h vents and Persons Big Musical Comedy and Easier Hall by the Swastika Racquet Club, Colum bia Hall, 24th and Lake Sts., Monday evening, March 28. It E. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 700 Peters 1 rust Bldg. Douglas 3841 or ilarnev 2156. Men’s all-wool Serge Suits at spe cial price of 412.95 are offered by the ' Leader, 4727-29 So. 24tli Street (oppo site postofflce), South Side. Big Musical Comedy and Easter Bull h.v the Swaslika Racquet Club, Colum bia Hall, 24th and Lake Sts., Monday evening, March 28. It Buy your Easter shoes at C. J. Carl son. 1514 No. 24th St. We handle the best shoes at the lowest prices. Ladies’, gents' and chil dren. Full line. C. J. Carlson, 1514 1514 No. 24th St. Holst Pharmacy for drugs. 2702 Cuming street. Harney 681.—Adv. Large assortment of ladies’ new pat tern Sprin Mats at special prices—no two hats alike. The Leader, 4727-29 So. 24th Street (opposite postofflce), South Side. Fresh eggs direct from the country going at 25c per doz. at Harrington's Grocery, 2111-16 No. 24th St. Try Hurrington'g Grocery, 2114-16 No. 24th St., for quality. Harrington Grocery, 2114-16 North 24th SL, for fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh and smoked meats at the lowest market price. The Men’s Laymen of Pilgrim Bap tist church will have charge of the services next Sunday evening. They are planning an unusual program. When you need Real .Manicuring, see Miss Ethel Ilow, Jenkins’ Ilarher Shop, 2122 North 24th Street. Mr. Geda Thompson of Jenkins' barber shop, 2212 North 24th St., left Friday for Claremore Springs, Okla.; where he will spend some time in the interest of his health. The Leader, 4727 29 So. 24th Street (opposite postofflce), South Side, Is offering credit accommodations at cash prices. See our new line of Spring Hats, Dresses and Suits for \ Easter wear. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. See special 42.50 coupon In our advertisement. Jenkin's Barber Shop—All work strictly first-class. 2122 No. 24th SL Webster 2095. Miss Ethel Dow, manicurist for the Jenkins barber shop, is spending a j month’s vacation in Houston, Tex., and exj itts to return to Omaha shortly. Mr. Ed Killingsworth and Miss Ruth Washington were married in Chicago last week. They are residing in Omaha at 2216 Grant street. The Monitor is still the old reliable newspaper that has been a welcome weekly visitor in the homes of our people for nearly six years. Are you; a subscriber? A. I*. Scruggs, lawyer, 220 8. 18th it. D. 7812. CoL 8881.—Adv. Mrs. Warren Brooks of North 28th street, who has been ill, is much better, j Mr. and Mrs. B. Napier entertained the Industrious Eight and a few othei friends at their home on North Twen tieth street, March 16, in honor of their twelfth wedding anniversary and * also surprised Mrs. G. Harris whose birthday was the same date. The house was beautifully decorated with ; St. Patrick's day colors and a delicious luncheon war served. Mrs. Napier and Mis. Harris were the recipients of beautiful presents. Mr. William Lewis, head waiter for : the Chamber of Commerce, left Friday for Claremore Springs Okla., in the j interest of his health. Dwight and Joseph, sons of Mr. and j Mrs. S. H. Dorsey, 3643 Parker street, have been detained at home by illness, j Dwight suffered a severe cut on his leg a short time ago by a fall. Mary Ellen, the infant daughter df I Dr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Britt, will be baptized Sunday evening at the 6 o’clock vesper services at the Church of St. l’hilip the Deacon. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Shipman and daughters, Madeline and Thelma, have gone to Elm Creek, Neb., where thet Shipman Bros., who are grading con tractor, have a large grading con tract for the railroad. They will lw absent all summer. , Huy new Volte Dresses at a very special price of 42.95. The Leader, 4727-29 So. 21th Street (opposite post office), South Side. Jenkin's Barber Shop—All Work Strictly EIrst ( Ians. 2122 N. 24tli St V) eb.- 2095. Mrs. William H. Haynes of Wash ington, D. C„ arrived In the city Fri day night and Is the guest of her son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Haynes, 2859 Corby street. Mrs. Harry Buford, who has been visiting her mother at Joliet, 111., re turned last week. The Industrious Eight met at the residence of Mrs. R. Hudson, 2536 Parker street, Friday, March 11, and spent an enjoyable evening, the apo dal feature being a birthday surprise In honor of Mrs. J. A. Cropp, who was presented with a beautiful Japanese fern. Mrs. Silas Johnson, who Is sttll quite 111 at her residence, shows some slight Improvement, it. is reported. Eugene Bell, son of CyruB D. Bell, who has been absent from Omaha for a number of years, Is here visiting his relatives. He was employed for many years In the mailing department, of theWorld Herald. “Gene" is now a resident of Mason City, Ta. William II. (Bob) Robinson had a pretty close call last Friday night when he was taken dangerously ill with acute indigestion. Fortunately he was able to receive prompt medical attention, othewise Bob’s many friends might have been missing his genial presence. Mrs. Lizzie Buford, who was taken seriously ill Sunday, has been re moved to St. Elizabeth's hospital, where her condition is somewhat im proved. Mr. and Mrs. James G. Jewell an nounce the marriage of their niece, Ruth Antoinette Washington, to Mr. ; Edward W. Killingsworth. which tool, place Thursday, March 17, at the home or the bride’s aunt, Mrs. J. H. McDer mott, 3530 South Park avenue, Chi cago, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Killingsworth will be at home to their friends at 2216 Gram steeet. Thy revival meeting of Pilgrim Bap-1 list church will begin April 1. It will I be conducted by Rev. W. H. Young of Topeka, Kans. Rev. Wm. Franklin, pastor. Mrs. Eva Johnson was granted a di vorce from her husband, Nimrod Johnson, Monday, and her maiden name of Eva Taylor restored. You can show your appreciation for The Monitor and help support ft b>' paying your own subscription prompt ly and getting your neighbor to sub scribe. Then, too, be sure to patron Ize our advertisers and tell them th ,t you saw their nd in “OUR PAPER, THE MONITOR.” Miss Carrie Gray of Springfiel I, Mass., who has been making her home "Ith Mrs. E. R. West, has accepted a position with the Shipman Bros., and has gone to Elm Creek, Neb. M. F. Singleton has been appointed one of the deputy assessors. The stockholders by the Co opera tive Workers of America are request ed to be present at the store, 1516-1S North Twenty fourth, street, Fridav and Saturday, March 25 and 26, 1921, for the purpose of entertaining th^ Colored Commercial Club. The com mercial club’s rally will be held on these days. Mrs. J. A. Hughes of 2911 Ersklne street Is much better and hopes to be able to be out soon. Rev. M. H. Wilkinson and wife were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Sto vall, 1619 North Twenty-third street, last Sunday to dinner. Rev. M. H. Wilkinson, state mis sionary, will preach at St. Paul Bap list church Sunday morning, and at Pleasant Green Baptist church at night. AL 40NE8* BOX LUNCHES Try A1 Jones’ box lunches. Dandy for noonday. 25 cents each. Table Supply, Seventeenth and Douglas, Courtney’s old stand. Also baked ap ple dumplings and all kinds of appe i tlzlng salads Bent from Mr. Jones’, home daily at 11 o'clock. DISTRICT GRAND M ASTER HERE The district grand master, Mr. 1’haeher of Kansas jurisdiction of the | Grand United Order of Odd Fellow* was in the city Monday evening, March 21, and addressed the Odd Eeiiuw, and Household of Ruth at Pilerfm Baptist church. An informal recep tion was tendered him. Quite a num ber of persons were present and en T — —11 ■ '■■■ ■ ■ ' '■ — ■■ .. . ■ ■ ■ n ■ • _ ■ ■ - M B Exceptional Values in New n ■ 1 Spring Suits and Wraps ■ m Charming new creations in all ■ of the season’s styles and colors, g Priced to save you from $15 to $25 ■ 1 I i ■ _ g PRE-EASTER SALE OF „ Spring Dresses : ’I6a joyed the evening. The Odd Fellows of the city are planning for the an nual Thanksgiving services to be held on the second Sunday in May. The order is taking on new life. CAMP FIRE Group Ocowasin met at the Y. V/. C. A. and took their first lesson in millinery with the Misses Alice Wat son, Gladys Brown and Dorothy Wil liams as teachers. The girls are mak ing plans for Mother’s day which is in May. l.A. Edholm E. W. Shermar Standard Laundry 24tii, Near Lake Street Phone Webster 130 HENRY W. DUNN CANDIDATE FOR City Commissioner of Omaha Subject to the Primary Election, April 5, 1921 Mr. Dunn is now Police Judge of Omaha. 1 RIALTO 1 1 MUSIC SHOP ! 2 ‘4 1416 DOUGLAS ST. PHONE TYLER 4090 X 4 l £ Mail Orders a Specialty X .;.V.,A,A,AV/AVW.V.V/.,.V.V.V.,.V.VAV.V.V.,.,.,.,.V.,.V.V i; THE A. B. C. MUSICAL CLUB ji £ WILL APPEAR IN < ■: Recital Easter Sunday, March 27 > :• AT ■: I* PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH I' V 25th and Hamilton Sts. •* I* Under the Direction of Mrs. Gertrude Harris U" ■I Don’t Mina This Treat ■’ :« MRS. KATIE D. SMITH, President. > \ MISS LAWRENA WATTS, Seeretarv. ■£ J. MISS LEE ETHEL HARRIS, Reporter. 5 ■,’\V.VAV.V.V.1.1AVVAV.,.,.,.V.,.V.,.,,,.,.V.V/.V.V.V.W.VA,.V r .... . EASTER FLOWERS CHARLES EDERER, Florist 30th and Bristol Streets Webster 4745 " ■■ " ■' - ii.iii ' —.. | THE SWASTIKA RACQUET CLUB | Y Presents the I Swastika Follies f i A Musical Comedy in Six X X Big Acts £ EASTER MONDAY, i X MARCH 28 } X At X COLUMBIA HALL $ ;j; Dancing after the prog nun. X •{• Fletcher’s Syncopated Or- X Y chcstra. f •{• Admission 55c Y Y X ED E. MOREAKTY, Atty., 700 l’eters Tr ust lildg. LEGAL NOTICE Notice to non-resident defendant: To Stella Terrell, non-resident defend ant: You are hereby notified that on the 25th day of October, 1020 Clay Ter rell, your husband, filed his petition in the district cour t of Douglas Coun ty, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain an absolute decree of divorce from you on the grounds that you have wilfully deserted him, and for more than two years last past You are hereby further notified that on the 1st day of March, 1021, leave was given the plaintiff to secure serv ice on you by publication. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 18th day of April, 1021. CLAY TERRELL. By Ed F. Morearty, His Attorney ! 4t—3-4, 11, 18, 26-21 | CLARENCE DESDUNES TEACHER OF VIOLIN '} X R«»- Studio Web. 4388 •! A 2502 Ilurdette St. Tyler 1234 *! X Dealer in new aViil used instru- •] ments. Instruments repaired. J -.'•.x.*:.*:":..x-X"X":".---x--.---x«:-:-xk.v. Subscribe for The Monitor. Crosstown Furniture Co. SPECIAL SALE OF STOVES AM) FURWITCHK S007-0!) Vorlli Twenty.fourth SL Phone Webster 480 WILLIAMSON'S DRUG STORE l Tobacco, Toilet Articles, Candies I and Refreshments. All goods \ promptly delivered. 2306 No. 24th St. Web. 4443 jjj O■•“•hi..#..# -#■ > n B t 9 i% £ Orpha M. Davis, D.C.S j CHIROPODIST (.raduale Illinois College of 1 Chiropody Licensed by Nebraska Stale J Hoard ] SCIENTIFICALLY TREATS I ALL AILMENTS OF FEET Ingrown toenails, bunions, toms, callouses, fallen arches, tired and itching feet. 2711 Lake St. Webster 6017 -- SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MONITOl PRICES THAT DEFY ALL COMPETITION I Easier Millinery At a Great Saving Never before liave we been able to show such an assortment of up-to-date styles for Spring 6| wear. fi DAINTY, CHIC, NEW STRAWS W. THAT WILL ADD CHARM y| TO EVERY GOWN y T >et us show you what we have in new crea Itions at a saving. New Spring Pumps for EASTER Wear Zucker’s Dep’t Store 1615-17-191/2 NORTH 24th STREET ... ’ T GOOD GROCERIES ALWAYS* ’ ^ C. P. WESIN GROCERY CO. Also Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. 2005 Cuming St. Telephone Douglas 1098 , - - -.- - • — ---■---- • ■ r* PATRONIZE THE MONITOR ADVERTISERS JL-- Wifi "JStfff The Charm of Childhood T\0 you realize how rapidly your kiddies are growing? Every anniversary of your child should be recorded by a photograph. Come to our studio for portraits that will prove priceless possessions in years to come. We make pictures that really reflect the charm of childhood. Butters Studio Collins 1306 NORTH 24th ST. ULtmUne k riL . /. Webster 6701 \ rrwtocjraphic ■ ■ in H_I _ i PATRONIZE THE MONITOR ADVERTISERS | MAGIC HAIR GROWER] ! * AND STRAIGHTENING OIL ! | • • • I .. mi «■—i ii i ■ rrr-. ■ . w I ; j g mwii MME. JOHNSON AND SOUTH I i: j The most wonderful hair preparation on the market. When g we say Magic we do not exaggerate, as you can see great re • suits in the first few treatments. We guarantee Magic Hair j ! Grower to stop the hair at once from fading out and breaking I |.5 off; making harsh, stubborn hair soft and silky. Magic Hair j Grower grows hair on bald places of the head. Jf you use I these preparations once you will never be without them. ; I j Magic Hair Grower and Straightening Oil are manufactured J by Mesdames South and Johnson. We also do scalp treating. 1 Magic Hair Grower, 50c. Straightening Oil, 35c. J Allorders promptly filled; send 10c for postage. Money must accompany all orders. * Agent* wanted—Write for particular*, j We carry everything in the latest faehi m- t able hair good* at the lowest price*. We make switches, puffs, transform** I tion curls, coronet braids, and combings J made to order, matching all shades a f specialty. Send sample* of hair with * all orders. 2416 Blondo St., Omaha, Neb. * x Telephone Webster 880 ' ..J