Events and Persons One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized at the resi dence of Mr. ami Mrs. J.-W. Alexander Saturday evening when their oldest daughter, Marie, became the bride of Mr. John Newsome of Bellefountaine, Ohio,, Rev. W. C. Williams officiating. Holst Pharmacy for drugs. 2702 Turning street. Harney 681.—Adt. Mrs. Elsie Jeferson has finished a course in Poro hairdressing at Mrs. Hill's Poro College, 2320 North 24th street. Mr. Willis M. Wyatt, student of the Western University of Quindoro, Kan., was the guest of Miss Trudie B. Selby, 2518 Lake street, August 21. Mr. Wyatt served with the Atlantic fleet in European waters on board the U. S. S. New Mexico. A. P. Scrnkgs, Lawyer, 220 8. 16th 5L D. 7812. CoL «8*l^_Ady. Mr. Robert Jones and Miss Aida Hill were married at the residence of the bride’s sister, Mrs. James Bell, 2425 Ohio street. Rev. W. C. Williams performed the ceremony. Only rela tives and a few close friends were present. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will re side in their home, 2515 Burdette street. Mrs. Simon Harrold and daughter, Irene, have returned home after a five week’s visit in Chicago and Gary, Ind. Miss Blanche Nance formerly of this city and the Misses Edith and Julia Wilson and their mother Mrs. Thomas Wilson of Toronto, Canada, are spend ing their vacation in Buffalo and Niagara Falls, N. Y., and St. Cather ine and Port Dalhousie, Ontario. Monitor advertisers want your bus iness; that’s why they advertise In your paper. Mr, Maynard Wilson of 2516 Corby street gave a complimentary luncheon and smoker at hm residence Sunday August 22nd, for a number of the committee on entertainment of the Grand Lodge. Among those present were Messrs Charles Dickinson, J. H. Crawford, Samuel Bush, J. W. Wilson, J. H. Glover, W. .P. Wade, G. W. Griffin, Perry Warner, T. L. Floyd, John Hickman, G. D. Buford and K. H. Lee. Jess Miller of Kansas City, Mo., is visiting his brother, Ira Miller. Mrs. John Hug of Hastings, and Mrs. Fannie Young of Lincoln were the week-end guests of Mrs. George Ashby of Poppleton avenue. They vis ited The Monitor office and Inspected the Kaffir Chemical laboratories Sat urday, with which they were highly pleased. E. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 600 Bee Bldg. Douglas 3841 or Harney 2156. Mrs. W. N. Jackson and daughter, Olive, have returned from a five weeks’ visit with relatives and friends in Kansas and Missouri. They were accompanied rfome by Mrs. Bessie Ir vin of Horton, Kansas, who is the * niece of Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. W. N. Jackson entertained Fri day ate a 6 o’clock dinner in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walding and Mrs. Ir vin of Kansas. Covers were laid for ten. Mrs. Lauretta S. Douglas and daughter of Little Rock, Ark., are visiting their father and stepmother, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith, 2015 North i) Twenty-fifth street. Mrs. Florence Elligan of Atchison, Kan., was the week-end guest of Mrs. Charles Whitley. Mrs. C. H. Huester, who was for mery located at 2805 Ohio street, is now comfortably located at 1520 North Twenty-fourth street. Miss Zilma Taylor, a student of Lincoln High School, Kansas City, Mo. who has been spending her vacation with Miss Carrie McNairy, 608 North Firty-fifth avenue, left for her home Tuesday. Mrs. Belle Taylor and Mrs. Alberta Murray entertained at 4 o’clock din ner August 15 in honor of Miss Clara Kellogg, and Mrs. Beulah Harris of St. Louis, Mo., at the residence of the former. The table was beautifully adorned with a silver flower basket of purple and white phlox. Covers were laid for seven. Pay your subscription before the price goes up. Miss Margaret Bell left Monday for Chicago to visit her aunt, Mrs. G. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stanton and infant son returned Monday from Portland, Ore., where Mrs. Stanton had spent two months visiting her mother, Mrs. E. Richardson. Mr. O. Sewell and V. McQueen loft Saturday night for Kansas City, Mo., on a business trip. Neat furnished rooms may be had. Mrs. Hueston, 1520 North Twenty fourth street. Webster 3224. Miss Helen Mynette and Leland N. Carigan of Sioux City, la., are visit ing Miss Elia Wright of 2885 Ohio street. The Misses Marion and Sadie Al gee of Manilla, la., were Omaha vis itors Thursday. Both young ladies will appear here in a musical recital about the middle of September. Miss Marion AI gee will re-enter the Oberlin conservatory the latter part of Sep tember. Mrs. D. S. Taylor and daughter of St. Paul, Minn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Headly. Mrs. Headly is Mrs. Taylor's niece. Mrs. Alexander Tillery of Chicago is the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Grant Pegg. Miss Marguerite Home of Duluth. Minn., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Reuligp Moore. ' Miss Home, who is an active member of the Duluth Branch of the N. A. A. C. P., is re- j ceiving contributions for the Defense Fund which the Duluth branch is j raising for the men awaiting trial for ! the alleged assault on the Truxen girl which resulted in the murder of three circus employees. Mrs. Owen W. Waller, Jr., who re- j cently underwent an operation at the Swedish Mission hospital is rapidly | improving. Young business man, 28 years old, living in large city in Illinois, with an income, home, an automobile, would like to correspond with a refined, in telligent young lady, who must be a church goer. Will exchange photo grafs. Address Box 1, The Monitor. Mrs. Lizzie Buford who has been confined to her bed for the past two weeks is able to be up again. Mrs. W. N. Moore of North Thirt ieth street entertained at an after noon tea Thursday in honor of Mrs. E. Ella Russ of Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Brown and children have gone to Atchison and Topeka, Kans., to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Robinson , of Sioux City, la., are visiting Mrs. I Robinson's parents. Dr. *and Mrs. A. G. Edwards. Who is “the most beautiful woman on the American stage?’’ Well, it’s a man. See Julian Eltinge in “An Ad venturess” at the Loyal Theatre, be 1 ginning Sunday, August 29. Don’t miss it. SOl'TH SIDE NEWS Allen Chapel A. M. E. Church. Services were well atended all day Sunday. More than $50 was raised for all purposes. The Rev. Mr. Bryant joined the congregation. The congregation is quite anxious to have their pastor returned to them for another year. Mrs. Sarah Severe and Mr. I/ot Peg grem are heading a committee for a great enteitainment in the basement of the church Saturday night for the pastor. There will be a nice lunch served. All are invited. Mr. Cuitis and wife of Sioux City, la., were South Side visitors Sunday. Mrs. Ida Daniels and Miss Rosey Haynes of Boone, la., were guests of Mrs. Lena Goode, Monday. ---—- , BEAUTIFUL HAIR AT EVERY AGE "NELO” HAIR REQUISITE assures it. Rob the hair of its lustre and you rob it of half its beauty, its suppleness and its strength. When t*e natural oil which protects it is deficient, it must be supplemented, otherwise the hair will become dull, dry and brittle; it will split at the ends and prematurely fall out. “NELO” HAIR GROWER, 52c “NELO” PRESSING OIL, 52c MRS. EULA NEAL, Mnfr. 1814 North Eighteenth St. Webster 6621 \ Omaha, Neb. Hair Dressing, Scalp Specialist, Massaging IHMtlMIIIIIIUlHtHIMimWtmHIIIIIinmHIHIIItMMlWtlUlHIIIIIHinUIMIItllHUMIIIMIMnMIllMliniltlllHIIIIIIi l The Family S 5 Shoe Store f | We have a complete line of g \ Ladies’ Gents’ and 1 I Children’s Shoes 1 All sizes and prices. We also do shoe repairing. g Friedman Bros, f 1504 N. 24th St. Subscribe for The Monitor. St. Benedict Community Home 2429 Parker Phone Webster 6685 Boy Scouts, Wednesday evenings. . Childrens games, Tuesday at 2:00 p. m. EVERYBODY WELCOME!! i | Seward Street Presbyterian Church ! ! Comer Twenty-Sixth and Seward Streets 1 SERVICES Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday School, I>r. J. H. Hutten, Super tendent; 11 a. m., regular morning worship; 8 p. m., praise service, evangelistic. «> Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer and song service. ;; REV. RUSSEL TAYLOR, MINISTER < • 2628 Charles Street, Phone Webster 4255. := i Why Pay Cash f \i :■ Your Credit Is Good |j I :: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii £ ■! <1 We sell you on Credit on Cash f I* Prices. Open an account at ij THE LEADER—it’s different 5 £ fj Buy on Credit—it does not jl ;! cost any more. ;! ■" ■ ■ S re 4 1615-17-19-1954 North 24th Street. . OMAHA, NEBRASKA r. • ' ■ ‘ . » t ' \ \