E. F. Msrearty, Lawyer, 700 Peters Truat building, Jackson 3841 or Har ney Z1M. * ■) Mrs. Maynard L Wilson continues quite ill at her residence, 2516 Corby street. Mrs. Blanche Simmons who has been quite ill for several weeks shows some Improvement. Henry K. Perry who has been con fined for some days at the Lord Lis ter hospital is getting on nicely. Remit for your paper, please! Mrs. H. J. Plnkett who was called to Peoria last week by the death of her brother, Claude Banks, returned home Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Kelly have moved Into their new home at 4724 Kansas Avenue. ^ChT^muly for the Valentine Car nival Masquerade Dance, Valentine Night, February 14, at Dreamland Hall.—Adv. The Dames Club met with Mrs. Wil liam P. Adams, 2617 Blondo street, last Wednesday afternoon. The first prize was won by Mrs. M. E. Overall and the booby by Mrs. L. E. Britt. Friday night, Mrs. G. Ritchie Allen, 2010 North Twentyfifth street, Is giv ing a dancing party for her son, Mar cellus Ritchie, who graduated from Central High school last Friday night. Dance every Monday night at Dreamland Hall. Turner’s orchestra. Admission 35 cents.—Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gibson have gone to Hot Springs, Ark., for an in definite stay. Get ready for the Valentine Car nival Masquerade Dance, Valentine, Night, February 14, at Dreamland Hall.—Adv. William Allen of’Portland, Ore., en route home from a trip to Nashville, Tenn., and other southern points, spent from Sunday to Tuesday as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Dorsey, 3643 Barker street. ASK YOUR MERCHANT OR THOSE FROM WHOM YOU BUY WHY HE DOES NOT ADVER TISE IN YOUR NEWSPAPER. ^ Mrs. John Albert Williams was call ed to Minneapolis, Minn., Thursday night by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. S. A. Steele. Miss Amarett M. Jackson of Tongo noxle, Kans., arrived in the city Mon day night to be maid of honor at the Roulhac-Taylor wedding. She is a former student of Central High school here. Get ready for the Valentine Car nival Masquerade Dance, Valentine Night, February 14, at Dreamland Hall.—Adv. Leeta Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry I-ewis, passed to the Eighth A. in I.ong school with 8 A’s and 2 B’s. There will be a Home Talent Even ing given at Zion Baptist Church Mon day evening, February 11, under the auspices of the Women Laymen of the Church.—Adv. Albert Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Johnson, passed to Fourth A. at Franklin school with 7 A’s, 1 B plus and 3 B’s. Mrs. T. S. Riggs who has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. D. James, and her mother, Mrs. W. H. Thomas, 4421 South Twentyslxth street, expects to leave for her home In Chicago Sun day. Dance every Monday night at Dreamland Hall. Turner’s orchestra. Admission 35 cents.—Adv. Mrs. Andrew Harrold who was call ed to Minneapolis by the illness and death of her father, John Washington, returned home Saturday. Mrs. Webster, mother of Mrs. Augus tus Hicks, is ill at her home, 2618 Ohio street. Joseph Carr, Omaha’s veteran law yer, who has been ill for several weeks at his home, 2701% Cuming street, does not regain his strength very rapidly. A fine son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tymony of Moberly, Mo., Saturday night at the residence of Mrs. John Orant Pegg, Mrs. Tymony’s mother. Mother and child doing well. ' Mrs. Elizabeth Buford has beeu de tained at home for several days with a threatened attack of pneumonia. Bert JohnBon, 2618 Binney street, an employee of many years standing of the Beddeo Clothing company, who has been on the sick list for the past two weeks, is much better. Miss Robbie Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. 1* Turner, 2514 Corby street, Ib ill with an attack of grippe. Dance every Monday night at Dreamland Hall. Turner’s orchestra. Admission 36 cents.—Adv. NORTH SIDE BRANCH 82nd and Grant Streets EDNA M. STRATTON, Executive Sec’y The Vesper Service and Social Hour last Sunday was well attended. Interest in all departments of the iY. W. C. A. is steadily growing. Women and girls are irwited to avail ! themselves of the privileges offered, i - 1 , LINCOLN NEWS AND COMMENT » Card of Thanks We wish to thank our dear friends for the many kindnesses and hospi tality shown us during our mother and grandmother’s illness and hour of bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Todd. Mr. Wm. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Todd. Mrs. Frank Allen was called to Hutchinson, Kans., last week on ac count of her sister’s illness. Word comes later, the sister passed away. Mrs. Gertrude Bush returned home from St. Joseph, Mo., last Friday, her mother being improved. H. M. Williams is reported recu perating. Mr. Adam Loving is yet confined at home with illness. The Mary Magdalene Mission will meet with Mrs. Ida Todd, Tuesday night, February I2th. Election of of ficers. Rev. T. B. Smith spent Sunday and Monday in Beatrice. He preached for Rev. Hickman Sunday, gave a lecture on Monday night. The Utopian Art Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Anna Christman, 828 C St., Thursday night, February 7th. All members are urged to be present. Election of officers. Robt. Henry Hucless Consistory No. 32 met and re-elected same officers for the ensuing year. Rev. G. W. Carter and members of the Newman M. E. Church gave a dinner at the church last Friday night, which was a success. The Saturday Night suppers will be resumed at Mt. Zion, February 2, and each Saturday thereafter. Mrs. Anna Tolle will serve. Mrs. Mande is reported as being much improved from recent operation and illness. Rev. J. R. Williams will preach for Rev. M. C. Knight of the A. M. E. Church Tuesday night, and leave for home on night train. IS”. 1 , 1!_-""P The series of revival meetings, which has been in progress for the past two weeks, and conducted by Rev. J. R. Williams of Richmond, Mo, were closed Sunday night, and an overwhelming crowd greeted the speaker. The entire meeting as conducted by Rev. Mr. Williams was full of spir itual life, which was most convinc ing and acceptable to all who attend ed. We can’t say in words the good it has done; but will ibe watchful and awaiting further results. His messages were the means of adding fifteen persons into the Church. The Church gave a reception on Monday night in honor of his de parture, which was well attended. Many congratulations were extended bidding a hearty good byeand Gods speed to all SEMMHAMp!oASHIPMTTLE| ^^B CITY AUDITORIUM I ^■februarytI Jimmie Jones I | Morrie Schlaifer I GOOD PRELIMINARIES I HH Popular Prices | V •!• I I I Great j I Historical Race Pageant j I • • . I I Unveiling of Ethiopia \ T t *8* | 200 Persons in Cast and Chorus '.f l CITY AUDITORIUM | I February 12th 1 Admission 50c, 75c and $1.00 j « :: ' : , 4 Auspices Bethel A. M. E. Church and I; Knights and Daughters of Tabor f - 4 * ' 4 4 4 ..""gF"^^—■—————mmmmm Monitor Advertisers Are Satisfied Advertisers ■ hinds Furnished to Reliable Personal NOTARY PUBLIC IN OFFICE PHONES: Res., Web. 6613; Office, At. 5104 Res. 2863 Binney St. NOAH W. WARE * ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW HOURS: 9 A. M. to 12:00 Noon; 1:80 P. M. to 5:30 P. M. Kaffir Blk. 817 No. 16th St. Omiha '•X"X"XX"M'Y Phones: — Office, WE. 3567; < ‘ Res., WE. 3888 ! I < • .. JOHN ADAMS J J State and Federal < > 1516 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. ? • 1 ■WH#^M"X!»>*>44"M“XX“:“:“X •• [ Good News for Stoul Women j Nemo Self-Reducing No. 333 is a real bargain. It has a low top and medium skirt. Made in dur able pink or white coutil; sizes ' 24 to 36 and costs only $3.00. If your dealer can’t get it, send f. name, address, size and $3.00. J We’ll send the corset. Nemo Hvaienic-Faihlon Inititute '120 E. 16th St., New York (Dept. S) | HILL-WILLIAMS DRUG $ | COMPANY $ X FOUNTAIN PENS—STATIONERY | Y aGARS and CANDY X Eastman Kodaks and Supplies •£ £ 2402 Cuming Street S0* X Phone Webster 2615 | Ice Cream and Cold Drinks X ¥ Game in Season | ' | HOME CAFE £ MOY, Prop. | X Home Cooking. Steaks a X x Specialty. The only place of X A it’s kind in the city. First-class ¥ X service. X X Chop Suey and Yacmein X X We put up every kind of X £ lunch to take out. A X 2412 Lake St. Omaha X 9 A i*XwXh***X**X'mX**X**X*,X*,X*4!**X**»**«mX* ! Spring | ! Hats I X ' ’ } | AT «; I North Side 1 | Bazaar X X X and Women’s Exchange X ? 2 2114 NO. TWENTY-FOllRTH X k % | RARE BARGAINS IN | MERCHANDISE X V Y *X *!• Y ♦> *XMXMXHX‘*X*‘X*4H,IMt**XM!MX* ^X* CmXhX**XmXhXhX**XmXmXmW>*Xm! | LIST YOUR HOUSES l x AND VACANT LOTS k X x | with X X | | Blackburn & Johnson | X Real Estate and X Contractors X x X X We list houses for sale, X X rent or lease. We build, re- •»• X pair, paint and decorate ? X your home. |. X If you have any old ||; X houses to be moved or X X wrecked, we would like to a X buy them. X k Call WEbster 7067 'k J. C. BLACKBURN X ! 6 «£» X and X J. G. JOHNSON X 1423 N. 24th St. Omaha X X X ••• A j I. LEVY j I DRUGGIST | i PERFUMES—CANDIES 1 X CIGARS X X For your convenience U. ; X S. Post Office sub station. ’ Y * X 24th and Decatur Streets < Y < '!■»♦♦♦<>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦#♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ' • t : -AJj i i ! 1 ALASKA FISH CO. f f WE SELL EVERYTHING FOR 2 £ THE TABLE % ,*. OPEN ON SUNDAY ? £ Our Meat Department Is % X Open for Business 2 { WE. 6512 1114 No. 24th | SICK HIRTS | 00N | AVED I I SHIRT HOSPITAL I £ _ Visiting Hours— 2 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 p. m. ** f NORTH SIDE BAZAAR V, £ and X $ WOMENS EXCHANGE f X 2114 N. 24th St. X y y 9 % t-x-x«x~x~:..x~x-x-x-x-x~x~:**:< •:-x- *x**x* •:-:-x*x-» i * X OPEN SUNDAY ALL DAY % V Y £ Complete line of y X GROCERIES £ | MEATS £ 2 VEGETABLES and X £ FRUITS 2 y 2 f I. GARBER 1 | WEB. 2011 26th and Burdette | X"X~X"X“X"X”:-X"X”:*X“X«X“X* $ Web. 4509 2523 N. 24th St. | | E. DORN ! £ Locksmith | y Locks, Keys of all descrip- X 2 tions. Phone us, fit keys or £ »|. repair locks at your home. :**X~X«X~X~:“X"X“X~X~:**X~X~:"X*> •:~X***X“X~X~X~:-X“X“X~X*<~X-X | SEEDS X OF KNOWN QUALITY ;; | —. :: ;; Flower, Grass and Garden !! ;; Seeds ;; <; Bulbs, Hardy Perennials ;; Poultry Supplies |; '* -See Us for Your- 1| I; Fresh Cut Flowers ;; ! I Always on Hand i: Stewart's ini Start:: 119 No. 16th St.—Opposite jj X Postoffice — JA ckson 9977 ;; 4>tt4»44444f44ttt44ttt444te ’ For Sickness S Accident Insurance Call AUGUSTUS HICKS Tel. Web.ter «4N S71S Mhutl Rt , With Bonkort Accident laawmtct Co. ? i