The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, February 23, 1923, Page Three, Image 3
Local and Personal Happenings _p Atlantic 13221 WE PRINT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS or § I address box 1204 - . - Webster 42431 E. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Peters Trust building, Jackson 3841 or Har ney 2166. Mr. and Mrs. W. VV. Spencer left Sunday for Casper, Wyo., where they were called by the death of their daughter Grace. Mr. Joseph Carr is ptill confined to his bed at the Paxton Memorial hos pital. Mr. Geo. Kyles was taken to the University hospital last week, serious ly ill. The Fraternity Frats presented the Adams orchestra in concert at the Diamond theatre Monday, February 19th. The large audience that heard this concert was well pleased at hear ing these master musicians render the program which they had so well ar ranged. The program was as follows: March, Cyrus the Great. Overture, Golden Scepter; a) Chicago Toddle, Selection, Legend of a Hose, b) Lovin’ Sam—the Sheik. Overture, Sunshine and Showers; c)Texakana—Novelty selection. Overture, Poet and Peasant; d) Toot, Toot! Tootsie Goo-Bve! Drum boIo, H. Harrold. Mr. Finis Collins and his daugter Lucy May are confined to their home with an attack of the grippe. Mr. Leonard C. Russell, Who has been quite ill at the family residence, 2022 Burt street, is much better. The Colored Commercial Club held its regular monthly meeting at the club rooms, 2414 Maple street, Thurs day night. President Nate Hunter presided. Mrs. Delia Ward left Wednesday night for St. Joseph, Mo., where she will spend several weeks visiting her frienus. Mrs. Oeo. Braxton, sister of Mr. James White, left the city for Califor nia, where she will make her future home. The Birthday Club was entertained by Mrs. Alfred Jones at Hilcrest on Wednesday. Two of the ladies admit that they still observe their birthday anniversaries. Mrs. Jones’ date is February 6th and Mrs. H. R. Roberts’ February 5th. They leave their friends toguess the year. A delightful time was spent. . ■■ Mrs. A. F. Hawkins, 2218 North Twenty-second street, is quite ill at her home. The Woman’s Auxiliary of the Church of St. Philip the Deacon held their regular weekly meeting with Mrs. H. It. Roberts, 2610 North 28th avenue, Thursday afternoon. There was a large attendance. Mrs. Clarence Gordon entertained the Coue (No, not ’’Coutie”) Club at cards Thursday afternoon. The first prize was won by Mr:-. 15. I,ee, the booby by Mrs. Robert Washington. George W. Watson has been taken to St. Joseph’s hospital where he may have to undergo an operation. Mrs. Benjamin Slaughter entertain ed at luncheon Friday, February 16th, for five mothers and their babies. The guests present were: Mrs. Thaddeus Rountree and Thaddeus, Jr., ten months; Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and daughter, three months; Mrs. Andrew Murdock and Andrew, Jr., seven weeks; Mrs. Foster and daughter, thir teen months; Mrs. H. I* Preston and Audrey May, five weeks. Mrs. J. Orlando Mitchell left Thurs day night for Los Angeles, Cal., where she expects to spend the summer. Mr. D. G. Russell has been confined to his bed at the Dee Gee apartments of which he is proprietor for the past two weeks. He is reported improv ing. .Mr. Geo. Watson, an old employee of the O. C. A. and active in social up lift, was taken to the University hos pital last week suffering with spinal trouble. Mrs. Hattie Kitchen was seriously burned a few days ago at her home, when an accidental explosion was caused by powder. She is being cared for at her home at 2623 North Seven teenth street., The Rev. John Albert Williams goes to Plattsmouth Tuesday as one of the special Lenten preachers at St. Luke’s church, of which the Rev. Wilbur S. Leete is rector. Mr’. Richard Seay, one of Omaha’s oldest and most hignly respected citi zens, is quite ill at his home on North Thirty-fifth street. Mrs. John V. Greene of 211b North Twenty-sixth street, now a patient at the Paxtm Memorial hospital suffer I ing v ith nervous convulsions, is slow | ly improving. Wm. Costen has been detained at home for several days by illness. He is able to be out again. Have you paid your subscription for The Monitor? BACHELOR-BENEDICTS’ WIVES ENTERTAIN I The wives of the members of the , Bachelor-Benedict Club entertained them at a valentine dancing party on | Thursday evening, February 16th, at South and Thompson’s Blue Room. The room was beautifully decorated for the occasion. A delicious luncheon was served at 11 o’clock. The follow- ' I ing out of town guests were present: j Mrs. Bryan and Mrs. Burch of Sioux City and Miss Young of St. Paul, Minn. | All retied at an early hour (A. M.) j declaring that they had been wonder fully entertained. ENTERTAINS WIDE AWAKE TWENTY-FOUR The Wide-awake Twenty-four of Zion Baptist church were entertained Friday afternoon, February 16th, at the beautiful home of Mrs. Haywood Vawter, 1716 North Twenty-eigth street, president of the L. E. W. board of St. John’s A. M. E. church. A large number was present. After routine business a very elaborate four-course luncheon was served. There was one visitor present in the person of Mrs. Martha Bell. The members all expressed their apprecia tion to the hostess for her hospitality and broadmindness in entertaining an j auxiliary of her sister church. A bunch of sweet peas was given to 1 each guest. All departed voting a charming hostess. May others catch the spirit. The next place of meeting will be with Mrs. W. C. Craig, 2320 North Twenty eventh street, on Friday afternoon, March 2. N. W. C. A. HOLDS ELECTION OF OFFICERS j • The Negro Woman’s Christian As-j ^ sociation, better known as the Oldj*: Folks Home, held the annual election Wednesday, February 7. The follow- j "i ing officers were elected: Mrs. Martha Taylor Smith, president; Mrs. Mamie Shelton, vice-president; Mrs. Edith Scott, secretary; Mrs. Elizabeth M.j j Reed, assistant corresponding secre- •! tary; Mrs. James Jewell, treasurer; 3 Mrs. Rosa Miller, chaplin. |'! Members of Board •; Mrs. W. H. Botts, Mrs. Laura Hicks, Mrs. Alfonso Wilson, Mrs. Edith 3 Scott, Mrs. J. S. Turner, Mrs. M. A. 'j Shelton, Mrs. Chas. Solmon, Mrs. •] Elizabeth M. Reed. !j Other Committees House—Mrs. John Bailey, Mrs. Lena Turner, Mrs. Rosa Miller, Mrs. M. A. Ij Shelton, chairman. '♦ i Investigating—Mrs. Laura Hicks, chairman; Mrs. Tillia Simpson, Mrs. John McCorkle. Purchasing—Mrs. Elizabeth M. Reed, chairman; Mrs. Elise Turner, , Mrs. Ella Hunter. Auditing—Mrs. Alfonso Wilson, ] Mrs. Nettie Fredricks, Mrs. Lena 1 Moore. 0 A We feel proud of our new president, j Mrs- Martha Taylor Smith, apd wish ] to thank her for her faithful and un- * tiring services rendered the Home from the foundation of it to the pres ent time. We feel quite sure that this year will be a banner year for the Home. And under her administration with the help of the otlie rofficers and friends we MEAN to go over the top. Mr. Jack Broomfield will also be long remembered by the Home for the benefit entertainment he gave, netting over $200, which was turned over to the building and loan association with $300 from the home treasurer making a total of $500 building funds to I start our new Home. Others who gave to the Home dur ing last month were: Mrs. Dock Stew art, 2862 Chicago street, a beautiful quilt, eight pounds of sugar, canned fruit and eggs. Mrs. W. H. Botts, chickens. Mrs. W. A. Scott, five win dow shades and the price of hanging same. Mrs. M. A. Shelton, draperies, curtains. Round Corner Club, one ham anil eggs. Mr. W. M. Galloway, one of the in mates of the Home, shows what he i thinks of the Home by writing a let- ^ ter, thanking them for what they have done for him during his short stay in the Home. He has nothing but , praise for the Home and the kind housekeeper who so earnestly en deavors to do all she can to “Brighten the corner for some less fortunate one.” He feels that he has been treat- i ed better since he came into the Home j than he has since he left the home of ] his mother when but a boy. He has , gotten rid of several habits since be came into the Home and hopes to1 stay until the Master calls him home. Thanking one and all for their kind ness, * ELIZABETH M. REED, Corresponding Secretary. 2635 Franklin Street. P. S.—Easter envelopes will be out first Wednesday in March and it is hope that everyone will give some thing. t Error in Education. In trying to tench children a great deal In a short time, they are treated not ns though the rnce they were to run was for life, but simply a three mile heat.—Horace Mann. ♦. ■» ♦. ♦. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦. A A A A A ♦. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦. ♦ VVVV ♦ ♦ V V ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ | Special 30 Day Offer! Special 30 Day Offer! | % YOUR CHOICE OF t ! THE FOLLOWING LOOKS I *** Regular $1.25 and $1.50 Sellers Beautifully Bound in Cloth ♦> V ❖ ❖ ❖ V V ❖ ♦> ♦> v ❖ ❖ ♦> ♦> ❖ ❖ ❖ <♦ ❖ ❖ V ❖ ❖ ♦> WITH ONE YEAR’S SUBSCRIPTION TO i The Monitor ! ❖ _ ❖ ♦> ♦♦♦ By B. M. BOWER ♦♦♦ Cabin Fever. ♦% Chip of the Flying U. F'lying U Ranch. • F’lying U’s Last Stand. X Good Indian. Gringoes. V llappy F’amily. Heritage of the Sioux. ♦2* Her Prairie Knight. Jean of the Lazy A. Lonesome Land. • Lonesome Trail. Long Shadow. *♦* Lookout Man. ♦> Lure of the Dim Trails. A Phantom Herd. A Quirt, The. ♦ Ranch of the Wolverine. V Range Dwellers. *♦* Rim o’ the World. 1 ♦> Sky Rider. «J* Star of the Desert. *2* Thunder Bird. Uphill Climb. ❖ """"™" ♦> By HAROLD BELL WRIGHT Calling of Dan Matthews. Eyes of the World. ♦% Re-creation of Brian Kent. Shepherd of the Hills. That Painter of Udells. t Their Yesterdays. V When a Man’s a Man. Winning of Barbara Worth. ?_ * By ZANE GREY Betty Zane. Border Legion. Desert Gold. Desert of Wheat. Heritage of the Desert. Ken Ward in the Jungle. Last of the Great Scouts. Last of the Plainsmen. Last Trail. Light of the Western Stars. Lone Star Ranger. Man of the Forest, The. Rainbow Trail. Red-Headed Outfield and Other Baseball Stories, The. Riders of the Purple Sage. Short Stop. Spirit of the Border. U. P. Trail, The. Wildfire. Young Forester, The. Young Lion Hunter, The. Young Pitcher, The. By GENE STR A TTO N-PORTE R At the Foot of the Rainbow. Daughter of the Land. Freckles. Girl of the Limberlost. Harvester. Laddie. Michael O’Halloran. Song of the Cardinal. ... V V Ily JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD ♦$» Back to God’s Country. Baree, Son of Kazan. Courage of Captain Plum. Courage of Marge O’Doone. i Danger Trail. $ Flower of the North. *♦* God’s Country and the Woman. V Gold Hunters, The. Golden Snare. Grizzly King. Honor of the Big Snows. A Hunted Woman. $ Isobel. V Kazan. V Nomads of the North. ♦*« River’s End, The. Steele of the Royal Mounted. ♦% Wolf Hunters. i <$♦ By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Beasts of Tarzan. Gods of Mars. Jungle Tales of Tarzan. Mucker, The. Princess of Mars. Return of Tarzan. Son of Tarzan. «$* Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar. %♦ Tarzan of the Apes. %♦ Thuvia, Maid of Mars. ♦♦♦ War I^ords of Mars. ♦♦♦ Tarzan the Untamed. ♦♦♦ _ V | No Waiting! No Red Tape! No Delay! | ♦% Call us up. ATLANTIC 1322, tell us the name of the book you desire and we will bring it to you at once and ♦% collect for the subscription or if you are out of town send your subscription by mail, telling us the book that you want ♦♦♦ and we will mail it to you by return mail. This is a good chance to get a start on a library of good books. Ot your friends’ subscription. You can get as many different books as you get subscriptions. This offer is ♦ V good on new subscriptions or renewals. V I The Monitor Evory Week for One Year, YWO DOLLARS t I D O I T N O W ! ❖ ♦> 4% / 4% , itmmti j Reid—Duffy Pharmacy 1 ! 24iii ana Lake Sts. FreeBeJhrery Webster CM 9 f The Phi Delta girls met at the resi dence of Miss Frances Gordon, 2416 Binney street, Wednesday night. The services at the Church of St. Philip the Deacon Sunday are at 7:30, 10 and 11 a. m. and 5:00 p. m. Week day lenten sendees: Wednesday and Friday nights at 8 o’clock and Holy communion Thursday mornings at 9. - ____j {Look Look! :«! WHAT’S COMING I Illustrated Lecture | "s’ —On the— !Passion Play! 'k AT OBERAMMERGAU AS ? 4 I SAW IT X t By Y $ REV. GEO. A. MILLER, X Pastor First Christian Church. *j* | Pilgrim Baptist Church f !*! 25th and Hamilton Streets *»* X Monday Evening, February ;j; | 26th, at 8:30 $ I SPECIAL MUSIC BV MISS *j* j. TRESSIE LIVERPOOL X x 4 ,?. Admission 25c; Children Under ¥ 4 Ten, 10c X 5 4 {• Given for the Benefit of X £ the Church X ?! Rev. Wm. M. Franklin, Pastor. 4 {• A W. Anderson, Chr. !|! XMX*^XMX*,:MX:xMXMX*tMXMX»*:**x* I David R. Cohen! O. D. i ►* v Registered Optometrist $ 1112 North 24th St. f [j _ : j* i j; Will carefully and scienti- | ! £ fically examine your eyes ■ i; and fit you with the best $ ■ £ CRYSTAL LENSES and ? • £ SHELL or GOLD FILLED £ • : ™AMES $5.501 j : *:• ■ - ♦% I * **• 1 ! Call for Appointment * [ I WEBSTER 3928 ;j; \ ! 4 I ; :?> ^ Do Not Neglect Your Eyes! < X ■ .'VVVV'.’VVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVW*. ( Wanted—Wide awake hoys to sell J ’he Monitor every Saturday. Live • oys can make money by selling , I j I ...... . , Lambert, Shotwell & | | Shetwefl ATTORNEYS { \ Omaha National Bank BMg. ; ' \ Peoples’ Gro. Store | IP. E. Anderson, Prop. 2530 Lake Street STAPLE AND FANCY | GROCERIES Fresh and Cured Meats 11 The Best of Everything at | Reasonable Prices. £S£««£«»»aSS£S£SJ£!«a£«S£ai£!S:« i Prepare for Hereafter | I By Keeping Warm Now g COAL ALL KINDS Reasonable Prices K Charles Solomon 2530 Lake St. Web. 2019 | Residence Web. 4238 ;; KKWWKKWW**KW»;*KK»? 1 WATERS \ BARNHART PRINTING CO. ■ .■-...«■• ■ New and Second Hand FURNH URE We Rent and Sell Real Estate Notary Public S. W. Mills Furniture Co. 421 No. 24 St. Wt Thau It You. Wet>. 0148 ... ... Burdette Grocery i 2116 North 24th St. 1 PHONE WEBSTER 0515 Full Line or Staple and Fancy GROCERIES Fresh and Canned Meats ATRICK PHARMACY 24th and Seward St. ! 16 Yeara Same Location j Particular Attention to Prescriptions OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS' fi-S Douglas St. _ Phone Atlantic 2524 V/.W.V.V.V.V.V.’.V.’.V.V.V Alaska Fish Co.;! 1114 North 24th St. ■! Telephone Webster 6512 !| LIVE FISH DAILY •! GROCERIES and FRUITS ;j Free Delivery !• ywwv.w.v.vAWW^W. WVWWAWWWMWW Alhambra ij Grocery and MeatJCo. ! i 1812 North 24th Street ! | Phone Webster 5021 ^ J- PROMPT DELIVERY ;j QUALITY GROCERIES \\ J AND MEATS -j ;■ All Kinds of Fruits and Vegetables !j iWWViWVWVVWWAW j I. Eskelson FANCY GROCERIES 1 1837 No. 24th St. Phone Webster 0456 Successor to F. HAGELIN & Co. Central Cuming Mkt. HIGHEST QUALITY GROCERIES and MEATS All Kinds of Fruit and Vegetables in Season Open Until 9 P. M. Every j Evening. All Day Sunday. 2820 Cuming Street I PHONE HARNEY 4515 \ t—♦ • ■ ■ » ■■■■«■■.«•■»-»■■«■. OMAHA FISH CO. M. TURNER 1702 North 24th St. PHONE WEBSTER 2092 FISH—GROCERIES VEGETABLES—FRUITS DELICATESSEN MELCrtOR - Druggist Hm OM BaMaMc T«i Baath SOT MM 8a. 14th 8t. ..... ♦ y s