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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1923)
GAYETY’.S JUBILEE WEEK Much Jollification in .Store for Colum , bit Burlesk Lovers. The coming week will be Jubilee week at the popular Gayety, the good and sufficient reason being the tri umphal return of clever Aber Rey onlds to Columbia burlesk—an event well worth celebrating. There is wide scope for scenic and costume elaboration in the range of opportunity said to be afforded in “Bubble Bubble” next week’s attrac tion. The producer of this offering is said to have availed himself in a most satisfactory manner of this op portunity. “Bubble Bubble” offers sixteen changes of magnificent scenery, all unfolding special features of great beauty and novelty, while a bewilder ing array of costumes enhance the beauty of these sets. There are four teen musical numbers sung and danced during the action of the piece, with tunefulness and grace, by the talented company of principals and choristers, j Heading an unusually pretentious array of comedians, singers and danc ers is Abe Reynolds, well and favor ably known to the followers of bur lesque as a delineator of comedy Hebrew’ roles. A close second in pop ularity to Mr. Reynolds is William Browning, who has been called “Amer ica’s Foremost Character Artist”. Ann Clifton, the prima donna of the company, won her laurels in mu sical company before entering bur lesque, she having played many of Fritzi Scheff’s roles in her biggest successes. Helen Du Ross, the sou brette of the company, is another pop ular favorite, while others in the cast worthy of mention are Violet Buckley, Ruth Rosemond, Jack Faquay, Jim Holly and others. William K. Wells, who produced the piece, is also lesponsible for its authorship and staging. Dan Dody, noted for his clever work in the past, | put on the musical numbers, while Melville Morris, the well-known com poser, wrote the music. More than burlesque, “Bubble Bub ble” combines extravaganza, musical comedy, stage illusion and vaudeville in a melange of novelty that has gain ed it an enviable reputation wherever if has played. The chorus sings well, looks very attractive and dances skill fully and with enthusiasm, and its shapely members know how to dis play most fetchingiy the many cos tume creations with which they have been provided. Matinee at 2:15 daily. The Sunday matinee starts at 3:00. SOCIETY ATTENDS WEDDING OF MADAM WALKER’S HEIRESS (Continued from Page One) a heart shaped pillow of Venetian satin and silver lace. Madam A’Lelia Walker, mother of the bride, becomingly wore an elegant straight line gown of gold metallic cloth designed and imported for the occasion from Paris, France. Great significance is attached to the wedding uniting as it does two of the race’s leading families and it proved itself a gala society event, eclipsing even the most vague anti cipation in beauty and gorgeousness. The mother’s gift to the couple was an heirloom of especially made solid mahogany case containing 126 pieces hand turned sterling silver from Tif fany & Co.; the groom gave the bride an expensive diamond brooch; the bride gave to the matron of honor a braided green gold bracelet fastened with a lock containing two diamonds and a blue sapphire; the groom gave to the best man and ushers walking canes and cigarette cases; the bride gave to the brid’s maids Gold Cost ivory bound Episcopal prayer books. Valuations are odious to place upon the many handsome and costly gifts to the couple. Friends from through out the land generously remembered them with jewels, silver ware, cut glass, fine linens, household goods, apparel and personal congratulations. Nine thousand invitations were is sued to the wedding, 1,000 of which covered the personal mailing list of Madam A’Lelia Walker, including friends and acquaintances in every j state in the Union, British Guiana, the West Indies, Canada, England, France, Haiti, Liberia, Nigeria, Panama and i ' the Phillipine Islands. 8,000 invita tions were issued to supply stations I to reach 40,000 agents of the Mine. C. ! j J. Walker Manufacturing Co., scatter-1 ed all over the world. ALI EN CHAPEL A. M. E. CHl’RCH Twenty-fifth and R Sts.—MArket 3475. j O. J. Burckhardt, Pastor. * Quaterly meeting Sunday December 1 l>th All the Methodist preachers and j their flocks will be present and a goodly number of our Baptist friends. Presiding Elder Hicks wil! preach. Our Sunday school is growing rapidly. Mr. ! W. L. Carter makes a splendid super intendent. The League is also taking on new life under the direction of Rev. S. E. Gross. Dr. Skelton gave two helpful sermons Sunday. Mr. J. B. Showers is yet poorly at i the county hospital. Mr. Rounv is slightly improving and Mr. Bill Jones is feeling fine. Mrs. Smith is sick at her home. KILLED IN ELEVATOR Charles Brooks, 21, bus boy, 2618, North Twenty-keventh street, was in- j t ntlv killed Wednesday at the Bran deis store power house, Seventeenth and Dodge streets, when he was caught between the floor of a freight elevator and a safety door as he at-1 tempted to leap from the lift when it j started upwards unexpectedly, ac cording to police reports. PHARMACIST FOR PEOPLES L. G. Perty of Kansas City, Mo., ^ graduate in pharmacy of the Iowa State University, class of 1922, has been added to the staff o( the Peoples Drug Store. THE MINISTERS’ ALLIANCE The Ministers’ Alliance wu-s well at tended last Tuesday morning. Under the leadership of Rev. T. A. Taggart the alliance is prompt and energetic. A program providing for general study of "Personal Evangelistic Work and I low' to Bring Men to Christ" and open discussion is every alternate Tues day, and for miscellaneous matters ! including reports of ministers every alternate Tuesday. Torey’s book "How to Bring Men to Christ” is being stu ied. Subject for December 11th is: "How to Begin to Bring Men to: I Christ” by Rev. W. F. Botts. _ ZITKER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Zucker’s Department Store which is growing rapidly and has a deservedly i large patronage from our people is giving some wonderful bargains in general merchandise and Christmas goods. They have a number of at tractive colored dolls to supply the growning demand among us for this desirable attraction for our children. Thought for the Day. The average son takes the advice of his father Just like the father took advice from his father. Don't Fuss With Mustard PI as te/s Musterole, made of pure >il it mus tard ar:l • • r lielpful ingredients, will cio • j wort; of the >ld-fash;oned mu-uird:' .cr—without the blister. Muster,., - usually gives prompt reir? from bronchitis, so-e throat, coughs colds, croup, neuralgia, headacb'*, c in gest i n, rheumatism, sprains, sore r-r IS C'bruises, and nII aches and onu. It rr, y prevent p .'-noma. All le gists—35c and 65. j -s and tubes — hospital size £3. Better than a m .ri ilufer 1: BOTH BOSEMOND entertainer with Abe Reynolds in “Bubble-Bubble" at the twice daily Jubilee Week starting Saturday matinee, Dec. 8th. PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Wm. Franklin, Pastor. Th% monthly experience meeting . was largely attended Sunday morning at U o'clock Several new members were added to the church. After the morning services the ladies of the church met and organized a pastor’s aid society. Mrs. S. W. Mills is presi dent, Mrs. C. B. Sutton, secretary, and Mrs. Smallie, treasurer. Monday night the Sunday school 1 gave a banquet in honor of the adu’ts, two hundred or more were present and a very interesting program was rendered. Mr. R T. Jowers, assistant su]>erintendent, acted as master of ceremonies. Mr. A. B. Young spoke on behalf of the parents. Mr. A. R Goodlett, superintendent, spoke on the j imperative need of co-operation of parents and the Sunday school. There were several other interesting num bers. For Rent ROOMS FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for rent, in a modern home, one block from car line. Webster 1760. Two rooms for light hopsekeeping. Web. 4532. 11-30 FOR RENT — Furnished moms in modem home. 2875 Wirt street. Web. 4285. 11-9-23 FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Mod em. 2420 Charles street. Web. 6101. 11-9-23 FOR RENT — Furnished room in modem home. Suitable for man and wife. 2216 North Twentyseventh avenue. Web. 6834. 11-9-23 For Rent—A strictly modem fur nished room. Webster 2885. 2864 Grant Street. Call Mrs. Newby. FOR RENT—Beautiful front room In private home. Home privilege. WEbster 5880. FOR RENT—Modern furnished room*. Steam heat. Close in. On two car lines. Mrs. Anna Banks. 924 North Twentieth street Jackson 4379 Help Wanted WAX TED—Colored men to qnalify for sleeping car and train porters. Ex perience unnecessary, transportation furnished. Write T. McCaffrey, Supt-, St. I^ouis, Mo. Wanted—Wide awake boys to sell The Monitor every Saturday. Miscellaneous Madame A. C. Whitley, agent for the Madam South and Johnson hair system, wishes to announce to her many friends and patrons that she has moved to 2724 Miami street. Tel. Webster 3067.—Adv. PLAIN SEWING AND DRESS MAKING Mrs. N. W. Ware 2863 Binney St. Webster 6813 WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN during day. Webster 5660. Many are showing their apprecia tion for the Monitor by sending in their subscriptions. Are you a sub scriber? If not, why not? Is your subscription due? If so, please pay it prmptly. Use DENTLO for the teeth. Large tube 25c.—Adv. rpHOROUGHLY worthy used furni ture of every description is offered for sale at very reasonable prices in our warehouse, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 5 n. m. week days. 8th and Capitol Ave.—Orchard & Wilhelm Co. Good News for Stout Women Nemo Self-Reducing No. 333 is a real bargain It has a low top and medium slcirt. Made in dur able pink or white coutil; sizes 24 to 36 and costs only $3.00. If your dealer can’t get it, send name, address, size and $3.00. We’ll send the corset. Nemo Hygienic-Fashion Institute ttO E. 16th St., New York (Dept. S) VITONA MINERAL ORE This great mineral has been tested for many years and has relieved thou sands of people of Indigestion Ca tarrh, Eczema, Diabetes, Rheumatism, Piles, Inflamed Sore Eyes, Gout, Blood Poison Erysipelas. Constipation, Fe male Complaints, Nervous Troubles and all Blood Disorders. If you are afflicted with any of these diseases, or if your system is all run down, a fair and honest trial of this Wonderful Natural Remedy will do wonders for you. Place the con tents of the package in one quart of milk warm water, and let It stand for twenty-four hones. Then take a table spoon full three times a day in a large tumbler of water and you will find it a wonderful tonic. VITONA MINERAL ORE CO. W. Alston, ileneral Agent 5002 So. 18th Street, So. Omaha, Neb. Market 3473. —Adv. I Revenge. Itevenge Is a delit In the paying of which the greaie-t knave Is honest and sincere, and. -u fnr as he Is Hide, lumetmil—Colton. 1 NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT I>EFENDANT BY PUBLICATION To Julius Wiggs, Non-resident defend ant: You are hereby notified that on the 4th day of September, A. D. 1923, Rufus S. Wiggs filed * petition against you In the district court of DougHs County, Nebraska, the object and I prayer of which are to obtain a di-1 vorce from you on the ground that you have been guilty of extreme cruelty and desertion toward the plain tiff, without any fault on his part.. You are required to answer said petition on or before 14th day of Janu ary, 1924. RUFUS S. WIGGS, Plaintiff, Per H. J PINKETT. His Attorney. It. 12-7-23 i »■»■«■«■— ■'» ... \vhv Not Let I s Do Your SHOE REPAIR WORK Best material, reasonable prices. Al l, WORK GUARANTEED BENJAMIN & THOMAS Phone Web. 5094—1415 No. 24th *— .. »■■« — . t '■.gi"1"!"'"' I THE MONITOR WILL GROW IF YOU WILL DO YOUR SHARE r ..— -- - BEAUTIFUL GIFTS TO SELECT FROM at COLTON BROTHERS Store No. 1 Store No. 2 171 4 No. 24th St. 2506 No. 24th St. I CHRISTMAS 1 GIFTS ji x We haye a most pleasing assortment of up-to-date y X CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONS to offer. | | MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS EARLY! |i | Peoples Drug Store . f $ 24th and Erskine Streets WEbster 6323 X v f LET US PAY YOU ON SAVINGS I -We Treat You Right STATE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION .. * * I I I Mrs. Florentine Frances Pinkston’s School of Music Pupil of Isador Phillip (Paris, France) The French System of Music Study for Beginners ft Graduate of New England Conservatory of Music, Boston This course is open only to pupils five, six, seven and % eight years of age, who have never had piano study. After f an examination as to intelligence of the pupil, twelve will H be selected to begin the course. In this course there will be a scholarship given each | year to the pupil who has done the best work. | 2415 North 22nd Street Telephone WEbster 6204 | :j: r :j; | ALASKA FISH CO. f $ Fresh OYSTERS Daily % t Fresh CRABS Daily % | Fresh SHRIMPS Daily X Our Meat Department Is % Open for Business % % WE. 6512 1114 No. 24th £ IFIRE INSURANCE| H G. B. ROBBINS 1 \'WATERS \ BARNHART PRINTING CO. - , ^ J Y" " / ft. t OMAHA S H. A. CHILES & CO. $ & FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND \ X LICENSED EMBALMERS ? j‘ Chapel Phone, Web. 7133 •j* Res. Phone, Web. 6349 ^ 1839 No. Twenty-fourth St. •{* ' • PHONE JACKSON 08«4 A | E. A. NIELSEN % 3: UPHOLSTERING CO. $ V CABINET SHOP—FURNITURE «C J; REPAIR AND REFINISHING <[• ., Box Spring and Mattroaa Work ]r <> 1913-15 Cuming St., Omaha. Nebr. ,l| t..... LE BRON a GRAY ELECTRICAL WORKS Expert Electrical Engineers l Motors, Generators, Electric j Elevators Repairs, Armature l Minding, Electric Wiring PHONE JACKSON 2019 1 116 South 13th St., Omaha i»........ >.......... ..i «-:-xx“X"X"XX“X"X"X“X-X"Xx £ HILL-WILLIAMS DRUG J \ COMPANY '£ ! FOUNTAIN PF.NS—STATIONERY \ OGARS and CANDY J* j Eastman Kodaks and Supplies £ 2402 Cuming Street ;i; I A X"X"XX"X"X"X"X“X"X“X";"X“X. * DeLuxe Cafe JIM BELL, Proprietor Has Removed from 2120 to 2202 North 24th St. Hi. Phone WE. SOI $ COMPANY L,PARLOR St WE bitter 1100 I TENDANT j franklin! ItheatreI <• 24th and Franklin !«; < > X :: x i ) JL * * / | | ^ I SEE YOUR 1 I FAVORITE { PICTURE a—ai 'i u - 11 Bond. Furnished to Reliable Persons NOTARY .PUBLIC IN OFFICE PHONES: Rea., Web. 6613; Office, At. 5104 Res. 2863 Binney St. NOAH W. WARE ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW HOURS: 9 A. M. to 12:00 Noon; 1:00 P. M. to 6:30 P. M. Kaffir Blk. 817 No. 16th St. Omaha WE HAVE TWENTY HOMES FOR SALE. Prices $1600.00 AND UP See Us Before Buying Call North Side Realty Co. W EBSTER 2 8 2 1 !»♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦»♦»♦»»»♦»♦♦♦»♦» ’ ;; Phones: — Office, WE. 3567; Res., WE. 3888 11 • > ,, J 0 II N A D A M S ,, Attorney and Counaellor-at-Law ;; j| Practice in all Courts, •' State and Federal !« - ., 1516 N. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. " • > :: SEEDS j f OF, K N O W N QUALITY J; ? Flower, Grass and Garden '! J Seeds ' tf Bulbs, Hardy Perennials ' Poultry Supplies \ \ 4 -See Us for Your- ! F'resh Cut F’hywerH \ | 'f( Always on Hand J; 1 Stewart’s Seed Store i: X 119 No. 16th St.—Opposite 2 Postoffice — JA ckson 0977 ;; ,XXX"XX"W^<>4"X>^H4+^><XiM m a cold ? \ ImentholatumI I clears it out and M I makes breathing t For Sickness a Accident Insurance Call AUGUSTUS HICKS Tai. Webster A426 27It Wlaaii HL If'ith Bankers Accident Insurance Co. | Beal Estate at Bottom | ^ Prices on Small Payments % I P. H. O’Dell Co. f | Phone WEbster 4810 | Real Estate & Investments \ f Insurance and Ix>ans 2855 Ohio St., Omaha, Neb. ff ***AAfr* *ttf»» ni oeeooo oo L Levy, Druggist 24th and Decatur Streets WE bster 5802 We are as near as your telephone. HARDING’S ICE CREAM *