAY) aMItHMMMMHHtMIMtllllMlllillltimillHIIIIIMimiltMIIIIHIIHIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIHIHU* f § 1 2 3 3 | GOOD LOOKING HAIR FOR EVERY MAN “Hair Velvet Creme” Make# hair lia straight, aaiootki gives beautiful gloss j nourishes,encour agee growth. Ueod by well-dreaaed, particular ■son and ftrst-clas* Bar bor Shop#. Arroway Elastic Hair Cap ARROWAY Hair Velvet Creme (Foe iltnj SOc Cap (For Men).*5c B*autificr.Me ARROWAYHair Grower and Beautifter (For Women) Me ARROWAY Smoothing Oil (For Women) Me FREE ^ *p Care of Heir end Skin THE ARROWAY 1 1413 Indiana Ava. Chicago. III. Dapt. 1 BEAUTIFUL HAIR For Every Woman Aristocrat of Toilst Praparotfossa Used by Best Dressed Women and High - Class Hairdressers ARROWAY PRODUCT# j Arroway Hair Grower and HaautiAar. . Arroway Smoothing Oil.. Arroway Sirin Beautifter. , ........ Arroway Hairvelvet Crema (For Mrt Arroway Elastic Cap (For Man). Agents Wanted EvsrprhefO FREE! Tha Baauty Baak I Com plot# itautr Cotar## wftA Diploma and D«*r#«. THE ARROW AT 3423 Indiana Avenue Chinasn. IMnah Dept. 2