NED BARGAIN STORE OPENS IN SOI'TH OMAHA "The Leader," formerly the ‘ Chicago Bargain Store," will reopen for busi ness in its new spacious quarters at 4727-29 South Twenty-fourth street, Saturday. August 21. In addition to offering a complete line of wearing attractions, the management is offer ing bis entire stock on such credit terms as will enable everybody to get what he wants when he wants it, how ever small their means. The manage ment invites credit accounts. Why pay cash if you can get the same thing on credit at cash prices? Loufc his I stock over for yourselves. It is urged that all- avail themselves of this one big chance to beat the high cost of living. 1 LEGAL NOTICE. Notice to non-resident defendant. To - Arthur Clay, non-resident defen dant : Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of May, 1920, Mattie Clay, as plaintiff, filed her petition in the District Court of Douglas County, Ne braska. the object and prayer of which is to obtain an absolute decree of divorce from you on the grounds that you have grossly and cruelly abandoned the plaintiff and for more than two years last past. * You are further notified that on the 17th day of August. 1920, leave _ was given by Hon. W. G. Sears, judge • of the District Court, of Douglas County, Nebraska, to secure service upon you by publication. You are required to answer this petition on of before the 28th day of September, 1920. ~ MATTIE Cl JAY. ' 4t—8-19-26-9—2-9-20. ST. BENEDICT COSfMCNlTY HOME NOTES. There are now 28 children baptised in St. Benedict's parish. We are growing slowly, but surely. Classified Advertising RATES—4 cents a word for single in „ sertions; 2 cents a word for two or more Insertions. No advertisement taken for less than 30 cents. Cash must accom pany advertisement. ADAMS HAIGHT DRUG CO., 24th and Lake; 24th and Fort, Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE—Two chairs suitable for beauty parlors or barber shops cheap. Call Harney 4153. Furnished room for rent at 2314 Twenty-fifth street. Webster 6112. FOR SALE—Three canarj birds, three months old. Fine songsters. $12 each. Call Walnut 3027. It Furnished rooms for rent by day or week. 1119 North Nineteenth St. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in first class modem home. Web. 5557. Wanted—Four rooms immediately by young couple. North Side pre ferred. Harney 1919. WANTED—Woman for housework. Calf the Monitor office. Douglas 3224. Will sell apparently new range, cheap. Call South 1998. - 4t FURNISHED rooms, strictly mod em, one block from Twenty-rourc* street car. Webster 4012. Fumitu re of three rooms for sale, witii privilege of renting three-room apartment. Call Webster 2494. Wanted—A flat of four or five rooms on Nor.h Side by young cou ple. Mrs. P. Cameron, 2515 Caldwell. Webster 6758. FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms for housekeeping. Call Webster 4332. One furnished upstairs front room, suitable for two gentlemen. Two blocks from the car line. Rates rea sonable. Call Web. 3792. 4t FURNISHED rooms, strictly mod ern, one block from Twenty-fourth street car, 2508 M Street. Call South 1918. 4t For Sale—A 7-room modern bouse and barn. Nice place for chickens. Lot 60 by 127 1-2 feet. Can be bought on easy terras. Call Webster 5240. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in a first class rooming house, steam heat, bath, electric lights, on Dodge and Twenty-fourth street care line. rs. Anna Banks, 924 North Twentieth. Douglas 4379. FOR SALE—6 room modem cot tage, except heat, close In on Twentieth street car line. $400 cash, balance easy terms. Monitor office. Doug. 3224. L B. P. O. E. W. Iroquois Lodge No. 92 meets first and third Wednesday of each month at U. B. F. hall, Twenty-fourth and Charles streets. Exalted Ruler, Wal lace Pettigrew Secretary, Thomas 8. Riggs. SOUTH SIDE YEWS. Many new families have recently moved here from the South. Iter. W. C. Conwell^ from Indianola. Miss., pastor of Union Methodist church. Thirty-second and U street, is much gratified over the two weeks’ | revival services conducted by Evan- j geiist Mary E. Jones, which close! Sunday night. There were 17 con- j versions. Services are well attended at Beth- 1 I el Baptist church under the energetic | j jiastor. Rev. Thos. A. Taggart, who; | has fully recovered his health. Bishop .Matthew \V. Clair preachel' | to a large congregation in Cnion M. I E. church Sunday night. Rev. W. C. Conwell and wife and 1 .Mrs. Mary E. Jones of Indianola. I Miss., left Tuesday night to attend 1 District Conference at Topeka. Kan. j Dr. Aldrich is a welcome addition to I our growing imputation. He w ill j speedily build up a good practice. REFUSES TO RIDE 15 FREIGHT ELEVATOR (Continued From First Page.) against any man or women, regardless of creed, color or nationality. The colored delegates ably defended themselves during this convention. | I They were represented on all of the j committees, and are represented in i the organization from common lay-. 1 member to the international field, j Among the most prominent colored j delegates, and some of those who de ! sene esiteeiai mention were: Jno. T. McDonald, Sr.. Omaha. Neb., who as | sisted In rewriting the new t onstitu i tion: A. K. Foote, Chicago. HI., promi- 1 nent as a labor leader; ix>gan Smith, 1 Ft. Worth, Texas; Wm. Downey, Ot tumwa. Iowa; Clayborne Dungee, Hast j St. Louis, 111.; George W. Dickerson ; St. Louis, Mo.; X. H. Walker, Kansas i City, Kan., and others. The writer cannot urge too strongly to the members of our group the ne cessity of alligning themselves with organizations of this kind. Y'ou eau never get anywhere standing aione, and regardless of what you might think of it your place is with the man you work with and not the capitalist who is exploiting both you and the poor white man. St. Louis colored business enter I prises will follow in a subsequent; j issue. Patronize The Monitor advertisers. For Monitor office call Doug. 8224. |V.VCWAV.V.V/.V.V.W.V/ jj Fashion Shop ^ ^ *17 North Sixteenth Mreet. "■ Raorn Xo. 201, kaffir Block. ■J Clothes for young misses and f jp women. ( % "• Y r err-iit is e- See u- * i first. _ FOR SALE LODGE DIRECTORY G. U O. of O. F., South Omaha Lodge No. 9374. Meetings first and third Frl Hays: College Dept . second and fourth Fridays. 25th and N Sts., South Side. Past Grand Masters Council No 442 ; f'rst ana third Tuesdays, 24th and Charles Streets. WM P. 5HAFROTH, f*. Q. E. E. BRYANT, Q. M and P. S. .V.V.'.V.V.VW.VA’.'AWiW j; Diamond \ j; Theatre jj % Friday. Auim-l 3tl *3 m\ W ilium Imuran in £ THE MLENT A TENDER. No. J .£ At Jeanlair- in % 3. 1 HE TRYOCT .* / Oalnrj Comedy I* Saturday, August 31 % i Louis Dennison in S S V Mlsm URL .3 THE MOON RIDERS. No. 1 \ J ' f Sunday, Ananst -- i i AAallaee Herd, in 3» 5. TOO MANY MILLIONS / KALI)A RCBY 3. S A Elynn Deteethe story I* ,* I bristle Comedy { 3» Monday, Augn-t 33 »3 Henry H. Walthall, in % ,* LITTLE SHOES K 3! MACK SENNETT COMEDY > ^ Tuesday, Auim-t 34 Ij 5 Marten I)aties i . i < GETTING MARA MARRIED J 3. Eddie Pol., in — > .* THE VANISHING DAGGER, •. J. No. 9 5 J BIG V COMEDY 3 Aledne»da«. Aniru-l 33 "I £ Monroe saiislmrt. in £ 5 THE PHANTOM MELODY •* 5 PATHS NEWS < > SM B POLLARD COMEDY .3 ^ Thur-day, Auim-t 3«> «3 ^ Edytbe Day in *. % COMMON SENSE > > PATHE REVIEW •! £ 1.001) COMEDY 3 f A Dainty, Ap- f * jj Ipetizing Weal \ that just makes you eat it — that chases the £ troubles from your mind $ and makes you feel like j! a millionaire—that’s the i* kind of meals we serve J « < Everything is pure. ? clean and wholesome— £ well cooked—daintily £ served — and the p-ices £ are just right. £ Come In and give us £ a trial • y The Monarch Cafe C R. TR AMBLE, Prop. 107 South 14th St. Phone Tyler 4119 Subscribe for The Monitor. | MAGIC HAIR GROWER j : ' AND STRAIGHTENING OIL ■ ■ I - ■ - t 1 — ■■ 1 I' MME. JOHNSON AND SOUTH [ The most wonderful hair preparation on the market. When I we say Magic we do not exaggerat-. as you ca n ij ;! Physician and Surgeon ;• |I Diseases of W omen a £ J; Specialty \ !; 2917 R. St„ South Omaha. J !’.VW.VAV,V.V.V.V.V. MRS. PANSY MOORE Ladies' Dressmaker and Tailor dresses, bungalow aprons, underwear and men s shirtp a spe j i ia’ty. J 242# Lake Street. Webster (5798 MAX S3KEF 1406 North Twenty-fourth Street Ladies’ and Gent’s Wearing Apparel i USE Dentlo DO Dentlo? The Globe Realty Co. ALFRED JONES A SON X S. Manager* <* ? - ? t ? y We buy, sell and exchange y city property and farms. £ I % }f 19 Pattercon Bloch y y Phone Douglas 7408 Omaha, Neb f i . For that Neat. Well Dressed <* j > Appearance, Bee v i J.H. HOLMES I i \ILOR % GESTS SLITS TO ORDER X Ladies’ and Gent's Suita Remod 4 , sled, Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed h " ALL WORK GUARANTEED *f \ \ We Buy and Sell Second Hand f. X Clothes. Work cal'ed for and de- a 4 , tivered. X 2022 North 24th Street i , . Phone Webster 3320 ••• •> | Friedman’s Place f ? Fin# Watch Repairing. Red 7914 *2* y We Bu> and Sell y LJewelry, Clothing, SHoee. Trunk* f Suit Cate*. Etc. T MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS i Crosstown Furniture Co. Me Buy. Sell and Kxrlianue New and Second Hand F urniture Me Pay tiie lliirhest and Hell the Lowest U;07-0!i North Twenty.fourth SL I’hone Webster 480 T • ^ Douglas 8944 Harney 5168 CUMING TIRE REPAIR VULCANIZING AND RETREADING GOODRICH AND GOODYEAR TIRES 1912 Cuming 8t. W. H. Loti Phone Ty. 367 Notary Public In Office N. W. WARE ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR at LAW Practice in Both State and Federal Courts Office: Booker T. Washington Hotel, 15th and California Sts., Omaha, Net. Patronize Our Advirtoers NEW YORK * ' OMAHA 1 SIOUX CITY LINCOLN ' GO TO II ;! • ——— !) OMAHA’S LARGEST STORE FOR WOMEN’S WEAR COXANT HOTEL BLDG., SIXTEENTH ST. f. HOT CHIU! HOT COFFEE I Yum, Yum Delicious 1 Gregory’s Kandy Kitchen I 1 and Luncheonette | 1508 North 24th Street Webster 267 9 Home Made Candies. Ice Cream Sodas 1 j Good News for All Men SIMPLY WASH THE HAIR. OH. BOY. DR PRYOR'S JAPO WONDER SOAP ’ ~ **i j«r* j» iration on the market that H - *; lighten thd hair without turning it red oi injuring the scajp The latest acien- A Iiflc discovery Will not give the hard, por- y • upine effect, but makes the hair soft and wavy. Price $1.12 per package Agents' outfit $5.50. No sample!- Big money for agents. A. Stuart Novelty Co. 2515 Lake St. OMAHA. JiEB. H. DOLCOFF FURNITURE AND HARDW ARE STOVES, RUGS, LINOLEUM Better Goods for Less Money. Credit if You Wish. OPEN EVENINGS V 1839-47 N. 24th St. Phones—W'ebster 1607; Webster 4825 ALHAMBRA GROCERY & MEAT CO. PRAMER BROS., Mgrs. One Door South of Alhambra Theater Everything to Eat Cleanliness and Courtesy Our Motto TRY US ('•It Webster 5021 i ;...... j Telephone * Ur. L. E. Britt Upstair* . Douglas 2672 Douglas 7812 I * Pope Drug Co. I Candies, Tobacco. Drugs, Rubber Goods and Sundries. * PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY. Hth and Famara Streets. Omaha, Nebraska ..*.--.... | Beautiful Columbia Hall j % 2420 Lake Street •} | For Rent for Balls, Parties, Recitals and General Assemblies ;; % Monday and Friday Nights, Dancing School. ff | j* W'ebster 763. W'. G. Macon, Mgr. ;; . ;: 2|IMIIIIIIIIIIII|I|II||I|I1I|||||I|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||;||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 1 „ YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD 1 1 RELIABLE MERCANTILE COMPANY I CASH OK CREDIT E MILTON MAYPER, Mgr. = = Dealers in Dry Goods, Rugs, blankets. Quilts, Curtains, Fortiers, Table I Linen, Sweaters, Silverware, Clocks, and a Full Line 2 of General Merchandise. E E Call Us Up and Have Salesman Come to See You | A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL | f | 1809 North ,24th St. Webster 6187 1 TiiiiiiiiiiHimiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiimiiiiimiimiiiiiimiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDninff c.sassasssssasaasasas*»s* j || tl Of 6# f #a \ Patronize the State Furniture Co.f 14th and Dodge Streets X X The Monitor recommends its advertisers. Reliable and accommo- \ jr dating service can be found here. 7 ■■■■■■■■■I