Classified \ Advertising RATES—i cent* a word ror single in •ertlona; 2 cent* a word lur two or molt Insertion*. No taken for lees than 30 cent*. Cash must accom pany advertisement One room for rent, for men only, 2810 Grant St. Telephone Webster 4590. Indef. FOR RENT—Furnished room; gen tlemen preferred. Webster 2680. FOR RENT — Neatly furnished rooms, on car line. 1549 N. 17th St, middle apartment. Web. 5274. FOR SALE—House and lot, 2912 2912 Erskine street. Very reasonable. FOR RENT—Furnished room, near car line. Webster 2680 1 OR RENT—Furnished rooms, one tdook from carline; strictly modem. Webster 4012. 4t FOR RENT—Mrooni apartment, $14 a month. Part modern. Web. 2494. It FOR RENT — Light housekeeping rooms, furnished. Web. 1529. 2t FOR RENT—Newly furnished rooms. 2427 Lake St. Call Web. 1256. Five and 2 rooms for housekeeping; modern; reasonable. • Reference. No children. 1445 No. !9th St. Foe Instrument".! or vocal music, cal! .Mrs. Harris. Douglas 9407. FOR HOMES in north part of city, un easy payments, call Friedman Realty, Tyler 4424. FOR pENT — Modern furnished rooms 1702 N. 26th St. Web. 4769. .I,-. . . , -^ - FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in a first class rooming house, steam heat, bath, electric lights, on Dodge and Twenty-fourth street care line. rs. 4nna Banks, 924 North Twentieth. Douglas 4879. LODGE DIRECTORY G. U O. of O. F., South Omaha Lodge No. 9374. Meetings first and third Fri days. 25th and N Sta.. South Side. Past Grand Masters Council No 44t. t rst and third Tuesdays, *4th and Charles Streets. WM. F. SHAFROTH. N. G £. E. BRYANT. Q. M. and P. S. G. U. O. OF O. F, Missouri Valley Lodge No. 9915. Meets every second and fourth Thursday nights each month at 24th and Charles Sts J. D. CRUM. N. G. M. L. HUNTER. P N. F. W. B. TURNER. P. S. PIANO AND PLAYERS BEYERS I can nave you money, whether you 'Harold, 2420 Patrick Ave. Web. 1528, huv for caah or payment. Hollanc Harold, 2420 Patriek Vte. Web. 152* SOITH OMAHA, NEB. Prof. Wm. Monroe Tiotter, noted Negro educator of Bostdn, spoke on “Social and Moral Uplift” Tuesday evening at Allen Chapel, Twenty-fifth md R streets. Mrs. Leona Stewart, nee Leona Gray, SL Paul, .Minn., formerly of Omaha, died Friday after a brief ill is.-. Her body arrived in Omaha Monday. The funeral was held on Wednesday. A very excellent program was ren dered Sunday evening at s o’clock at Bethel Baptist church. The program consisting of the adult choir’s beauti ful anthems and the Sunday school's exercises displaced the regular eve ning sermon. Going out of business. Entire stock of Ladies’, Men’s and Children's wear at prices that will satisfy. It will pay you to investigate. Marcus Shoe & CIo. House, 2121 N St. Mis. Verlye King, who has been visiting In Casper, Wyo., for a few months, returned last week. Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Taylor enter tained the P. A. Club Monday evening in the T. D. C. hall Delightful re esiments weie served. The rimer. 1 of Mr . Wa Vrgn.t who lived in Albright, was held T, es day at tile Jones & Reed undertaking parlor s. The Rev. Mr. Taggar* offi ciated. Mr. Lonnie Carter, 2502 M St., lef' Saturday for Des Moines, la., where he spent Raster with friends and rela tives. Mrs. Chas. Martin 2508 M street entertained guests at t o’clock lunch eon Friday in honor of Miss Joyce Barnes of Kansas City. doing out of business. Kntire stork of Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s wear at prices that will satisfy. It will pay you to investigate. Marcus Shoe & Clo. House, 2121 N St. A select rose dinner will be given by the ladies of the B. Y. P C. In the T. L>. C. hall. Twenty-ninth and T streets, Thursday, March 31. Mr. Archie Arvin, who has been in St. Paul for almost a year, returned last week. - w w'w »i v* wtW If If « i — ——— 1 a Dunham & Dunham | I ..Tailors.. » K .‘114 South 14th St., Opposite Paxton Hotel Woodmen of the World Bld^ Nat 1 Uank LtlHlf ♦ PIATTI & WEAR i * \TTORNEYS AND | COUNSELLORS AT LAW i Phone Dougins 4508 t ^ 11)17-20 City Nat I Bank Bldg. J | Lambert, Shot well & Shot w ell j ATTORNEYS 1 | Omaha National Bank Bldg. j j SUN PRINTING CO. | 1.320 Dodge St. Tyler 3832 j | For neat printing and reason- j 1 i able prices. I « 0 ■ ■ t -t t-t -T ■ * » ■* ♦ iMME. EDITH LLEWELLYN I Poro Hair Culturint j Appointment at home if desired I Webster 4027 i HONEY * j t Produced and Sold in Omaha by f : H. C. COOK i j 4521 Parker St. Walnut 0809 t i My reputation in the business 1 ♦ is my guarantee for its purity, k I Phone for Prompt Delivery * | HAMILTON PHARMACY { Phone Webster 1133 I { 1323 N. 24th St. \ w. J. CATTIN CO. ? PLUMBING, GAS ANI) % STEAM FITTING £ 910 N. 24th St. Douglas 1625 X v X « Subscribe for The Monitor. 1 Brown’s Place 5 n pt Lake and 27th Street « w 3 SPECIAL CHICKEN DIN- g I NERSUNDAYS AND THURSDAYS Phone Webster .‘5247 I 3 1. Brown, Prop. _ZZIBUHKKIHx ^XX^XK^XX-W^X^X ? For that Neat. Well Dressed *J Y Appearance. Bee f J. H. HOLMES ! | TAILOR £ ; : SUITS OF REST MATERIAL £ ,, AND WORKMANSHIP $45.00 i , . Reduction in cleaning and ? 1 • pressing. A trial will convince t I you- | 2022 North 24th 8tr..t V •J. Phon# Web.ter 3320 .j -XX-: WVWWMTAWW/WWAVW ij Diamond;! •: Theatre ;l I—I j j \ See \ \ $ \ Your i I jj Favorite } l \ Pictures jj i i Subscribe for The Monitor. -- RIALTO I MUSIC SHOP S < * | X 1116 DOUGLAS ST. PHONE TYLER 1090 X Y41 Mail Orders a Specialty ! I The Charm of Childhood TV) you realize how rapidly your ^ kiddies are groping? Every anniversary of your child should be . recorded by a photograph. \ Come to our studio for portraits that will prove priceless possessions in years to come. | /" We make pictures that really reflect the charm of childhood. Butters Studio Collins 1306 NORTH 24th ST. Ultni/ine . . -_A, i-- n, , ,. Webster 6701 9 Hft \ rlwtcgrapluc \ i^AloufltiMjS __ PATRONIZE THE MONITOR ADVERTISERS i Pre-War Price Sale: \' ,, Dr n’t mis.~ our big sale on Can Goods. We have real bargains, ] | and yet save you car fare. • • ’ SUGAR, 10 lbs. for. 8»c ” :: LAUNDRY' SOAP, 10 cakes foi 42c TALL CANS CREAM, per can 10c X !’ CORN, PEAS, TOMATOES, per can 10c “ ]j! OATMEAL, per package • 11c ] s | WE ARE OPEN SATURDAYS—CLOSED SUNDAYS II FREE DELIVERY EVERYWHERE ] ; t Ravitz & Stillman t (• GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET 1! 1701 North 2lth Street Telephone Webster r>t>02 1 ’ ? !; •XSS'X^"XSKS“X"X"X“X“X":"X"X»X"/'>'X":">,X"X“X“X"X“X“X“X"X II OUT OF Th£ HtCH RENTOlSTRlCl YOU OFT THfOFNFFIT : COMPLETE HOME FURNISHERS | 1JTH ST. CORNER DODGE ST. Douglas 1317 j Headquarters Phonographs For and Records PATRONIZE THE MONITOR ADVERTISERS H. DOLGOFF FURNITURE AND HARDWARE STOVES, RUGS, LINOLEUM Better Goods for Less Money. Credit if You Wish. OPEN EVENINGS 1938-17 N. 2lth St. Phones—Webster 1607; Webster 4825 -.—. I BUY A LOT j J In Gary, Indiana j $ FASTEST GROWING CITY IN AMERICA i > AND WATCH YOUR INVESTMENT INCREASE 5 j IN VALUE ? I DAVID GLUECK REALTY CO. i T 1704 Broadway, Gary Ind. 5 For Prices and Terms see jjj BOB ROBINSON, Agent \ 111 South 14th St., Omaha, Neb. 2; Douglas 1446 > PATRONIZE THE MONITOR ADVERTISERS SLOGAN: “The Monitor In Every Home And I’ll Help Put It There”