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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 27, 1925)
Local and Personal Happenings - j ~ WE PRINT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS J. Webster 4243 I ADDRESS BOX 1204 ... i (-has. Solomon of the Solomon Coa and Ice Company has been confinei to his home for the last few day: with lumbago. Mr. Solomon, althougl yet ill, is able to be up and attend t< his business. Have you read “The Fire in thi Flint”, the thrilling race novel bj Walter F. White? It’s a story every body ought to read. Mrs. W. H. Mortimer has recently returned from the University hospi tal, where sHe was a patient for four weeks. She is improving very slowly at her home, 2716 Ohio Street. E. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Peters Trust building, Jackson 3841 or Har ney 2156. Mrs. E. Graham of 2927 north 27th Street has recently returned to the city from a six months stay in Casper, Wyoming, where she was visiting her cousin, Mrs. Haley. Mrs. Graham says Casper is very much on the boom. * Mrs.Andrew Johnson is quite ill at the home of her mother, Mrs. Edna McCaw, 2806 Ohio street. • _ Diamonds and jewelry loans, quick service, safe and reliable. Diamond I-oan Co. N. W. comer 16th and Chi cago. — Adv. Miss Teressa Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones, is still quite ill at the family residence. Miss Edna M. Stratton, executive secretary of the North Side Branch of the Y. W'. C. A. has been seriously ill for several days. Her mother has been summoned to her bedside from her home in Pittsburg, Pa., and ar rived Sunday night. BIG MONEY selling Everstrate to Colored people. Enormous demand. Sure repeater. Eaton, 2500 Second Avenue, Dept. 150, Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Russel Taylor seriously injur ed her foot Friday and has been con fined to her home as a result of her accident. She is however, improving. Mrs. Pearl Chess of 2882 Ohio St., and her two sons, William and Junior, left Wednesday for Brooksfield, Mo., where she was called by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Mary Bridget. Mrs. Henry Harrod of Chicago is here visiting her husband. They are stopping with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Ben I^ewis of St. Paul, Minn., are recent Omaha arrivals and are so well pleased with this growing and progressive city that they have decided to remain indefinitely. They are stopping at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Hicks, 2530 Maple street. The Girls Friendly Society of the Church of St. Philip the Deacon held a delightful Valentine Party at the Rectory February 14, the candidates’ group in the afternoon and the older girls in the evening. Miss Gladys E. Brown, a senior at the Nebraska University, Lincoln, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jusper E. Brown, 2883 Miami street. William Ford, a young colored man, and former high school student, has been employed as a claerk by the Brieff Grocery Store, 2702 Lake street. ♦> I Mrs. Jas. Kirby was given a birth I day surprise party, Thursday evening i February 19, at her residence 2203 i Grant St., by the members of Amelia ' level’s Tabernacle, No. 19, of which she is H. P. She Was the rercipient of many beautiful gifts. The affair was 1 sponsored by Mesdames Georgia Thomas and Alice M. Jones. Mr. Othello Rountree, well known in railroad circles, has been quite ill at his home, 1119 North Nineteenth street, for several days. Bethel A. M. E. Church will cele brate its third anniversary at St. John’s A. M. E. church, March 9. Robert S. Abbott, editor of the Chi cago Defender will be the principal speaker. Mrs. Ruby Evans Bowen gave a birthday surprise party at her res idence, Forty-third and Izard streets, Wednesday night in honor of Miss Lucilef Raymond. The Pepper Pot Club held a social1 meeting at the residence of Mrs. Moss on Tuesday evening, February 16. A very short meeting was held. The evening was spent in dancing. Miss Dorcas Jones entertained the club next Tuesday, February 24, at the same place. Mr, Nick P. Patton who was called to Topeka, Kans., by the death of a relative, returned Wednesday, accom-1 panied by his brother, John A. Pat ton, a well-known undertaker of In dianapolis, Tnd., who will he his guest for a few days. LABOR BUREAU REPORT FOR JANUARY ———— No Applying for work male Female Jan. 1- 5, . 62 21. 41 Jan. 6-10, .163 89. 74 Jan. 12-16, 196 92 104 Jan. 17-22, ... 168. 77. 91 Jan. 23-28, 102 62 40 Jan. 29-31, . .78 42 36 Totals 769 383 386 Total Placements. 61 Classification of Men Sent to Jobs: Cooks .-. 1 Janitors and Porters (Apt. etc.) .... 6 Firemen . 1 Handy-men . 10 Car-washers .-. 3 Bell Boys . 1 21 Of Women: House-maids . 14 Laundresses . 8 Waitresses ...."s. 3 Entertainers . 4 Housekeepers . 2 Day-workers . 6 Hotel-maids . a 40 Statistics concerning population and other matters are obtainable at the Club. Information given to Ex-Service men concerning Adjusted Compensa tion, etc. One to two hours a day devoted to filing applications for Ex-Service men. THE FOLLOWING ORGANIZA TIONS MET AT THE CLUB DUR ING JANUARY: 1. Pullman Porters’ Progressive Association. 2. Jr. Colored Commercial Club. 3. Executive Committee Ameri can Legion Roosevelt Post No. 30. 4. Executive Committee Colored Commercial Club. 6. Executive Committee N. A. A. C. P. 6. General Meeting American Le gion (Roosevelt Post.) 7. Pullman Porters Progressive Association. 8. General meeting Colored Com mercial Club. 9. Junior Colored Commercial Chib. 10. Pullman Porters Progressive Association. 11. American Legion Roosevelt Post. 12. Junior Colored Commercial Club. 13. Executive Committee Ameri can Legion. Respectfully, ALLEN JONES R. G. WILLIAMS President Commissioner Labor Bureau financed by Omaha Welfare Federation and Community Chest. Will appreciate to have you call Web. 1822 when in need of Col ored Help. DIED IN JOPLIN; BURIED IN " TOPEKA The body of Mrs. Rebecca White, who died at Joplin, Mo., Friday morn ing was brought to Omaha, Saturday morning en route to Topeka, Kans. for burial. The remains UI the de ceased were accompanied by her sis ter, Mrs. C. L. Wilson of 2617 Grant street, this city, who had been at her bedside for several days, prior to her death; Miss Sylvia McDamin, of Falls City, Neb.; Mrs. Florence Robinson, Topeka, other sisters of the deceased; N. L. Robinson, Rev. W. C. White, her father-in-law and W. L. Stone street, undertaker, all of Topeka. All of the persons here named and Mr. C. L. Wilson left Saturday night for Topeka where the funeral was held Monday. The deceased is survived by two children, Clarence, aged 7 and Lulu, aged 4, who will make their home here with their aunt, Mrs. C.1 L. Wilson. ' CARD OF THANKS May we take this opportunity to i heartily thank the Knights and! .Daughters of Tabor, Daughters of .Bethel, Household of Ruth, friends anil neighbors for their loving sym pathy and floral offerings during the short illness and sudden death of our husband and father, John W. Long. Mrs. Sina Long, wife. Rufus Long, son. Harry Long, son. H. J. PINKETT, Atty. Notice by Publication on Petition for Settlement of Final Administra tion Account. In the County Court of Douglas Coun ty, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Estate of Tom Teel, Deceased: All persons interested in said mat ter are hereby notified that on the 20th day of February 1926, Wade G. Morgan filed a petition in said County Court, praying that his final adminis tration account filed herein be settled and allowed, and that he be discharged from his trust as administrator, that a hearing will be had on said petition before said Court on the 14th day of March 1926, and that if you fail to appear before said Court on the said 14th day March, 1926 at 9 o’clock A M., and contest said petition, the Court may grant the prayer of said petition, enter a dectee of heirship, and make such other and further or ders, allowances and decrees, as to this Court may seem proper, to the end that all matters pertaining to said estate may be finally settled and determined. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 2t-2-27-25 County Judge. SHEET MISIC HI YOU SHOULD HAVE COME IN and HEAR THEM Peter Pan End of the Road You're Just a Flower from an Old Boquet Show Me the Way Georgia Lullaby ORLY 25e EACH We also carry the largest stock of teachers’ material at lowest prices. Mail or ders receive prompt atten tion. Open a Charge Ac 1 count for convenience. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1514-16-18 Dodge Street Telephone AT. 1856 PIANOS Sold tl Hall Price Don't fail to attend the Bur gess-Nash and Oakford Music company closinu out sale of Pianos, Players and Musical merchandise, now going on at warerooms. Nearly $100,000 stock must he sold regardless of profit and on the unheard of terms of three to five years to pay. ('all or write at once to to obtain a bargain of a lifetime. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. 1514-16-18 Dodge Street Telephone AT. 1856 “EVERYTHING FOR the AUTO” NATIONAL ACCESSORIES, Inc. Phone Atlantic 5524 2051 Farnam Street I GOOD GROCERIES ALWAYS Jj C. P. Wesin Grocery Co. Also Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 2001 CUMING STOEET TELEPHONE JACKSON 1098 | ❖ X x I EPISCOPAL • / I j: Church of St. Philip the Deacon | I 21st near Paul X Y . X Y Rey. John Albert Williams, Rector «$» y ^ | SUNDAY SERVICES £ | 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion X 10 a. m. Sunday School •j* 11 a. m. Sung Eucharist With Sermon X 8 p. m. Service and Sermon y y )* *1: The Church With a Welcome i X and a Message, Come X i f y V I I rrrrrrrrivivivivivwivivrivivnvrmi-ivfrrrrm I Announcement I In order to better serve our many customers we £ wish to announce the opening of a well equipped store £ on Twenty-fourth street near Burdette. We carry a £ full line of fresh, wholesome dairy products at all ^ times at prices that are sure to please. 1* J. F. Taylor Dairy Products 2116 North 24th^Street £ :: WA'AVWWAV.V.VAV.VAVAV.'.V.V.VAV.V.V.V.V.V.*.. \ The Brandeis Store \ l Oh Man! Here’s News i J Friday and Saturday £ \ Great Sale ^ I of v I ^ Men’s All ^ | Wool Suits £ j $10 j Values to $25 £ 5 SIZES for REGULARS, J J SLIMS AND STOUTS \ J BASEMEN T A R C A DE £ WAWA’AVWA-WAVAWAV.VAVAV.'AVAVA'.VAW/A J ■ i — "i Special Announcement ALFRED JONES « whose 37 years residence and business relations here have given him, a wide acquaintance, announces that in connection with his catering business he has opened an up-to-date Employment Office specializing in the furnishing of reliable COLORED HELP to the employing public of this city and sur rounding territory. It is his intention to do everything within his power to secure employment not only for Cooks, Waiters, Maids, etc., but also for Mechanics, I Day Laborers, Janitors, Paper Hangers, Painters and indeed any class of honest and gainful occupations ; which our people may apply to him for. If in need of a job, apply to him and he will do his honest l)est to place you. ALFRED JONES Catering and Employment Office 1322 Dodge Street ATlantic 9547 ; j “The Fire in The Flint” II 4 ► t < » i» o The Great Race Novel of the Day 4 ► fiy ;: WALTER F. WHITE 4 » 4 » 4 » A thrilling story depicting race conditions in ths !! ;; South. ;; V 4 ► ! Critical book reviewers pronounce it a master- ;; piece. !! «. Should be read by EVERY AMERICAN, Black i’ I or White. ;; $2.50 a copy :: For Sale by The Monitor and the Omaha Branch - of the N. A. A. C. P. A V I N C SB -We Treat You Right- | STATE SAVINGS * LOAN ASSOCIATION f B iiilii11^1:1 PATRONIZE THE STATE FHRNITIHE CO. Corner 14th and Dodge Streets Tel. JACKSON 1317 Headquarters DDIIIIdllld^V Phonographs for DHUIVOn Ivn and Records I REID-DUFFY PHARMACY I Get Our Prices | 24th and Lake Streets Phone WE hater 0909 ; .■:-X-M-»W»:-*<"H»frW44»OW»>»*»W»4»44444t444«4«»* iiiiiiHitiiMMiiHMMmiiiimiiiimimiiiiiitimiiiiiiiiiitiHiimiimitiiniimimiini:: M EXPERT BARBERS USE' I ARROWAY) a | 3 3 GOOD LXX>KING HAIR FOR EVERY MAN “Hair Velvet Creme” Make* hair lia straight, aanooth; gfvas baautifful gloss} nourlahai.aneour •f»a growth. Uaael bjr wall-d raaaad, particular mr and A rat-class Bar b« Ar,H:rr,,cK.,;•,‘, ***°WAV Kiir Velvet Creme (Fee AaaoWAV Heir Grower and Bnnutiiar (Far Women) Ma ARROWAY Smoothing oil (Foi Women) Ma _ . FREE Boole an Cara of Hakr and Shin THE ARROWAY 3423 Indiana Ava. Chicago. III. Dent. 1 L————.iiiiimieii.J i BEAUTIFUL HAIR 1 For Every Woman l THE Aristocrat of Toilet Used by Beat Dreaaed Wetmmn amd High - Clatt Hairdrmtjmrm ARROWAY PRODUCTS Arroway Hair Grower and Beau titter... Me Arroway Smoothing Oil . .M» Arroway Skin Beautifter. . . . . . ., ..Ml Arroway Hairvelvet Creme (Foe Mk#.. Ma Arroway Elastic Cap (For Mam}. .Ml Agents Wanted Evysliwt FREE! Tke Beauty Book Complete Beauty Caves sBb Diploma and Degree.#MB THE arroway 3423 InditH Araaaa CUftp. ISuh Dpi. t 1. ' .