SUMMER COLORS NOW ARE WORN BY OCEANS Preference for Blue With Foamy White Ruffles. Washington, D. C.—“The much-trav eled Atlantic is putting on its usual color show for the summer tourist, it is exhibiting a decided preference for blue, with soft foamy white ruffles. Sometimes it is wearing sage greens, \ deep Indigo, or royal purple. “Globe trotters will find the Mediter ranean and the Caribbean tricked out In sapphire blue, the Ked sea in vary ing shades of henna, the Yellow sea In beige and tan, the Antarctic in olive green and tlie shallows of the Gulf of Mexico in a soft turquoise,” according to a bulletin Issued from the Washington (L>. C.) headquarters of the National Geographic society. “In order to put on such a pleasing display of shade and hue, the seas have summoned to their aid many and varied hosts, notable among which are warmth and cold, sunlight and shadow, sand, silt, and possible vol canic dust, salt, lime, and various and '■ sundry kinds of diatoms and algae. “Absolutely pure water is a clear blue color because the blue rays of sunlight are not absorbed by the wa ter as the red rays are. Thus the open ocean seems intensely blue. Distilled water has a greenish cast due to the impurities which still re main after the distillation. This makes it clear why the shallow wa- j ter In bays and estuaries is green or yellowish green. One explanation of the olive-green of the ocean In the vicinity of the South pole is that ft contains enormous quantities of di atoms in suspension. When a Gray Gown Is Worn. “Sometimes the ocean wears a gray j gown, but that usually happens when the clouds shut out the sunlight and j then in respect for the griin aspect of the frowning skies It subdues the tones of its garment. "Two factors contribute largely to the blueuess of the Mediterranean; ! there are few large rivers, which or dinarily bring enormous quantities of Impurities, flowing into it. and there , is a constant stream of salty water pouring into it from the Atlantic ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar It Is said by some oceanographers that the blue of sea water bears a direct ratio to its saltiness. As an example of this the band of tropical waters ex tending about thirty degrees on each side of the equator, where there Is tremendous evaporation under a liluz lng sun, is cited. It is true that these | waters are very salty and an exquisite azure in color. On the other hand, the Arctic and Antarctic waters, which are cold and less salty,,are vivid green. “The Yellow sea derives Its golden tints from the sediment brought to it . by the Yellow river and several other streams rising near the desert areas !n western China. Scientists also be lieve that the billions of minute living organisms found in its waters helped give it Its name. A Yellow River in the Atlantic. "In January, 1909, a peculiar phe nomenon was observed in the Atlantic ocean. Running parallel with the warm clear blue waters of the Gulf stream from Cape Florida to Cape Hatterus, there was a yellow river three miles wide. It lasted for a few weeks and then faded away Into the surrounding ocean. Some cataclysm on the face of the deep, probably of volcanic origin, had evidently set this yellow stream in motion. “The dull reddish tint of the Red sea is Imparted to it by millions of microscopic algHe. A host of the min ute Dlnoflagellata sometimes will red den the ocean for miles. “The lovely blue of the waters sur rounding the coral Islands of the South seas, which have long been famous in song and story, Is said to he due to the calcium carbonate which is held in solution. “The degree of penetration of light into water is a contributing factor In the color of various bodies of water. The Saguenay river, a tributary of the St. Lawrence from the north, is somber and Impressive because Its wa ters seem almost black. It winds through high hills which shut out the light and its bed is cut 600 feet deep er than that of the river Into which It flows. “In 1901, the sea off the California coast turned almost black, the waters of Santa Cruz bay becoming particu larly Inky, but no satisfactory expla nation has ever been offered of the occurrence." * Dixie Court Say# Wife X * Still Owe* Obedience * * * * Montgomery. Ala.—The age- * £ old marriage vow containing the * * word "obey,” was given an In- J * terpretatlon with “teeth” hy the X j Alabama court rff appeals when ♦ * It upheld in effect the right of * * a husband to object to his wife’s * * employment of adventitious aids a j to her supposedly natural J * beauty. * Z It is the imperative duty of a Z * man’s wife to obey, the court * * held. The wife In question had J * curled her hair against the ex- J X pressed wish of her husband. J * In rendering the opinion, the J X court also decided It not only * was the right but the duty of * | the husband to fix the domicile jjj * of his children, Irrespective of J X the mother's wishes. w i^********************#*** JTEW8LETS (Lincoln News Serplce) Sixty per cent of the colored moaD itants of Illinois live in Chicago. The Steel City Industrial and Com mercial Association of Pittsburgh has purchased 110 acres of ground In Fay ette county, Pa., to be used as an amusement park. Pennsylvania has the largest colored SHBalttaifc! w’i.* SWEDEN CARES FOR WAYWARD CHILDREN New Law Requires State Be Given Their Custody. Stockholm.—Compulsory removal of wayward or depraved children from their homes into public custody, and subsequent supervision up to the age of eighteen, is provided for in u new law for the care of children which has just been passed by the riksdag. The law further provides fur public care of children who are found to be i exposed to undesirable influence and in danger of becoming depraved. Children removed from their homes j by government inspectors and matrons in compliance with this law are placed in government institutions, or in good private homes in the country, where j they receive expert training and can grow up in healthful surroundings. Social service of a similar sort lias been curried on in the cities of Swed- j en, especially Stockholm, for many [ years by municipal ami state boards. ! who place tile children in desirable j homes far out In the country, and pay an annual compensation to these homes. In many cases a strong bond ! of affection grows up between these waifs of the slums and their foster parents, which culminates in legal adoption. Under the new law every city and i parish will have a special hoard for the care of children, Including local pastors and teachers as permanent members, while inspectors will travel all over the country for the purpose of observing and controlling individ ual development. Thousands of coun try homes receive the poor children of the city as guests during the sum mer and send them back to their homes with cheeks round and rosy. Nation-wide and energetic philan thropic work also Is carried on by the Swedish soelety "Save the Children." the campaign culminating In an an nual Children's day, when large amounts are raised to provide sum mer vacations In children's colonies by the seaside, and in some cases on islands specially reserved. Philippines in Quake Belt, Scientist Warns Manila.—That Manila may at al most any time be visited by an earth quake such as destroyed Yokohama >ast September is the warning given by Father Roque Ruano. professor of physics and engineering in the Univer sity of Santo Tomas, who has just re turned from a visit in Japan, where he studied the effect of earthquakes in that country. “The Philippines lie in the same seis mic zone as does the earthquake re gion of Japan, and conditions in Ma nila are analogous In many respects to those found in Yokohama.” said Fa ther Ruano. “The same subsoil that is found In Yokohama is found here and building construction is practically Identical.” The professor recommends that a committee of geologists and scientist* study the earthquake regions of the Philippines and make a report In order to impress upon the people the neces sity of preparing for a severe quake at any time. Sing Sing Has Largest Roster in Its History New York.—Warden Lewis K. Lawes Is about ready to hang the "S. R. O.” sign on the Sing Sing door. With 1,447 state guests occupying these quarters, said to he the most choice of all the country's prisons, room is left for but a few more. It is the largest roster the penitentiary has had In eight years. The crowded condition will not af fect the persons now under Mr. Lawes’ supervision, but It will he hard on the offenders who are sentenced to Sing Sing from now on, for the trip will be continued from the Ossining establish ment to the less popular Clinton prison at Dannemora, where privileges are fewer, visitors rare and discipline com paratively severe. One Family Owned Land in Quebec Since 1629 Quebec, Canada.—The Arts, Science and Letters society recently sent a questionnaire to the various parishes of Quebec and Montmorency, seeking Information about old families. The results received were quite interest ing. One family, that of Ismael Be dard, remained on the same land at Oharlesbourg since 162P; the family of Hector Laliberte of St. Jean, Island of Orleans, is the largest in Montmo rency county, consisting of 20 chil dren, all living Joseph Gagnon Of St. Pierre, Island of Orleans, has the largest number of living descendants with 210. Special diplomas will be forwarded to these families by the so ciety. 6,000 Miles to Tie Knot San Francisco.—Anxious to keep a promise made to his son long before the boy was old enough to think seri ously of marriage, the Rev. Thomas Angus Morrison of Glasgow arrived here from Scotland to officiate at the wedding of the son, Oapt. Thomas Fraser Morrison, and Miss Margaret Mellersh. 600 Golf Balls in Lake Salt Lake City, Utah.—Six hundred or more golf halls were recovered by small boys when the artificial lake on No. 4 hole at Nlbley Park municipal golf links here was drained recently Hm youngsters donned bathing suits population of any northern state, ant is followed, in the order named, b: New York, Illinois, Missouri, New Jer sey, Indiana, Michigan and Kansas. There are 3,062 counties in the U. S Of the 148 colored farmers in Colo rado, 115 are owners. Mrs. Lena Watters Hall is organiz ing Citizenship Study Clubs among th< women of our group in Illllnola. 1 betrayed Their first conversation betrayed the fact that she was not fastidious AT a distance she had appeared i unusually neat, immaculate. But upon their first face-to-face meeting he discovered that her teeth were not clean. And he soon lost interest. So many people overlook this one matter of fastidiousness. And do so in spite of the fact that in conversa tion the teeth are the one most noticeable thing about you. Notice today how you, yourself, watch another person's teeth when he or she is talking. If the teeth are not well kept they at once become a liability. LUtoriuo Tooth Potto cloont tooth o mow wo*. At loot our ckomnti hapo ditcppprpj o pohlhiut imlroJioml I hot rooUy doom with out ttratchtnt tho onomoi o difficult prohiom fimulty tolvod. You wdl notice the improvement even in the first few days. And you know it is cleaning safely. So the makers of Listerine, the safe antiseptic, have found for you also the really safe dentifrice. What are your teeth saying about you today?—LAM BERT f’HAR MACAL CO., Saint Louis, U. S. A. LISTERINE TOOTH PASTE Large Tube—25 cents HEADACHES caused by Indigestion, cold*, grippe, fatigue or periodic exhaustion sim ply vanish. You brace light up with OR^GetNe They bring ln*tant relief, stomach Betties, nerve# relax, entire system responds. Perfect medicine for men or women, prevents nearly all sick ness. 10c. All druggists. Millions used yearly. They never fall For- l mula on every pkg. For a free trial write The Orangelne Chemical Co., ;j 224-23^^^^iuronSt^C^lcajjo^[l^^ | EXPERT BARBERS USE GOOD LOOKING HAIR f FOR EVERY MAN “Hair Velvet Creme” Makes hair lie straight, smooth; gives beautiful gloss; nourishes,encour ages growth. Used by well-dressed, particular men and first-class Bar bsr Shops. Arrows, EU.tlc [ Hsir Cap ARROWAY Hair Velvet Creme (For Men) 50c : ARROWAY Elastic Cap (For Men) «5c § ARROWAY Skin Beautifier 50c i ARROWAY Hair Grower and Beautifier (For Women) 50c § ARROWAY Smoothing Oil (For Women) 50c : FREE Book on Care of Heir and Skin THE ARROWAY 3423 Indiana Ave. Chicago, 111. Dept. 2 Selling insurance is a pleasant anc profitable business for 447 women ol the race. There are 332,445 colored males am 208,903 females under eighteen year of age, who are gainfully employed. —I———J A Our beautiful, modern funeral home provides every convenience and A A our experience qualifies us to render the service demanded when loved A ♦♦♦ ones are called by death. | Jones & Co., Undertakers | 21 24th and Grant Sts. Webster 1100 V Qi g 4c c< 0 a * *r- 4 'J10 0 ft fr tt BEAUTIFUL HAIR For Every Woman 4 THE ARROWAY} Aristocrat of Toilet Preparations Used by Best Dressed Women and High - Class Hairdressers ARROWAY PRODUCTS Arroway Hair Grower and Beautifier 50c ‘ Arroway Smoothing Oil 50c ' Arroway Skin Beautifier 50c Arroway Hairvelvt Creme (For Men). 5©c i Arroway Elastic Cap (For Men) 65c Agents Wanted Everywhere FREE! The Beauty Book Complete Beauty Course with Diploma and Degree $10.00 THE ARROWAY 3423 Indiana Avenue Chicago. Illinois Dept. 2 Revenge. Hevangt* Is H fl**h) In the pnvlnjc of which thn gratitpsl knnvt* Ik lumps) „n<1 slm-ure. snrt. so fur «* hu Is able, ptitirinal.—Colton. Carefully as the Skin and Teeth. For Daily Use or when your EYES are Tired, Dull and Heavy, Murine is most Refreshing and Beneficial. Murine has been used Successfully over Thirty Years. /YY\ f / n INF" Does Not contain Belladonna 4/11 ill § /" L 1 or any other harmful ingredient. M / 1 V-r.P Vo UR Write /or Free “Etc C«rc”or“Eyc Be.ury" Book “ IL- _ The Murine Company ELY Dept. 19 9 E-OUo Street, U.S.A. L——— .. For Rent HOP MS FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. All modern. WE 3513. 3-28 FURNISHED ROOM in modem home one block from car line. 2876 Wirt St. Web. 4285. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished back room in modern home with kitchen convenience, for married couple. Webster 5.372. 41-7-18-24. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in mod ern home. Web. 3993.—6, 6, 24. FOR RENT—6 room steam heated apartments. Well arranged. $35.00. For rental call Western Real Es tate Co., 414 Karbach Blk., Jack son 3607, Eugene Thomas, Mgr. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms in a modern home, one block from car line. Tel. HArney 1263.—It - 6-22-24. FOR RENT—3 and 4 room modern apartments, 1547-1551 North 17th S*. References required. Call at 1549 North 17th St. or phone ATiantic 6863. FOR RENT—Office space or suitable for Beauty Parlor. Call WEbster 4882.—2t-6-27-24. FOR RENT—Modern furnished room*. Steam heat. Close in. On two car lines. Mrs. Anns Banks, 924 North Twentieth street. Jackson 4379 FOR RENT—Neatly furnished room. Single person preferred. 242!) Lake street. WEbster 1529.—7-5-24. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished room, one block from North Twenty fourth and Dodge car line. WEbster 5652. FOR SALE—5-room all modern bun galow. $400 or $500 down. Bal ance as rent. Must be sold by August 1. 1617 North 21st Street. Call ATiantic 8189 until 6 p. m. Help Wanted WANTED- -Olered mea to qualify for sloeping car and train porters. Ex perience unnecessary, transportation furnished. Writs T. McCaffrey, Rupt., 8t. Louto, Mo. Wanted—Wide awake boys to sell The Monitor every Saturday. Miscellaneous > DRESSMAKING— Mrs. A. E. Smith, experienced dressmaker. Work guaranteed. 2426 Blondo. Web. 5562. 4-4-24 i I Use DENTLO tor the teeth. I>arg« , tube 26c.—Adv. Ice dealers have started schools for the purpose of teaching drivers effi cient salesmanship. English waiters now go abroad in droves each year to learn foreign lan guages and to acquire the finesse ol the profession. I H. A. CHILES & CO. T FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND |;! LICENSED EMBALMERS |;j Chapel Phone, Web. 7133 J|| Re*. Phone, Web. 6349 1839 No. Twenty-fourth St. <■ _I MRS. L. ABNER . NOTION STORE ARTISTIC WORK Fruit and Ornamental Trees for spring and fall planting. 14191/j North 24th Street 1 JUDGE FOR YOURSELF The 'Htad& SUPERFINE PREPARATIONS for the HAIRsnlSKIN and SCIENTIFIC WALKER TREATMENTS for the Hair and Scalp by efficient,willing and well trained WALKER AGENTS GOOD RESULTS HAVE MADE THEM WORLD RENOWNED _ WALKER AGENT TRY THEM ■* _ —--YOUR NEIGHBOR SPECIAL 6 WEEKS TRIAL OFFER for the Scalp Wonderful Here are four prepar* _____ ______ " onstnui t|oris especially recom USE ONLY, J* srtJnJr«arUIS MADAM C. J.WALKERS < WONDERFUL -°ur «•»' triml off,r HWMUUiM —order it now. HAIR GROWER Glossjne dh-^&j. W*,kw «0 N. Wat St. Inaianapolia. Ind. Supplied to you by “ \ ,1 „ere encl<*d i* P. O. WALKER AGENTS, ! 1&) >] Vegetable order for si.r.o. plena. Good Drug Stores and r J Shampoo treatment for my acalp. I by Mail. -T Name -- THE MADAM C. J. St- Kdd walker mfg. co. Tetter cmr 640 N. West 8L e Salve Sute ludUimpdin, lad. .; Tto Cw»u Sim Vw Maty -41k » T«4«y A THE MONITOR WILL BROW IF YOU WILL DO YOIR SHADE ; GOOD GROCERIES ALWAYS | j I: C. P. Wesin Grocery Co. | Also Fresh Fruits and Vegetables X X i 2001 CUMING STMEET TELEPHONE JACKSON 100S | A ■ G I ' To Avoid Pyorrhea Use DENTLO i ! PYORRHEA PREVENTIVE TOOTH PASTE 25c—2 oz. Tube ' I i i S ' Manufactured by Kaffir Chemical Laboratories (A Race Enterprise) j OMAHA, NEBRASKA ASK FOR IT AT DRUG STORES TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE