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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1923)
Local and Personal Happenings Atlantic 1322 WE PRINT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS ‘fit address box 1204 - . - Webster 4243 * 1 1 — ~ * ——— Avoid pneumonia bl using SULTOX . in time.—Adv. Mrs. Wm. B. Smith continues to im prove after her recent operation. E. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Peters Trust building, Jackson .'(841 or Har ney 2156. Mrs. Edward Wilson of North 26th street is quite ill with an attack of the grip. Mr. and Mrs. Himey B. Cowan spent last Sunday visiting friends in Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Corinne Donnell of Coffeyville, Kasas, is visiting Miss Marcia Parka, 2710 Parker street. Mrs. Luther J. Dillard who has been ill for several weeks is now in the Pax ton Memorial Hospital where she re cently underwent an operation. Mrs. Edna Banks, wife of Ernest L. Banks, 924 North Twentieth street, underwent an operation Monday morn ing at the Swedish Mission hospital. She is reported getting on nicely. j For grippe and the flu use SULTOX. Nothing better. Manufactured by the Kaffir Chemical Laboratories, 817 No. Sixteenth St., Omaha, Neb. Ask your druggist or order direct from Labora tories. Large bottles, $1.00.—Adv. J. H. Griffin of 2618 Burdette street who has been quite ill is convalescing. Mrs. Philip Letcher, 3415 North 28th 'street, has been confined to her home by illness. FOR RENT—Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 1631 No. 21st street.Webster 6081. Mrs. J. S. Black of St. Paul, Minn., was called to the city by the serious illness of her son-in-law, Leroy J. Rob ertson. Leroy J. Richardson, who has been 1 seriously ill for several weeks at his home, 2622 Burdette street, is rapidly convalescing. FOR RENT—Furnished Room with Kitchenette, 2425 Grant street. Phone Webster 3 34. Inquire at 2221 North Twenty-fifth street. The funeral of Mrs. Bell, mother of Mrs. Mahalia Jackson, was held from Zion Baptist church Monday afternoon, the Rev. W. F. Botts officiating. Ledrue Galloway, reserve on the Central High School basket ball team, accompanied the team to Lincoln last Thursday, to compete in the great state tournament being held there in which 286 teams are competing. -—■ — ■■■ « James Stephenson of Kansas City, Mo., a gospel singer, arrived in the city Sunday, to take part in the three weeks’ revival services which are be ing conducted at St. John’s A. M. E. church by the Rev. John Adams. Miss Inez Cox, who has been a pa tient at the University hospital for the past five months, has returned home and is rapidly improving. Hav ing had such a serious time she warns people to be careful about becoming salivated. FURNISHED ROOMS For Rent in Modern Home.—Mrs. M. R. Wilson, 2616 Corby. Web. 6667. 2t Rev. M. H. Wilkinson, Baptist mis sionary, will visit Mt. Zion, Lincoln, next Sunday morning, and Morning Star at night. Mrs. Winifred J. Johnson, who has been quite ill at her home, 926 North Twenty-seventh street, is improving under the care of Dr. J. II. Hutten. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Myers are re joicing over the birth of a fine son, Friday, March 2. Mother and child are doing well, and the father—well, you ought to see him. ajm-IWIIJWHWBJlIUI 1WII 1WII IWt Ilia Jail, JVIf JSf[ us: ALLEN CHAPEL A. M. E. CHURCH 25th and R Streets. Market 3475 O. J. Burckhardt, Pastor. Big Quarterly meeting next Sun | day, March 11. Presiding Elder Hicks . w ill preach morning and evening and at 3 p. m. Rev. Mr. Hollis of the C. M. E. church will preach. All the Methodist pastors and their flocks will be with us upon this occasion and as many of the Baptist ministers as can conveniently make it, also many of their people. We will also have a free lunch served by the Junior Mite So ciety to people who wish to stay all day. Mrs. Melissa Carter, president of the Society, has arranged the lunch. We are expecting a great day and we shall pray much that God shall bless our feeble efforts. We yet have quite a few sick among our flock. Little Marguerite Alstron, Lovetta Riddles, Mother Gray, Lot Pegram, Martha Moffatt, Mother Jackson, Mother Lam berts. Pray for our sick The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Phillips, 2504 Burdette street, who has been ill, is much better. ♦♦♦ <♦ I Special 30 Day Offer! Special 30 Day Offer! * ♦t* —— " ♦♦♦ ❖ YOUR CHOICE OF t ! THE FOLLOWING BOOKS I V ♦*♦ *♦* Regular $1.25 and $1.50 Sellers Beautifully Bound in Cloth V ♦♦♦ ❖ A t * ❖ A ❖ V v ❖ ♦> ❖ * t ♦> t ❖ * ♦> A * f WITH ONE YEAR’S SUBSCRIPTION TO I The Monitor I * _ ♦> ❖ ♦♦♦ By B. M. BOWER *«* Cal)in Fever. V Chip of the Flying U. ♦♦♦ Flying U Ranch. Flying U’s Last Stand. Good Indian. X G lingoes. V Happy Family. V Heritage of the Sioux. Her Prairie Knight. ♦♦♦ Jean of the Lazy A. 4*4 Lonesome Land. ^ Lonesome Trail. *5 Long Shadow. V Lookout Man. ♦♦♦ Lure of the Dim Trails. j «£» Phantom Herd. ♦♦♦ Quirt, The. 4$4 Ranch of the Wolverine. * J Range Dwellers. Rim o’ the World. V Sky Rider. «£» Star of the Desert. *;♦ Thunder Bird. 4*4 Uphill Climb. ♦> """" ♦> By HAROLD BELL WRIGHT V Calling of Dan Matthews. V Eyes of the World. Re-creation of Brian Kent. ♦♦♦ Shepherd of the Hills. 4*4 That Painter of Udells, t Their Yesterdays. *5 When a Man’s a Man. V Winning of Barbara Worth. T_ By ZANE GREY Betty Zane. Border Legion. Desert Gold. Desert of Wheat. Heritage of the Desert. Ken Ward in the Jungle. Last of the Great Scouts. Last of the Plainsmen. Last Trail. Light of the> Western Stars. j Ixme Star Ranger. Man of the Forest, The. Rainbow Trail. Red-Headed Outfield and Other Baseball Stories, The. Riders of the Purple Sage. Short Stop. Spirit of the Border. II. P. Trail, The. Wildfire. Young Forester, The. Young Lion Hunter, The. Young Pitcher, The. By GENE STRATTON-PORTER At the Foot of the Rainbow. Daughter of the Land. Freckles. Girl of the Limberlost. Harvester. Laddie. Michael O'Halloran. Song of the Cardinal. ”■■■ V ♦♦♦ By JAMES OLIVER CURWOOI) ♦♦♦ Back to God’s Country. Baree, Son of Kazan. ♦♦♦ Courage of Captain Plum. Courage of Marge O’Doone. i Danger Trail. ♦ Flower of the North. V God’s Country and the Woman. V Gold Hunters, The. %♦ Golden Snare. Grizzly King. Honor of the Big Snows. Hunted Woman. $ Isobel. V Kazan. %♦ Nomads of the North. River's End, The. Steele of the Royal Mounted. Wolf Hunters. « - V v By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS *♦* Beasts of Tarzan. *** Gods of Mars. Jungle Tales of Tarzan. Mucker, The. ♦> Princess of Mars. Return of Tarzan. «$* Son of Tarzan. «5» Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar. Tarzan of the Apes. %♦ Thuvia, Maid of Mars. War Lords of Mars. ♦♦♦ Tarzan the Untamed. ♦♦♦ _ , 4 | No Waiting! No Red Tape! No Delay! | Call us up, ATLANTIC 1.122, tell us the name of the book you desire and we will bring it to you at once and ♦> collect for I he subscription or if you are out of town send your subscription by mail, telling us the book that you want ♦♦♦ and we will mail it to you by return mail. & This is a good chance to get a start on a library of good books. «$* X (Jet your friends’ subscription. You can get as many different books as you get subscriptions. This offer is X Y good on new subscriptions or renewals. • . V I The Monitor Every Week for One Year, TWO DOLLARS I I D O I T N O W ! v ♦♦♦ UNITED STATES VETERANS’ HOSPITAL BUREAU The United States Civil Service Commission calls attention to the op portunities for appointment offered to persons who are qualified and who de sire to enter the Government service at the new United States Veterans’ Bureau Hospital for colored veterans, shortly to be opened at Tuskegee, Al abama, and erected on ground donated for the purpose by Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. The capacity of this hospital is about 600 beds. It has been built for colored ; patients only, being the best of its I kind in the world. It will be the pol icy to select colored eligibles for ap pointment when reached for certifi cation in accordance with civil-service rules. Persons who desire to apply for any of the following named positions should immediately request full infor- j mation and the appropriate application 1 blank, addressing The United States 1 Civil Service Commission, Washing ton, D. C. Graduate Nurses; salaries $1680 to $2,500 a year. (Chief, Assistant Chief, Head and Staff positions.) Reconstruction Aides; salaries $1710 to $2000 a year. (In Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.) Reconstruction Assistants; salaries $1400 to $1600 a year. (In Occupation al Therapy and Physiotherapy.) Dietitians; salaries $1680 to $2500 a year. (Chief and Staff positions.) Persons who are already eligible on registers for any of the above-named positions and who wish to be specific ally considered for appointment to this i hospital should so inform the Commis sion. ] The following named positions in j the hospital will be filled from regis ters established by the District Secre tary, and persons who wish to apply for them should send for full infor- j mation and application blanks, ad dressing The Secretary, F’ifth U. S. Civil Service District, Post Office, At- j lanta, Georgia. t. Physicians. (General Medicine and ] Surgery, salaries up to $3250 a year, ■ Specialists up to $5500 a year.) ! Dentists; salaries $2400 to $3600 a j year, Laboi atorians; salaries $1680 to :. $2000 a year. (In Roentgenology, ! Bacteriology and Dentistry.) Pharmacists: salaries $1680 to $2000 • a year. I!; Persons who have already qualified for any of these positions in other civil •: service districts may have their elig- •: ibility transferred to the Fifth Dis- i; triet by writing to the District Secre- j tary at Atlanta. •: _ •] N. W. C. A. HOLD MEETING ! _ ,i The Executive and Advisory Boards of the N. W. C. A. met at the residence of Mrs. Martha Smith last Monday •• evening. The full repoi-t of the Char- •{ ity Ball given by Mr. J. H. Broomfield was read and adopted with a vote of V thanks. The balance due and turned •{■ over brought the full amount realized up to $206.50. After adjournment *• Mrs. Smith served a very palatable lunch which was thoroughly enjoyed -j by all. b Worthington Williams went to Lin- t coin Thursday night to attend the high t scvhool basket ball tournament. He T is rooting for Central. j WANTED—Colored men to qualify for J sleeping car and train porters. Exper- I ience unnecessary. Transportation fur- I nlshed. Write T. McCaffrey, Supt., St. \ Louis, Mo. -^ MEN WANTED for detective work. Ex- ^ perience unnecessary. Write for details El •"{plaining guaranteed position. J. Ganor, fa former Gov't Detectjive, St. Eouis, Mo. ® For Quick Sale A beautiful live room house at 2li81 Corby Street, with plenty of fruit trees and a j grape arbor. Price $4,000; $500 cash, balance $40 per month. Call Webster 7000. LINCOLN l REAL ESTATE ‘ ('. C. GALLOWAY, Manager We Are PANTS Specialists •U * -4 | Mail Orde.a Filled Promptly BRINvi IN II those old, worn-out pants. II We can match them with a new pair at moderate cost. We carry In stock thou | sands of pairs of pants. i No. 16th. Opposite Postoffice. MRinimnnHMa When you think of Pants think of the Pants Store. | Reid—Duffy Pharmacy ! 24Ul M Lake S4S. 11 Fut Miwnr Mur MM | <~x~x~x**x~x~x~xk**x~x**x**x~x< ! Public Sales 1 Y ,1 A We have purchased 122,000 .* •{• Pair U. S. ARMY MUNSON 4 X LAST SHOES, sizes BH to 12, 5 A which was the entire surplus *j V stock of one of the largest U. S. y £ Government shoe contractors. !jj X This shoe is guaranteed one % •{. hundred per cent solid leather, y X color dark tan, bellows tongue, I A dirt and waterproof. The actual 4 X value of this shoe is $6.00. X X Owing to this tremendous buy X A we can offer same to fiJO QP 4 X the public at. A Send correct size. Pay post- X A man on delivery or send money v X order. If shoes are not as rep- X X resented we will cheerfully re- A y fund your money promptly upon Y X request. X I NATIONAL BAY STATE I SHOE COMPANY | > 296 Broadway, New York, N. Y. | X**X**X**X**X**X**X**X**X**X**X**X**X* 1: large | l Dance Hall I •: FOR RENT i 5-Piece ORCHESTRA fur- 4; I; nishcd with hall for ♦{• $60.00 per night X t* Call Webster 7000 or 4340 y I- LINCOLN REAL ESTATE A & INSURANCE CO X > 2422 Lake Street X X"X"X**X"X*A*X"X"X**X"X"X"X“! W~X~X**X“X~X«<',AAA,X~X~XmX"X» i David R. Cohen! °. D. | : Registered Optometrist : 1412 North 24th St. $ i - ti ; Will carefully and scienti ; fically examine your eyes ; and fit you with the best 4*1 ; CRYSTAL LENSES and ?1 ; SHELL or GOLD FILLED Z FRAMES rn $ for. tpO.Ol/ | ; % ; X ; Call for Appointment X WEBSTER 3928 ? ! — i; Do Not Neglect Your Eyes! X *x~x**x**x*-x**x-x**x**x**x-x**:**x Wanted—Wide awake beys to sell be Monitor every Saturday. Live rys can make money by selling fjimbert. Shotwell & Shotwell ATTORNEYS t | Omaha National Bank Bldg. | I i . .——■ . . ,..i (MiUMtuiiOKiHrKi^iwaBtiMiiasiMMgtanagiHiai Peoples’ Gro. Store | P. E. Anderson, Prop. 2530 Lake Street STAPLE AND FANCY | GROCERIES Fresh and Cured Meats | The Best of Everything at 1 Reasonable Prices. / Prepare for Hereafter | By Keeping Warm Now ft COAL I ALL KINDS Reasonable Prices Charles Solomon 1 2530 Lake St. Web. 2019 | Residence Web. 4238 LE BRON ® GRAY ELECTRICAL WORKS Expert Electrical Engineers Motors, Generators, Electric Elevators Repairs. Armature Winding, Electric Wiring PHONE JACKSON 2019 llfi South 1.3th St., Omaha ...»... ...i WATERS f BARNHART PRINTING CO. Burdette Grocery j 2116 North 24th St. PHONE WEBSTER 0515 Full Line of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Fresh and Canned Meats ATRICK PHARMACY 24th and Seward St. | 16 Years Same Location Particular Attention to Prescriptions □ OMAHA STOVE kKFAIR WORKS Douglas St. Phone Atlantic 2524 \ Alaska Fish Co. jj 1114 North 24th St. ;j I Telephone Webster 6512 ■ ; LIVE FISH DAILY ■! GROCERIES and FRUITS !■ £ Free Delivery !j ,!.W.V.V.V.V.V/.VAWVA%‘5 i,.,.V.V.V.V.V.,.VAV//AV.,.V \ Alhambra jj Grocery and MeatfCo. !j :■ 1812 North 24th Street ! j £ Phone Webster 5021 j j I- PROMPT DELIVERY jj £ QUALITY GROCERIES !■ I; AND MEATS ■! ;I All Kinds of Fruits and 5 £ V egetables S AVWAWAWAWAWkWW 11. Eskelson j FANCY GROCERIES j 1 1837 No. 24th St. Phone Webster 0456 j Successor to F. HAGELIN & Co. Central Cuming MkL HIGHEST QUALITY GROCERIES and MEATS All Kinds of Fruit and Vegetables in Season Open Until 9 P. M. Every Evening. All Day Sunday. 2820 Cuming Street PHONE HARNEY 4515 OMAHA FISH CO. M. TURNER 1702 North 24th St. PHONE WEBSTER 2092 FISH—GROCERIES | VEGETABLES—FRUITS j DELICATESSEN M ELCHOR - Dm jgftit Tk* OM MteWc T«L 8*atl *#T 4M4 fl*. Mtk K .. /