W.V« WVWVWV k H I Ike Family Shoe j: Store Bay Shoes. Rubbers aad Felt- S for your family before the «*W % areafter comes. ^ We cam fit and satisfy - J FRIEDMAN BROS, | lS*4 North 24th SC $ AVAWAWAVAWAhWW/ -:~>-:->-X">o-xi-o (inoimeiieet <& | Going Where? f j; LOYAL THEAYRE i <; 24th and C aid we.II Sts. ♦ !! Colored vaudeville. ♦ I! Colored patrons highly X J | appreciated. X < > j; HIBBARD ;; The Cleaner Cleaning, pressing, dye J; ing and repairing. Ladies’ ;; work and hat blocking. ;; “Service and reasonable < ’ prices” our motto. J; Call Douglas 7935. ; | 2209 Cuming Street i > ; Music Parlor : NOW OPEN Your favorite record played . on request. Individual, Couple j or Party booths. t « SOL LEWIS, Prop, i ' 1824 No. 24th St. I | Suits to Order I $35.00 • CUT FROM $55.00 | Similar big reductions on all 9 fine suitings and overcoatings. 9 Better goods, better work, bet 9 ter fit and better price than ■ ready-mades. I MacCarthy-Wilson I Tailoring Co. 1 317 South Fifteenth | WILLIAMSON'S 0IH6 STONE H Tobacco, Toilet Articles, Candies g and Refreshments. All goods k promptly delivered. I 2306 No. 24th St. Web. 4443 Rev. J. A. Brodnax. pastor of »* * j XL E. chart*, Kansas City, Kass and | grand master of t*e York Rite Masons ■ of the Jansdiction of Viasocr and j Kansas paid as official tin to * tdk j Hill lodge Mo. H on Tuesday, Decern 5 her 14. From here he left to visit g lodges in Sooth Dakota The Willing Workers elnb. Mrs. E. « 'j. Curtis, prtsdest met at the tasne 5 of the secretary. Mrs. Unit Tack- on | Twenty-first street Tuesday afternoon | |kfff Mrs Mahal* Wright left for Bald- 2 win. Kans.. or, the 21st to visit reU | fives during the holidays. Mrs. C F. Williams. 1M West Set t enth street, is still confined to he* | bed | Mr. Matey, after a ten-day visi: with g his family on West Sixth street ha* « returned to the Southwest. I Attorney J. H. Red-r ood and wife: i have moved from South Sioux City. 3 Neb , to Sioux City. j The funeral service* of the Lovelace E brother* were held fins Haddock g ■chapel last Monday Rev. A Smith . officiating. The services were unde; ■ the auspices of the York Rite Masons 3 and the Knights of Pythias. Owing to § ’ the tragic circumstances s:rro;nd±nr E their death the church could not hold : a the crowd. g M* Higgins spent a few day? in — Rock Rapids. la., last week on bus: & r.ess. \ Mr. and Mrs. F B. Brown of TOT | < West Seventh street have returned ' after a six weeks' stay in Gainesville, Fla., where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Maod A Nelson. -lOtbe* of ej Mrs. Brown. Miss Eula Porom: of Gainesville accompanied them back and win make Sioux City her home. Mr* E. J. Curtis to'etam! the Will- "* ing Workers at an informal reception on Christmas day from 3 to 5 p. m. at her home. 519*6 Cook street. Mrs. Mahal la Wright presented the Malone A M E. church with a ver- x handsome Bible on Sunda? December 19th. A The Church Aid donated 1ST to the | trustees at their meeting Thursday. A A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all. x >i : UNVEIL TABLET TO PAUL JONES IN WASHINGTON - : - ttiimimmimmmmmmimimiimmm ' WMm'sSh - \ r.W * Scene at the unveiling at a tablet on the statue of John Pan! Jones In Potomac park. Washington. The tab let waa erected by the Son* of the American Revolution to commemo rate the founding of the American navy by Amerb-a’s first naval bero. l BURNED IN PECULIAR WAY I ■ ■— - i Gasoline Spilled on Road and Acci dentally Lighted Causes Injuries Edward McPartiand of 32 Park street. Stoneham, Pa., la at the Clin ton hospital as the result of a peculiar ij accident on the Sterling road near C ; Lancaster. McPartiand and four companions, all employed on road construction work near here, were returning In a truck from a dance at Clinton, and were going to their homes In Ster ling when the truck overturned near Four Ponds. In (lie hack of the truck, which was traveling slowly at the time of the accident, was a large can of gasoline. It was thrown onto the highway, sprang a leak and the gasoline reached to where McPartiand lay an conadooa. Test In Acoustics. To test the acoustic properties of a tall, the lecturer proposed counting he nurnber of seconds the dapping jf the bands could be beard; If five >r six seconds, the hall Is unfit for jubllc speaking, for which It must be •educed to two or three seconds, but (or musical purposes a little longer may be allowed. Draping the hall la the beat way to reduce the reverbera tion. belief In the efficacy of stretched wires being a mere relic of supersti tion. DO Your CHRISTMAS Shopping at the Store Where ! You Can Have the Largest Stock to Select From ^ We carry everything to wear for Men. Women and Children. Our prices are lower than you will find at other stores for the same quality of merchandise. We have one price to all. We sell on CREDIT at | CASH PRICES. If you haven’t an account with us. now is the time to start one. If you have one, now fl is the time to use it. Be sure and open a LEADER account—“IT’S DIFFERENT." We guarantee every jji article we sell. Yours for accommodation. Beginning Saturday. December 18th. We Keep Open Evenings THE LEADER 1727-29 SOUTH TWENTY-FOURTH STREET OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. SOUTH OMAHA ’Ay ~\>y -vy \y/ \y/ \y/ w w w w I THE CO-OPERATIVE WORKERS OF AMERICA § | mi$b you a merry Christmas | I «»»»«««»» HOLIDAY SPECIALS: ^5? » Y X 5i Xmas Candle-, per lb. _ . 35c IS Crisco, per lb. 35c » M 5f 5 Mixed Nut.-, per lb. 25c fij Potatoes, per peck 38e X 0 9 Sunkist Oranges, per doz. __ ...55c R 'Red Onions, 10 lbs. for 22c lft w1 X 3i Deiiciou- Apples, per doz. 30c R We have Turkeys. Ducks, Leese and Chickens I* DELIVERY«««Ka«*«a«K* | CO-OPERATIVE WORKERS OF AMERICA | 4 ; WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE if Business Is (>ood. Thank You V 1516-18 NORTH 24th STREET TELEPHONE WEBSTER 4824 WTT—^-—r-TrWT-WFTTBIM m ■BWWWTlTMlIiT I/J^. g I II a f DESIRE to express my grateful appreciation * for the very liberal support my patrons have given me during this year and cordially solicit their patronage in the future. g; Please accept my best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. 3 b Jones Poro Culture ANNA E. JONES. Prop. 1601 North 24th St. Omaha. Neb. I a a l % PATRONIZE THE MONITOR ADVERTISERS XMAS SPECIAL r $18.00 Silk Crepe Shirts I SPECIAL | $695 i 303 South 16th St. Securities Bldg. i jjiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiuiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiimiiiiG Tuchman Bros. | 24th and Lake Webster 402 | f A FEW OF OUR CHRISTMAS SPECIALS I s Sugar, Pure Granulated, 10 pound.*- 95c 1 E Umar Hour, 4- 12.65 | — Karo Syrup, 10-pound can 65c I = Jello, all flavors, 2 packages 25c I E Catsup, Blue Label, 2 bottles OP = E for | S Crisco, any sire can, per OP „ r E pound *tOL> ^ E Palm Olive Soap, 3 bars 25c ^ S P. 4 G., pels Naptha. Star. Omaha Family Soap, 10 bar* 69c 1 | WE SH.L THE BEST MEAT AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES 1 aiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiidiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiE tj _I PATRONIZE THE MONITOR ADVERTISERS