STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHIP. MANAGEMENT CIRCULATION. ETC. REQUIRED BY THE ACT OF CONGRESS OF AUGUST 24. 1912 Of The Monitor, published weekly at Omaha, Neb., for October 1, 1920. State of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss. 1. That the names ami addresses of the publisher, edilor. managing editor, and business manager are Publisher, The Monitor Publishing Co.. 294 Kaffir Block. Omaha. Neb.. editor. John Albert Williams. 2<‘4 Kaffir Block, f'nnftha, Neb.: managing editor, John Al la* rt Williams. 204 Kaffir Block. Omaha. Neb.; business manager, George H. W Bullock. 2. That the owners are: John Albert Wiliams, George H W. Bullock and Morris Wrighth. That the known bondholders, mort gagees and other security holders owning or holding l |»er cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other se curities are: None JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of October. 1920. GT‘Y B ROBBINS. (Seal) Notary Publig. My commission expires Jub’ 18, 1922 Y. \V. C. A. NOTES All who attended Vesper services Sunday, February 13, enjoyed the fit ting remarks of the leader and chair man of the religious committee, Mrs. Russell Taylor on “Thy Kingdom come into the home.” We hope that the young people will take a special in terest in making the vesper hour pop ular. Seivtces each Sunday from J to 5 o’clock. All are invited to attend. Classified \ Advertising RATES—4 cent* a word for single in sertions; 2 cents a word for two or more nsertiona. No advertisement taken for leas than 20 cents Cash must accom pany advertisement One room for rent, for men only, I 2810 Grant St. Telephone Webster 4590. Indef. FOR RENT—Furnished room; gen tlemen preferred. Webster 2680. FOR RENT — Neatly furnished rooms, on car line. 1549 N. 17th St., j middle apartment. Web. 5274. I'HOP SIT. V and Noodle*. Regular ( hiaetw dishe*. 2t- instrumental or vocal music, j cal! Mrs. Harris, Douglas 9407. FOR HOMES in north part of city, on easy payments, call Friedman Realty,‘Tyler 4424. FOR RENT — Modern furnished rooms 1702 N. 26th St. Web. 4769. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in a first class rooming house, steam heat, bath, electric lights, on Dodge and Twenty-fourth street care line. rs. Anna Banks, 924 North Twentieth. Douglas 4379. ■ -—— I. B. P. O. E. W. Iroquois Lodge No. 92 meets first and third Wednesday' of each month at U. B. F. hall. Twenty-fourth and Charles streets. Exalted Ruler, Wal lace Pettigrew Secretary, Thomas S. Rigga. FOR RENT -Nicely furnished room In modern home. Webster 4490. 1t [LODGE DIRECTORY D. U. O. of O. F„ *outh Omaha Lodge No 9374. Mootings first and third Fri days, 25th and N Sts.. Death Side. Fast Grand Masters Coimell No ME, first and third Tusadays. 14th and Charlos Streets. WM. R. tHAFROTH, N. O. E. E. BRYANT. <3. M. and F. S. G. O of O. F.. Superior Lodge, Na. 1*1*1. Meeting second and fourth Fnday evenIng at 7tH, Twenty-fifth and N street J. H. ANDREWS, N. 0. ALTON GOODE. F. B. The following girls have been ini tiated as real Girl Reserves: Misses lone Rrown, Lucile Raymond, Robbie Turner, Vivian Hibbs, Inez Battles, Evelyn Battles, Ida Crocker, Luellu Pitts, Corinne living, Anna Mae Faires. Evelyn Chiles, Ruth Irving, Lucile Crocker and Fern Chiles These gir1 have pledged to be in all ways a loyal, true member of the Girl Re serves, to face life squarely and to find and give the best to God, to the country and to the community, and to help other girls. The Tuesday afternoon corps held a social meeting February 8. The fol lowing program was rendered: Reci tation, Ctaretta Riddieux: vica1 duet, Helen Williams and Genevieve Ment low; instrumental solos bv Misses j Lvla Johnson and Helen Williams. The membership committee, Mrs. D.; W. Gooden, chairman, entertained the; members of the association with a; banquet Monday, February 14 The. ••oom was artistically decorated in St. Valentine’s colors anil hearts. A de lightful luncheon was served. More than 200 members enioyed the! address of Miss Helen Barnes on the | “Purpose of the Y. W. C. A. and World i Fellowship.” Miss Barnes was the pioneer secretary of the Y. W. C. A. in Nebraska, having organized the work in Omaha. Greetings and words of encouragement were given by Mrs. Carrie Ada Campbell, general secre tary; Miss Grace Shearer, member ship and educational secretary, and Miss Frankie B. Watkins, secretary of the branch. The members of the committee are to be praised for the large number of members secured. We feel that the | members will have a special interest in the problems and policies of the association. It is surely a great priv- j ilege to be a member of this world wide sisterhood and to have a dollar share in an association which helps I girls to a fuller and perfect under standing of life. Come into the triangle. But It Pay* "Anyhow." “L*e man dHi 'tends strictly to Ills | *wn business." said 1'riele Eben, ''some times don't gb no credit *cep‘ foil heln Unsociable * M A CEO T. WILLIAMS’ Violin School opens January 31, 1921. Offers de tailed instruction in the way of ear training through tone study, sight reading and playing, and minor the atrh al work necessary to musician-j ship. Such advantages are not to be: had by any elementary violin student: in Omaha. VIOLIN COI'KSE Elementary Scales and finger exercises, school and i and finger exercises, school and studies by De Beriot, Alard, Sevelk. Gruenberg, Silt, Wohlforth. Depas Rodlng. Winternity, Kayser, Leonard. Dant. selections from Kreutzer. Solos by Leonard, Sitt, Zabrielli, De Beriot, David, etc. Sonatas by Corelli, ap. j>,: Vol. 2; Senallie, Fareollvi. Handel, etc., To pass from the elementary to the; intermediate grade, a satisfactory per formance of the 23d Concerto by Vioth is required. Enroll now. Hours 2 to 4. Studio 2416 Binnev St. Phone Webster 3028. — Adv. N. W. WARE. Attorney NOTICE TO NON RESIDENT DE. PENDANT To Perry Farris, non-resident de fendant. you are hfcreby notified that on the loth day of September, 1920. Lflliau Farris, as plaintiff, filed her petition in the District Court of Doug ias County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain a divorce from you on the grounds of extreme cruelty and non-support; that on the 2t>th day of January. 1921, the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska. MONITOR CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY WATCH IT CROW _ J S Forty-Three Hundred ? ! (Paid to Omaha people ‘ in Benefits. ! I THE NEBRASKA STATE j i Health & Accident Ins. Co. j J 116 So. 14th St. Doug. 5375 i j Peterson's Lake Bakery ! . l or pin*' Pastries, Bread, Rolls, | i Pies and Cakes, i 2504 No. 24th St. Web. 3387. I Sporting Goods \ The TOWNSEND GI N CO. | • Sporting, Outing and Athletic | f Goods I 1514 Parnam St. Douglas 0870 j Real Estate __ ♦ Real Estate and Insurance ! GUY B. ROBBINS * Phone Doug. 2842 or Web. 5108 j j 1 19 Patterson Block f ! f 11th and Davenport. Doug. 0394 I 1 Courteous treatment to all J patrons. ^11 i EVANS MODEL LALNDRY j j Forty-five years in the Husines * 11th & Douglas Douglas 024" j' ' RAY IT/ & STILLMAN * Fancy Groceries and Vegetables » Fresh Fish Daily I ■ f 1701 N. 24th St. W ebster 36S2 . PAINT OF QUALITY i J ' J At a Saving J MI LLIN’ PAINT CO. \ 313 South 14th St. j 1 WHOLESALE and RETAIL ‘ I t Telephone Tyler 1291 ? * EMERSON’S LAUNDRY I i The Laundry That Suits AH J j 1301 No. 24th St. Web. 0820 j ..■ — »■■«■ ► -^O ------~~9 FRED W. MARSH & CO. CASH MARKET Home Rendered Lard; Also Home Cured Hams and Bacon Douglas 3831 2003 Cuming St. -—-6 *► «► i. «. it < < < » < • < * « •, K ii WATERS ( BARNHART :: PRINTING CO. :: s3=S=3^ ;; !! ! «• >! j: & i| i ; } OMAHA S ; < ■ 11 i > < ■ ii etition on or before the first day of March. 1921. LILLIAN FARRIS, 4t -1-27; 2, 5, 12, 19-21 Plaintiff. - T Hki \ GOODELL & CO. Coal and Feed i 2320 I ake St. Web. 3007 ? J. H. ANDREWS I Tailor. Hatter, Shoe Shine t 2517 (J St. South 3887 j • .» »- •- ♦ ».»■#•• » '»■ McGILl & DAVIS Cafe and Pool Hall • Free employment for Armoui f and Hold packers. 251b Q St. m • > ft T-T-T--T- T - >' m La«y era J JAMES M. FITZGERALD \ 1 ATTORNEY | Phone Douglas 4508 I 1017-21 City Nat’l Hank Bldg J t PIATTI & WEAR | j ATTORNEYS AND j J COl .NSKLl.oRS AT LAW } | Phone Douglas 4508 J 1017-20 CitV Nat l Bank Bid". 4 ! Lambert. Shotwell & Shotwell J ATTORNEYS j | Omaha National Bank Bldg. | ’ SI N PRINTING CO. 1 1 1320 Dodge St. Tyler 3832 | * Kor neat printing and reason- ? i able prices. I \ MMK. EDITH LLEWELLYN I Poro Hair Culturist i Appointment at home if desired I i Webster 4627 * HO N E Y • Produced and Sold in Omaha by I H. C. COOK t."»21 Parker St. Walnut 0869 , My reputation in the business ♦ J is my guarantee for its purity, t Phone for P. ompt Delivery l | HAMILTON PHARMACY { \ Phone Webster 1433 ! 1323 N. 24th St. [ Read The Mediator every week— | it’s worth the money. UIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIttllU = LOOKI USE DISCRETION! = 1 EAT E AT 1 South & Thompson's | Cafe = 2418 N. 24TH ST WEB. 4566 = = Try Our CLUB BREAKFAST | Menu: Ham and Bacon and One z ^ Egg, or Sausage. Oatmeal. Cakes. Z — Potatoes. Bread and Butter. Coffee Z S or Tea 5c Z niiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiHiiR WHY PAY RENT ? SEE A. J. DAVIS Real Estale and Insurance Man 12119 Lake St. Webster 6366 Seven Years in Business I W. J. CATTIN CO. % % PLUMBING, GAS AND i tf STEAM FITTING ? ? 910 \. 24th St. Douglas 1625 | * We Hare a Complete Line of FLOWER,GR\SS AND CARDEN Bulbs, Hardy Perennials, Poultry Supplies Fresh cat flowers always oo hand Stewart s Seed Store 119 N. 16th St. Opp. Post Office Phone Douglas 977 4 > a . »■ IPtatablished 1890 f C. I. CARLSON ' Dealer in Shoes and Gents’ Furnishings 1514 No. 24th St. Omaha, Neb. ... . . . ... .4 Monitor advertisers want your bus iness; that's why they advertise in your paper. EUFAULA (Pronounced U-FALL-EH) j HEAITTT PREPARATIONS The World’* Fountain of Beaut; Secret* FOR SALE AT FOR SALE AT MME. R. FRANKLIN (Poro Sys E Morris Pharmacy. Centra) and tem), 2213 Grace 8t. Data. Bt. Paul. Minn. MME. A. MARSHALL (Walker Mine. O. W. Halls (Poro System). System;, 1836 N. J3d Bt 2748 B. 11th Ave , MlnneapoUs. MME. A. B. MADISON (M-Day H Mme L. LaRue (Walker System). ‘ ' System), 2707 Lake Bt 108 N. 1st Ave . E Duluth. Minn MME EDNA JOHNSON (Poro By. Mme. W. H Perry (Poro System). - tem), 1812 N 24th Bt 508 W. 7th Bt . Sloua City. Ia. MMES. SOUTH AND JOHNSON. Mme. E. Turner (Made Byoatn), Made System), 2418 Blondo Bt. 11*4 Ave. C., Council Bluffs. Ia. MME. O. VAWTER (Walker Bys Mme M. Barrett (Walker System). tem), 1718 N. 28th Bt. 1010 Center Bt.. Ik» Moines, la. 4 MME B. A. BOSTIC (Poro Bys Mme Oil>bs (Poro -^utem). 6214 s. tem). 2124 Clark Bt 28th flt.. South Om.iha. MME C C TRENT (Poro Sys South side Parlor (Mafic System). , tem). 2*23 Erskln flt 4*27 B 28th St.. Bouth Omaha OMAHA. NEB 11 For that Neat. WeU Dreeaed < » Appe&ranoe Sea J. H. HOLMES I TAILOR j! Sl’ITS OF BEST MATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP *45.00 . Reduction in cleaning and ■ • pressing. A trial will convince ] ' you. 111 2022 North 2«th Street | | Phone Webeter >320 . i i ! USE | Dentlo DO YOU USE Dentlo? ^AWA'.VAWAWAWWAV jj Diamond j; !: Theatre \ [ I: \ See Your % \ Favorite j I Pictures jj All | This Week \ % at Your jj \ Favorite | i| Theater j! j | .'AVpVpVAVp'pVpVAVpVAAW^ i t • • ■ ..—» Petersen & Mictielsenl Hardware Co. GOOD HARDWARE 2408 N St. Tel. South 162 ! i....... . ........ A Treat for the Family The wife and kiddles will enjoy a change from the monotony of home cooked meal3 So why not suggest coming here for Sunday dinner? No worry, no delays, no dishes to wash — Just sit down to a delightful, wholesome, satisfying meal, served In a way that all will like. Moderate prices, too We are NOW serving Oyater* and all kinda of Sea Food* fresh from tho The MonarchICafe C R. TRAMBLK, Prop. 107 South 14th St.. Phone Tyler 4119 I RIALTO I MUSIC SHOP | 1 ;!; ••• |. 1416 DOUGLAS ST. PHONE TYLER 4090 X [ T .Mail Orders a Specialty A l .. ? Saturday Morning from 9 to 12 Palm Olive Soap 1 4 Bars for 25c STAR STORE 1831-1833-1835 North 24th St. ^ Dan Desdunes Band u AND CHORUS OF 100 VOICES! " In a Grand Concert at the Auditorium Monday Night, February 28,1921 ^ Nothing like this has ever lieen presented by our people in Omaha SOLOISTS Mr. Jess Smith Cornet ist Mme. Cecelia Wilson-Jewell Contralto Mr. Levi Broomfield Tenor Mr. Hufus Long Basso Under the direction of Dan Desdunes, assisted by Mrs. G. B. Riley and Mr. J. C. Parker. For the benefit of St. John’s A. M. E. Church . General Admission Adults, 50c; Children, 25c Reserved Seats, 75c Curtain Rises at 8:15 Sharp GOOD GROCERIES ALWAYS* ' ” ” ... C. P. WESIN GROCERY CO. Also Fresh Fruit a and Vegetables. 2005 Coming St. Telephone Douglas 1098 » » ' ..... I " i \ CONSUMERS COAL «d SUPPLY CO. I Dealers in GOOD COAL l Colorado—Clean, Large Lump, $12.50 Illinois (Springfield; $12.00 § M » FIRST IN QUALITY DOUGLAS 0530 FIRST IN SERVICE jg I > A ii Patronize the State Furniture Co. | | ; 1 Atb and Dodge Streets i \ | The Monitor recommand* it* advertisers. Reliable and accommo- Y 1 > dating service can be found here. 2 H. DOLCOFF FURNITURE AM) HARDWARE STOVES, RUGS, LINOLEUM Better Goods for Less Money. Credit if You Wish. OPEN EVENINGS 1938-17 N. 24th St. Phones—Webster 1607; Webster 4823 ... .■ WWVWVWWdWWW%iW^.WJVWWWWVWWWWA/WW I BUY A LOT j } In Gary, Indiana s i FASTEST GROWING CITY IN AMERICA '■ > AND WATCH YOUR INVESTMENT INCREASE $ IN VALUE «; \ DAVID GLUECK REALTY CO. jj f 1704 Broadway, Gary Ind. S For Prices and Terms see «[ \ BOB ROBINSON, Agent \ f 111 South 14th St., Omaha, Neb. £ Douglas 1446 |> /W.WAV.V/WWWW-WWWWWAV.VAWWAV/ SLOGAN: “The Monitor In Every Home And I’ll Help Put It There”