i •— the Monitor A NATIONAL WEEKLY NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF COLORED AMERICANS A C1..1 i. . fa - THE ItEV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, Editor _ > tMta Yw K a Copy OMAHA, NEBRASKA* MARCH 3, 1921 Vol. VI No. 36 (Whole No. 296) ENGLAND WATCHING AMERICAN LYNCHINGS Newspaper Correspondents Take Accurate Note of Acts of Vio lence Committed Against Black Citizens of the United States —Every Lynching Is Reported in the English Press—Race Clashes Featured in Newspapers of Great Britain. HAROLD SPENDER ANALYSES % IE PROBLEM -\ Charges Britain With Responsibility Thr> V Slave Trade for Black Problem—Race in Southern Stat* »idly Increasing —I-egit imale Ambitions for Self-Determ.