The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, August 25, 1922, Image 3
Local and Personal Happenings Atlantic 1322 I WE PRINT THE NEWS WHILE IT IS NEWS' ot 1 address box 1204 - - - Webster 4243 | BBBBB! ‘ TBfl _ wwmilWWwrAiii In E. E. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Peters Trust Itldg, Jackson 8841 or Harney 2156. Mrs. Zora Williams of Los Angeles, Cal., a former Omaha resident, en route to New York, Philadelphia, Washington and other eastern points, spout Tuesday as Ihe guest of Mrs. Pan DesDunes. On her return west she experts to spend some time in Omaha. For Kent—Two neatly furnished rooms. Gentlemen preferred. 812 North Twenty-third street. Atlantic 4634. — tndf. Mrs. Frank J. Liverpool and her daughters, Mary Ellen and Theresa, returned Shnay afternoon, from a week’s pleas?,nt visit to Deg Moines, la., during the session of the Grand Lodge of the tf. B. F.’s and S. M. T.’s Mrs. S. T. Phillips returned home Tuesday from the University hospital with her young son. REAL ESTATE, Rentals and Fire Insurance. Phone G. B. ROBBINS, Jackson 2842 or Webster 5108.—Adv. 7-7-28. / Mr. Hezzte Williams and Mrs, Zo die Merriweather were married in the church of St. Philip the Deacon Tues day afternoon by the Rev. John Albert Williams, in the presence of Frank J. Liverpool, Mary Ellon Liverpool and Lucinda W. Williams, witnesses to the ceremony. The bride was the widow of the late David Merriweather, The groom Is an employee of the Braudels stores. FOR RENT—Furnishea apartments of two and three rooms.—2130 North Twenty-eighth Street.Webster 4983. Mrs. Ella Stewart who died at tne Douglas county hospital, August 16, was hurried from the Silas Johnson Western Funeral Home on Saturday afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Bruce, a Baptist minister, officiated. Interment was at Forest I,awn. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms; also furnished rooms for light housekeep ing. Call Web. 3222. Mrs. Wade, 2634 Hamilton 8t. (2 mo.) Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Gleed of U» rence, Kang.; Mrs. Fred Gleed of Kan sas City, Mo., and Mr. T. P. Maham mitt and Mrs. H. J. PLnkett of Omaha returned from an auto trip to Denver, Col., Thursday morning. The deeds left for home Saturday morning.^ Modern furnished rooms at 926 No. 27th Ave., one-half block from Cum ing St. car line.—Mrs. Clay Anderson. Phone Harney 7228. Call mornings. WANTED—Married couple. Man to cook In cafe. Splendid position. Out ->t town. Webster 1038. T. P. Mahammitt, scout master, Troup 9, went to Camp Gifford Friday morning fo rthe Boy Scout encamp ment. It Is reported that he was also drafted as chaplain to the camp, and Sunday morning preached a sermon on ‘'Devils” which made all the scouts sit up and take notice. When It comes to power over serpents St. Patrick of Erin has nothing on St. Thomas of Camp Gifford. A. P Scruggs, Lawyer, 2310 No. 22nd St. Webster 0419.—Adv. Little June Artisan, the six-year-old niece of Mrs. N. Putton of the Patton hotel, after a six weeks’ visit with Mrs. Harry Cage at Portland, Oregon, has returned home. Mrs. Grace Morris Hutten, commis sioner of the Colored Commercial Club, left Tuesday night for St. Paul, Minn., for a brief visit to her father David* Morris, and her brother Elmer, a successful druggist of that place. Mrs. C. A. Hodgkins and daughtei of El Ueno, Okla., are visiting Mrs Hodgkins’ mother, Mrs. S. A. Smitl of 2210 Seward street. First-Class Modern Furnished Rooms —1702 No. 26th St. Web. 4769. Mrs L. M. Bentley Erwin. M. M. Bly of Kansas City, Mo., who a few years ago was a resident of Omaha, has returned to this city and is stopping at the residence of Mrs. Anna Banks, 924 North Twenty-fourth street. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished front room for man and wife or gentleman. 2429 Lake street. Webster 1621. Miss Jennie Hieronymous returned Saturday from Des Moines, la., where she went as a delegate to the Grand Lodge of the S. M. T.’s. FOR RENT—'A neatly furnished room for man and wife or single lady. 2630 Hamilton street. Mrs. Smith. Webster 2769. The Misses Dorothy E. Williams and Gladys E. Brown spent the week end at Manilla, la., as the guests of the Misses Algee. The Monitor Is YOUR Paper. Mrs. George A. Love, accompanied by her son, George A., jr., left Wed nesday for Leavenworth, Kans., for a two weeks’ visit with relatives. Among those who motored out to Camp Gifford Sunday to visit the Boy Scouts were Messrs. Ellsworth W. and Ellsworth P. Pryor and Mrs. Craig Morris and Mrs. Grace Hutten Morris. Mrs. Randolph Workuff, formerly of Omaha but now a resident of Min neapolis, Minn., is in the citiy as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Elllgan of Grant street. Mrs. Joseph LaCour who has re cently returned from Colorado, leaves soon for Montreal, Canada, where she will visit her daughter, Margaret. En route she will visit her son, Joseph B., at Kansas City, who is circulation manager of The Cull. EYES TESTED, Glasses fitted reasonable. Mendenhall Optical Co., 2603 No. 24th street, 24th and Lake streets. Webster 4495. Mr. and Mrs. William B. Burrell have returned from Exelslor Springs, Mo., where Mrs. Burrell went in quest of her health, and was subsequently Joined by her husband, who went to accompany her home. Mrs. Burrell’s health is improving. To thine own self be true; and it must follow as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man.— Shakespeare. Warner Britt of Higglnsvllle, Mo., youngest brother of our well-known physician. Dr. Leonard E. Britt, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Britt the early part of this week. He left for his home Tuesday night accompanied by his nephew, Leonard E„ Jr., who will viait his paternal grandmother until school opens. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. Beautiful modem home. Web. 0419. —Indef. Those vanity hags with small elec tric light inside which will enable mj lady to see that her dainty nose is properly powdered, even in the dark, is something that every lady will want. They are great. Secure new subscribers fur The Monitor and one of these handsome hags is yours. A. Black, W. P. Wade ami J. N. Wakefield attended the Masonic Grand Lodge session at Grand Island, | August 16, 17 and 18. CAPITOL POOL HALL 2078 North 21th Street—Phone Webster 1773 -CIGARS, TOBACCO and SOFT DRINKS- ; CIIAS. W. SOUTH, Prop. •x~x~x~x^kk~xk~x*«~xkK"X*«^~x***<xk**xkk“X~x~X"X“X*>*X“:-* j HENRY SCHNAUBER | Has Moved His Market to X ;i; 1837 North 24th Street x # X & (East Side of 24th Street, facing Parker Street) where you X will be able to get the same high grade X | MEATS, SAUSAGES AND LARD f X hereafter as before. FREE DELIVERY. ;!• X -PHONE WEBSTER 6364- % •X":”X~x**X“>*x~X“:“X~X”X”X-x-x-:**x~x-X”X-:-:«:~x«x-:~x~:“X”X~x* {.•x».x..:..:..x~x~x~X“X“X~X"i-x~x~X"X*<**x**X"X”X*'t~j"X“X“X“X“Xiv<:* ? i Omaha Trunk Factory $ Manufacturers of ;i; \ TRUNKS | | TRAVELING BAGS AND CASES, LADIES’ HANDBAGS $ I ' AND LEATHER NOVELTIES f J 1318 Farnam Street Phone Jackson 0480 $ t For news when It Is news, you tr.ust read the Monitor. ■Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Jones and Mrs. Dora Moore of Fort Worth, Tex., are recent Omaha arrivals. They are making their home with Mrs. Anna Banks. Mrs. Moore and Mrs. Jones are sisters. Silas Johnson who has been very 111 for several weeks is reported to be slowly but steadily improving. Mrs. John A. Smith and daughter, Celestlne, have gone to Chicago for a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Macey, Alexan der Davis anl Miss Alberta Brown | motored to Lincoln Sunday morning, returning to Omaha Sunday night. Miss Amelia Collins who was among the June graduates from Central High school left Wednesday for a brief visit with relatives In Missouri poMfts, go ing thence to Chicago where she will enter a conservatory of music. Miss Audrey Trueheart entertained at four tables of whist at her resi lence last Thursday night. The first prize was captured by Mrs. Rossle Shackleford, the second by Miss Sarah Kyles and the booby by Miss Dorothy Williams. Mrs. John Joynes of 2005 Haul street, who has not bean well for some weeks, is Improving. The Rev. M. H. Wilkinson, state missionary, has returned from Bea trice and Fairbury. He leaves Friday for Norfolk. H. J. Parker who for some months has been running a lunch counter at 2006 Paul street, specializing in Mis sissippi barbequed meats, is meeting with such success that he expects soon to enlarge his place. SEE THAT YOUR NEIGHBOR SUBSCRIBES for THE MONITOR. Get him to take advantage of our Six Weeks’ cut rate. get one Of our valuable PREMIUMS! GAYKTY OPENS SATURDAY NIGHT Old Man Johnson has been lucky enbueh to have Harry Hastings "Knlck Knacks” to open the season this year at his fun factory. The show has clever comedians and Is full of laughs, pretty girls, wonderful costumes and scenery. The Oavety has been com pletely redecorated inside and out, and very good Judment has been used In laying out the color scheme. We recommend the Oayetv to our readers this year as a theatre where they may he sure to see a good, clean show, a place where the'' may take mother, sister, wife or sweetheart without the least misgivings. ALLEN CHAPEL A. M. E. CHURCH O. J. Biirckhnrdt, Pastor. Last Sunday will go dow,n in the history of Allen as one of the great est days in her existence as a church. Services were interesting from start to rinislu beginning with Lawyer Bryant’s review of the Sunday school lesson and ending with an uplifting and largely attended night service. . The program as outlined In last , week’s Monitor was successfully car- ; rled out, the sermons by the Rev. « W. 8. Metcalfe, the Rev. Russel Tay- , lor and the Rev. J. F. Bryant, who ; spoke morning, afternoon and night, ■ respectively, were intellectual, spir itual and uplifting. The singing and other features were In keeping with the spirit of the day. During the day many ministers of the city, with rep resentatives from their congregations attended. The co-operation of the Rev. Thomas Taggart and other Bap tist ministers was appreciated. Next Sunday at 11 the pastor will speak on "The T/ord’s Day”; in the evening the Rev. P. M. Harris will preach. OMAHA FISH CO. M. TURNER 1702 North 24th St. PHONE WEBSTER 2092 1 f , | i i i FISH—GROCERIES VEGETABLES—FRUITS DELICATESSEN Skinners the highest grrde Macaroni, 1 Spaghetti anJ Cjg Noodles. i I iMiiMiiiiMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiMitiiiiiiiiiiMuiMiiiiiMiiiiimiiimiMiimmiiiMiiMmMiiiy PHONES: I Office, Web. 3!W; lies., Web. 0476 1 l| | || Dr. A. A. Foster I PHYSICIAN and SURGEON OFFICE HOURS: | 8 to 10 a. m.; 2 to 4, 7 Jo 8 p. ra. § | OFFICE—1516% North 24th St. W. K. Flemming Artistic Printer ; Phone Web. 5621 | 1425 N. 24th St. 4-.—. . . ... . f— "»-■'«■■.. ■«".. Phone AT lantic *104 Notary Public in Office and Counsellor N. W. WARE | Attorney at Law i Practicing In Both State and Fed- f eral Courts f 111 South 14th St. Omaha, Neb. e .... . . . ,.( WW/JWWAVWWW/.i | M. M. Beitel f ! GROCERIES > AID MEATS £ ^ SPECIAL^ ^ Special Week of Aug. 24th: £ § POTATOES j \ 20c a Peck \ ^ Quality Goods Best Prices ^ .• 20th and Grace Streets f J PHONE WEBSTER 0134 J OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS 1206-8 Douglas St. Phone Atlantic 2524 ....... ... ...,.... LE BRON a GRAY ELECTRICAL WORKS i i Expert Electrical Engineers Motors, Generators, Electric Elevators Repairs, Armature Winding, Electric Wiring PHONE JACKSON 2019 116 South 13th St., Omaha I. Eskelson FANCY GROCERIES i 1837 No. 24th St. Phone Webster 0456 i — ...i -i n Successor to F. HAGELIN & Co. ________ ' ■Ve ! I 'ie highest grade M 'caroni, r'aghetti and F.rrg Noodle*. J* Chrislopherson & Renstrom v COAL and F E E I) 4* £ Office 3505 North 30th St. J. ■{• Telephone Webster 0344 ♦{• '»• Yard 33rd and Pratt Streets Y £ Telephone Kenwood 0100 £ x~M~x-:~x~x-:-.:*«-:~x~x~X“M~:**x Townsend Sporting Goods Co. At Their New Location ATHLETIC SUPPLIES OUTING GOODS GUNS AMMUNITION FISHING TACKLE and KODAKS Phone Jackson 0870 13091 Farnam St., Omaha Ii MELCHOR-Druggist! The Old Reliable TeL South 807 4826 So. 24th St. ! MRS. J. X. IIOYI) In The Monl tor's Sioux City correspondent and agent, five her your subscrip tion and news.—Editor Monitor. | Henry M. I *j* *|« | Johannzen Glass $ & Paint Co. $ «*< TELEPHONE JACKSON 0349 j 114 South 14th Street S :> Don't Fuss With Mustard Plasters Musterole, made of pure oil of mus tard and otlier helpful ingredients, will do all the work of the old-fashioned mustard plaster — without the blister. Musterole usually givc3 prompt relief from bronchitis, sore throat, coughs, colds, croup, neuralgia, headache, con gestion, rheumatism, sprains, sore mus cles, bruises, and all aches and pains. It may prevent pneumonia. All drug gists—35c and G5c jars and tubes hospital size Q3. Better than a mustard plaster . _ X~X~X*,X“X"X~X~X“X~X~X~X~X~ x X “IF IT ISN’T AN k f EASTMAN IT ISN’T | % A KODAK” 4 f X I ' I I l | The Robt. A. | | Dempster Co. | I Eastman Kodak Co. | ;j; ,308 South 15 Street | PHONE JACKSON 1279 | 'k Omaha, Nebr. X 1 $ : ? 2 x l | 1 I i f *1* 2 4 x k r. a. McFarland | X Resident Manager X X •:«X~X~X~X~X»,X“1~X**X“X"X"X~X« ■ FOR RENT—Two well furnishet rooms with use of kitchen. One roon for gentlemen preferred.—Web. 5372 :. 1823 North 23d Street.—Mrs. Drak( . A. J. Glenn 2426 Lake Street W* C'wrw mi mr E* cTCS Th* H,*h#rt Cr*d» m««~* clll ^tl 1 fm fm JS^JKtd E«* Noodle*. Spaghetti and a*“ W*m**l 1l"* other Macaroni Product. I * FULL LINE STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FRESH AND CURED MEATS ! ^iSM^msa I .; M^^BaBL^PfEaaSSHaaEl ■" SEVENTEENTH ATN— -XlXXian* aietrf IJ :j AMAZING VALUES jj j: in Groceries and All Food Supplies j: '; We frrs»Efff^rfC Th* Higheet Grade Macaroni o*|| ^|n I Jm 11 Edfftij Egg Noodle*. Spaghetti and j. bell *1 other Macaroni Product. Jj |; We Deliver to Any Part of the City Tel. Douglas 3940 !' ■ ■■■■■■■■ «■ ■ ■ m ■ m m m ■ ■ ■ m ■ ■ ■ ■ m ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 We Hire a Complete Line mi j FLOWER, GRASS T AND GARDEN Bulba, Hardy Perennials, Poultry Supplies Fresh cut flowers always on hooH Stewart’s Seed Store 11* N, 16th St. Opp. Post Offloa Phone Douglaa 977 i , , j e CURO I f j \ Mineral Springs | | If 'A TEL. MARKET 0149 | X iL-y | 1812 N Street | y Omaha (South Side) X Bottlers of All High 4 y Grade Beverages. «£ X Sole Distributors of the 4 •j* Famous Orangade. *t* -X“X"X“X":“XX"X“;“X“:“X“X“XX”;' ► I I > I I I ‘ I ' i ' i 1 . ' 1 ' ! Wood-Oswald Co. A < > % LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS X " A - £ v X o '£ Long Distance Phone Market 0320 v I ROOMS 107-109 EXCHANGE BUILDING 11 £ Stock Yards Station, Omaha % X x-x«x-x~x-x-x-x-X"X«X”X-x~x-x-:~:-x-x*-x-x--x~x--X"X~>-x-<0"> :->-x-:-x--x-:-x-:-x-x-x-x--x-:--x--x-x-x-X"X-x--:-*x--x-y->x^<~x->-> ! RALPH K. TOWL CO. I X GENTS’ FURNISHINGS and HABERDASHERS :f X 4837 So. 24th St. Omaha (South Side)—Phone Market 0797 £ £ ALL UP-TO-DATE DRESSERS TRADE HERE X -.•~X“X--x~x~x-x~x-:-x~:~x«x~x~x-x--X"X~x~x--x--x~x~x--x~x--x-<--:’ :-x-:-:-:-x-:--:-:-:-:-:-x--x-:-x-:--X"X--x-*x-x--x--x--x--x--:--x--x-x--x--x--:--> CROSS EYES STKAIGHTEINED £ X In One Vin t, Without Discomfort, Hospital, Chloroform or Ether X £ in OMAHA X X DR- s. JOHN RANDALL % Chicago's Eminent Specialist in diseases of the * X KYE- EAR, NOSE AND THROAT £ £ who for 30 years has practiced in the leading eye, ear, nose and throat X £ clinics and hospitals of Europe and America, is coming to OMAHA, £ X Nebraska, to straighten cross-eyes, and will be in a position to take T £ care of a few more cases while here. Write to his Chicago office foi X y an appointment inclini ng a free examination while n your city; which V places you under no obligation. £ DR. S. JOHN RANDALL X £ EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST ❖ X Suites 1 to 8R 9 W. Randolph Street Chicago, Illinois I •;-X-XX-X“X"X--X~X-X-X“X-X-*X~X~X-X~X-X-X-X-X~X~X--X-.X-*-X •X-X~X’-X-.:-X-X~X--X-X~X-.X-X~X-X-X~XK“X-X-X~X-<~X~X"X~>$<-* X % X Buy Your Lumber of £ .{. ❖ I Platner Lbr. Co. I I l Y 24th and Oak Streets, Omaha £ £ LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS OF EVERY X X • £ £ DESCRIPTION X I I X -PHONE JACKSON 0725 £ x X I Reid—Duffy Pharmacy f :j: 24(h and Lake Sis. | Free Delivery Webster 0609 :: x-:-<-x-x-:-x-:-x-x~:-:-:-x-:-x-:-x-x--x--x-x-x--:-x-x-x«x--:-->->->-fr«^ mOel i c i Otis! I i IBB IN TINS V5=^IN LOAVES PATRONIZE THE STATE FORHITHRE CO. Corner 14th and Dodge Streets Tel. JACKSON 1317 Headquarters D DIHIClAflf*lf Phonographs for DIIUNvYVIvIi and Records • i,..» « •■■■ «■»■ ■ ....