S09TN SIDE LOCALS fc*»r Mi Jtefferwm t atf ear gra4* *eM *»*««* to ** r IM at y/«t» Hiefc. ty* i* t| gtiwt Humu^ tor joor 4f.i‘ amt rrpyyuiMt t»e«tri^ — ». Mato amt nao* *M». Ztofc amd Q Mr. WOHm Arte*. *k* tow Mw ttotot to Cilitotai* tor ■*» a/giikt. - Mirtrt hwt »***. Mr tti,ej 1**1 J**- g *• to M rto Ut*M at to Imk, T wntttf fifrto as* M Tk* M. Mr, Tamest*1 tort T#n4a tor Hag’ ra*- M. vtort kt MB a a . ,1 Is rarrrtoe on r«yi**l Mortise* --j Classified Advertising V.K1 KM—4 wu • mr Meet* to ss-- mb* 2 >4MU a »«< fuv two «* aners kwrtMi. *# »/|*«r*,o-f entat aeeeas *s«r s)***u**e«W aOAMS HAIGHT DBUG CO, 24tb and I mb*; 24 tb and Fart, Omaha, Neb One roo« for rent, for men only, 2*30 Great St. Telephone Webatwr W ladef. FOK KENT- Porn br ed room gea t’erueo preferred, Webater 2**9. POK KENT Neatly furniabed room*. on ear line. 1549 N, 17tb St middle apartment Web. 5274. I HOF MU and hoodie*. Kegalar < biace dl.be., *m iMfce **treef. due Aee, Fr«p. FOB SALE—Houae and let, 2912 2912 Erakine atreet Very reasonable. POR BENT Furniabed room, near car Dae. Webater 26*9 FOB KENT—Furnished room*, one block from car line; strictly modern. Webster 4012. 4t FOB KENT —Two large front room*, 2429 Lake St. Web. 1529. Fo«- instrumental or vo**aI mud' C*!! Mrs. Harri*. Dottgla* 9407. FOR HOMES in north part of city, on eaay payment*, call Friedman Keajty, Tyler 4424. FOR KENT Modern furotahed room* 174)2 N, 24tb St. Web 4769. FOR BENT— Funu*hed room* in a firat ela*a rooming bonne, steam heat, bath, electric light*, on Dodge and Twenty-fourth *tre*-t cate line. r*. Anna Bank*, 924 North Twentieth. Dougina 4379. I. B. P. 0. E. W. Iroquois Lodge No. 92 meet* firat and third Wedneada of each month at V. B. F. hall, Twenty-fourth and Oharle* street* Exalted Ruler, Wal lace Pettigrew Secretary, Thom a* 8. Rigg*. FOR RENT Nicely furniabed room in modern home, Webster 4490, It WANTED My a couple, four or five furnished rooms lor Ugh* hounekeep Ing. Call The Monitor, Doug. 3224 It p FOR RENT - r, rooms for housekeep irtK furnished or unfurnished, mod ern Call DourIs* 2224. It LOOSE DIRECTORY 0 U O . of O F., South Omaha Lads* No 9374 Moating* first and third Frl day*, 7'ith and N St*.. South Sid* Peat Orand Maatart Counoll No 4dt, firat and third Tuesday* 34th and Chart** Street* WM. R, SMAFROTH, N. O E. E BRYANT S M and R. S 0.0 of O. F., Superior Lodge. No. 10199 Mooting second and fourth Frida* evening at 71*0, Twenty-fifth and N street. J. H ANDREWS, N. O. ALTON SOOOE, R. E. ter tec Me*. Nr Barf„ f«r laical mw* «r*»< ftearrury. 2MN «K|4«. Nastr-f Jknkmr itmnn, TwrHWrl #«4 K a»4erwe*rf a* es»erarx* ter boewijut* at tec Mate* a! Me »»■ •etxyrtei week )*>*«-<>■» e«t *fc*» week. Mm> r>r -ri4a Taehey •*» btetee# to tbe N. T It e»«b fawn We4*e*4ay ere ■ Bias ta tec «."*#* m« «? ite»te H*t, wtewel. Mum, Lena Max Cwrry n»«o*> • erj •>*-»', rcMercC a teav*»f';i *te*l #e , tent u,ft »y> tee jea*i»c. Hefre*»M*e«te I were aer»e4 **4 all e«|wyei a S/lea# M* ereijins Mr. Wissiii* wise #i»e*M tee winter In Ale«a«a, tew -et.-oed bowse. Mr#. I* pe*r#sft, who ha# teen :> 2*25 T *»reet, I# fecl te* mmeh iM|rrrrre4 Leek? lawk ’ ht, Mm rich >«. Ik will n*e a wri*) ewtertstnawwl at tbe rem4race el le» Morten. 3*2* K 4rwl. February IN. F*erybe4y wei reaye, Kef rents mew!* wr*nl %M t.H T. WILMIMW tMh Mrboel laiisary 21, lijp. Offer* de j tailed MdrudlM la the way of ear i training through tone Mndy, wight ’ reading arid fdaylng, a*wi minor the afrteal work weieeiMf ry to monirlan Alb. Math advantage* are, not to be bad by any elementary violin rt- dent In Omaha, ridlJ) I 01 KM; Kleme alary ar »le» and finger ereo *,'* *ebool and and finger e*eret#e». aebool and Mudie* by Ire Be Hot, Ala'd. Hevejg. Or(leniierg, o#1t. Wot Iforlb fre;,a* Itoding Wlnierrilty, Kay«-r, leonard. Iran* weleefioo* from Kreqt/»<, Molo* by laiotiard, Mtt, Zabrlelli Ire Berlot, fravid, etr- Mona)a* by fore) 11, ati. Vol. f; .Henallle, KareolOi. Handel ate. To jia*» from the elementary to the Intermediate grade, a «atl*factory i>*> 1 format,< e of the 22d Conf erto by Vloth l« required, KntoU now. Hour* 2 to 4 H'ndio (24l« Btnne. Ml, Phone Webster 2U2*. I- Adv LINCOLN, NEB. Mr*. Maggie With j* confined to her hcd with *1' knegs, and a* a result he' 'sister*, Mr*. Kva Kemwons of Musko gee, Okla ; Mr? lama Williams and Mr*, fanny Walker of Horton, Kafi*., and Mr. W V Walker of Overton, ! Neb., are at her bedside, Mr*. K C. Htephney I* re-overlng from a recent Hines*. Mr*. J, Hhelby Is confined to her bed with sickness Mr*. Ida Cohrori I* recovering from a recent Illness, The Men’s club of Mt, Zion Baptist church gave an entertainment In the church last Thursday night. The pro gram consisted of visa) selection* I If Mr. awl Mm, .1 K, Jeltz arid William Todd, and an address by Hev, W, H. Botts, The affair was a success Mr, l/oiii* Grant of Omaha spent Holiday with hi* aunt, Mr*. I.ulu Burks. The Oaughter* of l*is held their meeting la*t Wednesday night, and a* a result held ari Initiation, eight wom en being added to the roll. They weie as follow* Mesdauie* H. A. Bolts, .1 W. Wilson, I’, H. Jenkin*, Mary Haun ders, Hattie Ounlow. all of Omaha; Mr*. Ollle Howard, Mrs, 24" t ♦ .■■rrJIJJ,,r,,It KAVITZ A STIIXM AN J f'anry Groeerie* and Vegeta We* r Fimh Pi*h Ifciily i 1701 V 2llh HI. Hetoler '.Mi/ PAINT OK Q! Al.ITY * At a Savin*; J MITXIN PAINT CO. j 212 South llth HI. J HHOLKHAI.E and RETAIL J Telephone Tyler 12*1 J t KMKBSO.VS I.Al'MlRV j j 'I he Laundry Thai Malt* All I i, S.'. 2U>> **' H>b' j ry4-.aa-««d e # • ♦<♦♦♦■* *♦* * *-♦ ♦"♦O KRKII W. MARSH & CO. { IIAKH MARKET Home Rendered Lard; tl*o t Home l ured Ham* and Baron , Bongla* 8*81 2003 I liming HI. j A. V. HCBUOG*. A tty. Probate Notice In th<- matter of the estate of Ceor** It. Dickinson, daeeased. Notice ir hereby (riven that the creditors of the raid deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, Ik-fori me, county jud«e of Douifla County, Nebraska, at the county court room, in aid county, on the 1 Oth day of April, 1921, and on the lf)th day of June, mi, at 9 o'clock a. m,, each day, for the purpose of prexentimr their claims for examination, adju-t incut and allowance. Three month, a.e allowed for the i red!birr ts> pie sent their claim*, from the 12th day of March, mi. HRYCK CRAWFORD, County Judye, 2-10, 17, 24, 3:3-21 N. W. WARK, Attorney NO'IU I TO NON RKHIItl M l»K FFMM NT To Perry Farris, non renjdent 4« fendant. you are hereby notified that on the If,lb day of September, 1920, Killian Karris, a* plaintiff filed her petition In the District f'ouit of Hon* la* County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which 1* to obtain a divorce from you on the around* of extreme cruelty and non-support; that on the 20th day of January, 1921, the District Court of Dou*las County, Nebraska, entered an order that service of sum mons on you may he had by publico tlori ii* Ir by l»w made and provided. You are, therefore, reunited to an swer plaintiff’s petition on or before the first day of March, 1921, KIKKIAN FARRIH, 4t I 27; 2, 3, 12, 19 21 Plaintiff I'KOli m: NOTH V In the matter of the estate of Ida Huundcra, deceased. Notice Ik hereby *lven that the cred itors of the said deceased will meet EUFAULA (Prommno.d U-FAI.L-KH) IK ALT! I'KKI’A NATIONS Tim World'* Koantiilii of lk«nt/ HrmroU **i ■ at FOR *al* at „ , and MM*. " FRANKLIN (Pofo Hy» Mv.lamI MMB A r IW.H.I M”‘“ W.KAO. l' ,'r" MT*t«nni. My.lam), ifi* N. fad Ml. 21« H llth Av< MM*. A * MADISON HO I lay ,i„„. u l.«l •■■■ ' ■ ’ ‘rM,„n Hy»Mini. Hi >"H Nurl,uA,V" , . MMUmT MM«. KONA JOHNSON * Poro By** Min" JR £.*rr2‘f'‘,r',B,ri^*m'' .i, Ml* N 24th Ml. *** * "„'y '."ml MM«». SOUTH and JOHNSON, To. Iv..' MM^V'vAWT, .'V^* 1,'i.iiiini"y U . 6114 S' MM*. B A BOSTIC fporo My. 4,14 B m I’I.rk Ml .,.mhM MM*, c C. tr*nT (Poro *y« •mi K Mth HI M ,! ToW” ;,!,OMArHAn N« GOODELI A CO. f tool and i j 252* (afar t*. »**. »»*; ♦ J. H. ANORCWS f Tailor, Halier, -ha* ffhwr j j 2517 U m. Heath *M7 J a * a » ♦ ♦ *■ a m h ■ MetiILL A DAVIS ( ale mH p oi Mali * Fr«» raflmae t far Aiaaai ? * w4 fMd pi'kfl* ZSI* U HL »a »♦»< >• < »#><♦ * »a i « »<.« La*j **• : JAMES M. FITZGERALD I J ATTOkNET Phan* Umnrlaa «5«* * l*l^;2» / *’ Aa-1 Bank kMr J prvrYTT weak tTTUHKIM AMI * (OINHFIXOfc AT LAW I Pheoe flan ■« I5W * _ l«H7 2a ( rtf Mat Kaak^JFId*^* I .afilbert, Shot well A J Shota eH * aTTOS*P.TS * Omaha Nation* Hank Hidg. * sYapkinYinYYo. * ! 122* Inelge gt, Tyler 3*32 I J F'or neat printing and reaaon- ♦ able pr -n | J WMF. FDtTH LLKWELLTN I Par# Hair < oltarmt | Appointment at t .roe if .Jemred 1 « W'abater t*27 t » #'* a a •1 ^ ■•»«» a -»-♦ ♦•ea ♦ * »»♦* »♦#■»*■» ; If O N E > * Produced and Hol g <■-*-*—r ~ » »■« ♦ ♦ »♦ ♦ w- e fbe Administrator of said estate Im fore me, County Judge of Douglai County, * ebra*kn, at the County Coon (loom in aid Count y, on the *tb da? of March, 1921 and on the 9t.h day ol Ma ,, 1921, *t 9 o'clock a. »ll„ each da for the |/o11«<»« of presenting theh claims for examination, adJo*tmeri and allowance, Tbr«e monthr ar<- al lowed for the creditors to prenam their claims, from the f,th day of Feb ruary, 192) HKYCK CRAWFORD. 4t County Judge, I’MOIIATI, SOTII V. In the matter of the estate of Johr Mobtley, deceased. Noth e la hereby given that the ' red Itor* of th<> *ald deceased will mac the Adrnlnlatrator 'rf aald estate, be fore rue, County Judge of Iron glut County Nebraska, at the County Cour Koom, tn aald County, on the ktli da? of March, 1921, and on the bill day o May, 1921, at 9 o'clock a, rn„ each day for the purpose of presenting theh /(aim* fm examination, adjuatman and allowance Three months are al lowed for the creditors to presetr their claims, from the fdh dav of Feb ruary, 1921 HKYCK CHAWFOKD, 4t County Judge, AMOh i>, HCHCOOH, lawyer Tin Ho. tilth Ht I'horre Doug. 7*1! N, W, WAKK, Allot uey Notice In Nou lie ideul liefendanl To Percy 0. Jeriulnga, non realden defendant You ai« hereby uotlfle' that on the If/th day of September 192b, Hattie A. Jeiinlng* «a plaintiff filed her petition In the district cour of Dougin* County, Nebraska, the oh Jeet and prayer of which I* to obtelr a divorce from you on the ground* o extreme cruelly and non support; Ilia on the 2*th day of December, 1920, the District Court of Dougin* County Nr luoska, entered an order that sender of summon* on you may he olitalnei by publication ns )■ by law made an' provided You are therefore ru'|ttlred to anaeei nlalntlff's petlllon on oi before tin liuli day of February, 1921. 11 ATT IK A JKNNIN08 4t 12 80-20;*, 13, 20 2) Plaintiff, Read The Mediator every week ll’a worth the money, ■444<.44igi44 1 , _ __ _ _ _ _ ^ ■■■■■■■■■■I i I t'8E Dentlo DO you i:»e Dentlo T | <•< i M giPTBR^t--^ ---- —«. « •»«♦«■ ♦ m 1 m-m MWMWWMM Telephone Dr. L. E. BriU L'putnlr* I Douglas t»'t Dougins 7S1* Pope Drug Co. Candies, Tobnren. Drngs. Rubber Good* and Sundries. MRKHCKIKMONS OI B SPECIALTY. IS>h snd Fsms* streets. Omaha. Nebraska >...... ... ...»■»■»»'«»» .......... .- .. paamovQmmmnexiatfmooaGxmc atoot** »x'jexfXiK.K>sxiKxx ,wx«joo»wc»wos CONSUMERS COAL «> SUPPLY CO. ^ Dealers in GOOD COAL Colorado—Glean, Large Lump, $ 12*50 Illinois (Springfield; $12.00 FMST IN QLlALIT Y DOUGLAS 0530 I IRST IN SERVICE j i Patronize the State Furniture Co. 1 14tb and Dodge .Streets £ The Monitor recommend* it* advertise™. Reliable and tccoauno- 7 r dating service can be found here. X tPMP444M4M444444M44M4444444444*444H444444U4»»p » 4 Wonderful Graphanola Sale 10 Records given free with every CABINET GRAFANOI.A for a period of Sixty Days. Terms to suit. Q Street Pharmacy 28th and Q Sts. South 260 H. DOLGOFF FURNITURE AND HARDWARE STOVES, RUGS, LINOLEUM lieltei Goods for Less Money. Credit if You Wish. OPEN EVENINGS 0 j IU.’JH* 17 N, 2llh St. Phones—Webster 1607; Webster 4823 I .-----. ALHAMBRA GROCERY & MEAT CO. PRAMKK BROS., Mgrtt. One Door South of Alhambra Theater Everything to Eat CleiuilinetM and (Jourteay Our Motto TRY 118 ( all Wehitar Mrtl BUY A LOT | In Gary, Indiana j FASTEST GROWING CITY IN AMERICA \' AND WATCH YOIJR INVESTMENT INCREASE < IN VALUE ;! DAVID GLUECK REALTY CO. i| 1704 Broadway, Gary Ind. •! For Price* and Term* »oo ;! BOB ROBINSON, Agent 111 South 14th St., Omaha, Neb. Douglaa 1446 ;! SLOGAN: “The Monitor In Every Home And I’ll Help Put It There” ^ ..