Beautiful Columbia Hall S 2420 Lake Street 1 . Webster 765 For Rent for Balls, Parties, Recitals and General Assemblies, s Monday and Friday Nights, Dancing School. W. G. MACON, Manager i\\ AIN VITZ BROS. It’s getting cold! Sweaters $1.25. The best work shoe in the market $3.45. TRY US FIRST 2517 N STREET, SOUTH OMAHA s—————i—i■' - * BEAUTIFUL HAIR AT EVERY AGE “NELO” HAIK REQUISITE assures it. Rob the hair of its lustie and you rob it of half its beauty, its suppleness and its strength. When the natural oil which protects it is deficient, it must be supplemented, otherwise the hair will become dull, dry and brittle; it will split at the ends and prematurely fall out. “NELO” HAIR GROWER, 52e “NELO” PRESSING OIL, 52e MRS. EUL4 NE4L, Mnfr. 1814 North Eighteenth SL Webster 6521 Omaha, Neb. Hair Dressing, Scalp Specialist, Massaging IMme. MADISON’S 90-DAY HAIR GROWER SYSTEM 1 Grows the hair three inches in 90 days, if used as directed. Also hair £ combings made up. 2711 Lake Street Webster 6017 £ a a«r3£SWS .ra-s-g-ss; I An Unusual Opportunity for men and women capable cf earning salary of $50.00 per week- We have openings for aggressive, hustling persons to cover city, county or travel entire state territory doing special organization work. The Nile Queen Corporation now being organized on a profit-sharing basis is putting into operation a new plan which offers a gilt edge opportunity to small investors. I Wide awake men and women who want to make real money or have their savings earn substantial dividends, cannot afford to overlook this opportunity. For full information address Dept. B, Incorporators Nile Queen (Corporation or Kashmir Chemical Co. 3423 Indiana Avenue Chicago PATRONIZE THE MONITOR ADVERTISERS NOTICE If * | The National Association for the I Advancement of Colored People 1 i Has 100.000 members and 310 branches. They are working day and | I night for you. Why not help them? We will be glad to have you g call at the office. B We have opened our office for you. We want you to get acquainted with the principles which the NA- B TJONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COL- j£ ORED PEOPLE stands for. We have more than one thousand pieces of literature that we ,§• would like for you to read. OFFICE—2314 North 24th Street JESSIE HALE MOSS, President HENRY W. BLACK, Secretary z C. C. GALLOWAY, Chairman of Membership Committee MEMBErtSHIP “Any person may become and remain a member of this Associa tion with the consent of the Board of Directors by accepting member- £ ship in writing and by paying annually in advance a fee of kt least p | one dola’.r. ' . B “Any person paying two dollars and fifty cents or more sha.l be jj | entitled to receive the CRISIS without further charge during the year g | of such membership."—By-Laws. v Application for Membership l TO THE SECRETARY . i Omaha Branch, ’ -1920 jj: | 2314 North 24th St. Please enroll me as a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION £ | FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF COLORED PEOPLE. I pledge an jg | annual fea of § j _dollars. {$-) i Address__.—-— Make Checks Payable to P. H. JENKINS, Treasurer PATRONIZE THE MONITOR ADVERTISERS THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH AM0N6 COLORED PEOPLE (By the Venerable George Gilbert Walker, M. A., Archdeacon of Col ored Work of the Diocese of Texas) The church among colored people is feeling the impulses of a new life. ; Of course, for some time, a more ot ess definite and practical interest has been taken in the colored work; but i it has been during the last few years that a strong progressive movement has been actuating the church’s mis sion to colored people. By the elec j tion and consecration of two colored bishops, the Episcopal church declared not only her full confidence In the manhood, intelligence, and personal integrity of the colored American, but ! also her appreciation of the prime im 1 portanee of this phase of her work i By opening the way to the highest of ; fire within the gift of the church. sb< I pet her seal upon the sincerity of her j faith in the supreme Fatherhood of | God and the universal Brotherhood of } Man. The Eplscopa* church Is conserva i five. Fbe moves quietly but steadily i j She does much thinking and delibera-1 I tion before entering new paths or at ; tempting new methods. She sets much store in precedent, and believes most strongly in the value and Integrity of her constitution and canons. In her conservatism lies her strength. Shf [ jc not swayed by mere emotion, neither : is she taken off her feet by band : wagon tactics. So that this step which the church has taken Is deeply sig nificant, not only as a movement for ward, but as a movement forward after great deliberation and much thought No fartin r section or group has any special consideration; It is ! the whole church acting by the gract j of the spirit of God. The Nation-Wide Campaign, which is a movement for the deepening, strengthening and propagation of the church’s life, has revealed the great importance, the immediate needs and the wonderful opportunities of the colored work. She has determined to spare no effort or pains in the at tempt to give the colored American the opportunity to share in the full ; ness of her faith and spiritual life— ! to make the church felt among col jored people as never before. A few facts about the colored work | will show that the mission has not j been without results. This inform; - tion has been compiled from the “Liv ing Church Annual" for 1920. These! i figures, of course, are below tjje ac-, | tual numbers. In several cases col i ored congregations are not recorded us such. Also the number of com- j municants is not given for some con -rregations. And again, a consider- j j able number of colored communicants | ; are members of congregations not ex clusively eviort'd. In comparing our statistics with i those of other religious bodies, it j ; must be remembered that we record ! only those who are active members ! and who actually communicate, i whereas other bodies allow more lati tude in making up their figures. Colored communicants..—2G,.'i01 i Colored congregations-- 208 Colored clergy.-.. 141 These are distributed among the eight ecclesiastical provinces, into which the American church is divided, as follows: Con- Com grega- muni i Province Clergy • tions cants L New E.neland . 5 6 2,142 2. New York and New Jersey. 23 23 6,1931 3. Washington_ 36 69 7,276 4. Sewanee _ 63 71 5.573 5 Mid-West _ 9 11 2,985 6. Northwest _ 3 6 512 7. Southwest .. 10 20 1,282 8. Pacific _ 2 2 348 Totals_141 208 25,30r , Each of the following dioceses has over one thoesand communicants. With the exception of South Caro'ina, 1 none of these dioceses is conterminous with the state. Con- Com grega- muni Diocese Clergy tions cants i New York_ 10 8 3,598 i ! Maryland .,- 2 3 1,380 Pennsylvania . 12 12 1,974 Southern Virginia.. 11 30 1,974 Washington .,... 3 7 1,129 South Carolina_ 11 28 1,176 Chicago (city).. 1 1 1,102 There are fourteen congregation^ having over four hundred communi cants each, and of these fourteen, eight have over six hundred each, j Twenty-one congregations have be ! tween two hundred and four hundre 1 communicants each. We have two colored bishopa and nine archdeacons. We have the following large and \ growing institutions: Bishop Payne Divinity School, i Petersburg, Va. St. Augustine's School, Raleigh, ; N. C. i St. Paul’s School, Lawrenceville, Va. (Continued on page 7) I I I ■ " " -------—.!- - -- Til f I p A n P D SOUTH OMAHA’S MOST IT EZ L L/l II Ol PROGRESSIVE STORE Stop—Think—Why pay the high prices for merchandise? We will sell you new and dependable merchandise for less money. New goods and new styles coming in every day. If you haven’t opened a Leader account yet, co ne and do so—“It’s Different.” We sell you on credit at cash prices. THE LEADER OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE 4727-29 SO. 24TH ST., SO. SIDE. OMAHA, NEB. _ b ii" 11 1 - V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V ’m "■ ij Just Received- jj A CARLOAD l GARLAND f ij HEATERS ij OF ALL KINDS I* ALSO .COMBINATION GAS > ■. AND COAL RANGES AS % > WELL AS COAL RANGES > C AND COOK STOVES •! ALSO OIL J. !■ HEATERS > ■I IN FACT. EVERYTHING IN THE STOVE LINE AND AT !■ A PRICE T,!AT WILL BE 1N £ TERESTING. J ■ ■ - ■ [■ DON'T BEY A STOVE BE ■* FORE FJRST GETTING OUR >: PRICE AND SEEING OUR ■ ;• LINE. £ - ' Dolan & Shields :■ FURNITURE CO., INc. C TWO STORES !* 2 ith and Lake <1 25th and Leavenworth J.. A ? I I \ ] WATERS f | | BARNHART f ! PRINTING CO. \ srs:-_-t. isii % \ | i i I ^ bai-tab 4 J OMAHA k £ -* i I f P [ 1 I South & Thompson's Cafe 2118 No. 24th St. Web. 4566 We serve good things to eat. No better and no cheaper in the city. Open from 5 a. m. to 1 a. m. - i : Music Parlor j NOW OPEN t Your favorite record played ! on request. Individual, Couple j or Paity booths. SOL LEWIS, Prop, j 1824 No. 21th St. : Palace Clothing Company [ ( Mth and Douglas Sts. | MEN'S CLOTHIERS '<) Appreciates Colored Trade. Courteous Attention. Prices Right. »— ' 11 .- - ' .. ■ Wonderful Graphanola Sale 40 Per Cent DISCOUNT STILL GOING ON AT THE Q Street Pharmacy , 4 28th and Q Sts. South 260 1 } f WILLIAMSON’S DRUG STORE f i I I * Tobacco, Toilet Articles, Candies and Refreshments. ••• v y X All goods promptly delivered. 2 v J Special attention given to prescriptions. X I 2306 NORTH 24th ST. WEBSTER 4443 I % % V****.~yv*I'*I,\**i,*I**>»lMI**I**Z<*IMI**!*v*I*»I~!**I**IM>v,i**I»»>***%**!~!*v\**!**I~!~I»*I**y'I~yC"I**I~!**i*v,I***,*-,*|‘ ! —-HOUSES- I :i; j <: On Small Payments Down i I-: f i GEO. W. MACKLIN | >• 2011 N. 21th Street Webster 4304 or Webster 2380 % ? % ;i.' .‘. .' ' \ M. Snitzer & Company (Successors to BARBENDORE) Fancy Groceries and Meats i 2114-16 North 24th Street Phone Webster 0515 f I 1 [magic hair grower! AND STRAIGHTENING OIL I * • —... mil m III.■■■■» IT—-—-1 ! i 1- ' .-- - _--ii'iiiii ii", r 11 iJ j MME. JOHNSON AND SOUTH ^ Themostwonderfulhairpreparation on the market. When I we say Magic we do not exaggerate, aa you can w e great re- I ■ suits in the first few treatments. We guarantee Magic Hair - K • j Growerto stop the l»air at once from falling out and breaking r-' J | off; making harsh, stubborn hnir soft and silky. Magic Hair * Grower grows hair on bald places of the head. If you use *J these preparations once you will never be without them. I Ma icHair Grower and Straightening Gil arc manufactured by Mesdames South and Johnson. Wealso do scalp treating. v I Magic Hair Grower, 50c. Straightening Oil, 35c• , ■ ——- l { All orders promptly filled; send 10c for postage. Money must accompany all orders, ! Agents wanted—Write for particular*. J We cany everything in the latest f aehion - • i able hair goods at the lowest prices. J I We make switches, puffs, transforma- * tion curls, coronet braids, and combings J made to order, matching all shades a | specialty. Send samples of hair with * all orders. ‘ 2416 Blonde St., Omaha, Neb. • Telephone Webster 880