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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (April 20, 1923)
ind Personal Happenings Atlantic 1322 T THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS ' i" ;ss box 1204 - - Webster 4243£ FOR RENT—One large room. Web ster 3792. Have you paid your subscription for The Monitor? E. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Peters Trust building, Jackson 3841 or Har ney 2156. Use DENTLO for the teeth. Large tube 25c.—Adv. FOR RENT—Mcely furnished mod ern rooms, one block from car line. Webster 3667. WANTED—Neat and intelligent of fice girl. Drs. Singleton & Singleton, 2411 North Twenty-fourth street. Web. 0266. FOR SALE—Furniture of a n»ne rootn bouse. Great bargain. 6516 Hamilton street. Webster 5162. Madame A. C. Whitley, agent for the Madam South and Johnson hair system, wishes to announce to her many friends and patrons that she has moved to 2724 Miami street. Tel. Webster 3067.—Adv. rpHOROUGHLY worthy used furni ture of every description is offered for sale at very reasonable prices in our warehouse, between the hours of 1 p. m. and 5 p. m. week days. 8th and Capitol Ave.—Orchard & Wilhelm Co. FOR SALE--Dandy Tailoring Es tablishment with everything equip . ped for cleaning and pressing, well located and doing fine business. Own er wishes to sell by May 1st so he can join his family In different climate. Call, write or see him at 219 North Tenth St, Lincoln, Neb. ROOM FOR RENT—Heatly furnish ed, strictly modern, in private home. Webster 6613. WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN j during the day. Phone Webster 5660. ——————-■ OMAHA LOCAUI. Paul Philips, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Phillips, 2504 Burdette street, was -truck by an auto Sunday at 24th and Grant streets and narrowly es caped l>eini? killed. He was badly bruised. The Carter Benevolent club recent ly presented to Mrs. H. Sherwood a beautiful cut (?lass berry bowl in ap preciation of her services for the club. X~X~XK~X~X~X~X"X-X“X~X“X":; 1 J. J. WELTER I % FURNITURE REPAIR 2 t t 2 Upholstering and !«! "k Refinishing X v 2 y Box Spring and Mattress y Sf. Work I 1803 North 24th St. | ;{j Phone WEbster 7156 ;j; *x-c..;..x-X"i"X"X“X":"X~x->X";"X-? A Charity Ball for the benefit of the Old Folks Home will be given on May 3rd at the Dunbar Dance hall, under the Dunbar hall management. Mr. Charles H. Stanton who waa called to Portland by the death of his mother-in-law returned Friday morning. Mrs. Stanton and their son Charles Richard will return later. Miss Hattie E. Gaston who has been attending Wllberforce university has returned home on account of illness. She contemplates atten ing the Uni versity of Omaha during the summer session, and will return to Wllber force in September to continue her studies. Mr. N. Sherwood was called to Macon, Mo., last week by the serious illness of his mother. The Phi Delta Girls met Wednesday night as the guests of the Misses Daw son. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Smith enter tained at a dinner Sunday night Wal ter F. White of New York, assistant secretary of the N. A. A. C. P. Mrs. Smith and Mr. White are both former residents of Atlanta, Ga. William H (Bob) Robinson, left on Monday night for a business trip to Chicago, Philadelphia and Washing ton. He will visit his sister who re sides at Lancaster, Pa., and whom he has not seen for eleven years before returning to the city. He expects to be gone about two weeks. Mrs. Clarice Mora of San Francisco, Calif., arrived in the city last week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I* Deadlines of 2215 North Twenty fifth street. Mrs. Jean lAttimore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. I.. Desdunes, who has been seriously ill for several weeks, is showing marked improve ment. The Simmons store, 802 North 16th, carries a complete line of new and standard men’s, women’s, and chil dren’s shoes and furnishings, and be ing out of the high rent section his prices are an inducement to go a lit tle out of one’s way to patronize him. Monitor readers are urged to drop in and get acquainted with Mr. Sim mons. The Dames’ Club held their regular bi-monthly meeting Wednesday after noon as tho guests of Mrs. William son, 2608 Burdette street. Mrs. Ernest J. Banks has returned homo from the Swedish Mission hos pital where she underwent an opera tion and is doing nicely. Sergeant Isaac Hailey is quite seri ously ill at his residence, 2816 Pratt street, with bronchial pneumonia. He is under the care of Dr. J. H. Hutten. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mahainmitt en tertained a few friends at dinner Mon day night complimentary to Mr. Wal ter F. White, after which a dancing l>arty was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pinkett. Malcolm Stubblefield of Sioux City, la., a graduate of the Iowa Agricul tural College of Ames, la., arrived in the city last Wednesday. This Should Interest You In order for me to get acquainted with the people of the neighljorhood I am offering a few specials for the next few days which might interest you. COME IN AND LOOK OVER OUR PRICES! We want to meet you. SOME PRICES: CORN, 2 Cans for... PEAS, 2 Cans for.-. Tall Can CREAM. No. 1 PEACHES.—.J5c No. 1 APRICOTS.-. 15c TOMATO SOUP.10c Tall Can SALMON..-. 15c ENGLISH WALNUTS, per Pound.-. 50c 10 Bars PEARL WHITE SOAP.44c ADVO JELL, 3 for..-.25c GOOD TOILET SOAP, Each.-r..5c „ TOILET PAPER, 4 for.25c t , SHOE BLACKING for...•.14c \ BEST POTATOES, per Peck.22c POST BRAN FLAKES, per Package. 10c POST TOASTIES, 2 Packages for .25c CORN FLAKES, 2 Packages for... 25c CAMPBELL’S PORK AND BEANS, 2 Cans for. 25c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES .-ALL KINDS OF FRESH MEATS Visit Our Home Bakery Department 0 Wolf’s Grocery and Meats OTTO W. WOLF, Prop. 1845 NORTH TWENTIETH ST. Phone WE hater 0134 Successor to M. M. Beitel—Sam is still with me. I % —lMiwwMiiwii _ irUBga A birthday party was held at St. Philip’s rectory Saturday afternoon for Catherine Abigail, the eleven-year old daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. John Albert Williams. Eleven little folks, chiefly members of her Sunday school class, were present and had a delightful time. John Dillard Crawford who has been attending St. Lawrence University at Canton, N. Y., arrived home last week to spend his vacation. The Brandeis Waiters have organ ized a baseball club and will play their opening game next Sunday after noon at Carter I^ake. They are an xious to get in touch with all good ball players. The congregation of the Church of St. Philip the Deacon is invited to join in a memorial service for the late Bishop Tuttle Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock at Trinity Cathedral. For this reason the 5 o’clock Vesper service at St. Philip's will be omitted. Do you think Omaha needs a news paper like The Monitor? If you do support it by sending in your sub scription and getting your friends to subscribe. Ask your merchant to ad vertise in your race paper. The popular Franklin theatre Is listed this week among the advertisers in The Monitor. This playhouse has recently installed a new screen of the best make and made other im provements which insure its patrons of the in picture entertain ment. Nothing but the latest and most popular films are shown. Those of this week include such stars as Rudolph Valentino, Dorothy Dalton, Norma Talmadge, Pearl White, Win. Desmond, Baby Peggy and Sunshine Sammy. On Friday and Saturday evenings of this week there will be an added feature of Big Time Vaude ville. Look up the ad in this issue and spenrr an enjoyable evening at the Franklin. Mrs. William H Newsome, 2419 Blondo street, left Sunday morning for Cleveland, O., to visit her mother, er. Joseph Carr, who has been a pa tient at the Paxton Memorial hos pital for several weeks is now at his home, 2701,/£ Cuming street. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Gibson ar rivcr last week from Portland, Ore., and will probably make Omaha their home. Mrs. Gibson was formerly Miss Emma Parker. LINCOLN NEWS Count Wilkinson, editor of the New Era, Omaha, and several other gen tlemen, motored over from Omaha Monday on business. Messrs. Walter Winkleroy and Her man MeCurley returned home from Scottsbluff last week. C. R. Johnson spent Sunday in Om aha. Rev. H W. Botts left Monday night for Kansas City, Kansas, on business. Mrs. Wm. Dean is able to be about again afte ran illness from tonsilitis. The condition of John L. Wright at the state hospitiil remains the same. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cooley at 826 South 11th, entertained at a 6:30 din ner party Thursday evening. The living rooms were made beautiful with American Beauty roses and a cluster of spring flowers adorned the perfectly appointed dining table. Cav ers were laid for twenty, and a most delightful time was had by all. Mrs. Edward Dorsey was called,to Rockport, III., b ythe death of a rel ative. Mrs. La Bell Smith left the city for Omaha to visit her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Will Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McWilliams ran down to Omaha Wednesday night. Miss Dorothy Loving entertained a fetf friends at dinner Sunday after noon. A lovely time is reported. Services at Mt. Zion Baptist church last Sunday were interesting. The Sunday school and B. Y. P. U. had nice crowds. The pastor preached two fine sermons during the day. The dinner given by the Buds of Promise last Thursday was a success, as was also the Saturday night supper at the parsonage. Mr. H. Leland of Plattsburg, Mo., is in the city, and is employed at the A. C. Stanley barter shop. The Shuffle Along company which appeared before large audiences at the Orpheum theatre last Tuesday and Wednesday in musical comedy, is said by people of good taste to be a ver> unique play. The song hits were new and up-to-date, and the leading char acters were real funny. Our folkf patronized them well. A company oi young people gave a dance in theii honor in Germania hall last Tuesday night, and mapy of the company at tended, The company comprirse< about forty people. Services at the A. M. E. churcl . were conducted as usual last Sunday The Sunday school was well attende< and Rev. M. C. Knight preached botl morning and evening. The attend : ance was fair. ■ Say, who was it that wont out of the city last Sunday and slipped back on the train? R. W. Walker was reported on the sick list this week. Please see me about your subscrip tion due now. Mr. and Mrs May returned home last week after spending a week in ! Kansas on their honeymoon. Mrs. I May, formerly Mrs. Corina Williams, and Mr. May were married at Kan sas City recently. ALLEJJ CHAPEL MEMBERS SURPRISE THEIR PASTOR After Rev. O. J. Burckhardt and wife had spent a very pleasant day Tuesday visiting friends they returned to the parsonage about 8 p. m. and in a very short time were agreeably sur prised by hearing a company of peo ple just outside of the door singing, “Swing Low Sweet Chariot” and the strange thing about the affair wasj that Mr. Burckhardt had been so ab-l sorbed in other matters that this be ing his birthday had completely leftj his mind. But Mas. I^aura Jefferson,! chairman of the stewardess board,! and Elizabeth Clark, president of the; Booster club, had communicated with! Deaconess Sarah Severe and other: members of the church and had plan ned the surprise and arranged the( program for the occasion. After a j banquet of plenty of Ice cream and cake there were some very good and timely remarks made by Rev. P. M. Harris and Mr. Whitlow and Mrs. Burckhardt and husband, after which Mrs. Jefferson presented the pastor with a nice purse for which he was very thankful, and Miss Ruby Reed presented him with p book that Is of great worth to a minister’s library. The pastor's only grievance is, that it will be another year before he can have another birthday. MRS. LAURA JEFFERSON. Franklin Theatre FRIDAY, APRIL 20 FRANK MAYO in “The Flaming Hour” Also Sunshine Sammy in “Our Gang.” Also Big Time Vaudeville SATURDAY, APRIL 21 FRANKLIN FARNUM in a west ern denjon “Firebrands” Also Tweedy Dan in “Doggone” and an act of Junior Orpheum Vaudeville SUNDAY and MONDAY, APRIL 22 and 23 RUDOLPH VALENTINO and DOROTHY DALTON in a story of the Sea "Moran of the Lady Letty” and the little star, Baby Peggy, in "Peggy of the Circus” TUESDAY, APRIL 24 PEARL WHITE in "Plunder” No. 7 Nonna Talmadge in “Ghosts of Yesterday.” Also a good comedy. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25 A crackerjack Western feature of unusual calibre and a good comedy THURSDAY, APRIL 26 Two episodes at a time of “Perils of the Yukon” Nos. 2 and 3 with WM. DESMOND. Also a Good Comedy LET US PAY YOU QC/C ON SAVINGS -We Treat You Right ST^TE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 315 South 17th Street Keeline Building || L>qg3tlKlffl>i'«tetfe«ZgWMMSay>tftaKBi<TOri«l<»fflfl)iflBgMMMMHMMMMMttflMflflMgBtati>uiroft>OKrnglM : | A Few SPECIAL PRICE DRUG ITEMS ! g FREE DELIVERY—Call WE bster 064)9 g .£ $1.25 Lydia Pinkham’s 30c Cutieura Ointment £ ❖ Vegetable Compound .$1.00 and Soap ....25c y Y 26c Black Draught .20c 60c Listerine .50c £ A 30c Laxative Bromo Quinine 25c 60c Syrup of Figs ._...55c £ *t 15c Sayman’s Soap.10c Str. $1.10 S. S. S._. $1.00 y £ 35c Sloan’s Liniment. ....30c $1.10 Tanlac .$1.00 £ y $1.00 Wine of Cardui.90c 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 45c y y 30c Listerine .25c 50c Pebeco Tooth Paste 45c Y | REID-DUFFY PHARMACY X 24th and Lake Streets % Merchants Drug Co. | t Northeast Comer 24th and Cuming Streets X |---| ;j; Specials for Friday and Saturday | 40c Bottle of Hinkle Tablets. _...19c X T 35c Bottle of Lilly’s Liquid Soap... 24c y £ $1.50 an Ounce Perfume..._...74c X ! f $1.00 A. D. S. Beef, Iron and Wine...79c A £ $1.25 Shaving Brushes ........ 89c V £ 50c Chlo. E. Dixon Tooth Paste... 33c }., f 50c Mag Lac Tooth Paste. 33c •!•, £ 75c Sodium Phosphate ..49c f f 25c can Colgate’s Talcum Powder and bottle Perfume, both for..25c »|. • £ Good grade Silk Tissue Toilet Paper, 3 for ...25c y j 75c bottle “Smooth Hair” for keeping the hair in good condition..43c y £ $1.10 Tanlac ...89c Y ;i; - £, | MISCELLANEOUS | j £ CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PIPES, TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMES, STATIONERY, PERIODICALS, NEWSPAPERS. X J. A FRESH NEW LINE OF CANDY AND CIGARS g ’£ Edison Mazda Lamps — AH Sizes X { -1 I TRY OUR SODA FOUNTAIN f We Carry Light Lunches and Ice Cream. A New Dispenser .£ £ With New Ideas. Order Your Sunday Cream From Us. Y l £ AT lantic 9859 and 5183 AT lantic FREE DELIVERY—ANYTIME — ANYWHERE £ y l X"X"X"X"X":“X"X"X"X"X"X"X“X"X“XX“X"X";"i"X”X“X"XX“X"X“X* — BERNSTEIN’S 1806 North Twenty-fourth Street QUITTIN USINESS ENTIRE $25000.00 Stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes, Ready to- Wear and Men's and Children's Furnishings, Etc. To Be Sold at Less Than Manufacturer’s Cost of Production SALE STARTS FRIDAY, APRIL 13th BERNSTEIN’S | 1806 North Twenty-fourth Street *♦* ♦♦♦ | Annual Appearance I The IUBOIS Players \ IN THE THRILLING DRAMA 1 “THE PRICE” 1 V WITH AN ALL-STAR SELECTED CAST V X —at— X I Brandeis Theatre | f Thursday Evening, May 3 % Curtain, 8:30 P. M. A 1 BENEFIT OF OLD FOLKS HOME I f * ♦> ANDREW T. REED, Director CECILIA W. JEWELL, Manager A “A A j A PRICES—Second Balcony, 50c; First Balcony, $1 and 75c; Main Floor, $1; Boxes, $1.50 A i ❖ TICKETS EXCHANGED AT BOX OFFICE MAY 1 to 3 A - ❖ A f New Tire*:: A GUARANTEED FIRSTS j; •j* Compare Prices! a 30*3..$ 5.95 % 3(bc3i/2 . 6.95 j; % 32x3</2 . 8.95 .. A 34x4 . 12.95 o f WHY PAY MORE? | Kaiman Tire Jobbers :: & 1722 Cuming St. \ Public Sales j s* We have purchased 122,000 A *. Pair U. S. ARMY MUNSON £ :• LAST SHOES, sizes 5% to 12, A s' which was the entire surplus A f stock of one of the largest U. S. x £ Government shoe contractors. A t' This shoe is guaranteed one A hundred per cent, solid leather, £ •j color dark tan, bellows tongue, X s' dirt and waterproof. The actual •{• [• value of this shoe is $6.00. ‘s' t) Owing to this tremendous buy A |. we can offer same to <J£0 QC y !* the public at. .Y f •% t* Send correct size. Pay post- A j! man on delivery or sera| money A f order. If shoes are not as rep- A i\ resented we will cheerfully re- £ [• fund your money promptly upon £ f request. A i NATIONAL BAY STATE i SHIE COMPANY | :• 296 Broadway, New York, N. Y. | vXXX-vM'WXX-XXXXXXX^XXX"!* £ < > i Star Grocery and I; | Meat Market ;j [ »»■ * I £ N. W. Corner 80th and Pratt Sts. \ \ & <« _ \ if - < ► % THE STORE OF COURTESY £ t AND SERVICE o A / ♦ t^AA**>*X“X"X**x*x~x~X”X**x~x {WWWWWWjWWWWj ■j Beautify Your Home j: IJ Expert Hedge Work Our Ij [C Specialty *, ^ We are now making contracts J ■ J for Spring Lawn work. A few «| C pounds of our high grade Lawn 5* Grass in connection with our J* f quick result Lawn Fertilizer, ■ J J will revive the old worn out *« f lawn. By our expert method of I» f u making new lawns we can us 5 ually have your new lawn ready Ji j to mow in two or three weeks. ,* C We carry a full line of trees ■ [ 5 and shrubs at our 24th and Ji ? Cuming Street store. Also a >J J, complete assortment of. Bulk and *, w Packet Grass, Vegetable and J> Flower Seeds. Free advice on «J the care of your Trees, Shrubs *, or Lawn. J • HOME LANDSCAPE < SERVICE CO. f Phone JA ckson 5115 'J 911 No. 24th St., Near Cuming i/.ww/.vwvwwm For Sickness S Accident Insurance Call AUGUSTUS HICKS Tel. Webster 6426 2716 Miami St With Bankers Accident Insurance Co. ' 'WATERS ] BARNHART PRINTING CO. |; Alaska Fish Co. ij I; 1114 North 24th St. ;I Telephone Webster 6512 !| I; LIVE FISH DAILY ■I GROCERIES and FRUITS j* I; Free Delivery !j MWVWbW/AWWWmMV ... ........... LE BRON a GRAY ELECTRICAL WORKS Expert Electrical Engineers Motors, Generators, Electric Elevators Repairs, Armature Winding, Electric Wiring PHONE JACKSON 2019 116 South 13th St., Omaha .... f MELCttOR - Druggfct The au leitakb Tel. lea* MV ISM ■•, 14th St