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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1923)
p E. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Peters Truat building, Jackson 3841 or Har ney 2166. Mrs. Wade Green and Mrs. Venus Parker were hostesses for the Phi Delta Sorority at the home of Mrs. Green on Ohio Street Wednesday eve ning. Time spent rehearsing play to be given in the future after which luncheon was served. —Dreamland Hall — Admission 35c. —Adv. The Dames Club was entertained by Mrs. James G. Jewell at the apart ment of her niece, Mrs. E. Killings worth in the new Jewell building on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. A. G. Edwards, was awarded the prize. Mrs. A. Wilson who has been at the hospital for several weeks, returned home Sunday evening and is improv ing nicely. The New Era and Ford Printing Plant are moving in to the basement of the Jewell building Saturday. The Ladies Birthday Kensington Club was entertained Wednesday af ternoon at the beautiful new home of Mrs. M. F. Singleton, on Corby St. Mesdames Singleton and Bowler were the hostesses. A dainty lunch was served, after which the afternoon was busily and pleasantly spent upon needle work. Some very beautiful work is being done. ASK YOUR MERCHANT OR THOSE FROM WHOM YOU BUY WHY HE DOES NOT ADVER TISE IN YOUR NEWSPAPER. A Kensington tea was held at the htrtne of Mrs. W. B. Smith, B409 Hlondo; on Wednesday afternoon, for the Helpers Club. Mrs. S. B. Canty as hostess was assisted by members of the Club. Meet your sweetie at Dreamland Hall, December 17. Desdunes’ Ad ams; Perkins and Turner’s orches tras combined . Remember the date, December 17—Adv. Ernest A- Banks who recently un derwent an operation for appendici tis at Paxton Memorial hospital has fully recovered. FOR RENT—Office room in Jewell Building, Twenty-fourth an dGrant. Mrs. Josiah Brown has shown very little improvement since her return from Phoenix, Ariz. Rnt-Oua Modern Purnlahad Hooaaa —1791 No. 99th St. Weh. 4799. Mra. L. M. Bentley Erwin. Mrs. Blanche Wade Black, who un derwent a serious operation at Lord Lister hospital last week, is improv ing. Mrs. O. A. Briley of Wichita, Kans., sister of Mrs. W. J\ Wade was called to the city Tuesday by the illness of her niece, Mrs. Blanche Wade Black. Mrs. Ray L. Williams of 1702 North Twenty-sixth street, was surprised by her many frieihls with a shower party last Tuesday night. Mrs. Cordelia Wynn of New York, the Young Women’s administrator for Colored work during her official visit to the North Side Branch last week was the guest of Mrs. M. H. Wilkin son. Dancing School every Friday night —Dreamland Hall — Admission 35c. —Adv. Remit for your paper, please! Mrs. O. C. Ferguson and her daugh ters, Corinne and Marie of Lincoln, were the guests last week of Mrs. p. S. Stovall, 1141 South Thirtieth Street. They left for home Sunday night. Grand musicians’ ball, Dec. 17 at Dreamland Hall—Fifteen, piece or chestra. Solomon Hieronymous left last week for Chicago to visit relatives. Before returning home he will visit his sister, Mrs. Vivian at Fayette, Mo., and friends ii^ Glasgow, Mo. He expects to be gone for two or three weeks. Miss Vinnie Hieronymous, who is an artist of decided ability, is kept quite busy with her art work. She has recently finished some beautiful studies both in oil and water colors. Mr. Henry Nesbit, 1808 Webster St, who has teen visiting in Chicago for the last 3 months returned home recently. He highly praises the pros-j perity of the race enterprises there, j He enjoyed a very pleasant visit. . Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Herron, 1808 Webster, formerly of Omaha, who have been making their home in De-1 troit arrived in the city a few days, ago and and contemplate making Omaha their home. Get your dancing shoes on—Hear the fifteen piece orchestra play the “Memphis Blues," “St. Louis Blues, j and the “Farewell .Blues at eleven i o’clock Blues,”. December 17, at the musician’s ball, Drenml*®^ Hall.—Ad, • * i The formal opening of the Ladies • Work Side Exchange, was held Thurs day afternoon and evening. Mes dames Bailey and Peebles and Miss 1 Lena Paul, promotors. Miss Williams of Council Bluffs, entertained at a very attractive tea, • Saturday, December 1st at her home ! Broadway Hedge,. - Green and yellow | were the decorations. Sergeant and Mrs. L. Letcher en tertained at Thansksgiving dinner at their beautiful home on Twenty-eighth Street, honoring Sergeant and Mrs. Robert Williams and Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Peoples. Billie Peebles spent a delightful •Thanksgiving at Missouri Valley. The Elite Whist Club met at Mrs. Nat Hunter’s on 28th St. Monday, December 3rd. Dancing School every Friday night —Dreamland Hall — Admission 35c. —Adv. 'OMAHA BRANCH N. A. A. C. P. HOLDS MEETING The Omaha Branch of the N. A. A. C. P. met last Sunday afternoon at Grove M. E. Church with the presi dent in the chair. Henry W. Black reported action taken in filing protest with Mr. Rohrer against invasion of a respectable home by alleged prohibi tion officers without writ or warrant. Mrs. O. C. Ferguson, secretary of the Lincoln branch, brought greetings from that body and told of gome of the work being accomplished in the Capitol City. Adjournment was taken at 5:30. The next meeting will be held Suoday, December 16th. CARD OF THANKS The family and relatives of the late Elizabeth Clarke, who entered into rest at her home, 2916 S Street, South Side, November 11th, desire to express their sincere and heartfelt thanks for the sympathy and kindness shown^us during her illness and our bereave ment. We appreciate every act of kindness and the many beautiful floral tributes received. RICHARD Cl^ARKE, Husband. CLEMENZA WATKINS, VOLIjA WAI.KER, EDNA McCANN, CHARLEY WALKER, Children. N. W. C. A. NEWS The advisory and directing board held a very interesting meeting at the home Wednesday evening. Quite a lot of business was transacted and four applications for superintendent of the home were read and one accepted. Any one having any underwear that can be mended for two o'd ladies and two old gentlemen please call WBbster 4085, we will call for them or they can be brought to tho home. It is true we are In the Community Chest, but that just takes care of the expenses in the home, and don’t take care of them that are on charity, and the chest don't pay the $52.50 per month on the home. The donations that are given to the home will be published here after the first of each month Instead of each week. The first of January a superinten dent will be placed In the home. Our present matron wll! be retained also. ; ! NORTH SIDE BRANCH 22nd and Grant Streets EDNA M. STRATTON, Executive Sec’y FIRST VISIT TO OMAHA Miss Crysal Bird, the National Girl Reserve Secretary of the Young Wo men’s Christian Association for Col ored Work in the Cities, will be in Omaha from December 7th to De cember 13th, inclusive. The expec tation of her visit is with a great deal of pleasure ,and many helpful things are anticipated for the Girl Reserve Department of the North Side Branch, Y. W. C. A. at this time. MASS MEETING FOR GIRLS All girls, between the ages of 12 to 25 years, or who ARE TO BE GIRL RESERVES are cordially invited to attenlf a Mass Meeting to be held Tuesday, December 11, at 4 p. m. at the North Side Branch, Y. W. C. A., 22nd and Grant Streets. Come, meet Miss Crystal Bird, our National Girl Reserve Secretary for Colored Work in the Cities, and hear many Inter esting things she will tell us. RECEPTION FOR MISS BIRD The Girl Reserve Committee, of which Mrs. Faye Bruce is chairman, extends a cordial invitation to all members of the North Side Branch, Y. W. C. A, to attend an Informal Reception to be given In honor »f Miss Bird, on Wednesday evening, at our building, December 12, from 8 to 10 p. m. IN HONOR OF MRS.*' WINN A delightful ‘At Home’ was given Friday evening, Nov. 30, at the North Side Brannch, Y. W. G. A., in honor, of Mrs. Cordelia A. Winn, Admin-! istrator of the Young Women’s Chris-! tian Association for Colored Work in! the Cities, who visited Omaha four days last week. Mrs. Winn was well pleased with the recent progress of our institution, and expressed the earnest desire for the kind of co operation that would enable us to realize the wonderful possibilities for Temperance Union. I -^ ' Dinner Day at the “Y”, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 From 4 to 9 P. M. Hostesses—Membership Committee ST. BENEDICT’S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Kev. Francis Cassilly, S. J., Pastor. St. B• diet’s Community House, Twent. _ith and Grant streets, enter tained at a banquet Monday night for their brass brand. Prof. P. J. Wad I die, instructor, was guest of honor. An interesting program was given. Among the principal features were ad H,,esfes by P. J. Waddle, W. V. Gor don and Dr. James K. Newman, white. The St. Vincent De Paul Society will attend Mass at St. Benedict’s at eight o’clock Sunday morning. Arch bishop Harty will be celebrant. Spe cial music will be given by the choir. At 9:30 breakfast will be served in the dining room of the Community House. EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF ST. PHILIP THE DEACOX The pastor is preaching a special course of Advent sermons at the eleven o’clock Eucharist. Sunday night at eight o’clock the Rev. Stanley P. Jones, vicar of St. Paul's church, will give the sermon. Public invited to all services. The services are at 7:30 a. m., 10 and 11 a- m. and 8 p. m. The Woman's Auxiliary will hold its an nual bazaar at the North Side Branch of the Y. W. C. A., Monday night, De cember 17, in connection with the Girls’ Friendly Society entertainment. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. H. McDonald, D. D., Pastor. The church seems to have taken on 1 new life since the anniversary Week and mortgage burning. All seem de termined to push Mt. Moriah to the front. Next Tuesday night anniver sary week will be given in an Illus trated lecture by the pastor and the names of those who gave to the rally will be thrown on the screen. The usual services Sunday to which the public is invited. _ » 4 EMERSON’S LAUNDRY | $ The Laundry That Suita All * ■' 1391 No. 24th St. Weh. 9829 J I 1 »♦ j WM. LEWIS C. GLOVER Phone WE. 2324 Phone WE. 22!>» North Side Coal & Express Co. BY BASKET OR TON 2014 No. 24th St., Omaha, Neb. Office Phone WEbster 3806 BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. Frederick Divers, Pastor. The Sunday school is getting things under way for its Christmas celebra tion and Christmas three. The attend ance is good, and the interest seems to be on the increase. The pastor filled the pulpit morn ing and evening. The congregation continues to grow, and more life is being manifest each week in the va rious departments of the church. We are planning to make a special offer ing for our church at Christmas time. Every member is going to respond in a nice way on our purchasing fund. There was one accession Sunday evening. And we are looking for many others before the year is past. Join the Tenth Legion, be a tither for God! Take Care of Your Eyes Eyes Examined by an Expert Optometrist FREE! Glasses Fitted, Shell or Gold $5.00 WHY PAY MORE S. Lewis 24th and Parker Streets Web. 2042 COAL Illinois Lump .... $1.50 Lion Lump .... $9*00 Colorado Lump - - - - $9.75 Screenings.$5.00 LION COAL CO. WEbster 2605 HU i <KKKK^~XK~X~X"X~X~X~X*<"X~X | | 0. K. Beauty Shop | f, Nannie R. Snowden, Prop. *|* j- — $ FACIAL, SCALP TREAT- | & MENT & HAIR DRESSING $ X y f y Hair Goods Made to Order ^ *!; 1154 North 20th Street •£ •{• Phone WEbster 6194 % •f i i ‘W**«*t«MXMM**!**X****<XH***WMXM»HMMI**XM!* Better Than the Cut Picture doesn’t do it justice. You will find a frame ind stucco Bungalow, modem, cemented basement, var nished woodwork and in wonderfully fine condition. Paving all paid. Located on Seward near 30th. Will be shown ‘ only on appointment. Price $3,500. Asking $750 down, $30 per month. This is a bargain and we possibly could work out any terms ycru would want. Office open until 9 P. M. ATlantic 8380. Amos Grant Co., Realtors 210 South 18th Street GIFT GOODS AT GIVE AWAY PRICES I I DOLLS “f" 'MMA” DOLLS Special, 69c \ IMPORTED DOLLS Pretil.v dressed, hat, shoes and stock ings; goes to sleep. * 95e and 48c TOYS BEAUTIFUL DOLL BUGGY FOR YOUR DOLL Ivory finish wove fiber. Regular $5.00 value. Special, $3.25 STURDY LITTLE TOTS’ CHAIRS Finished ih Red Very Special, 49c # HOLIDAY GOODS TOWEL SETS Two beatiful towels and two wash cloths. 98c a Set COME IN AND SEE OUR BEAUTI FUL LINE of HOLIDAY GIFTS | FOR ALL THE FAMILY WALKING DOLLS FREE TO THE KIDDIES Zucker’s Department Store 1615-19% North 24th St. Between Seward and Franklin > 1 North Side Bazaar & Women’s Exchange 1 I Visit Our Shirt Hospital 1 Under our scientific treatment, we guar- 1 antee a cure for all ills. Let us add months 1 of life to your shirt. § Get our prices on our Gents’ and Ladies’ 1 Furnishings before buying elsewhere. 1 Also Baked Goods to Order 1 2114 North 24th Street - Phone Web. 5566 - Omaha, Nedraska | I AT-9146. "Defl/e^SSrAMm I I COLORADO LUMP 1 ■ Smokeless Per Ton I K Bootless 75 Delivered jl ■ Poeitlvely the Highest Grade of Colorado Lignite. I The genuine email egg aixe Franklin County, III. A coal for every purpoae. A aavlng of $1.S0 per ton. P,r *”$10.00 Delivered A very good grade Illinois Lump Egg or CA Per Ton Nut OOaVV Delivered Thla la a good coal, delivered clean and freah from the mlnea. » * ——^—