[Local and Personal Happenings » g WE PRINT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS f. Webster 4243 1 ADDRESS BOX 1204 ... | E. F. More arty, Lawyer, 700 Peters Trust building, Jackson 3841 or Har ney 2156. Mrs. J. F. Owen of 2702 Miami street returned Wednesday from an extended trip east where she visited relatives and friends. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Hutten reurned to Omaha last Saturday after a year's absence from the city, spent in Los Angeles, Calif. Their many friends are glad to welcome them back. A. P. Scruggs, lawyer, 312 South Thirteenth street, over Pope’s Drug Store. Atlantic 7812. Kenwood 2492. —Adv. Otis Sheldon will leave next week for Iowa City, la., to enter the 1'nl versity. Miss Gladys Brown returned Sun day from a vacation spent In Atchison, Kalis., St. Joseph, Ah)., and Chicago. She left Wednesday for Lincoln to resume her studies at the university where she is a senior. Grand Emancipation Ball at Krug's Park, Monday Evening, September 22. —Adv. Mrs. Vernon Birch of Mexico, Mo., arrived in the city Sunday morning to spend the week with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. J. W. Alexander. Mrs. Itirch was formerly Oletha Alexander. Mrs. Essie Starks gave a ten o’clock breakfast Sunday morning for Miss Susie Scott and her house guests, Mr. Tom Mason and his sister, Ella Ala son. Covers were laid for ten guests. Grand Emancipation Ball, Krug’s Park, Monday evening, September 22. —Adv. Mrs. Ida M. Edwards and her moth er, Mrs. Georgia Jackson, left Omaha Alonday evening, September 15, for Denver, Colo., en route to Kansas City to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Joseph LaCour and her mother, Mrs. Blackburn, have returned from a pleasant visit to .Montreal and New York City. En route they visited St. ] Paul, Minn.; Buffalo, N. Y.; Niagara Falls and Toronto, Can. Messrs. John Pegg and Henry j Smith returned Saturday night from a pleasant vacation spent in Chicago whither they motored to visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Webster, mother of Mrs. A. j Hicks, passed away Monday night ! after a long and very painful illness. Mrs. Shipman and daughters, Thel ma an dMadeline, returned from Rapid City, S. Dak., where they have been for the summer. “Dentlo,” the tooth paste you ought to use.—Adv. FOR RENT—Room in private home, strictly modern, near two car lines. Phone WEbster 1624.—4t-9-19. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Haynes and small son returned Monday morning from a an enjoable vacation spent in Pittsburg, Pa., and Washington, D. C. Grand Emancipation Hall, Krug’s Park, Monday Evening, September 22. ' —Adv. NEATI.Y furnished apartment for rent or for sale, 1219% South Six teenth street. Jackson 1478.—3t-22. __ ! SOUTH SIDE NEWS A musical tea given at Allen Chapel Monday evening proved to be one of the grandest affairs of the season. Mrs. Sarah Jones under the tutorship 1 of Madam Divers has developed so | rapidly as an artist that she is now being styled the “Black Pattie” of Omaha. The musical part of the pro gram was directed by Madam Divers. There was a large, appreciative audi ence that expressed as being pleased beyond their fondest dreams as to the high class nature of the entertainment and the moral inspiration it left upon the minds of the people present. Mrs. Ida Riddles is the president of the club that gave the entertainment. Mrs. Rachel Caldwell of Cleveland, O., who came to the city to attend I the funeral of her mother, Mrs. Quiu ny Baldwin, who died very suddenly last week, was a visitor at Allen Chapel Sunday. Miss Elsie Carter has a nice class of pupils in music, If our girls will prepare themselves there will he a way opened for them to apply them selves. We South Siders are proud of Elsie. Backed by Over Half a Century of Success in the Treatment of Catarrh and Catarrhal Conditions Sold Everywhere Tablets or !! i::: x x j; X x:: x x x x x x x x x::;;;;x;; FANCY SHOES for CHILDREN AT COLTON’S 1714-16 North 24th Street Corner 24 th and Clark :: x x X X,X X*XX X x x :: x x x x x x x x x x x x W. B. BRYANT, Att’y. PROBATE NOTICE In the Matter of the Estate of Bertha Dixon, Deceased. Notice is Herey Given: That the creditors of said deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, be fore me, County Judge of Douglas County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said County, on the 21st day of November, 1924, and on the 21st day of January, 1925, at 9 o’clock A. M., each day, for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 18th day of October, 1924. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 4t-9-19 County Judge. LEGAL NOTICE To CLEVE WARDEN, NON-RESID ENT DEFENDANT You are hereby notified that on the 27th day of .May, 1924, Dora Warden filed a petition in the District Court of Douglas county, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer of which are to obtain a divorce from you on the ground of desertion. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 20th day of October, 1924. DORA WARDEN, plaintiff. Per W. B. BRYANT, Attorney for Plaintiff. 41-9-12-24 ED. F. MOREARTY Attorney-at-Law 700 Peters Trust Building NOTICE OF SERVICE BV PUBLICATION To HARRY KINO, NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANT: You are hereby notified that Winona King, your wife and the plaintiff here in, filed her petition in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, June 9th, 1924, to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of non-sup port. Y'ou are required to answer said petition on or before October 10th, 1924. WINONA KING. 4t9-l-12-24. EAT AT PEAT’S 1405 and 1710 North Twenty-fourth Street Food Fine-Prices Ri. >A A .♦. >. J*. A A ,4. >. . V V V V V V V V % % V V ♦ % ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ V V V V ♦ V ♦ V V V V ♦ V V V ♦ V V V V V ♦ ♦ V V V V V V V V V ♦ ♦ 10,000 PEOPLE WILL Bt THERE 15th Emancipation! ! CELEBRATION! t at the Beautiful KRUG PARK A ♦ t ? ? ? ? X Amusements I of All Kinds v t f f f - ? f | By SL John’s :f A.M.E. Church ? ? f t f f Y| $ t I Best of Speakers ❖ ❖ f ❖ - t Y t , Old Fashion | Barbecue | t X Y Y X on the Historic Date X | MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd | Rev. W. C. Williams, Pastor C. A. Burnette, Sec’y f ^ - *4^ I The Brandeis Store Just a Few of These Fine Console Phonographs left for the Second Week of the Big Sale Each Instrument Is Equipped with Special Radio Arm If you ever wanted a Con sole Phonograph come in and select one of these 100.00 models on sale at 59.50 TOMORROW Pay 5.00 Down Then pay the balance on our Easy Time Payment Plan— Play as You Pay Phonograph Department Main Floor—IVi-at | ! SEEDS | : OF KNOWN QUALITY I ► i ; . 1 t‘ Flower, Grass aiid Garden •{• Seeds | {• Bulbs, Hardy Perennials X Poultry Supplies $ £ -See Us for Your- X «! Fresh Cut Flowers $; £ Always on Hand | Stewart’s Seed Store | | 119 No. 16th St.—Opposite £ £ Postoffice — JA ckson 9977 $ I. LEVY DRUGGIST DRUGS, DRUG SUNDRIES. CIGARS, CANDY AND SODA Let us deliver you a pint of our Famous Malted Milk In sanitary Seal-TIte bottle, 20c. Made Fresh. Web. 5802 24th and Decatur Why Not Let Us Do Your SHOE REPAIR WORK Best material, reasonable prices. ALL WORK GUARANTEED BENJAMIN & THOMAS Phone Web. 5084—1415 No. 24th EMERSON’S LAUNDRY $ Y The Laundry That SuitB All A X 1301 No. 24th St. Web. 0820 $ "!«X”X"X“>.X":“X“X"X..X“>X'<:“M Bonds Furnished to Reliable Persona NOTARY PUBLIC IN OFFICE PHONES: Res. Web. 6613; Office, Market 5354 Res. 2863 Blnney St. NOAH W. WARE ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW HOURS: 9 A. M. to 12:00 Noon; 1:» P. M. to 6:30 P. M. 2731 Q Street So. Sid Phones: — Office, WE. 3667; i Res., WE. 3888 £ \<> JOHN ADAMS \ 11 • Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law J j! Practice in all Courts, > ! | J State and Federal , ! ; : 1516 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. ' ’ 11 > ' --......... LE BRON a GRAY ELECTRICAL WORKS Expert Electrical Engineers j Motors, Generators, Electric Elevators Repairs, Armature Winding, Electric Wiring PHONE JACKSON 2019 116 South 13th St., Omaha rpHOROUGHLY worthy used furni ture of every description is offered for sale at very reasonable prices in our warehouse, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 6 p. m. week days. 8th and Capitol Ave.—Orchard & Wilhelm Co. __ j I A Good Place to Eat I THE BEE LUNCH SHOP 5c—SANDWICHES—5c I HOT DOGS HAMBURGER Car Service Given Special Attention FREE DELIVERY Web. 6930 24th and Grant 2220 No. 24th St. " t HILL-WILLIAMS DRUG «' $ COMPANY f{ FOUNTAIN PENS—STATIONERY {J £ CIGARS and CANDY j > A Eastman Kodaks and Supplies ' ‘ A 2402 Cuming Street ;; Advertise in The Monitor! New Rental | f Rates on the | Columbia Hall | X 24th and Lake X FROM ONE NIGHT TO SEVEN X ’< NIGHTS £ •{• One night, rent.$25.00 ’k •{• Two nights, rent . 40.00 -5 X Three nights, rent . 50.00 *:* •{• Four nights, rent . 60.00 X X Five nights, rent . 70.00 ❖ A Six nights, rent .. 80.00 X X Seven nights, rent . 85.00 •j. 30% discount to Lodges and X •j| Churches. Call Web. 7000, ask *| k C. C. GALLOWAY A X •{• One who knows values. X V .*• X”X";"X“X";“X"X"X"X”X"X“XhX j SUNDAY SPECIAL j *{* X £ LET US SUPPLY THE DESSERT FOR YOUR SUNDAY | | DINNER | £ Call Webster 632.3—ask for the Sunday Special | £ FREE DELIVERY 2 | ' I I I Peoples Drug Store | | 24th and Erskine Streets WEbster 6323 | -Vxkk*x~X“Xkk*xkk~xk*x~x~x~x~x-*x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x~x»*!> «:~X~X~X-X“X~X-X*<-X-X~X-X~X~X-X~X“X-X-X~X~X~X~X~X~X-X*<< *:* X | IT PAID HIM TO ADVERTISE |j £ One of the most persistent advertisers in the history £ *?• of success was Robinson Crusoe. He knew what he wanted •{• £ —and he put up an advertisement for one. He flung a £ shirt on a pole, at the top of his island, that, in the lan- £ iji guage of the sea, was plain to every sea-faring man. £ •{• The circulation was small—there was no other medium £ •{• but Crusoe kept at it, despite the fact that he got no in- !•! £ quiries for a long time. He changed his copy—as one £ garment after another was frayed out—and in the end got £ $ what he wanted. x ? Suppose Crusoe had taken down that signal after a £ time and declared—“Advertising doesn’t pay,” where would £ £ he and his story be now? ♦»; | Put up your signal and keep it there. Crusoe adver- £ | tised under very discouraging circumstances. You’ve got £ | a sure thing—it is only necessary to have the patience, £ | persistence, and pluck of Robinson Crusoe—and the good £ Ij! ship “Better Business” will soon tie up ’longside your pier. £ i —Baltimore Afro-American. % | '£ •X~X~X~X~X"X~X"X~X~X"X~X~X~X-X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~:'~x~x« I Advertising Talk 1 A hen is not supposed to have fs i Much common sense or tact, jjjp ; Yet every time she lays an egg |3 is She cackles forth the fact. |3 A rooster hasn’t got a lot S8 f Of intellect to show, But none the less most roosters have Enough good sense to crow. §3 The mule, the most despised of beasts, fc Has a persistent way jfe Of letting folks know he’s around g : By his insistent bray. §3 8 The busy little bees they buzz, fe Bulls bellow and cows moo, E The watch dogs bark, the ganders quack, The doves and pigeons coo. The peacock spreads his tail and squacks, §8 Pigs squeal and robins sing SS i P nd even serpents know enough ji ■ To hiss before they sting. % But man, the greatest masterpiece B * That nature could devise, ■ Will often stop and hesitate ■ pi Before he’ll advertise. || Merchants who are wise t • 5 And want our people’s trade 8j' Use THE MONITOR to advertise || ? And thus their fortune's made. *