The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, June 17, 1920, Page 3, Image 3
" - Events and Persons Mrs. John Andrew Singleton was called to New York City last Wednes day by the death of her mother, Mrs. M. Goring. Holst Pharmacy for drags. 2702 Cuming street.. Harney 681.—Adv. Mrs. S. A. Steele, after a fort Albert Williams, left for her home in Minneapolis, Minn.. Tuesday morning. She expects to return to Omaha for an indefinite stay later in the sum mer. DENTLO. Have you tried It? You don't know what real tooth paste is until you do. Manufactured in Omaha by tbi Kaffir Chemical Laboratories. Ask your druggist for Dentlo, the pyorrhea preventive toothpaste.—Adv. Fred Clay of Kansas City, Mo., was a guest at the home of Mrs. Ira King, 2552 Spaulding street, Saturday and Sunday, leaving Monday morning for Chicago, where he will spend a few days before returning home. Watch these columns for the an nouncement of the musicale to be given by the pupils of Mrs. J. Alice Stewart soon. A fine son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Bean last Thursday morning. Dorsey looney, who has been ill at the University hospital for some weeks, is able to be home. E. F. Morearty. Lawyer, 640 Bee Bldg. Douglas SMI or llarney 21M. Mrs. W. D. Taylor, 2117 North Twenty-eighth street, has returned from Salisbury, Mo., where she went to attend the graduation of her sister, Maggie Blake, and niece, Helen An derson. She also spent a few days visiting friends in Kansas City and Topeka. Have your subscription money ready for The Monitor collector when he calls. Mr. lone Kellam, who died last Fri day at his residence, 2218 North Twentieth street, was buried Monday afternoon. The Rev. J. P. Jackson of Council Bluffs officiated. He is sur vived by his widow, his mother and other relatives. The pupils of Mrs. J. Alice Stewart will appear in a grand musical recital soon. Look for the announcement. Mr. Clem Duncan and family are very proud of his recent purchase of the six-room cottage at 2802 North Twenty-eighth street. The Harmony Four will give a mu sical recital Tuesday night, June 22, at Pilgrim Nest Baptist Church. Ad mission 25 cents.—Adv. North Side taxi, J. D. Lewis, pro prietor, Two limousines with heat. Stand phone, Web. 1490; residence phone, Web. 949. Mrs. Sadie Long, who died at her residence, 2517 Lake street, Sunday, was buried this afternoon at 2 o’clock from Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, the Rev. M. H. Wilkinson officiating. 2617 Cuming St. Phone D. 6672 A. STUART NOVELTY CO. Fine Art Negro Subjects PICTURES, CALENDARS, POST CARDS. Bronze Statuettes, Hooker T. Washington. Paul Laurence Dun bar, Frederick Douglas, Hishop Allen and Others. OMAHA, NEBRASKA All kinds of theories have been ad vanced as to the reason underlying the nnrest and riots that have prevailed and are prevailing In this eonntry. Home say that housing conditions arc to blames others. Industrial conditions. But after giving fhese reasons care ful consideration I have come to the conclusion that a grout deal of this kind of reasoning Is unsound and that this condition has been bronght about entirely hy a mental state and can only he remedied hy Increasing racial consciousness by a development, of greater racial appreciation In the group of which we are a part. A careful stndy of the history and achievements and the literature of our pen- le should be enronraged. Pictures and works of art hy and for our people should adorn onr walla. This Is my reason for engaging In art business distributing calendars, pictures, post cards and bronze statu ettes. Among our religions pictures can he found: Jesus Died for Both, Heavenward. True Hon of Freedom. Star of Victory, Onr Colored H<-roes, The Colored Man no Slackers. The Eighth Regiment’s Welcome Home. Trne Dine. Onward. Emancipation Proclamation. Clinging to the Cross. Insolratlon, The Little Shenherd. Mother’s Joy, Protecting Angel, flood Lnck. Hooker T. Washing ton. Mamma. I Love Yon, Deacon Light. HolMav Post Cards. Frederick D"ii'Mas and Booker T Washington, Paul Laurence Dnnbnr and Bishop Allen, In bronze. These pictures, 16x20 can he hrul ro'- 36 cents each. In paper piache frames ready to hanc on th" ve->,l 60 epnfs each. jtrpr>/p fic-t'res at $3.00 each or $S 00 a pair. Special price to agents. No samples. Send fedfl, for ln*..rn>atlo»» tores are beautifully portraved and sell at sight fBASEBALL I ij armours:; S ...vs... V, \ K.C. Monarchs \ "■ Members of the National Colored League ■’ Featuring the Famous V :■ Donaldson & Mendez ;j ? Saturday, June 19? ■" 4:00 P. M. % > DOUBLEHEADER !j ? Sunday, June 20 I AT ROURKE PARK I r Music by Desdune’s Band | Advance Announcement | A Whopper Sale of the Famous i Hart, Schaffner & Marx 1 || SUITS FOR MEN 11 Saturday at *37.75 Suit | |, Wait—It’ll Pay You to Wait ! FUNERAL SERVICES FOR VICTOR WILLIAMS Funeral services for Victor Williams who was drowned at Carter Lake Mon day, June 7th, were held at Jones & Reed’s chapel Wednesday afternoon, the Rev. Charles E. Brown, rector of St. Martin’s, South Omaha, officiating in the absence of Fr. Williams. Rep resentatives of the Boy Scouts’ Exec utive Council were present and paid a tribute to his memory. The body was taken to Bunceton, Mo., by his brother for burial. The following letter has been re ceived from Scout Headquarters. Omaha, Neb., June 10, 1920. Scout Master A. T. Reed, Troop Com mitteeman and Scouts’ Troop 23. Dear Fellow Scouts: The Executive Board of the Omaha I,ocal Council, Boy Scouts of America, desires you to know that we join you in sympathy for the friends and rel atives of our deceased Assistant Scout Master, Victor Williams. While we realize that Troop 23 has received a severe blow through Mr. Williams’ death, it is our hope that all of you will continue to be faithful to your Scout Oath and Laws and to do every thing which will make your Troop so successful that it will be a living mon ument to the memory of our departed friend. Sincerely yours, WALTER D. HEAD, President Omaha Loral Council Boy Scouts of America. GUY M. HOYT, Scout Executive. Mrs. Frankie M. Johnson of Kansas City, Mo., was delightfully enter tained at a breakfast party, June 7, at the residence of Mts. Gertrude Vawters. Covers were laid for eight. A song recital will be given by Le roy Kelly of Roger William university on June 29. Mr. Rogers will be ac companied by Mrs. Florentine Pinks ton. Assisting on the program will be some of the pupils of Mrs. Pinks ton. Watch The Monitor for further particulars. Mrs. Belle Penn entertained at a breakfast party complimentary to Mrs. Frankie M. Johnson, June 8. Covers were laid for six. North Side Taxi. J. D. Lewis, pro prietor Two limousines. Stand phone, Web. 1490; residence phone, Web. 940. Sergeant and Mrs. Isaac Bailey re turned Sunday morning from a pleas ant trip to Chicago and Akron, Ohio. Sergeant Hailey was one of the Oma ha visitors to the Republican National convention. Send In your sunscrlptlon for The Innltor nlesse. tt Is $2.00 a year, Jesse Carroll, who was in the em- ! ploy of the Hoard of Education for nearly twenty-four years, has gone into business for himself. He has a cigar and fruit stand and also dis- j penses soft drinks in the Kaffir block, j 817 North Sixteenth street. Mrs. H. E. Bonner of Greenwood, ' Miss., is visiting her children, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Jennings, 2620 Grant street, i The home of Mrs. H. R. Roberts, 2610 North Twenty-eighth avenue, j was burglarized last Saturday night j while she and her daughter, Madeline, were attending the High school com mence ment at the Auditorium, and jewelry valued at $300 was stolen. A. P. Scruggs, Lawyer, 220 S. 18th it- D. 7812. CoL 8881.—Adr. Mrs. Frankie M. Johnson, D. G. M. N. G. of D. G. H. H. Ruth No. 16 of Missouri and jurisdiction, has returned to Kansas City after making her an nual visit to Omaha with Queen City H. H. No. 2003. She has held this office for a number of years. .v^v.v.v.v.-.v.v.v.v.v.v.v, :: Last Recital of Season i -by- $ $ POLLYANNA i Dancing School j! —at— ij I; Columbia Hall, Tues., June 29 ;! ■] Direction Mrs. Lizzie Buford j" ■I ADMISSION FIFTY CENTS I; IWWWiWWWWWWAWJ dealers and deportment stores CyVrtb Jor illusiraied hfolu*. England™ mw New York Brooi __II !■ I ■— — ' / REV. J. A. BROADNAX, G. M. Annual Sermon of F. A. A. and Y. M. The annual sermon of the Free and Accepted Ancient York Rite Masons, Keystone Lodge No. 12, and Golden Rule Lodge No. 18 will be held at Allen Chapel A. M. E. church, 5233 South Twenty-fifth street, at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, June 20th. All York Mason lodges are invited to participate with us. Meet at Odd Fellow hall, Twenty-fifth and N streets, at 1:30 o’clock sharp to form line of march. Captain Waddles’ band will furnish the music. The public is cordially invited to the ceremonies. C. BRADFORD, C. J GOODE, W M. S. QUENCH YOUR THIRST AT SOUTH & THOMPSON’S South & Thompson, 2418 North Twenty-fourth street, have recently purchased a soda fountain in connec tion with their cafe and are now pre pared to give up-to-date fountain service in the following. ICE CREAMS Vanila, Strawberry, Chocolate. SUNDAES Strawberrv, Chocolate, Pineapple. SODAS Orange, Raspberry, Pineapple, Va nilla, Strawberry, Lemon, Chocolate and Maple. PHOSPHATES Lemon Vanilla, Strawberry, Rasp berry, Maple, Cherry. SPECIALS FOR SUNDAY Peach and Goupe Sundaes, Banana Splits, Soda Pop, Bevo Budweiser. We endeavor to give first class service along this line and your pat ronage will be appreciated. P LLAGRA On prooof that anyone depending on charity in whole or in part and have pellagra, rheumatism, blood, liver or kidney disease I will fur nish them with G. S. free. has proved its mei* its for 12 years. • Thousands of people claim it has cured them when other treatments failed. A trial is at my risk; if you receive no bene fits from one bottle I will cheer fully refund your dollar. FOR See Wright or phone R. L. Turner, 2817 • Miami St., Omaha, Neb., phone Webster 4493, and find out more about this great remedy for pellagra, rheumatism, blood, liver and kidney diseases. Is sold by druggists and agents or sent • prepaid, price $1.00 per bottle, or 6 for $5.00. Take Gross Liver Pills for constipation. Write for testimonials. L. M. Gross, Box 17, Little Rock, Ark. _ / j Loyal Theatrej! % 24th and Caldwell Streets -j £ Admission: Adults, 15c; Children. 10c. Hours: Week Days, «« _7 to 11 p. m.; Sundays, 2 to 11 p. m._£ ~~ PROGRAM FOR THE WEEK CHILDREN’S DAY—SATURDAY, JUNE 19 4 Drama—Baby Marie Osborne and Little Sambo in "Daddy No. 2.” J [ Serial—Antonio Moreno in the new Vitagraph Secret Service se- < > rial, “The Invisible Hand." Episode 4 and 5—four thrilling reels. J | Comedy—Fatty Arbuckle in "Fatty Butts in." \ \ FAMILY DAYS-ISUNDAT AND MONDAY, JUNE 20-21. £ X Special! A rip-snorting drama of thrills and heart throbs. Special! X £ BEATRIX MICHELENA in £ '£ “THE FLAME OF HELL-GATE" <. Also Sunday—Pollard Comedy and Ford Scenic. i, J; Also Monday—Noble M. Johnson in “The Midnight Man” Episode 3. 4j ! I TUESDAY, JUNE 22 | «|> Serial—Four reels (last episodes) of Pathe serial, “Terrors of «< the Range." J J £ Comedy—"Ham in the Drug Store,” a Ham & Bud Comedy. J J Western—“Wild Riders," featuring Eddie Polo. |; 1; WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23. | I £ Serial—A new exciting serial featuring Chas. Hutchinson in X “THE WHIRLWIND," Episode No. 1. £ £ Western—Tom Mix in “The Sheriff’s Blunder." \! | Detective—Herbert Rawlinson in a Flynn story, "The Calda Baby.” 4> A THURSDAY, JUNE 24 \ \ £ Western Feature—“The Prodigal Liar,” featuring William Des A mond in a thrilling western comedv-drama. Jj £ Flynn Detective—Herbert Rawlinson in "The Calda Baby.” ,! £ Comedy—“Double Exposure,” a Strand Comedy. £ X FRIDAY, JUNE 25 £ Western Special—Harry Carey in the best picture of his caree. A £ “MARKED MEN" £ I £ Serial—Walter Oland and Eileen Percy in “The Third Eye.” Ep. 4 £ £ COMING ATTRACTIONS £ X "The Whirlwind” serial starts this Wednesday. Pathe’s new serial. X l£ "Trailed by Three" starts next Tuesday, June 29. Remember the £ X date! X I r,.*. I i: I! Fashionable I li Footwear . . !! I j; This is a pretty model ;; J J we are offering in Selz all- !! 3! leather shoes for women. A < > j o lace Oxford of conventional <► !! shape to be worn with spats. < ► 11 Leather Louis heel. We in- < > ! I vite you to come and look < > !! over our new spring show- «> J! ing of the season's latest < > < > offerings. < > o FRIEDMAN BROS. \\ Family Shoe Store and Repairing <, ,, 1504 North 24th St. <> ] I Specializing In Selz Shoes. < > ********* •^♦♦SSSSSSSSSSSSS BKKBagKKHKBKKiaaaBaBKigiBSigiaagRiaBBBSiiaawaaaKiBaiaMgi^g^Biais^ THE M. S. SANITARIUM £ Rooms 201-202-203 Kaffir Block, 817* North 16th Street, | OMAHA, NEBRASKA i Hydro, Electro and Light Therapeutics f We are especially equipped with all forms of modem | t appliances for scientific treatment of Rheumatism, Neuritis, | I Sciatica, High Blood Pressure, Nephritis, and kindred dis- * S orders. Our Bath Department is equipped to administer | | every form of baths. Our Electro-Therapeutic Department § ij is most complete. Tlie M. S. SANITARIUM is not a hospital; patients i | come only for daily treatments. We are so near you that |j i hours of treatment may be accommodated to suit your con- | I venience. Do not postpone another day. Call or get full » information by mail. The M. S. SANITARIUM is the only Colored Sanitarium | in the west. Phone Douglas 7841 is ><-,» >i‘:t irtfitSxXK.K'jflsOt Notice To Monitor Patrons The Monitor has moved its main office to Room 204 Kaffir Block, 817 North Sixteenth Street. Our old phone has been installed. Call Douglas 3224 as before.