E. F. More arty, Lawyer, 700 Peters Trust building, Jackson 3841 or Har ney 2156. Miss Goldstein of Minneapolis, Minn., is the house guest of Mrs. Clara Williams, 2823 Burdette street. Miss Teresa Jones, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Jones, has been con fined to her home the past week by illness. f Valentine mask ball Monday even ing, February 16, Dreamland Hall, Melody Five.—Adv. - < Mrs. Eva HawkiiiB and Mrs. Gladys Walker and infant daughter of St. Louis, Mo., are the guests of their par ents, the Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Williams, 2414 Binney street. The Rev. William Romans of Atchi son. Kans., is in the city conducting evangelistic services for the Rpv. J. A. McF*arlane. BIG MONEY selling Everstrate to Colored people. Enormous demand. Sure repeater. Eston, 2500 Second Avenue, Dept. 150, Birmingham, Ala. Mrs. Robert Johnson has returned from Chicago to her home in Lincoln where she was called to attend the , funeral of her aunt, Mrs. Candace Aus tin, who died there February 2. The funeral was held from Ebenezer Bap tist church of which she was a mem ber, the Rev. Chas. H. Clark, I). D., officiating. Valentine mask ball Monday even ing, February 16, Dreamland Hall, Melody Five.—Adv. 1 Mr. Theodore Lowery is a sopho more “Dent” at Ceighton university. - i Mr. H. K. Perry who has been a res- | ident of Omaha for the past seven ( years left the city for Kansas City, | Mo., Sunday, where he expects to re- ; main indefinitely. - _ 1 Diamonds and jewelry loans, quick , service, safe and reliable. Diamond ( Loan Co. N. W. comer 16th and Chi cago. — Adv. Miss Florence Jones, a senior at Central High school, has received her < *0 in athletics for membership on the i Girls’ Volley Ball team and has also I been elected to membership in the < FYench club. ■— t Mrs. William Austin was called to ( St. Joseph, Mo. Sunday by the death t of her brother, Joseph Hockley. Valentine mask ball Monday even ing, F’ebruary 16, Dreamland Hall, Melody F'ive.—Adv. ATTENTION, I)R. PINTO A fine nine and a half pound daugh ter was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Preston Sunday morning. Mr. Pres ton is employed at the Waters-Barn hart Printing Company which holds a good record of births among its em ployees, seven children having been born to employees within the year. ROOSEVELT POST AMERICAN LEGION ENTERTAINS AT SMOKER The rooms of the Colored Commer cial Club were crowded last Friday night for a smoker given by the Theo dore Roosevelt Post No. 30 American Legion. It was a lively and enthusi astic gathering. Guests from Omaha and South Oma ha Posts and from the Disabled War 1 VeteranB were present as also rep- j resentatlves of The Monitor and the New Era. Edward W. Killinsworth, Post Com mander, introduced Dr. John Andrew Singleton as master of ceremonies. Excellent speeches were made by John Kilmartin and Commissioner John Hopkins, city commissioner and acting mayor, of Omaha Post; Dr. Swoboda of South Omaha Post; Mr. Watts of the Disabled veterans. Other speakers were the Rev. John Albert Williams, Count Wilkinson and Dr. W. W. Peebles. At the close of the speechmaking refreshments were served. Eight new members Joined the post bringing the membership close to the half hundred mark. This is a decided gain, since only a short time ago it numbered less than 20. Every ex-service man is urged to join. OMAHA BRANCH N. A. A. C. P. TO HAVE VERY INTERESTING DEBATE SUNDAY AFTERNOON The Omaha Branch Qf the N. A. A. 2. P. will meet next Sunday afternoon it 4 o'clock at the North Side Branch rf the V. W. C. A., Twenty-second and Jrant street and will hold an inter rsting debate to which the public is ■ordially invited. The subject is "Re tolved, That the Negro Is Taking Ad vantage of His Opportunities”. The iffirmative will be supported by the lev. Russel Taylor and Mrs. Frederick Mvers, and the negative by Henry W. 31ack and Mrs. Senora M. Wilkinson. *EW SUBSCRIBERS TO THE MONITOR THIS WEEK Among the new subscribers for The donitbr this week are the following: drs. S. A. Bragg, 2130 North Twenty ugth stree*; Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, !6H Seward street; Mrs. A. Fisher, !020 North Twenty-fifth street; Miss Meta Camplin, 2007 North Twenty ifth street; Mrs. b. Sweeny, 2431 Pa rick avenue; Mrs. John McCree, 2919 lurdette street; Mrs. Clara Williams, 1823 Burdette street; Mrs. Rebecca lichey, 2819 Burdette street, and Mrs. ,. Clark, 2807 Burdette street. Thank 'ou! Help us put The Monitor in very colored home in Omaha! 1LLEN CHAPEL A. M. E. CHURCH Allen Jones, president of the Col red Commercial Club, gave a helpful ddress to the I^eague. Rev. R. E. Swing preached at night. Next Sun ay morning the pastor will preach on Demon Activity”. The Juvenile choir nd orchestra furnishes music at the vening service. Mesdames Suda Gray] nd Malisga Carter are on the sick j ist. LINCOLN NEWS AND COMMENT Frederick Holcomb, aged 15 years, died at his parents home, 1942 Vine street, Sunday morning after a brief illness. It is sad to think of a young man, who had graduated from the grade schools recently, preparatory for the high school, and hag been cut short of his career in the world. Fred erick leaves as survivors his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Holcomb; a sister, Mrs. Hazel Dean; two brothers, Ray, who is employed at National Bank of Commerce, and a baby brother. The funeral wag held at the A. M. EL Church Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. Rev. M. C. Knight officiating. We extend the family heartfelt sympathy in their hour of bereavement. Adam Loving is reported on the mend. Those reported on the sick list are: Mrs. Blossom Williams, 242 South Nineteenth; Mrs. Fanny Young, 1316 Washington; Mrs. Lulu Abner, 441 North Twenty-fourth, and several others. J. T. Wright was confined at home this week with la grippe. _ 0 Rev. H. W. Botts returned home Saturday from Plattsburg, Mo., where he preached at the funeral of Mrs. Mary Jackson, sister of Mrs. Alma Wi ley. Mrs. Jackson died in Chicago and was brought to the home of her parents for burial. The Utopian Art Club will give a Oeorge Washington program and en tertainment at Mt. Zion Baptist Church Monday February 23rd. Islam Court No. 43 has announced a popularity contest and entertain ment for April 1st at Masonic hall. Mrs. Alma Wiley returned home Monday from Plattsburg, Mo., where she attended the funeral of her sister, Mrs. Mary Jackson, at their mother’s home. Wilber R. Clark is reported on the mend. Rev. C. R. Robb of the Newman M. E. Church calls the attention of the folks to come and see them. Rev. Mr. Farley of the Refuge Bap tist Church is striving to build up his congregation by preaching sound doc trine to them. Sunday services were largely at tended at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. The Buds of Promise had a successful meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Mosley. Mrs. J. T. Wright, in charge of Saturday Night Serving Club is serving delicious meals at the church during this month. Alice Terry and Ramon Novarro in “The Arab” at the I^ake Thea tre Tuesday and Wednesday Important Announcement The Schrnoller & Mueller Kano Company take pleasure to in form the public that they have purchased Burgess-Nash and Oakford Music Company’s entire stock of Pianos, Player Pianos, Phonographs, Band and Orchestra Instruments, Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Strings, Sheet Music and Musical Merchandies of every description. These two immense stocks have been moved to our warerooms, 161-16-18 Dodge Street, and are now on sale at Half Price and Low est Terms. We take this opportunity, to ‘cordially welcome Burgess Nash and Oakford patrons to make our store their headquarters and open a charge account for convenience in shopping. Schmoller & Muellor Piano Co. LARGEST AND OLDEST PIANO HOUSE IN THE WEST 1514-16-18 Dodge Street A ’4^ T*. A 4 *»* »«▼ f ❖ x x £ EPISCOPAL X | Church of St. Philip the Deacon £ Y 21st near Paul Y X X , Rev. John Albert Williams, Rector & SUNDAY SERVICES 1 y y Y 7:30 a. m. Holy Communion y A 10 a. m. Sunday School X X 11 a. m. Sung Eucharist With Sermon X ♦♦♦ 8 p. m. Service and Sermon ♦♦♦ X X The Church With a Welcome £ X and a Message, Come X Y Y Y Y Y Y ♦♦♦ | Lustgarten Brug Ce. \ X 2701 Q Street | X Ma. 3435 I - I j; PROMPT, COURTEOUS f{ £ SERVICE X £ FREE DELIVERY X | | X We treat ’em all alike X m ▼ •x** umiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu I D.H. Oliver, LL.B. i LAWYER E Graduate of University of E = Nebraska E E Disabled Veteran of World E E War. | 1 PRACTICES IN ALL E | COURTS—.STATE E AND FEDERAL E Titles Examined — Estates E E Administered—Collections i = Quiet Adjustment Out of = E Court a Specialty | Jewell Bldg, 2221 No. 24th | E Phones, Office, Web. 0963; E | Res., Web. 1209 § niiiimiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiin wwwwywwwwwww £ LAMBERTON HAT & J J NUBONE CORSET SHOP £ |j Hats Cleaned, reblocked £ jl and remodelled to order jj C 2511 North 24th Steet \ C Phone Webster 6028 i FRANKLIN SHOE HOSPITAL We repair from fifteen to twenty pairs of shoes every day. Our machinery is always busy, but never too busy to serve you. Our machinery is never out of shape. We break four knives a week on leather we put on your shoes. ALL WORK GUARANTEED OR NO CHARGE 15 2 7 NORTH 24th STREET Work done while you wait plllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllM ! | First Appearance jl | in Omaha | | Mrs. Charlotte | | Wallace Murray j Ep Famous New York | Contralto jj H Auspices H § Roosevelt Post No. 30 |; | American Legion | j — 4 | Thursday, | | March 26th ( g St. John’s A. M. E. Church gj H 22nd and Willis Ave. ee | Admission 50c 1 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllM i- ) ■ ■ la ■ ■ ■ N ■ « I ■ s l....... I LET US PAY YOU ^oJQ ON SAVINCS -We Treat You Right STATE SAYINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION | The Hotel Cumings £ £ 1916 Cuming Street *|* A UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT V i: £ x t This centrally located hotel is now in charge of A D. G. RUSSELL £ f - T 4* V TERMS REASONABLE A ❖ A I; “The Fire in The Flint” |; The Great Race Novel of the Day I By ;; WALTER F. WHITE * 4 ► • 4 * ► _ 4 * * I; ► . A thrilling story depicting race conditions in ths I! I South. * ] | ; Critical book reviewers pronounce it a master- Arroway Elastic Cap (For ilea).9m Apart ta Wanted Itn|wAwa FREE! Tha Banuty Book Camplata Banuty Cauraa akb Diploma and Dapraa.BMI THE ARROWAT 342) Indiana Aaanaa CAIaapa. NMnafc Dapt. 2