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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 29, 1921)
| North Side Merchants Extend the Season’s Greetings To Our Customers and Friends j * New Year Greetings | i ? "■ 1 f- f j | We wish to thank you very ;i; Y ^ i) •{• much for your trade during ^ $ the past year aud respect- | | fully solicit your future i 4 patronage. | i l | TUCHMANBROS. j 4 Groceries and Meats 4 X v L Y 24th and Lake Streets Webster 0402 X f i | 4 „ 4 X Wo - » mm w Th» Highaat Grade Macaroni y 4 Cll ^fCfMNwSF4^E88Nood,e‘- Spaghetti and X j: Sell other Macaroni Product* 4 ] !IA^Y■■W■^WWA■■VAV.YAWW/A^A^^AV■V^^VWAW THE NEW |! Diamond ! 24th & LAKE STREETS ^ FRIDAY— J Starting, of the Greatest Serial Ever Made ■! WINNERS of THE WEST Starring. ART ACCORD. $ Also BEBE DANIELS J In J ONE WILD WEEK :j 5 SATURDAY— s J “GOLD” ■: [• A Western Feature of Early Days. f ? SUNDAY— > $ EUGENE O’BRIEN in £ i GUILDED SINS :■ J THOMASSANTCHI > ? In J i A Western Feature. Also a good Two-Reel Comedy. ■; JyV.VJV/WW/.V.V.V.V.W.V.V.V.V.W.VAVAW.V.VAv) I t il a !< i; k.« k s; :i :i it K k> i i 1 p i % j NewYearGreetings 1 1 ft. I ft ft I I I 1 1 1 ft To all patrons and friends of this store we extend our thanks jg I\ ft ft ’ ft . . . . ft » and appreciation and cordially invite new trade in the future ft I I j Reid-Duffy Pharmacy j 24th and Lake Sts. Web. 0609 ■ * B i(,itit ;<it,-t it itlUOi.)t.lffr<ai)ti>iai3y><3gKIHI?<J&iiaH^ * ! § i $ a I 1 I Accept Our j Fondest | New Year | Greetings | I Jones & Co. a Undertakers and Embalmers £ 2314 No. 24 St. Web. 1100 New Years Greeting | A. J. DAVIS | I u Real Estate Rentals Insurance § | 2820 N. 26th Sreet Webster 0839 j| \ New Years Greetings from M Sol Lewis Music Parlors 24th and Parker Streets Webster '==========Z^ New Year Greetings i from | South & Thompson Cafe 24tli and Lake Sts. MiiiiHiiiwwiimmniniioomiiiiiiiiiiiiHi'iiiimiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiii'iiiiitiiiit'iiiiiiiii'iiitiiitiMiiiiiiiiiiMi , )t.)t jut.x « Jt ft-x:n x '.ijQVHJtiXii&tJtiX, | a :: st st i M X la NEW YEAR 5 n u | $ ; Greetings 1 X 5; Q 4. X It X X St :: st :: s: st « S? st 11 iSkvfmk*? tt, X ;t ■ it '.I st st st X st ■ s: 1 1 a • s 1 E. A. Williamson I Druggist 24th and Grant Streets New Year Greetings front Hodge Electric Co. 24 th and Lake Sts. ! NEW YEAR | st ; r 1 | GREETINGS j I 1. FROM A. F. PEOPLES | 2419 Lake Street I i ii »XKlKXKi8:« GREETINGS FROM MERCHANTS The North Side merchants center ing largely on Twenty-fourth Street, between Cumings and Lake streets are a wide-awake group and appreci ate the trade of our people. Many of our own business firms are located in this section. All these people cater to our trade. They get our support and are entitled to it. They show their appreciation of our patronage by ad vertising in our columns. Their greet ings are sincere. When Green and Tender It Is In our salmi days that we ai most particular about our dresslm —Boston Transcript. Always Obliging. Jud Tonkins says lie - perfectly will Ing to he wrong sometimes, for tin Rake of not spallin' an Interestin' ai foment. | The Year’s | IS Greetings ! from M ft -The- g | Liberty Drug | M 24 & Parker CO. Web.ter 0386 g I ' f f !• t i ! j i j Happy New Year j I I i — I ! Wolf Bros, j j 1421 Donglas 302 So. 16th. I New Year Greetings from Emerson Laundry 1303 N. 21th St. Web. 0820 i *1* ♦*. ♦*♦ I We Have Moved! | -—-| VVe have moved our entire furniture stock *♦« from 24th and Lake Sts. and hereafter will be lo- «$, cated only at 25th and Leavenworth Sts. «,♦« A We have taken on additional space and have Y £ incteased our stock so that we now have a furni- Y ture stock as complete and as up-to-date as can V I be found in Omaha. V ♦ By making this change we are able to again reduce our already low prices because we have V again cut our already low operating expenses. We extend an invitation to visit our now en- Y larged store where everything in the home furn- Y ishing line is offered at prices 25 per cent below V ^ any store in the city. V ❖ ' TERMS IF DESIRED | 1 DOLAN & SHIELDS ‘jj ♦> Furniture Co., Inc. 2 V 2475 Leavenworth St. Atlantic 2080 V ♦*< Land of the Orris Root. Orris root, which Is used as a bit Bis of many perfumes, Is obtained onl.t around Florence and In the neighbor hood of Verona. Blind, Reads With Tongue. Braille characters are, of course read with the fingers, but one armless blind man has been taught to read with his tongue, •». ..... . . New Years GREETINGS W. B. NICHOLS Paints, Oils and Glass 24th and Lake Phone Street* Web*ter 3516 g I K | New Year Greetings R Ng K 1 i 5 $ I » I from £ g i® i p Mine. C. C. Johnson $ '<>'■ f Mine. C. J. Walker System & \ l jj » i Hair Culture s 1 3 24th and Seward Street p S Webster 2627 | M 1 New Years GREETINGS I | :: • I f I | We extend to you our hearty | $ appreciatton and thanks for f Y | your patronage in the past | | and cordially invite your j future trade. | j BERNSTEIN & COHN | Groceries and Meats f X 24th and Lake Streets Webster 1788 $ I I | w* seu Skinner's | Am highest grade Macaroni, Spaghetti, Egg Noodles and £ v tether Macaroni *Producte. X i ? | THE j FRANKLIN THEATRE Wishes You A Happy New Year I = I | Good Shows Every | Night at This Theatre i ■■■■■■■ g§ 1 NOTICE! 1 This Theatre has installed a NEW MACHINE which will give greater satisfaction on the screen. i » 1 Come and see for yourself 1 1 e[SZ$llltge3tC3t£tgtiitZit3*LZ<t3£2<l3i£?<iZiSi{1ii3ii3iigig&fitg£gt3itSZ'gi‘8tS£Sit1ltSll$ l The Season’s Greetings | , From the | Family Shoe Store £ 5? » | Friedman Bros., Props. 1504 N. 24th St. | *?i»;:vjK«»:js»j*sy!i;?¥7Sj*»K?s?s?sy***www»Kww*w»»»a«§