ersonal Happenings 1 WE PRINT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS Wcbfiter 42431 IMIW—■!11 ill 1W1 III i' Mr. Wm. H. Mortimer continue* quite ill at the family residence on Jp Ohio street. S. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Peters Truet bnfldlag, Jecluen 3841 or Har ney 2168. Mrs. Ruth Wallace left Tuesday night for Old Orchard, Me., and ex pects to be away all summer. FOR RENT—Furnished room in a strictly modem home, 2430 Lake Street. Web. 1888. 4-18-24 The Rev. W. C. Williams, pastor of 8t. John’s A. M. E. church, returned Friday from Kansas City, Kan., where he attended the commencement of Western University, of which be is a ' trustee. Grand June Ball, Monday evening, June 16, at Dreamland Hall. Adame’ Orchestra. Dancing until 2. a. m.— Adv. The Smarter Set Society met on Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Dorothy E. Williams. Officers were elected for the coming year. They are Salybert Hanger, president; John Pegg, treasuer; and Gertrude Jones, secretary. Plans were made for the annual August party, which is to be a Ma Jong party. The Misses Jennie and Elnora Hier onymouB left Tuesday night for the east where they will spend the sum mer. Dr. and Mrs. A. G. Edwards will entertain at a dancing party at Dream land Hall FViday night in honor of their son, A. Gerald, Jr.'s graduation from Meharry Dental School. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MONITOR! The Misses Valeria Crews, Maxine Holmes and Frances Hall of Lincoln, Neb., were the week end guests of MIbb Gladys Brown. mu in mi u | Petersen’s | | Bakeries j | 24th and I;ike Sts. 1806 Farnam St. | | E 24th and Ames Avenue E I I June Wedding Cakes) Beautiful as well as delicious I We bake them to order and they will please in every = = respect. We also prepare SALADS and COOKED MEATS E E for all occasions. - E If you want a picnic lunch, we put them up ready to eat E E when you arrive at the SHADY NOOK, also have PICNIC = E PACKAGES—PLATES—SPOONS—CUPS, separate or in = E packages. E E 24th and I^ike Sts. Phone WE 3387 =j —BUEBON & m—J i f 'ttislmcli'Je^fparelfitfomen etfiCroy^ldg. - Friday-DressDayatBurbon’s ; Sensational Bargains in Lovely Summer Frocks Placed in Two Great Groups _ i j I Group 1 Fashioned of imported II voiles, Frenoh linens and I imported ratines. I Hand ( drawn styles, ' apron models, lace trimmed styles; tucked ( or pleated fashions. All colors. Sizes 16 to 46 A Group 2 I ; Silk crepes, plain or fig ured voiles, hand em broidered voiles, im ported linens, dotted Swisses, tissue ^ ginghams; in a riot of lovely sum mer shades. Sizes 16 to 44 jj SALE CONTINUES SATURDAY - Miss Audrea M. Truehart enter tained at a lovely pink and white luncheon last Sunday afternoon. Cov ers were laid for the Misses Gertrude Jones, Alma Webster, Dorothy Wil liams, Ruth Jones, Gladys Brown, Teressa Jones, Alberta Brown and the Misses Maxine Holmes, Valeria Crews, and Frances Hill of IJncoln, Neb. Mrs. Charles R, Stanton entertained at luncheon Wednesday afternoon at her residence, 2617 Erskine street, in honor of Mrs. Pauline Crampton, of Chicago, house guest of Mrs. George Llpton. A pink and yellow tea will be given Wednesday, June 18, at the North Side Branch V. W. C. A. from 3 to 66 p. m., under the auspices of the Ser vice Committee, Mrs. W. C. Rix, chair man. Tickets 25 cents. “Dentlo,” the tooth paste you ought to use.—Adv. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walker, 31st and Maple street, on Friday, June 6. I FOR RENT—Furnished rooms with quet family. Home privileges. 2811 Cuming. Tel. HAmey 7378. . - J Mrs. Chandler gave a party at her , residence, 2520 Maple street, Wednes- ] day night for her son Norman who i has just been graduated from the , eighth grade of Lothrop school and , will enter Central High. Mrs. M. L. Spratlin of Denver, Co lorado, accompanied by her son Valrez and her daughter Estrelda will arrive in the city Saturday to be the guests , of Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mahammitt, , 2116 North Twenty-fifth street. ( Mrs. Samuel Webster who has been ] visiting her son in Kansas City, Mo., , returned home Monday. 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mahammitt will , entertain at a dancing party at Hans com park pavillion next Thursday , night for their young guests, Mr. Val- ( rez and Miss Estrelda Spratlin of Den- , ver, Colo. Grand June Ball, Monday evening, June 16, at Dreamland Hall. Adams’ Orchestra. Dance until 2 p. m.—'Adv. Josiah Brown was called to Atchi son, Kan., Saturday to attend the funeral of his father-in-law, Daniel Ferguson. He returned Tuesday. The Birthday Kensington club will be the guests of Mrs. T. P. Maham mitt next Wednesday. Mrs. Julia Col lier, who will on that day celebrate a dual anniversary, that of her birth and of her marriage, will be a guest of honor. Mrs. Mattie Carlos entertained the Elite Whist Club last Monday after noon at the residence of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Pinkett, 2118 North Twen ty-fifth street. The hostess at its next meeting will be Mrs. A. L. Haw kins, 2118 North Twenty-fourth street. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Singleton willk ;ntertain at a dancing party at their •esidence, 2f>28 Maple street, Monday light, complimentary to their daugh :er, Ernestine Evelyn, who graduates onight from Central high school. Mrs. Pauline Crampton of Chicago, i vho has been the guest of Mrs. Geo. Upton, 2215 Clark street, left Wednes lay night for her home. Mrs. John Saunders left Monday iftemoon for Chicago to attend the uneral of her cousin, Mrs. Wm. Hooper, who passed away after a ingering illness, on Saturday. Mrs. Hooper formerly lived in Omaha for nany years and is remembered by nany friends and older residents, as drs. Fannie Warren. ] LINCOLN NOTES AND NEWS Mrs. Anna Hill of 2449 So. 9th St., itateA that she is not the woman who ras arrested at the Lindell hotel for heft recently. Miss Muriel Battey returned to her tome ill Tuskegee, Ala., recently, after ittending the musical department of he state university the past season. .Mss Battey won quite a few friends j vhile in our midst. Rev. M. C. Knight spent the past veek at Kansas City, Mo. Rev. T. J. ] ’orter conducted services in h1s stead | lunday. Eugene Nichols is home from Wash ngton, D. C., where he attended How- , rd university the past two years. , iichols is taking dentistry. , The Brotherhood’s first banquet, | iven in Mt. Zion Baptist church, last ] hursday night was quite a success. Mesdames Fannie Young and Allle | rarding are at Camp Crete for ten ays, staying with the Campfire girls. , Bill Hightower went over to Crete "uesday to cook for the Campfire , Iris. Mrs. Jennie Edwards, who has harge of our group of girls, Minneha a, will take teml to Crete Saturday, tine 14, for a stay at Uneeda Rest. The New Era Baptist Association 1 nd its auxiliary convened in Mt. Zion Iapti6t church here Monday, June 9 5. Quite a delegation are on hand or the beginning of business. Dr. F. W. Botts, moderator of the ‘ ssociation, Dr. W. M. Franklin, pres- 1 dent of Ministers’ and Deacons’ i Inion Mrs. S. M. Wilkinson, president i f Women’s Work; H. L. Anderson, 1 tate superintendent of Sunday 1 Schools; H. J. Ford, president of the < Rate B. Y. P. IT. and corps of officers < rom Omaha and other places are on 1 land to begin work. ___ 1 4T. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH ELECTS OFFICERS The St. John’s Baptist church was irganized in the Bethel A. M. E. :hurch Tuesday evening, June 3rd. The following officers were elected: Deacons—W. D. Taylor, T. B. Van, J. A. Archie and M. L. Broadus. Trus ses—A. D. Dudley, R. A. Falls, W. D. Taylor, T. B. Van, J. A .Archie and J. L. Taylor. Clerk—M. L. Broadus. Asst. Clerk—Mrs. A. D. Dudley. Treas urer—W. D. Taylor. At the close of a very enthusiastic meeting Rev. E. H. McDonald was Cftlled as pastor. He Is a man of high Christian character and scholarship, with a wide experi ence in the work of the denomination. The first services were held in the Taborian Hall, on 24th street Sunday morning and night with a good con gregatio. Soul stirring sermons were preached each time. In the morning he spoke from the text, "And lo! I am with you always”, and at night, "Fear not.” After the morning service the Sabbath school was organized with M. L. Broadus as its superintend ent and J. L. Taylor was elected as president of the B. Y. P. U. ' On Friday evening the Dorcas Mis sion and Art Club was organized with Mrs. W. D. Taylor as president and Mre. Van, chaplain; Mrs. Archie, sec retary; Mrs. Green, treasurer; Mrs. Bulford, chairman of buying commit tee; Mrs. Lewis as assistant. This very' enthusiastic meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Green. We were very elated over one addition Sunday evening when Mrs. Sadie B, Scott, formerly of Salisbury, Mo., cas’ her lot with us. The outlook is verj bright so far and we feel that unde: the leadership of Dr. E. H. McDonah ths,t we will grow numerically an< spiritually. We welcome the public to attern our services each Sabbath. "Come with us and we will do thee good.” NT. PAUL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 26th and Seward Streets Russel Taylor, Pastor. Services Sunday were very good. At the morning worship, Dr. Halsey, stated clerk of Omaha Presbytery wor shipped with us. He was heard to re mark, “that sermon was worthy of a crowded house.” Mrs. M. A. Johnson, superintendent of the Sunday School, is busily pre paring the children for the Children’s Day service. Indications are that these exercises will be the best ever. Partial arrangements are being made to have Dr. Ernest of the Lowe Ave. Presbyterian church to give an illus trated address to the children on that occasion. The young people enjoyed them selves at the Endeavor Social Friday evening at the pastor’s residence. A neat little sum was realized. These are perilous times. War clouds are threatening across the Pa cific. The depths of moral degrada tions seem to have been reached in Chicago’s unparalleled murder case. What does it all mean? Come and hear the matter discussed from tne standpoint of God’s Word Sunday, for which occasion the pastor will have for his topic, “The World Is Out of Joint.” The evening topic will be, “The Good Seed is Being Sown—Is Your Heart’s Soil Properly Prepar ed?” LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE AT HOME through KATHRYN WILSON’S won derful new book. Fifteen chapters de voted to marcel waving, facial mas sage and other branches of beauty culture. Send no money, pay your post man. Special price, $3.00. 521 North 33rd Street. Phone HArney 4153.—Adv. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in mod ern home. Web. 3993.—6, 6, 24. Morearty & Morearty, Attorneys Peters Trust Building NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION In the District Court of Douglas Coun ty, Nebraska. To Melroy Jenkins, whose place of residence is unknown and upon whom personal service of summons cannot be had, defendant. You are hereby notified that on the 12th day of March, 1924, Nellie M. Jen kins, as plaintiff, filed her petition in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, Docket 210, Page 48, the ob ject and prater of which petition is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of willful desertion for more than two years last past, and non-sup port, and for the care and custody of her two minor children. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before the 14th day of July, 1924, or said petition against you will be taken as true. NELLIE M. JENKINS, 4t-6-13-24 Plaintiff. A. P. SCRUGGS Attomey-at-Law NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION n the County Court of Douglas Coun ty, Nebraska, in the matter of the estate of Emma L. Warwick, De ceased. All persons interested in said estate re hereby notified that a petition has een field in said Court alleging that ajd deceased died leaving no last will .nd praying for administration upon ler estate, and that a hearing will be ad on said petition before said court | m the 14th day of June, 1924, and hat if they fail to appear at said >jurt on the said 14th day of June, 924, at 9 o’clock A. M. to contest laid petition, the Court may grant the lame and grant administration of said istate to A. P. Scruggs or some other iuitable person and proceed to a set iement thereof. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 1-t—5-23-24 County Judge. ED. F. MOREARTY Attomey-at-Law 700 Peters Trust Building NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION ro Elias Hollowell, non-resident de fendant: You are hereby notified that Josie Hollowell, your wife, and the plain tiff herein, filed her petition in the District Court of Douglas County, Ne braska, on the 13th day of February, 1924, to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of willful desertion for more than than two years last past. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of June, 1924. JOSIE HOLLOWELL. 4-t.-5-16-24 LEGAL NOTICE ED. F. MOREARTY Attomey-at-Law Peters Trust Building NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION To Louis Bonner, non-resident de fendant: You are hereby notified that Daisej Bonner, your wife, and the plaintifi herein, filed her petition in the Dis trict Court of Douglas County, Ne braska, on the 6th day of February 1924, to obtain a divorce from you oi the grounds of extreme cruelty am non-support. You are required to an swer said petition on or before th 9th day of June, 1924. 4t-6-9-24 Daisey Bonner. 1 SEEDS i !: OP KNOWN QUALITY ; i: “ Flower, Gnus and Garden ! Seeds Bulbs, Hardy Perennial* Poultry Sufpttes ’ -See Us for Your- ! Fresh Cut Fhrwara Always on Hand ; | Shunt's Sni Stare j ; 119 No. 16th St.—Oypooits | : : Pootoffiee — JA ekson 9977 | MRS. L. ABNER NOTION STORE ARTISTIC WORK Fruit and Ornamental Tree* for spring and fall planting. 1419J/2 North 24th Street O. MADISON CLEANING AND PRESSING HAT BLOCKER Ladles' Work a Specialty Phone Webster 5617 2625 Lake St. T. H. BRADLEY MODERN TURKISH BATH Electric and Steam Cabinets Swedish and Electric Massages and Therapeutic Lamp. 2206 North 24th St. Omaha, Neb. I RENT 11 | DREAMLAND HALL I $50.00 | * ► With all Concessions ' f Web. 3217 ‘\ v Enterprise Tailoring Co. CLEANING AND REPAIRING Work called for and delivered. Enterprise Tailoring Co. 1423 North 24th Street Webater 4650 Let Me Photograph YOU OR YOUR HOME F. R. PERKINS WEBSTER 2957 | Sam Babior I £ 24th and Parker Streets ^ % Announces the opening of ? £ an up-to-date grocery and % £ meat market, including a £ % full line of fresh vegetables, y | DELIVERY FREE | | Phone WEbster 3121 £ | ROSS DRUG STORE jj j Let us serve you. Prompt, free delivery !» ■ WE 2770 and 2771 2306 No. 24th St. I; [ SUNDAY SPECIAL | \ LET US SUPPLY THE DESSERT FOR YOUR SUNDAY J j l DINNER ;; i; Call Webster 6323—ask for the Sunday Special j; [ FREE DELIVERY JI | Peoples Drug Store £ 24th and Brakine Streets WEbater MSS 1 LET US PAY YOU ftfp, ON lAVWCi I -We Treat You Right- | STATE SAVINGS Sc LOAN ASSOCIATION | 1 Advertising Talk 1 t A hen is not supposed to have fl ■ Much common sense or tact, ■ || Yet every time she lays an egg §: :|j She cackles forth the fact. p || A rooster hasn’t got a lot fp if Of intellect to show, R ft, But none the less most roosters have p Enough good sense to crow. fe The mule, the most despised of beasts, M Has a persistent way if Of letting folks know he’s around E Pf By his insistent bray. P | The busy little bees they buzz, fe Bulls bellow and cows moo, |s 3 The watch dogs bark, the ganders quack, E pi The doves and pigeons coo. Ejj The peacock spreads his tail and squaclcs, I] B Pigs squeal and robins sing jjl ^ And even serpents know enough i£f To hiss before they sting. || S But man, the greatest masterpiece p 8 That nature could devise, H * Will often stop and hesitate P? Before he’ll advertise. P 3 Merchants who are wise ■{ 3 And want our people’s trade u , 9 Use THE MONITOR to advertise 1 i 9 And thus their fortune’s made. e