The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, December 08, 1921, Image 4
--and a Gift Supreme When of Leather « ¥ THEN you make a selection from the Freling & Steinle store you can do sc \\ with the utmost confidence of buying America’s finest leather products —at prices exceptionally low. Our reputation of selling the highest standard leather merchandise obtainable year in and year out has been enjoyed by our patrons for over 15 years. _ _ _ . * ■<.>4 ' I Exceptionally Wonderful Is Our Showing of Ladies’ Hand Bags Never before tn the history of our busi ness have we offered a greater variety of Ladies’ Hand Bags at such remark ably low prices. As an example the distinctive bags illus trated come in black and fancy designs in leather of ooze hide, long hide, spider and pin seals, at— $3.75 S $10.25 < ".UNO fi STCINLE IHMWHtltMU Gift Suggestions for Every Member of the Family Cigar and Cigarette Purses and Toilet Traveling Sets Portfolio Cases Collar Bags i'itted bmi Lasts Musk Polls ,n a Mcst Complete 11 . | «. Gladstone Bags Selection ;iiOSt Useful because Photograph Frames „ , ,. .. , . , D *• 1 . ' Our assortment of this fitted lug MOSt I Tactical Manicure Sets gage is possibly the most all It is impossible for us to offer or JCev Cases inclusive in Omaha and we invite suggest a more appropriate gift T you t0 ln3peet our collection for than a Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk # / ounsls Xmas giving, for Christmas. vV riling Sets Moderately Priced Priced at $33.75 and up. _ _ Frcm $25.00 and Up Out-of-Town Patrons—Order by mail and you will be given the same careful attention as if you personally made the fmr chase. We assure satisfaction. Mail orders sent prepaid. Freling & Stein!e 1803 Farnam Street Here 15 Years t ,r . BH ■■■■■■■■■HgTOWjgywpPTSMgA-aBafr/.fL..’?.^._:_. / PATRONIZE TIE STATE FIRNITIRE CO. 14TH ST. CORNER DODGE ST. DmeIw 1317 HMdvuM DDimCUflf'ir Phonograph* pv DPUliwfilwIi and R«.ords >4 < > *'t o o o • r-use DENTLOI !; The Pyorrhea-Preventive Tooth-Paste None Better ;! • | MANUFACTURED BY THE \ > | Kaffir Chemical Laboratories NEBRASKA | ^ ■ " * . " ~~~~ ' ■ fc vents and Persons The Loyal Paletuin No. 14 is giving an oratorical contest Thursday, Dec. 8 at the Odd Fellows Hall 4917 So. 25th St. The contestants are: P. M. Harris, Erma Jefferson, Gus Stewart and J. W. Andrews. The .Elite Whist Club met Monday ;.t the home of Mrs. Dan De* Dunes, with Mrs. K. R. West as winner. The next meeting will be with Mrs. H. J. Pinkett at which time plans will be discussed in preparation for an elab orate holiday banquet in honor of the husbands of the Elite members. Mr. K. L. Woodard, pioneer of the So. Side, and one of its most success ,'ul business men is expecting to leave next week for St. Louis, where he will take unto himself a wife. South Sid ers regret very much to lose such faithful friend and brother. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Gibson left Sun day, Nov. 27 for Tacoma, Washington, where they will make their home at the home town of Mr. Gibson. The Woman’s Auxiliary of St. Phil ip’s church will give a bazaar at the Y. W. C. A. 22nd and Grant St. Thurs day afternoon and evening. Dinner will be served at 6 P. M. The public is cordially invited. CHl'RCH OF ST. PHILIP THE DEACON The Rev. John Albert Williams, Vicar! 1121 N. 21st St. Services were held /Sunday by Mr G. H. W. Bullock acting in the absence of the vicar who is away on vacation. Services last Sunday were: Sunday school 10 A. M. Morning prayer and sermon 11 A. M. Weekly apportion ments: Girl’s Friendly Society met at the rectory Tuesday afternoon. The Woman’s Auxiliary held an all day meeting Thursday at the residence of Sgt. and Mrs. I. N. Bailey, 2816 Pratt St. Services next Sunday: Holy Com munion at 7:30 A. M. Sunday school and bible class 10 A. M. Morning Prayer and sermon 11 A. M. Even song and sermon at 8 P. M. The pub lic is cordially invited. LINCOLN NEWS Mrs. Laura Johnson was an Omaha visitor last week. Prof. I,. G. Gregory of Washington, D. C. who gave lectures in the city in interest of the Bahia movement, left for Denver, Colo., last Tuesday. Mrs. Marie Griffin is confined with illness at her home this week. Mrs. John Huff of Hastings is vis iting friends in the city this week. Mrs. Williams of Horton, Kans., has joined her sister, Mrsr. Stith here, who is sick. Mr. Cummings returned to the city | last Friday. Mrr. Cummings says that he is direct frorm Portrland, and reports A. L. Cornell doing fine. Rev. W. A. McClendan preached for his congregation, morning and night last Sunday. The atendance was good. At Mt. Zion Baptist Church last Scnday morning praise and covenant services were held. Sunday School at 0:30 B. Y. P. U. at 6:30 p. m. and preaching by the pastor at 8, after which communion was taken. Attend ance fair. There were two accessions to th" church during the day. I. B. Colley has taken charge of the Dunbar Cafeteria again, and says that he will try to serve the public well. Mrs. Virginia Clark is improved in ' ealth from recent operation. Mrs. Mable Galbreath is reported doing fairly well at the hospital. Mrs. A. G. Smith is able to move about without much pain from her arm. William Chinn is home from the hospital and is reported as having im proved much. C. C. Smith is able to be out after ome few days confinement with ill ness. At the Newman Sunday, the pastor, Rev. A. J. McCallister filled his pulpit. The aid societies held usual services. Rev. J. P. Staves preached to his congregation last Sunday. The Sun day School etc., held services at the usual hours. St. John’s Lodge No. 11, A. F. & A. M., S. Omaha, responding to an emer gency call sent out by worthy mastei | J. C. Cole sent the following telegram1 to the President asking action on the; Anti-lynching bill now before con gress: His Excellency, W. G. Harding, President of the United States. In the name of fifteen million negroes of the United States and twelve thous-j and race loving men and women of i Omaha, Nebr., we the Brothersr of St. John’s Lodge No. 11 A. F. & A. M. doj petition you, as chief executive of the | nation, to urge in your message to congress on Tuesday next, the adop tion of the “Dyer Anti-Lynching hill”, to clear away the stain that has brought shame to this republic. J. C. COLE, worthy master, F. D. BROWN, J. C. CAREY, Sec. For Rent—Housekeeping rooms, modern, 35. No children, 1445 N 19th I St. 2t For Rent—Nicely furnished rooms in good neighborhood. Call Webster 2268. 2t For Rent—Furnished rooms strictly iiouem, si' am heat. On car line. Good location. Webster 3247.—tf. FOR RENT—Strictly modern fur nished rooms 1702 V 26th St Well. 4796.—Mrs. W. 1*. Erwin. FOR RENT—Office room, call Web 2627. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Har ney 6926. Holst PhHrmary for drugs 2702 Cuming street. Harney 6*1.—Adv. FOR RENT—Neatly furnished rooms. Webster 1529. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in a first class rooming house, steam heat, ;ath. electric lights, on Dodge anc l‘» ontv-fourth street care line, r* Xnna Banks, 924 North Twentieth Douglas 4379. A P. Scruggs, Lawyer, 220 S. 13th *t. Douglas 7*12, Colfax 3*31.—Adv. Get acquainted with the Episcopal Church by attending services Sunday morning at 11 o’clock at St. Philip’s j Church, 1121 North Twenty-first street.—Adv. Try South and Thompson’s full home cooked dinner at 40cents. Tou can’t beat It or that in the stores. FOR RENT—Modern furnished rooms, men only. 1208 North 24th St. Web 4666. FOR SALE—One hard coal burner heating stove, one heavy iron bed and springs. 1204 N. 27th St. FOR RENT—Comfortably furnish ed rooms, block from car line. Board if desired. Web. 5372. 4t E. F. More«rty, Ldwyer, 700 Peters Trust Bldg, Jackson 6841 or Harney Jenkln’g Barber Shop—All work strictly first-class 2122 No. 24tb St. Webster 2606. , For Rent—Nicely furnished rooms | 2713 N. 26th St., Web. 0350. 4t f For High Grade f I PRINTING | y That Brings Results ^ | Call Web. 2762 or Doug. 7841 % X With FIFTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE X t in the Printing business and can save you money. Let me figure on y X' your work. Graduate Class 1910 Tuslcegee Institute. As near you f, | as your telephone. With GREAT WESTERN ADV. CO.. Kaffir Bldg, y | W. K. FLEMMING I 2202 Clark St. ff >m»»»444»4»»4»»»»»»»444444»Wm4 THE MONITOR CLASSIFIED COLUMN ————^—————— -——— ATTORNEYS P1ATTI & WEAR ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW Phone DougioM 4508 1017-20 City Nul l Bank Bid".. Lambert. Shottvell & Shotwell ATTORNEYS Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone AT lantic 5104 Notary Public In Office and Counsellor N. W. WARF. Attorney at Law Practicing In Both State and Fed eral Courts 111 South 14th St. Omaha. Neb. SEED STORES We Have a I'omplele Line ef J ►’LOWER. LK i.i.v j tND GARDEN j Hulhe. Hardy Perennials, Peultry Supplier Fresh cut flower* alwaya on hand Stewart’s Seed Store 11* N. 16th St. Opp. Post Office Phone Douglas 977 ..:v CLC^’IING DRUG STORES OINtHIMIMimilMIIIIHIKMIHMmUMIMIHimNItilHHIMUIMIHMtHHMIlNMMUIIHHI Liberty Irug Company B. Kobinson. Mgr. Debater 03*6. 1904 X 24th SL FREE DELIVERY •iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i E Beat Drugs, Sodaa and Sundries — in City E 1 PEOPLES DRUG STORE | - Prompt Service | U1 So. 14th St. Jack. 1446 E Tiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii Phone AT lantic 5104 S. W. Meigs & Co. REAL ESTATE. RENTALS AND INSURANCE 111 South 14th St. Omaha. Neb. M ELC M0R - Druggist The Old Reliable Tel. South 807 4826 So. 24th St. • X Phones—Office Wc^.’ 5036—Re- Y Web. 5406 f{ A From Early Morn Until Late at Y % Night “Taxi at Your Service” A i NORTH END EXPRESS CO. | I*! A. F. ALLEN, Prop. % i’ Trucks for Either Light or A A Heavy Hauling y X We Haul Anything, Anywhere y, y 2010 N. 24th St. Omaha, Neb. X; ....... ... + New and Second Han FURNITURE We Rent anti Sell Real Estate Notary Public J S. W. Mills Furniture Co. 1 i i ■ “* I*1* ** |IJ| , , i , , | FURNITURE. STOVES, FITXURES Second hand or New Repairing Hauling Everything Needed in Home WEST ENT) FURNITURE CO. R. II. RHODES. Prop. 2522 Lake St. What About That COLD ROOM? Send me a post card stating the height of your oil heater stove and I will show you how my $3.00 heat sprayer will produce summer heat.— J. S. Mills, 2748 Ave. A, Council Bluffs, la., Phone B. 3124. On display at Williamson’s Drug Store, 24th and Grant sts. 3t GROCERIES AND MEAT MAR KETS The Burdette Grocery , T. G. KELLOGG. Prop. Full line of Groceries and Meats Quick Sales and Small Profits Our Method 2216 No. 24 th St. Web. 0515 w. sen Skinner's the hifhwt grade Macaroni, Spaghetti, Egg Neodlea and •‘u— M.remnl' PrnHuctt. HARDWARE Petersen A Michetsen Hardware Co* GOOD HARDWARE 240ft N St. TeL South 1«2 .....—.. | LAUNDRIES Standard Laundry 34tti. Near Lake Street PHONE WEBSTER 0130 D--—« «■*"*- «-«■«-«■« »'»D EMERSON’S LAUNDRY The Laundry That Suits All 1301 No. 24th St Web. 0820 ..... O- U. O. OF* O. F„ Mltio irl Valle, Lodge No. 9915. Meets every second anr* fourth Thursday nights each month a* 24th and Charles Sts J. O. CRUM. N. Q. M. L. HUNTER. P N. F W. B. TURNER. P. S. E. A. NIELSEN Upholstering Co. Furniture Repairing. Mattress Renovating “W<; handle a complete line of Bedsprings and Mattres ses at reasonable prices." 1913-15 Cuming Str. J Jackson 0864 HIGH r NOW it. the lime to pay you aubaeription to the Monitor. PAINTS. ETC. A. F. PEOPLES PAINTING PAPEKHANGING AND DECORATING Estimates Furnished Free. All Work Guaranteed. Full Line of Wall Paper and Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes 2419 Lake St. Webster 6360 ESTAURA. I Eagle Cafe j Lake and 27th Street SPECIAL CHICKEN DIN- ; NER SUNDAYS AND THURSDAYS Phone Webster 3247 ^ Chas. Hemphill Prop. ■BBBH8KHH8DfiK0(9tSWi JtW'SSMMWWSH u* UNDERTAKERS RBWNHIIMHMHiMMtIinilNIHIIIIItHMimilltlinitnMIMiltmitItttMlltlltHHtIHOU Allen Junes, Res. Phone W. 294 JONES ft CO. PUMRRAL PARLOR 2914 North 24th St. Weh. 1100 Lady Attendant IMIMIMtlltlltllllHIItlMItllMlWlllillHtlllMIUIIIIIIIimMIIIIIIHtlltllHIIMIHIHHMHI jWJvywwrtWAWiww„ £ The Western Funeral Home $ (Pleases j And will Mrvc yos rnghi and day ? XII Lake Si. Phone Web. IMI £ SILAS JOHNSON, Prop. 5 FUNERAL DIRECTORS 4 r**1* • .. The necessities of life in their most delirious form add to the pleasure of your meals with ' Bread, Rolls i and Pastry from tbe Petersen’s Bakeries Lake llukery, tilth A Lake Sts. It MUSIC. Records Exchanged. 15 cent*. Lat est Mamie Smith records alwa># on hand. 3HLAES PHONOGRAPH CO. | ZUCXER’S DEPARTMENT STORE H 1615-17-19-19& No. 24th Street 1| ■ STILL SELLING BROOMS AT 29 CENTS ffl I BARGAINS I M —FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY— | H. DOLGOFF V * * FURNITURE and HARDWARE - i; 1914-16-18 N. 24th St. 1847 N. 24th St. ;; :: Web. 1607 Web. 4825 ;• ;; Full line of— ;; II OILS—PAINTS—VARNISHES—BRUSHES i ’ ;; STOVES, RUGS, LINOLEUM ;; !! Better Goods for Less Money. Credit if You Wish \ | ♦ OPEN EVENINGS «> ____ > MMeeeeeeeee » iimm j For Pure Leather | j Built Shoes & Go to :: f THE FAMILY SHOE STORE ff Friedman Broa. Prop. $ 1M4 No. 24th St. J: W i i