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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1923)
Legal Notices ED. F. MOREARTY, Attorney-at-Taw, 700 Peters Trust Building. NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICA TION. To Anna Stewart, non-resident de fendant : You are hereby notified that Cleve land Stewart, your husband, and the plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, on the 15th day of January, 1923, to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of cruelty and willful de sertion for more than two years last past. You are required to answer said petition on or before 15th day of Oc tober, 1923. CLEVELAND STEWART. (4t-8-31) H. P. PINKETT, Attorney. Room ID, Patterson Block. PROBATE NOTICE. In the Matter of the Estate of Alfred G. Marshall, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of the said deceased will ! meet the executor of said estate, be fore me. County Judge of Douglas ’ County, Nebraska, at the County Court Room, in said county, on the 26th day of October. 1923, and on the 26th day of December,, 1923, at nine o’clock a. m., each day, for the pur pose of presenting their claims for examination, adjustment and allow ance. Three months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims, from the 22nd day of September, 1923. BRYCE CRAWFORD, 4t-8-24-23 County Judge. N. W. WARE Attorney at Law 111 South Fourteenth St. Omaha, Neb. NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DE FENDANT To Walter Harvell, non-resident de fendant: You are hereby notified that Alberter Harvell, on the 5th day of June, 1923, as plaintiff, filed her pe tition in the District Court of Doug las County, Nebr., wherein she prays to obtain a decree of divorce from you on the grounds of cruelty and non support; and that on the 17th day of September, 1923, the District Court of Douglas County, Nebr., entered an order that service of summons in this action may be had by publication, as is by law made and provided. You are therefore required to an swer plaintiff’s petition, on or before the 27th day of October, 1923. ALBERTER HARVELL, 41-9-21-23 i , For Rent BOOHS —.- | FOR RENT—Furnished room in mod ern home. No other roomers. One block from Dodge and Twentyfourth street car lines. Gentleman prefer-! red. WEbster 1888.-9-21-23. FOR RENT—One single bed room. 2216 North Twenty-seventh avenue. WEbster 6834.-9-21-23. FOR RENT—Beautiful front room in private home. Home privilege, j WEbster 5880. FOR RENT—One nicely furnised room in modern home. Gentleman pre ferred. Call evenings. WE bster 1058.—3-t-8-31-23. FOR RENT—One furnished room on car line for a gentleman. Webster 3567. FOR RENT—Modern furnished rooms. Steam heat. Close in. On two car lines. Mrs. Anna Banks. 924 North Twentieth street. Jackson 4379 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room. Strictly modem. WE-6557. 9-6-23 FOR RENT Furnished rooms in modem home, 933 N. 27th St. Harney 2894. 4t-9-7-23 FOR RENT—One large front room. Call evenings. Webster 44.32. FOR RENT. Neatly furnished room. Gentleman preferred. One block from North Twenty-fourth and Dodge car lines. Webster 5652. FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished rooms for man and wife, or men.— Webster 4432. FOR RENT. Nicely furnished front room for gentleman, with meals. Webster 3106. FOR KENT—Nicely furnished niod ern rooms, one block from car line. Webster 3567. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room for couple or men. WE hater 3576.— j 8-31. • Help Wanted WANTED—Colored men to qualify for sleeping car and train porters. Ex perience unnecessary, transportation | furnished. Write T. McCaffrey, Supt., St. Louis, Mo. Miscellaneous Madame A. C. Whitley, agent for the Madam South and Johnson hair system, wishes to announce to her many friends and patrons that she has moved to 2724 Miami street Tel. Webster 3067.—Adv. ♦ 'J'HOROUGHLY worthy used furni ture of every description is offered for sale at very reasonable prices in our warehouse, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 5 u. m. week days. 8th and Capitol Ave.—Orchard A Wilhelm Co. WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN during day. Webstar 6660. Use DENTLO for the teeth. Large tube 26c.—Adv. Wealed Wide awake keys to sail The Monitor every Saturday. live beys can make money by selliag “BUCK” AND “BUBBLES” AT GAYETY THEATRE The Famous Colored Team With Har ry Steppe in “Dancing Around” Local theatre-goers cannot afford to miss “Dancing Around,” announced by the popular Gayety Theatre as its ' attraction for week starting Saturday I matinee, as this is one of the season's offerings well worth a visit to the j theatre. The show, which is—as one can | gather from the title—a carnival of dancing, also combines the rare charm of youth and talent. The cast, strong ip its entertaining powers, is headed by Harry (Bananas) Steppe, whose fun making ability is well-known to the followers of Columbia Burlesque. Buck and Bubbles, two colored per formers, contribute very materially to the entertainment with their songs, dances and playing of musical in struments. These two boys are recog nized as the successors of Williams and Walker. Lillian Smalley, as prima donna, is pleasing and efficient; Fred j (Fatty) Slater, who works opposite to Steppe, is an Irish comedian who is | always funny; Arthur Putnam, the j straight man of the cast, is an excel lent foil for the comedians; Rose Duf fin, the soubrette, is a bundle of pep and personality; Geo. Rose, the juvea- > ile, is a good looking chap with lots of ability;1 Alan Walker is another dancer who contributes much to the show’s success; Edna Howard and Edna Davenport, are both acrobatic dancers full of vim and grace; the Bodine Sisters both sing and dance equally well; Aneta White does a tra peze act, displaying rare grace and charm; Betty Meyers is a clever hard shoe dancer; Paula Joyce, a singer and dancer, while Ina Kay does some dancing stunts that are new and novel. Nor must we overlook the chorus which is much more attractive than most of the ones playing here this season. In fact one of the unusual features about “Dancing Around” is the vivacity of the entire chorus and the excellent execution of all of the lively and graceful ensemble dances. The sensational work of Buck and Bubbles will be the talk of Omaha. “Dancing Around” is in two big acts and six colorful scenes. Its book is by Harry Steppe and Arthur Put num and its lyrics and music by Joe Trent. The show is staged by Mau rice Cain and the dances by Seymour and Frank Montgomery. There will be a matinee at 2:15 daily all week. Sunday’s matinee starts at 3:00. FEATURE OF AK-SAR-BEN' HISTORIC PAGEANT President Coolidge, receiving the oath of office in the parlor of hie father's home in New England, will be one of the feature floats in the Patriotic Historic America pageant which is to be one of the highlights in the annual Ak-Sar-Ben festival, Oc tober 3. To be sure of the correctness of the smallest detail, photographers went to the little Vermont homestead, where the president spent his boy hood. and photographed the room just as it was when the elder Coolidge ad ministered the oath of office to his son. The photographs are being used to govern the construction of the float. Furniture, pitcures, wall decorations, carpets and rugs will be reproduced exactly. The Patriotic Historic America pag eant will cost $30,000, forty floats be ing entered, each representing some patriotic incident in the history of the nation. More than 4,000 men, women and children will take part. Fifteen hands will participate. The pageant was written by John Lee Webster, pioneer attorney of Omaha. WOMAN “JUST TRAVELIN” IS PUT OFF TRAIN Chico, Calif., Sept. 21.—Susan Bell, | colored, 80 years old, according to j the local police, was arrested last night when she was put off a South- ' srn Pacific train she had boarded at I Vina, after telling the conductor stye I had neither money nor ticket, and said she was going “nowhere in par ticular, just travelin’.” May? are showing their apprecia tion for the Monitor by sending in their subscriptions. Are you a sub scriber? if not, why not? is your subscription due? If so, please pay t prmptly. WANTED TO RENT—Two or three furnished rooms for light bouse keeping. Tel. WE bster 4584. TOR SALE—6-room modern house, half block from Twenty-fourth street car line. For information call WE bster 2179, until 9 p. m.; after that WE bster 1373. 1st at DE LUXE CAFE Barke k Wiley, Proprietors. Short Orders at All Hours Quality and Service. Phone L-44S4 84« Wo. 9th St Lincoln, Webrnnkn WWVWWIftMWWWW ffilmSaTselnS^ I CAIN AND DAVENPORT PRESENT THE NATIONAL SPEED SHOW I I HARRY “BANANAS” STEPPE in I DANCING AROUND THE UTMOST it Musical Revue With AMERICA’S FOREMOST COLORED STARS BUCK and (Courtesy of Nat Nazarro) Successors to Williams & Walker I Highest Salaried Colored Per- I formers in the World I Late Stars on tlie Orpheum, Kieth and I ' Shubert Circuits ■ SPEED? PEP?_Nothin’ But! I Watch Bubbles Strut!! Hear Buck I Play the Piano!! —and I I The Fastest Dancing Chorus in the World! | HARRY STEPPE, whomade bananas famous! | I We Provide All “Present Day” Needs Complete Protection—Big Benefits—Low Cost We will list your home for sale, or sell you a home and loan you money. AMERICAN MORTGAGE & FINANCE COMPANY JOHN F. THOMAS, Agent. 214 Courtney Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Tel. WE hater 5782 FRIEDMAN BROTHERS 1510 NORTH 24th STREET Full Line of SHOES AND HOSIERY for Your Family. Latest Styles and Lowest Prices Honda Furnished to Reliable Person. NOTARY PUBLIC IN OFFICE PHONES: Res., Web. 6613; Office, At. 5104 Res. 2863 Binney St. NOAH W. WARE ATTORNEY and COUNSELOR AT LAW HOURS: 9 A. M. to 12:00 Noon; 1:8b P. M. to 6:30 P. M. | 111 So. 14th Street Omaha, Nebr FRANKLIN THEATRE 24th and Franklin THE BEST PICTURES AT ALL TIMES ' ' ■ ' I ' I i . t I SEEDS £ OF KNOWN QUALITY $ Mower, Grass and Garden £ Seeds 5 Bulbs, Hardy Perennials y Poultry Supplies ? -See Us for Your £ Fresh Cut Flowers X Always on Hand | Stewart’s Seed Store i: £ 119 No. 16th St.—Opposite *■ Postoffice — JA ckson 0977 ;; PJenea, Rea. Phone WE. 204 f HES A COMPANY I UNERAL PARLOR North 24th St WE hater 11M | LADY ATTENDANT For Sickness & Accident Insurance Call AUGUSTUS HICKS Tai. Webster 6426 2719 Miami gt WO* Bankers Occident Insurance Co - I