WE'RE LIFTING f I TT"' 1\ /I /''YTVTT'T'/'YD STEADILY GROWING BETTER LIFT ALSO, | |-| | J lVXvXi^X X V XXV THANKS ALL AROUND! A NATIONAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF COLORED AMERICANS THE RKV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS. Editor : $2.00 a Year 5c a Copy OMAHA, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1922 Vol. VII—No. 28 Whole Number 340 BETTER TRAINED MINISTRY OBJECT OF NEW MOVEMENT Howard Culversi ^ mgurates I’hiii for Improving . lellwtnnl Standard of t ^ tes for Minlsti ^ - % BISHOP HARDING CH> AN Strong Advisory Committee of lift) Members Representing Various Ih'iminluations t'o-operiitlng III Movement. Washington, I). C.—Fan. 13.—The first meeting or the recently organized advisory board of the School of Re ligion of Howard Universiy was held on the University Campus January 4. This Board lias been organized for the purpose of promoting a definite co operative plan by which all persons interested, irrespective of religious faith, may work together for a better trained Negro ministry. President J. Stanley Durkee pre sented that vrger plans of the Uni versity and! id of the things already accomplished, and those being planned. He stressed the need of a great inter denominational Theological school. Dean D. Butler Pratt presented the pre-ent condition of the School of Re ligion of Howard University. He pre sented the need for a Divinity hall, as the School of Religion has no build lug of its own, and tiie pressing need of additional professors. The work of the Extension Depart ment of the Seliool of Religion was presented by Dr. Sterling N. Brown, Director. He told of the growth of that work and of the last twelve years' steady progress until now with the most meager outfit the number has increased to nearly 200/ students, which number could lie increased to thousands if the work is properly hacked. The startling fact that there are 1,800 annual calls for new pastors and ant ye:\lr less than 100 graduates from all the schools to supply the need revealed u most perplexing sltua tion. He said that with 1,700 preach ers annually going into the pastorate with hut little If any training present ed a problem that the American peo pie have not seemed to realize. The Advisory Board consists of nearly fifty church leaders in all of the important denominations of the country. Among those who have con sented to serve upon the Board are such churchmen as Rt. Rev. Alfred Harding, Bishop, of Washington, 1). ( '.; Rev. Frederick Lynch, publisher of Christian Work, New York City; Rev. 0r. Alexander Mann, Rector of Trinity Church, Boston, Mass.; Rev. Dr. Cor nelius Woelfkin, Fifth Avenue Baptist I Church, New York City; Rev. I)r. Henry Sloan Coffin, Madison Avenue Presbyterian Church, New York City; Dean Charh R. Brown, Yale Divinity Sghool, New Haven, Conn.; Dr. James H. Dillerd, Slater and Jeans Funds, Charlottsville, Vu.; Rt. Rev. John Hur t, 'Bishop of A. M. F. Church, Jacksonville, Fla.; Rev. Dr. Walter H. Brooks, Nineteenth’ Street Baptist Church, Washington, D. C.; IU. Rev. George L. Blackwell, Bishop of A. M. F„ Church, Philadelphia, Pa.; Rev. Dr. I. of the Theodore Roosevelt Post of the American Legion at the Colored Com mercial Club, 2421 Maple Street, Fri day night, for the election of officers and matters of great importance to all ex-service men will be taken up * at that time. All ex service men are invited to be present. DR. W. W. PEEBLES, Post Commander. It. C. LONG, Adjutant.