The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, December 08, 1921, Image 3
trodcgaard’s Great Jewelry Sale! ! BARGAINS! BARGAINS! sARGAINS! This big jewelry store is overflowing with wonderful bargains. Every piece of merchandise in this store is brand new merchandise made since the war and bought since the war at the new low prices If you are ready to select your Christmas gifts now is the time and this is the store. | | msk Santa Claus For a I Diamond Christmas 1 II I «r I Why Pay War Prices for I D iamcnds When you can buy Diamonds from us for al most one-half of last year’s prices. Here are a few prices that tell the story— 1-karat Perfect Blue White Wesselton Dia mond ; war price $650. Price now— $375 %-karat Perfect Blue White Wesselton Dia mond; war price $475. Price now— $300 l/->-karat Perfect Blue White Wesselton Dia mond; war price $300. Price now— $175 Vi-karat Perfect Blue White Wesselton Dia mond; war price $165. Price now— $85 Extra Special This Week—With each loose dia mond bought this week we furnished free of charge (me 18-karat Belais white gold; latest up-to-date fancy mounting. Buy your diamond now and have it laid away for Christmas. Extraordinary Value This Week—14-karat fancy white gold mounting with blue white diamond; perfect cut and color; last year’s price $75.00; i This week only— | $35 [Don’t Lose This Chance. For Just Two Hours MONDAY—lO A. M. to 12 O’clock Sharp We Will Sell You 1/2 Doz. Ice Tea Spoons R. & B. Jewel Pattern for 5 \ B * Extra Special for 3 Days Only Hurmarf, lienutlflil pnttrrn, 20-pirer Silver Clients (I Knives 8 Forks, 8 Trnspoona, 8 Tnlile Spoon a, llulter Knife anil Sn gar Shell, tor $1175 One of tlimf Sold will lie it pride to four home. Illinois Special Only 22 of these splendid, dependable Illi nois Watches In slock, a lasting and useful Christina* Present. 16 size. 19-Jewel Illinois movement, dou ble sunk dial, steel escape wheel, adjusted o heat and cold, guaranteed to keep time vithln 10 seconds for month (same time s railroads require.) This movement fit >d in a 20-year gold-filled plain or en- , raved case. i AY EXTRA SPECIAL VALLE, AT— 52915 I 25% DISCOUNT 25% From Present l)ny Prices, i'lils Don’t Mean From Wn Prices. Onr entire stock of brand new Toilet Ware, French Ivory, Turtle .Shell, Genuine Ebony, Sterling Silver, go on sale Monday. Toilet Goods Ladies’ complete Brush, Comi j and Mirror and all Manicuri Pieces, in swell case or leath er roll, silk lined; 25% DIS COUNT. \ Brush. Comb and Mirror Set; solid Frenr) vory or Sterling Silver in ele gant case. 25% DISCOUNT. Gentlemen’s Traveling Sets, complete in all details; inclosed in genuine leather cases. 25% DISCOUNT. Ladies’ Traveling Sets, in solid French Ivory, all sizes in leather rolls; silk lined, at 25% DISCOUNT. j Ivory Trays. Ivory Powder Boxes. . _ _ _ __ _ ___ - __ \vvno7y Hair gST ALL on SALE MONDAY Ivory Clothes Brushes. Ivory Nail Brushes. at 25% DISCOUNT ! Ivory Tooth Brushes. »W iS'K’ “"■h“ From Present Day Prices Ivory Mirrors. v Ivory Manicure Pieces. Our entire stock of guaranteed Ivory Clocks will go on sale Monday nf half of present day prices. Come early and get best choice. All marked In plain figures. This Clock Is a pride to any home. 8-day, cathedral strike, rubbed down mahogany, perfect timekeeper on account of long pendulum. REGULAR PRESENT DAY PRICE $30, Monday, *20= 20% Discount FROM PRESENT DAY PRICES (Not War Prices.) On onr entire brand new and up-to-date sup ply of Cuff Buttons In solid platinum set with diamonds, solid platfnnm 18-karat Belals white gold, 14-karat solid gold, engraved or plain, lor monogram s goes on sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday All Our Merchandise Marked In Plain Figures Special! Special! p Sheffield Silver Bread Tray Genuine Sheffield silver Bread Trays with handles. Regular $095 price $(> 00; as long as they last . = One grcrs of these beautiful genuine Sheffield Bread Trays with handles sold in four hours. ' We have received another gross of these bread trays which go on sale Monday. Iwr Entire Itcnntil'ul him! Carefully .Selected Stuck of Ooldheaded. Ivory Inlaid nini Sterling Sliver Oelaehable Umbrellas and Walking Sticks (to on Sale Holiday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 25 Per Cent Off Regular Price. :20 Umbrella...*10.00 $12 Umbrella. *9.0< ) 16 Umbrella ...*12.00 I $ 9 Umbrella. .*0.75 118 Walking Stick .*13.50 -|14 Walking Stick .*10.50 I'llU makes an excellent Vniss (Jiff and will surely he useful mid highly n|i|>reeiated. .., r . . . '~mmm*** Holmes and Edwards Inlaid Silverware Guaranteed to wear 50 years. On sale Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Take it from me, this is your time to buy your wife or intended wife a most useful and surely appreciated Christmas Gift. See the Difference in Prices From Last Year War Prices 26-piece Mahogany Chest; Carolina and De Sancy pattern; 6 Hollow Handle Knives, 6 Forks, 6 Tablespoons, 6 Teaspoons, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Shell; last year’s war price $27.75. PRICE NOIV .$18.&U 6 Hollow Handle Knives and 6 Forks; De Sancy and Carolina pattern; last year’s war price $17.60. PRICE NOW ...$11.67 6 Fiat Handle Knives, 6 Forks; De Sancy and Carolina pattern; last year's war price $10.75. PRICE NOW .$7.16 6 Tablespoons; De Sancy and Carolina pattern; last year’B war price $7.60. PRICE NOW .$5.00 6 Dessert Spoons; De Sancy and Carolina pattern; last year’s war price $6.5<t PRICE NOW . $4.33 6 Teaspoons; De Sancy and Carolina pattern; last year’s war price at $3J>0. PRICE NOW . $2.33 Fruit Knives; Hollow Handles; De Sancy id Carolina pattern; last year's war price 1.75. Pit ice: NOW . #5.83 l Deny Spoon; De Sancy and Carolina pat ern; last year's war price $2.75. PRICE VOW, at .#1.83 l Gravy Dadle; De Sancy and Carolina pat tern; last year’s war price $2.26. PRICK VOW, at . #1.50 l Tomato Server; De Suncy and Carolina pattern; last year's war price $2.76. I’HICK VOW. Ml .#1.83 l Cold Meat Fork; De Sancy and Carolina pattern; last year’s war price $2.0(1. PRICE VOW. at . 81.33 1 Cream Dadle; De Suncy and Carolina pat tern. last year’s war price $1.76. PRICE VOW, Ml . #1.10 1 Olive Spoon; De Sancy and Carolina pat tern; lust year's war price $1.66. PRICE VOW, Ml . #1.10 t Set ltutter Knife and Sukmi- Shill; Dc Sancy and Carolina pattern; last year’s war price $2.50. PRICE NOW . 81.60 3-plece Child's Set; Hollow Handle Knife; De Sancy and Carolina pattern; last year's war price *3.60. I'HICK NOW #2.33 3-plece Child's Set; Flat Handle lvnlfe; De Sancy and Carolina pattern; last year's war price *2.75. PRICK NOW . #1.83 t 6 Ice Tea Spoons: De Sancy and Carolina pattern: last year's war price $5.00. PRICK VOW. at .83.33 1 Pie Knife; De Sancy and Carolina pat tern; last year's war price $4.75. PRICK VOW. at .83.16 ti Salad Forks; De Sancy and Carolina pat tern; last year’s war price $5.50. PRICK VOW, at .83.66 6 Oyster Forks; De Sancy and Carolina pat tern; last year’s war price $4.60. PRICK VOW. at .83.00 I Jelly Knife; De Sancy and Carolina pat tern; last year's war price $1.60. PRICK VOW, at .81.00 1 Pickle Fork; De Sancy and Carolina pat tern; last year's war price $1.25. PRICK VOW, at .83f 1 Sugar Tong. De Sancy and Carolina pat tern; last year's war price $2.25. PRICK VOW, si .81.50 t Pie Knife, De Sancy and Carolina pat tern; last year's war price $4.75. PRICE VOW, at .83.16 2- plece Steak Carving Set; I)e Sancy and I’arolina pattern; last year’s war price $11.50. PRICK VU»V, ut .87.65 3- ptece Carving Set; De Sancy and Carolina pattern; last year's war price $13.25. PRICK VOW. at ... 88.80 1 Only Need $1.00 This Year To Buy Same That Cost You $2 Last Year Monday morning, 8 o’clock, we commence the greatest Pearl Necklace Sale of the very finest importations and the last word In Indestructible and nearest to nature Pearl Necklaces. La Tausca, Richelieu, Genuine Toco, imported direct ! from Japan, and Delta Pearls. All of these are Quality Pearls and guaranteed absolutely indestructible, at Half last Year’s Prices. Richelieu 24-inch Pearl Necklace, white gold clasp, dia mond set, pearls graduated and perfectly matched, j guaranteed indestructible, in beautiful velvet case; last year war price $40.00; now .. •••820.00 Richelieu 24-inch Pearl Necklace, spring ring clasp, pearls graduated, perfectly matched, guaranteed inde structible; last year war price $20.00. Price now, $lO La Tausca 18-inch Pearl Necklace, swell color, perfectly matched, in fine velvet case; last year war price $25^00. Vow, at ...812.50 | La Tausca 24-lnch Pearl Necklace, cream color, grad uated and matched perfectly, safety spring ring clasp; laBt year war price $35.00. Price now.$17.50 La Tausca 30-inch Pearl Necklace, platinum clasp set with diamond, nearest to natural in color and size of pearls; last year war price $75.00. Price now, $37.50 La Tausca 46-inch Pearl Necklace, opera length, beau tifully matched and swell color; last year war price $45.00. Now .$22.50 Genuine Imported Toco Pearls, guaranteed absolutely indestructible, come in pink and cream color, perfectly matched and graduated. Toco Pearl Necklace, 30-inch; war price *20-M Price now ..$10.00 i Toco Pearl Necklace. 24-inch; war price $15.00. Price now . $7.50 Toco Pearl Necklace, 20-inch; war price $10.00. Price now .$5.00 Toco Pearl Necklace. 18-inch; war price $8.00. Price now .$4.00 Any one of these beautiful Pearl Necklaces makes a highly appreciated and lasting Christmas Gift. Come in and select your choice and have it laid away for Christmas. A small deposit will do this while selec tion Is at lts best. THIS SALE IS MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ONLY __i t I I I I I - Why not huy a genuine Seth Thomas Clock, mahogany, 3-day, Cathedral strike. It will last several genera tions and keep perfect time 33V3% Discount FROM PRESENT DAY PRICES ON OCR COMPLETE STOCK -OF Seth Thom&s Clocks We guarantee and keep each and every clock in re pair, free of charge, first 5 years. . . .... I 1 Mail Orders Promptly Attended and Shipped Same Day Received. Add Return Postage. Special for Monday a, *. a* * <*"-0, *. <***. ***. MA_J„V A L (tl Aft s»,lta, sn,« n_AJAM„j • l.An /I- ra0nday> Ul"y ?I<W Thimble KPAflPfltlsIPll kPIlS I ,<) or as long as they last. Only one set to each customer, j I 1__ 1J1 v vi w %l UCU PA \/l3§ 1 6 Silver Teaspoons, William Rogers & Son unlimited w 4 guarantee; beautiful La France pattern, at . $1.00 A ^ Southeast Corn3r 16th and Douglas Sts. L_____j |