The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, September 15, 1921, Image 3

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•}* "The Kashmir Way” %
v |
♦J* *t*
One of the best paying professions open to women «*«
today, is scientific Beauty Culture. Become the mas
t ter of a trade. Be independent. $
v V
*\ The KASHMIR INSTITUTE teaches by cones- ♦♦♦
pondence, in its comprehensive courses, the latest and
* most complete methods in'Care of the Skin, Care of the \
V Hair, Health, Manicuring, Massage, Foot and Hand V
V Culture, Figure and Bust Development, etc. Prices V
«£♦ reasonable. Easy t -ms. «$*
♦ Write today re - illustrated Beauty Culture cata- ♦
V log. Address— V
V Dept. 52 V
3423 Indiana avenue,
♦♦♦ Chicago, 111. ♦♦♦
AGENTS WANTED to nfll the famous NILE QUEEN Prepara* A
* thins (formerly known ns KASIIMIK ) Qulek money! Itinr profit! ♦
♦!♦ v
i Write for terms. A.
«,♦,* KASILMIK CHEMICAL COMPANY Dept 52 8428 I ml Inna Ave «%
4 1
_ _ _
Diamond Franklin
Lake Street Below 24th 24th and Franklin Sts.
I A. Melcher, Mgr. A. Melcher, Mgr.
Biggest and Best Place of Merriment ;
)[ Shows All Times and Excitement
Get Enjoyment j
:■ Out of Life :•
^ rPHE cost of a player piano is ?
% * hardly noticeable. The pleae* jj
Jj lire it gives can't be counted in dol* J"
3j lars! We offer the i
■; Schmoller & Mueller £
JJ a superb instrument of the highest ?
i quality workmanship and noted for jC
S its lovely, pure tone. j*
£ As a special inducement we have J
jC marked a number of these HE- jt
? VIEWS at J
\ $495.00 I.
*•1 %
f % \hike your oun terms £
rP within reason Ij
■: Schmoll & Mueller j:
■: Piano Co. £
_ C 1514-1618 Dodge St. 5
S Phone Douglas 1623 5
Tuesday night burglars again vis
ited St. Philip’s rectory gaining en
trance by prying off the kitchen win
dow screen and opening window. This
time the house was not ransacked;
hut $5.75 in silver was taken from
the pastor’s trousers’ pocket. This is
the second time within seven months
burglars have visited this home.
Dr. Owen M. Waller, surgeor, who
has been a government inspector at
the Curahy Packing Company for two
years and who some months ago was
promoted to final inspector has again
been promoted to general field in
spector and transferred to St. Paul,
Minn. Dr. Waller who made many
friends while here left for St. Paul,
Saturday. His fellow employees
gave him appreciated testimonials of
their high regard for him.
To Poor Purpose.
People who talk merely 'n attract
attention eeldom attrsc* .. that
U worth anythlnu
The attached report shows the first
ear’s work of the Colored Employ
lient Bureau. Through this of fide
176!) men and women have been giv
•n employment.
When this employment bureau was
’irst established it caused consider
ihle comment. Many questioned the
iced of a colored office when there
,vas other employment offices.
We believed that if a colored office
was established and managed by col
>rod people they could secure more
leserving and efficient workers be
cause they would know their people j
better. We also desired to bring
about a better understanding between
the employers and their colored help.
We arer pleased to say our wishes
are being realized.
By co-operating with the labor bu
reaus of the east and south we have
been able to keep out of Omaha great
numbers of floaters. It has been our
policy to help Omaha’s worthy citi
zens secure work. By our efforts
many Omaha people who would of ne
cessity be dependent upon the charity
of the city have been able to work
and provide for their families.
We believe our first year's work
has been satisfactory. Our record
speaks for itself.
We have appreciated the co-opera
tion of the manufacturers, wholesal
ers and retailers. They have helped
us to succeed.
We thank all of our friends and
well-wishers for their calls, letters
and words of encouragement.
We have none our best to do even
1 letter next year.
Yours very truly,
Commissioner Labor Bureau.
Gladstone’s Umbrella.
Gladstone'* umbrella Is n enteh
phrase for the (Jlndstonlnn policy.
When In September. 1885. Mr. Glad
stone Issued his manifesto to the Mid
lothian electors. It wns said that he
"opened his umbrella.” Ills ministry
were said to shelter under Ills um
brella, and that Is why In caricature
he was frequently shown with a
"gamp" under his arm.
Pigmy Pigs.
The smallest known species of hoc
ire the pigmy swine of Austria. They
ire exactly like other hogs In every
particular except size, being no longer
han a good-sized bouse rat.
Origin of Pensions.
The practice of pensioning or Insure
pg sick and wounded soldiers Is said
» have been started In England by
)Uver Cromwell.
Bird’s Power of Vision.
A bird's power of vision Is, on the.'
tverage, about 100 times greater than
nan's. Birds have been known to
tee a worm on freshly plowed ground
it a distance of 300 feet
Twit Ever Thus.
The hotel dweller longs for the com
forts of home. And the home dweller
jongs for the comforts of a hotel.—
Brooklyn Eagle.
Events and
The following persons from Lincoln
attended the Blue Circle Dance, Mon
day at Krug Park: Mr. and Mrs. Crews
Mr, and Mrs. Gates, Mrs. Patrick, Miss
Lottie Brown, and Dr. Arthur Moss.
Ben Slaughter has returned from a
trip to Kansas City.
Elliota after an extensive rrip to the
uast and a visit to their former home
in Calera, Ala., returned to Omaha
Saturday morning. Miss Hattie War
wick who accompanied them on their
trip was taken ill at Calera and was,
unable to return to Omaha with them.
FOR SALE—Chiropody office.
Twelve years in same location. Select
practice. Beauty parlor and bat!’
house in connection. Address Mrs. M.
Stewart, 623 W. Broadway, Council
Bluffs, la. Phone 3922.
ind a half years.
Odessa Jackson sold to J. Nelson
and wife the west section lot 61 Gises
add. for $3150. E. M. Davis agent.
Mr. and Mrs. John Newsome are at
home to their friends, having pur
chased a beautiful residence at 1614
N. 27th St.
Mrs. Peail Alexander entertained
Friday at a 3 o’clock luncheon in honor
of her sister, Mrs. Ruth Barker, who
left Saturday morning for Little Rock
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Eliott entertain
ed last week with a reception in hon
or of Mrs. Ruth Barker, who left for
Little Rock, Arjf. Saturday morning.
Miss Louise E. Taylor will leave
soon for St. Louis, Mo., where she will
re-enter St. Rita’s academy.
Wiliam Murphy who is temporarily
employed at Lincoln, spent Sunday in
the city.
FOR RENT—Office room, call Web.
M.s. John A. Singleton was able to
return home last Wednesday from
Nicholas Senn hospital and is rapidly
recovering from her serious illness.
Miss Minnie Weigs of Ncwata, Okla.
is stopping at the Booker W’ashingiOn
Hotel and is contemplating making
Omaha her home.
E. F. Morenrly, Lawyer, 700 Peters
Trust Bldg, Jackson 8841 or Harney
Miss Thelma Walker of Topeka,
Kan.s., has accepted the position of of
fice girl and stenographer for Dr. J.
H. Hulten and Atomey N. W'. Ware
Itny your groceries and juicy meats
at FIN KEN STEIN S’, the borne of
good tilings to eat. 2#th and ltlondo
Web. 1902.
Mrs. T. S. Phillips of 2504 Burdette
street who was taken seriously i'l Fri
day night is now in Clarkson Memon'il
hospital where she was removed Sun
Holst Phnrmnr) for drugs 2702
Ciiiiilag street. Harney #81.- Adv.
Jenk in’s Barber Shop All work
strictly first-class 2122 No. 24th St.
AVebster 2095.
Mrs. Mattie Jones of Sandwich, Ont..
sister of Mrs. Lucy M. Wade has been
called to Omaha by her sister’s illness.
These sisters have not seen each other
for fifteen years. Mrs. Wade is slow
ly improving.
A P. Scruggs, Lawyer, 220 S. 18th
S(. noughts 7*12, Colfax 8881.—Adv
FOR RENT — Modern furnished
rooms 1702 N. 26th St. Web. 476ft.
E Iward Algee of Manilla, la.,has
matriculated in the arts course at
Creighton College.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms. Har
ney 6926.
R. C. Garvin of Kansas City, Kars.,
is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Reed, 2635
Franklin street.
SATURDAY—Creamery butter 42c
lb. Tall cans milk all brands, 2 cans
25c. Tall cans salmon 2 for 25e at
EINKENSTEINS’ 28th and Blondo.
One of the most pleasant affairs ot
the season was a dancing party giver
. by Miss Lucille Bivena Friday night
September 2, at Hanscom Park pavil
j lion. About thirty-five couples of the
1 younger set were presnt. Among the
out of town guests were Miss Berr’c
IO’Fallon of St. Louis; Miss Mabel
| Scott of Beatrice; and Messrs. Herche]
i Thomas, 1^’ou Roy, and Joe Allen of
Lincoln. The prizes for the best waltz
j ers were awarded Miss Rossie Moon
and Edward Saunders. The chaperons
: were Mesdames George A. Ixive and
Jasper E. Brown.
S. W. Weigs, formerly of Nowata,
Okla., is in the city and will engage
in the real estate, rental and insurance
business under the name of Weigs &
Co. with offices at 111 South Four
teenth street, upstairs. Mr. Weigs is
the brother-in-law of Attorney N. W
Charles Beasley who formerly made
his home in Omaha, but now lives in
Minneapolis, is in the city on a visit
William Bruce has returned to Oma
ha after spending the summer in Min
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Dyer celebrated
their 34th wedding anniversary Mon
day night. About forty guests, old
friends of Mr., and Mrs. Dyer were
present at the anniversary dinner. The
out-of-town guests were Roy Turner
of Ogden. Utah, W. S. Jackson, and
August Dean, of Los Angeles.
Mrs. Bundrant leaves Thursday for
Pittsburg, Pa.
Miss Gladys Brown left Tuesday
morning for Lawrence, Kan., where
she will enter the University of Kan
sas. Miss Brown is a graduate of
Central High School, where she finish
ed the four year course in three and
one half years.
Guy B. Robbins Real Estate and In
surance. Jackson 2842.
FOR RENT: Neatly furnished
room near the Packing House dis
Mrs. William Franklin, who ha«
been for several months in Denver,
Colo., in ‘he interest of her health, re
cently returned to her home, 2418
Seward St. She reports much im
proved health.
Mrs. Sedoia Hockley of 2123 N. 28th
Avc., is still on the sick list, but shows
isigns of improvement after several
months of illness.
FOR RENT—Large thoroughly
modern furnished room. Near two
car lines in north part of city. Beauti
ful location. Webster 1385.
Mme. Edyth Llewellyn of 2123 N.
28th Ave., who has been spending
several weeks in St. Louis, Mo., has
returned to the city. She reports hav
ing spent a very pleasant vacation.
Mr. W. H. Perry is now connected
with the House of Melody of which
Prof. E. S. Crosse is proprietor.
Holst Pharmacy for drag* 2702
Cuming street. Harney 681.—Adv.
Rev. Wm. Franklin, pastor of Pil
grim Baptist Church is now attending
the National Baptist Convention which
is being held in Chicago.
SATURDAY—Spring chickens 28c
Ih. 24 lbs. Bine Bell Flour, #1.05 at
FIN'KENSTE IN’S Grocery, 26th and
lllnndn Web. 1902.
Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Johnson of At
lanta, Ga., stopped over in Omaha
Thursday on their way home from
Denver. They were the guests of Dr.
and Mrs. Gooden. Mrs. Johnson is a
life-long friend of Mrs. Gooden and is j
the sister of Mr. Ira Bryant, secretary
of hte A. M. E. Publishing Board lo
cated at Nashville, Tenn.
FOR RENT—Neatly furnished
rooms. Webster 1529.
Mr. George Hockley who was seri
ously injured in an automobile acci
dent recently is now improving. He |
was confined in St. Joseph’s hospital. |
He is now at the home of his daughter
Mme. Edyth Llewellyn.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in a
first class rooming house, steam heat,
Sfith, electric lights, on Dodge and
Twenty-fourth street care line. rs.
Vnnn Banks, 924 North Twentieth
Omiglas 4379.
Mr. A. H. Dickerson of the DeLuxe
Cafe, who has been in Excelsior
Springs, Mo., for several weeks for his
health, returned Sunday and is back at
Hs business much improved.
Mrs. Ida Wilson of Seattle, Wash.,
enroute from Colorado Springs, was
the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Seymour, at 2626 Maple St.
A P. Scruggs, Lawyer, 220 S. 13tli
St. Dougins 7812. Colfax 3831.—Adv
The Elite Whist Club will have its
opening meeting with Mrs. W. H.
Black Monday Sept. 26. All members
are urgentlv requested to be present
at 1:30 P. M.
Miss Alice Watson who is the
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W.
R. Watson, is a member of the sum
mer graduating class of the High
School of Commerce. Miss Watson is
especially talented in art. She is fin
ishing the four vear course in three
trict. 5219 S. 29th St. Telephone
Market 0876.
ORS First-Class Clenivers and Dyers
2761 Cuming SI. Harney 3374.
Say man's Soap 12 cents per bar at
FINKENSTEIN’S 26th and Blonde
Tell the truth.
FOB RENT—Modern furnished
rooms, men only. 1268 North 24th
St. Web- 4666.
FOR RENT—Furnished rooms by
week or day. 1614 N. 27th St. Web.
FOB BENT—Furnished room in
modern home 861 N 46th 8t. Walnut
0861.—Mrs. E. Glover.
Get acquainted with the Episcopal
Church by attending services Sunday
morning at 11 o’clock at St. Philip’s
Chulrch, 1121 North Twenty-firsl
To My Patrons:—
I desire to announce that I am now ready for business
at my new location 2114 Ni 24th St. and will greatly appre
ciate your continued patronage- Gratefully yours,
C. L. Curry A Son
Shoe Repairing
We Call For and Deliver Work
2114 N. 24 th St. Web. 4514
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Turner re
turned from a ten days’ trip t<
last week after visiting their sister
Mrs. Jessie Leard nnd other relative;
V. B. Young went to Kansas City,
Mo. last week.
Mr. Amos Walker of St. Joseph,
Mo., was in the city several days the
past week, locating his daughter
Thelma, who will attend the Univer
sity of Nebraska this term.
Rev. A. J. McAllister has just re
turned from a ten days’ trip to
Kansas City, Kans., where he met the
quarterly conference of the M. E.
R. L. Lewis of Omaha spent Sun
day in the city with friends.
Mrs. Bell Woods of St. Joseph, Mo.,
and son, Milton Johnson arrived in
the city last Saturday. Mrs. Woods
is the sister of Mr. Guy Wiley. Mil
ton will attend school here this sea
Mrs. Melvina Luous left for her
home the past week, after spending
several weeks at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Edwards and other
Mrs. J. E. Jeltz returned home Sun
day from Chicago, where she' has
been visiting with her daughter, who
she accompanied home.
Homer Townsend of Muskogee, Ok
lahoma, is in the city to attend the
University at Collegeview, Neb.
W« are pleased to see so many
strangers coming in to attend school
here which goes to show that Lincoln
is a great school center.
Remit for your paper.
Last Sunday was dollar day at the
A. M. E. Church. Quite a sum was
raised. The church is preparing for
the annual conference which convenes
here next week. Rev. I. B. Smith
filled the pulpit during the day.
Mrs. W. N. Comeal of Oklahoma,
who is now in the Mission field is in
Jie city to attend the annual confer
ence. Mrs. Comeal addressed the
audience at Mt. Zion Sunday night.
the Shrine Patrolleam gave a dance
at German hall last Thursday night.
Dan Desdune’s orchestra furnished
music. Quite a crowd of Omahans
were present and seemingly a grand
time was had. The affair was a
booming success.
Dan Desdune and his famous band
were the center of attraction at the
state fair this year. We hear on all
sides, “That Colored band from Oma
ha certainly can play some.”
Walter Williams is able to be out
after some illness.
In the absence of the pastor at
Mt. Zion, covenant and praise ser
vice was indulged in at the morning
hour. At night a program was ren
dered by local talent, consisting of
songs, recitations, and addresses. Mrs.
Corneal of Oklahoma gave us an in
teresting talk on missions.
Quaint Form of Oath.
Reginald Fnrrnnt. who hns heen ap
pointed stipendary of Douglas and
Castletown. Isle of Man. was recently
sworn In the quaint form which has
prevailed Id 'he Island for centuries.
He swore to do Justice between party
anil pariy “as Indifferently as the her
ring’s backbone doth lie In the midst
of the fish.”
England Welcomes Virginia Flower.
To many people the Virginia creep
er seems like rather a lowly and mod
est plant, and yet It has received a
warm welcome In England, where it
is grown freely, rambling over build
ings. rocks and walls, just as much at
home In English soil as In American.
Yule for Christmas.
“Yule” Is the old name for Christ
mas, and Is still used In Scotland and
the north of England, nnd retained In
the term “Yule-log.” It was originally
In England and Scandinavia the festi
val of the winter solstice.
Horace Greeley’s Philosophy.
Those who discharge promptly and
faithfully all Ihelr duties to those who
Still live In the flesh, can have but llt
i tie time for poking and peering Into
the life beyond the grave. Retter to
attend to each world In Its proper or
der.—Horace Greeley.
Brains of Lower Animals.
All animals have some form rf
brain nnd nervous system, which In
the horse nnd other higher nnltnalu
approximates the human brain. As
compared with the human hrnln.
those of animals are deficient in
reasoning power hut In other wnys
thpir Intelligence Is very marked.
Chinese Deeds and Leases
It Is reported that Hilnese property
deeds or leases often have 100 signa
tures. The reason Is that land Is often
owned by syndicates nnd agreements
must tie signed by every member of an
Nothing to Do but Talk.
The lord mayor of London is called
apon to make an average of nenrly a
thousand public speeches during bis
tear In ofHca,
This Critical World.
It’s Impossible to please everybody,
and If a girl hns what we, In our Ig
norance, consider a good figure the
neighbor women say she Is bunchy.—
Ohio State Journal.
Honors More Than Even.
"I hear you got the worst of It with
the little boy next door,” I remarked
I \o Harry. “Oh, I didn’t get much the
worser of It.” asserted the little chap.
f*He licked me, all right, but my dog
licked bofe his dog an’ cat, too.”
Many Species of Bats.
There are about 1110 species of bats,
ind these are distributed over nearly
every quarter of the globe. The
•rger bats are found In the warmer
Hospitality must be for service and
iot for show, or It pulls down the
lost The brave soul rates Itself ton
llgh to value Itself by the splendor ol
’ts table and draperies. It gives whal
,t hath, and all It hath, but Its own
najesty can lpnd a better grace to oal
takes and fnlr water than belong tc
rlty feast.—Ralph H'nldo Emerson.
Tulsa’s Colored People have not the earnest atten
tion of the nation, because the associated press reports do
not state in a manner, that will stimulate a desire to give
relief, the cruel conditions that have and do exist. Offi
cial Tulsa and therefore Tulsa at large is NOT helping in
proportion to the appalling need. People are without
stoves, cooking utensils, quilts and bedding of all kinds—
the merest necessities of existence—and ready money.
Mr. James L. Fieser, Southwestern Division Manag
er of the Red Cross said: “Winter’s approach worries the
Red Cross.” Unless Tulsa wishes to have a tent colony on
its hands in the fall and face a more serious problem, it
should speed up its reconstruction program. He sees a
big job ahead here for Tulsans and that now the financial
end of the undertaking is the most important feature.
Tulsa Colored Relief Committee
S. I). Hooker, Chr.; G. A. Gregg. Executive Sec’y.;
Rev. R. A. Whitaker, Sec’y.; Hon. E. I. Saddler, Legal Ad
visor; J. Tyler Smith, Treas.; E. A. Troupe, Rev. H. T. S.
Johnson, Rev. Jas. A. Johnson. Rev. J. R. McClain, Dr. J.
M. Keys, S. G. Smith, Mrs. A. Bankhead, Hon. J. H. Good
(Advertising Space Contributed by The Monitor.)
FOB BENT—Strictly modern fur
nished rooms 1702 N. 26th St IVeh.
4796.—Mrs. VV. P. Erwin.
Earning His e,1oney.
Tommy has a little friend who arts
is chauffeur when they go for a ride
Id his toy oar. One day Tommy went
Into his uncle's home to get warm
leaving Hilly on the curb as nsnal. It
was a co'd day and the uncle remon
strated, te'llrig him to go out and
bring him In. "Oh. hint's all right,"
replied Tommy “He will hnve to get
used to It or he won’t get his twenty
cents a week.”
As She Saw It.
She (as pitcher for the home team
ttrikes out a man)—I don’t see any
thing to cheer about. Why, the man
Jldn’t even hit the ball."—Boston
Am Unclimbed Mountain.
It lias been said that it would take
two years to climb Mount Everest, in
(he Himalayas, the world’s highest
peak. So far no white man has won
the honor of seating this snowclad
Chine.-e Nervous System Best.
The Chime r have the most perfei
nervous systi-t- <" any people *ii tie
The Mnest Language.
The finest language Is chiefly made
up untui posing words.—George
Question of Etiquette.
No, Roger, In bowing to the inevl
eble It Is not necessary for one to
1ft one’s hat.—Boston Transcript.
ttiijt utn ivvj um o wioi'iibyi mwo.
The bureau of standard* says that
this* would slowly disintegrate when
turled in moist soil. The action on
hr glass would he due primarily to
water and alkali. The disintegrating
lotion would vary with the eoinposi
inn or character of the glass and the
mud it Ions that obtained In the soil.
This action would probably be ex
remely slow with any glass, and It
would probably he centuries before
•ome srlnss would he completely dis
To Oream of Mackerel.
Mackerel, especially if eaten, slgm
ties that you will make the acqualn
tance of one of ihe opposite sex who
will become very useful to you.
The field kltcheo of William Hohen
tollern. which followed the former
kaiser In all his wanderings about
Europe during the war. has been sent
to the United States. The trophy Is
to be added to a notable collection of
war relics In Washington.
Refreshment Parlor Light Lunch
Opens 5:30 A. M. to 2:00 A. M.
Drinks anti Meals Delivered 2412 I^ike St., Web. 2158 |
The Blue Circle Club’s Enterprises :
' “Established not for personal gain but to better serve
£ 1914-16-18 N. 24th St. 1847 N. 24th St. £
£ Web. 1607 Web. 4825 £ *
£ Full line of— f
j:«; Better Goods for Less Money. Credit if You Wish. £
X %
For Best Home Cooked Meals
Go To
2418 No. 24 St. Webster 4566
Also Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.
2005 Cu«ing St. Telephone Douglas IMS
..* • . ... ....
j ,E. M. DAVIS
Real Estate and Rentals
I1 Houses for Sale on Small Payments Down !!
;; Let Me Show You Some Real Bargains in Up-to
! I Date Homes
1 • 2530 Grant Street Phone Webster 2420 !!