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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1920)
ANNOUNCES REMOVAL OF OFFICE. R. C. Riddle, B. S., M. p., physician and surgeon, wishes to announce his change in office from South Omaha to the Kaffir Block, 817 North Sixteenth street, where he will be pleased with your inspection. Chronic diseases and surgery a specialty. MONITOR—ELEVEN. . RECITAL BY MRS. PINKSTON'S PUPILS On Saturday afternoon, June 12th, the pupils of Mrs. Florentine Francis Pinkston were presented in her fourth demonstration at Columbia Hail. From the opening number, a duet bv Porter, rendered by Mrs. Lola Marshall and teacher to the end of a carefully ar ranged program, the pupils showed the result of careful training and faith Classified Advertising RATES—4 cents a word for single in sertions; 2 cents a word for two or more insertions. No advertisement taken for less than 30 cents. Cash must accom pany advertisement. DRUG STORES ADAMS HAIGHT DRUG CO., 24th and Lake; 24th and Fort, Omaha, Neb. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in first class modem home. Web, 6657. TWO large furnished rooms for rent. 2705 Ohio street. Webser 2927. lt-17 MANICURIST wants position. Mani curing taught. Call Webster 5557. Mrs. F. A. White. 2t-17-24 One furnished upstairs front room, suitable for two gentlemen. Two blocks from the car line. Rates rea sonable. Call Web. 3792. 4t FOR RENT Two furnished rooms in modem ! home. 2705 Ohio St. Webster 2927. Ip. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms in a first class rooming house, steam heat, bath, electric lights, on Dodge and Twenty-fourth street care line. rs. Anna Banks, 924 North Twentieth. Douglas 4379. FOR SALE A 1917 five passenger Overland; mechanically perfect; four new tires; $375.00. Terms if desired. Call Doug las 7841. 817 N. 16th St FOR SALE 6 rooms modem, 28th and Binney, $4,000 9 rooms, modem, 982 N 25th Ave., $3,000. ROBBINS Douglas 2842 Webster 6108 G. U. O. of O. F., South Omaha Lodge No. 9374. Meetlnga flrat and third Fri days; College Dept., aecond and fourth Frldaya, 25»h and N Sts., South Side. Past Grand Masters Council No. 443, first and third Tuesdays, 24th and Charlea Streets. WM. P. SHAFROTH, N. G. E. E. BRYANT, G. M. and P. S. I. B. P. O. E. W. Iroquois Lodge No. 92 meets first and third Wednesday of each month at U. B. F. hall, Twenty-fourth and Charles streets. Exalted Ruler, Wal lace Pettigrew Secretary, Thomas S. Riggs. EL F. MOKEARTY Attorney at Law, Bee Building LEGAL NOTICE. Notice to Non-Resident Defendant. To William Patrick. Non-Resident De fendant: Notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of February, 1920. Anna Patrick, as plaintiff, filed her petition in the District Court of Douglas County, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to obtain an absolute decree of divorce from you on the grounds that you have wantonly, grossly and cruelly abandoned the plain tiff and for more than two years last past. You are further notified that on the 19th day of May, 1920, leave was given to se cure service upon ou by publication. You are required to answer this petition on or before the 6th day of July, 1920. ANNA PATRICK, 4t. Plaintiff. JOHN C. BARRETT Attorney To Cora Wilson, Non-resident, Defend ant: You are hereby notified tnat on the 27th day of December, 1919, Wil lam Wilson filed his petition against you In the District Court of Douglas County. State of Kebraska, the object and pray er of which was to obtain an absolute divorce from you on the grounds of desertion. You are hereby notified that if you do not answer said petition on or be fore the 19th day of July, 1920, the allegations of said petition will be taken as true. WILLIAM WIT SON, 4t-6-10-7-l-20. Plaintiff, ful practice. The pupils showed marked improvement and advance ment since the last recital. A feature of the afternoon was a contest after the regular program. This was new and interesting. The contestants were five from the Inter mediate grades, namely, Elaine Smith, Lyla Johnson, Grace Adams, Aline Burnett and Nathalie Brown. The number chosen for this contest was Burgmuller, Op. 109 No. 17, La Marche. All played exceedingly well, and it was hard for the judges to de cide. After some discussion they gave Grace Adams honorable mention and awarded the first prize, $5 in gold, to Lila Johnson. The second contest was of pupils of the advanced grade, Lucy Allen, James Jewell and Francis Gordon. The judges had to split the prize of $20 in this contest. Each contestant played two numbers, viz., Burgmul ler, Op. 109 No. 13, (a) The Storm, and Schanoenka Op. 3, No. 1, < b) Polish Dance. All played exception ally well, but the judges decided to split the prize of $20 in gold. All decided that the interpretation rythm and rendition of "The Storm.” by James Jewell, was the best, and $10 in gold was given to him. Lucy Allen was 'awarded second prize, $10 in gold, for the most ex cellent interpretation and mndition of “Polish Dance.” Another honor came to Master James Jewell last week. Pupils of the Central High school are given a half point for music taken outside of the school. He was one of three boys to take the examination at the school, and stood highest in musical talent and musicianship. The card showing his standing and work with Mrs. Pinkston was a surprise to those con ducting the examination. A one-year scholarship is given to Dorothy Allen and Sarah Jane Brown for musicianship, studiousness and talent by their teacher. We congratulate both the teacher and the pupils and feel assured that the musical tone of Omaha will be raised to a higher and higher plane and the community correspondingly uplifted. The program: Porter, duet, Mrs. Lola Marshall and teacher. Schultz, duet, Song Without Words, Op. 202, No. 4, Dorothy and Elizabeth Allen. Kohler, Book I, (a) Ex. 81, Valse Villageoise; Kohler, Book I, (b) Ex. 138, The Child's Dance; Delia L. How ard. Kohler, Book I, Ex. 96. Moderate, Mercedes Ferguson. Kohler, Book I, (a) Ex. 103, Scherzo; Kohler, Book I, (b) Ex. 89, Melodie; Charline Irene Lewis. Kohler, Book I, Ex. 102, Christmas Bells, Wave Shaw. Kohler, Book I, Ex. 26, Moderate; Kohler, Book I, Ex. 29, Allegro; “Bus ter” Philips. Carl Reger, March, Op. 19, No. 10, Elizabeth Allen. Burgmuller, Op. 100, No. 18, In quietude, Mable Ray. Edmund Parlow, In the Smithy, George L. Goff. Richard Richards, Op. 25, La Cigale, Catherine Williams. Burgmuller, (a) Op. 100, Ballade No. 6; Burgmuller, (b) Op. 100, De Valse; Ernestine Singleton. Sartorio, (a) Dear Little Sister; Hartmann, (b) Dance of the Harvest ers; Burgmuller, (c) Op. 100; Eva May Davis. Kohler, Book I, (a) Etude Moder ate; Kohler, Book I, (b) Polka Alle gretto; Burgmuller, (c) Op. 100, La De'Valse; Sarah Jane Brown. Heller, (a) Op. 47, No. 12, Rogu ishness; Dutton, (b) The Morning Walk; Dorothy Allen. Theodor Espen, Silent Grief, Op. 47, No. 12, Robbie E. Turner. Chaminade, (a) Op. 37, Scarf Dance; Sinding, (b) Chanson No. 5, Op. 34; De Graw, (c) Galop, Op. 24; Mrs. Sina Brown. Burgmuller, (a) Op. 106, No. 1, Etude; Burgmuller, (b) Op. 106, No. 2, Allegro Agitato; Burgmuller, (c) Op. 100, No. 12, Allegro Molto Agi tato; Mrs. L. Shaw Daniels. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the kind people of Omaha and the many friends for their kindness in our bereavement by the death of our beloved son and brother, yietor Williams. We are grateful for the floral offerings. We wish to thank Messrs. South and Thompson for the kindness shown. MR. AND MRS. ROBERT WILLIAMS AND FAMILY. Buncenton, Mo. ACTIVE IK HOME-BUYIKG. (By Associated Negro Press.) Tampa, Fla., June 17.—Our people are buying homes In this city and lo? cality in large number. The move ment began about a year ago and now hundreds of colored men are buying homes, many of which are good ex amples of architecture and are taste fully decorated in the modern manner. They are being encouraged by their white neighbors. For Monitor office call Doug. 3224. ' I A Dainty, Ap- jj i petizing Heal ji % j < that just makes you eat / < It — that chases the £ ; troubles from your mind I and makes you feel like I; * a millionaire—that's the ■* kind of meals we serve. % Everything is pure, ;■ clean and wholesome— I; well cooked—daintily £ served — and the p-:ces ;• are just right. J; Come In and give us j a trial ffa The Monarch Cafe CARNER & TRIMBLE, Props. 107 South 14th St. Phone Tyler 4119 Subscribe for The Monitor. - i >XX~XX~XX“X~X~X~X”X“X“:“X~X-; t % £ Suit* Cleaned, Pressed nnd Re- f £ paired for Ladies and Gents. .1.1 £ Hats Cleaned, Blocked and Dyed. V £ We Try to Please You. We Call T £ for and Deliver Clothes to Any j A Part of the City. A £ || ! Gem Cleaners ! J. H ANDREW6, Prop. V v v :• £ 4825 S. 26th St. Phone South 3887. A | South Side. Omaha 1 £ A i . •Vx-A'X-ax*aaX"X“X-aa-x-aaaa* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA •? A NIGHT AND DAY SERVICE A A TIRES AND ACCESSORIES A L GARAGE A W. E. DEWEY. PROP. X X “WE NEVER CLOSE” X ?4th and Lake Tel. Web. 360 A •X-X“X-X“XK-X~X~X~X~X"X~X>* I Friedman’s Place f Fine Watch Repairing. Red 7814 4 We Buy and Sell A Jewelry, Clothing, Shoes, Trunks X Suit Cases, Etc. X MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS X 44W444444444444444444484 »»♦»»»»»»♦♦♦»♦♦♦»•♦♦♦»»»♦♦ | MISS BESSIE GILES } A PubUc Stenographer and Notary ? Public. ;; £ Office Phone Doug. 7812. | 220 South 13th St I [ .. I Office Phone, Webster 6784 Residence, Webster 1219 JOHN A. GARBNER Auto Express and Baggage ! Stand at Killingsworth ft Price 2416 No. 24th St >« .— - .A ' STANDARD LOAN CO. I SILVERMAN & LINSMAN, Prop*. Fin. Watch Repairing We Buy and Sell Clothing, Jewelry, Watche., Shoe. & Gent.' Furnishing. Mu.lcal ln.trum.nts 1312 Douglas St. XX*AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'X*AAA f Ladies Gentlemen | D. FREIBERG | £ Fashionable Tailoring £ A Tel. Webster 2855 A x Cleaning, Pressing. Repairing X . £ 2003 North 201 h St., Omaha £ . X-AAA-X-AAvAAX~X-X--X~X"XAA , HILL'S DRY CLEANING WORKS | LATEST IMPROVED HOFFMAN STEAM PRESS Work called for and delivered. 2629 Cuming St. Call Harney 7070 -/ ♦»♦♦♦•»♦»»»»»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦« 1 L. H. PAYNE TAILORING CO. $' •i* Ladies and Gents Tailoring, A X Dry Cleaning Service ? .*. Hats Cleaned and Blocked X Y We Call For and Deliver. A X Phone Douglas 3217 Y ■ •!• 1919 Cuming St. X WWWWWAV/W/WW / Garage Service! ;! £ Quick Intelligent Thorough ;! / Washing Repairing Storage <| , i CENTRAL GARAGE J * We Buy and Sell Used Cart a" % of All Kinds a» % 1318 Harney St. OMAHA Tyler 714 ■* Patronize The Monitor advertisers. [ ALHAMBRA [ The House of Courtesy. 24th and Parker Sts. r * ——— » ► ► ► t > The Best • • : Feature : Films and > l Comedies ► Shown Daily ► ► » ► ► E ► Theatre Till KSDAY BLANCHE SWEET in “FIGHTING CBE.SST” Pathe Review and Christie Comedy FRIDAY— RADI I'M MYSTERY NO. 13 HELEN GIBSON in “BROKEN BRAKE” Comedy SATURDAY— JACK DEMPSEY No. 10. ami FLORENCE BILLINGS in “WIT WINS” SUN BAY REV BEACH in ‘THE HEART OK THE SUNSET* F. J. Fly mi, ex .chief I . s. Secret Service in “THE POPPY TRUE*’ HANK MANN Coined} MONDAY— HENRY B. WALTHALL “LITTLE SHEPHERD OE BARGAIN ROW” Sen liett Coined} TUESDAY— LION MAN NO. 17 HAZEL DALY in “THE LITTLE HOWDY" Big Y Corned} The Globe Realty Co. j* ALFRED JONES *. SON, X Manager* ‘X We buy, sell and exchange i* city property and farms. \ L 19 Patteraon Block f Phone Douglas 7408 Omaha, Neb. X TELEPHONE RED 6081 |: David B. Gross X Diamond Broker L Clothing. Gents’ Furnishinga Expert Wat«h Repairing X We Buy Old Gold and Silver X Cor. 16th and Chicago Sts. X Omaha, Neb. mW»<mXmWmKmMmW**XmX*vv4X**X»‘> \ BERNSTEIN & COHN [ Groceries and Meats f If good, reliable goods, X lowest possible prices, fair X and square dealing, polite X attention will get it, we can X count on you for a customer 24 th and Lake StH. J Phone Web. 1788 > ^ ^ \ For that Neat, Well Dreaaed 'f Appearance, See i J. H. HOLMES t TAILOR \ GENT’S SUITS TO OKIIEK J Ladles' and Gent's Suits Remod ■r tied, Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed p ALL WORK GUARANTEED We Buy and Sell Second Hand f Clothes Work called for and do ji llvered. r 2022 North 24th Street j| Phone Webster 3320 Use Dentlo The Pyrrohea Preventive Tooth Paste !• _I1,," " ,1 ■ .. .. 1 " ! NEW YORK OMAHA P SIOUX CITY UNCOIL p GO TO I OMAHA’S LARGEST STORE FOR • I WOMEN’S WEAR : i I CON ANT HOTEL BLDG., SIXTEENTH ST. : jl* ___— ,. , - ... ■ ► . * ► I ►, ; :! ► ► ► ► ► ► ■ Good News for All Men □ SIMPLY WASH THE HAIR. OH, BOY. DR. PRYOR’S JAPO WONDER SOAP Is the only preparation on the market that will straighten the hair without turning It red or Injuring the scalp. The latest scien tific discovery. Will not give the hard, por cupine effect, but makes the hair soft and wavy. Price $1.12 per package. Agents’ outfit $5.50. No samples. Big money for agents. A. Sluarf Novelty Co. 2716 Cuming Street, Omaha, Neb. ■ l H. DOLCOFF FURNITURE AND HARDWARE I; STOVES, RUGS, LINOLEUM j: Better Goods for Less Money. Credit if You Wish, f- OPEN EVENINGS 1839-47 N. 24th St. Phone*—Webster 1607; Webster 4825 1 ALHAMBRA GROCERY & MEAT CO. PRAMER BROS., Mgrs. ! One Door South of Alhambra Theater Everything to Eat and Courtesy Our Motto TRY US Call Webster WW1 f - \ \ - . . —. •' Telephone Dr. L. E. Britt Upstairs ;• Douglas 2672 Douglas 7812 f Pope Drug' Co. * Candies, Tobacco, Drugs, Rubber Goods and Sundries. PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY. :• 13th and Farnam Streets. Omaha, Nebtaaka I Beautiful Columbia Hall : v 2420 I Jike Street :: ■ *. ii - % For Rent for Balls, Parties, Recitals and General Assemblies ' ‘ • ; $ Monday and Friday Nights, Dancing School. > <> ]; • ' ’> Webster 765. W. G. Macon, Mgr. * ■ > ]’ ... Patronize the State Furniture Co. ii 14tk and Dodge Street* 11 : | The Monitor recommend* it* advertiser*. Reliable and acrommo- ' ’ '> dating service can be found here. \ [ l