The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, May 06, 1920, Page 3, Image 3
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Hicks h !kc purchased a beautiful eight room modern home at 2618 Maple street. Mrs. Lillian Gully of Chicago, who has been visiting Omaha friends and her brother-in-law, Irving Gray, left for home Monday. Holst Pharmacy for drugs. 2702 Cuming street, HHrney SSI.—Adi. Mrs. Silas Johnson, who was in jured several weeks ago by being knocked down by a motor truck is still suffering from her injuries. Dr. W. W. Peebles and family have moved into their new residence at 2906 North Twenty-fifth street. E. F. Morearty. Lawyer, 640 Bee Bldg. Douglas 8841 or Harney 2156. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Gordon have recently purchased a desirable mod • ■n residence at 2418 Binney street. Mr. and Mrs. George P. Johnson have rented the Gordon cottage on North Twenty-first street, of which they will be given occupancy as soon as the Gordon’s move into their Binney street property. A. P. Scruggs, lawyer, 220 S. 18th SI. D. 7812. CoL 8881.—Adr. Mrs. Lucy M. Wade leaves this week for a month’s visit to St. Louis, Mo. Mrs. C. J. Goode, who recently un derwent a serious operation is at home and is slowly improving. Mrs. J. W. Stapleton, wife of the Rev. J. W. Stapleton, of the South Side, is on the sick list. Allen Jones will soon begin the erection of a beautiful, modem two story building on his property on North Twenty-fourth street. The lower floor will be occupied by his undertaking business. The upper floors will be used for residence and offices. According to present plans the building will cost $30,000. James G. Jewell has purchased the business lot on the northeast corner of Twenty-fourth and Burdette streets, upon which he will build an up-to-date modem ousiness block. Send In your subscription for The Monitor, please, 't is $2.00 a year. Mrs. S. A. Wooldridge has re turned to her home in Kansas City, Mo., after having spent two weeks with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Augus tus Hicks, 2716 Miami street. She was the recipient of many social at tentions. The following persons en tertained in her honor: Mesdames Hicks, Murphy, Seymour, Hester Howard, Lucinda Davis, George Watson, Maceo Conner, Jewell, Jas per Brown, H. K. Roberts and J. Peoples. North Side taxi, J. D. Lewis, pro prietor. Two limousines with heat. Stand phone, Web. 1490; residence phone, Web. 949. The Elite Whist club met last week at the residence of Mrs. Thomas Riggs. Mrs. Augustus Hicks was prize winner. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Charles Solomon. Mrs. R. Raglin of 2812 Miami street, has gone to Pueblo, Colo., where she will spend the summer with her mother. The Monitor office has moved into the Kaffir block, 817 North Six teenth street, comer Cuming. Tem porary phone number, Douglas 7074. ~~ T . ~---— " ■- ' — mmmmmmBB—————■——————111 Trade at the Store of Big Value $ 3.00 Men’s Dress Shirts.$1.98 2.00 Men’s Union Suits.. 1-50 1.50 Men’s Union Suits.9* .75 Men’s 2-Piece Underwear. «50 10.00 Extra Trousers. 7.50 J. Helphand Clothing Co. 314 North Sixteenth St. - - ' ■■■■ ... The Beautiful Columbia Hall for Rent at Reduced Rates The place for dances, parties, recitals and general assemblies The very l>est order maintained. SODA FOUNTAIN IN CONNECTION TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CANDIES Box Office Open From 10 A. M. to 8 P. M. DANCING SCHOOL EVERY FRIDAY EVENING 2420 Lake Street For Information Call Webster 765 or Webster 2442. i W. G. MACON, Manager. • 1 We have one of the Best Chinese Cooks in the Middle West. UP-TO-DATE AND REFINED The Monarch Chop Suey Parlor * C. R. TRAMBLE, Prop. You Are Invited to the Monarch Garden A Place of Refined Entertainment Plain Chinese Chop Suey 36c American Chop Suey 40c Chop Suey, without Onions 46c Extra Fine Chop Suey 65c Mushroom Chop Suey 80c Mushroom Chop Suey with Cream Popies 95c Cream Popies Chop Suey 75c Fine Cut Chop Suey 66c Fine Cut Chop Suey, with Mushrooms 85c Dark Mushroom Chop Suey 76c CHICKEN Chicken Chop Suey $1.00 Chicken Chop Suey with Mushrooms $1.26 Chicken Chop Suey, with Fresh Mushrooms $1.30 Chicken Chop Suey (for 2) with Fresh Mushrooms $2.40 Chicken Subgum Chop Suey (for 2) $1.80 Subgum Chop Suey 90c Chicken Chop Suey with Cream Popies $1.20 Beef Chop Suey 60c Beef Chop Suey with Cream Popies 76c Spanish Chop Suey 80c Beef Chop Suey with Chinese Mushrooms 86c Veal Chop Suey 76c Veal Chop Suey with Fresh Mushrooms 96c | CHOW MEIN Plain Chow Mein 75c Chicken Chow Mein $1.25 Chicken Chow Mein with Fresh Mushrooms (for 2) $2.50 Chicken Chow Mein with Cream Popies (for 2) $2.90 Subgum Chow Mein $1.25 Subgum Chow Mein (for 2) $2.60 EGG FOYOUNG Egg Foyoung 46c Chcken Egg Foyoung 60c YETCAMEIN Yetcamein 36c Chicken Yetcamein 60c f Extra Fine Yetcamein 66c I Allen Chapel, A. M. & Church. 5233 South Twenty-fifth Street, The services were up to the stan dard, with general class at 11 o'clock and Sunday school at 1 At 8 p. m. the Rev. Mr. Housley preached an effective sermon. He and his wife have become members of this church. The funeral of Mrs. Mollie Barnes, an old member of the congregation, brought out an unusually large at tendance in the afternoon. The $1,000 rally will be put on Sunday, May 16. The Rev. Mr. Oliver will preach. Quarterly conference Sunday. Kansas’ great woman evangelist will preach at 3 o’clock. DR. A. C. TERRELL, P. E. J. A. BROADNAX, pastor MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH IN NEW LOCATION Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Rev. M. H. Wilkinson, pastor, held open ing services in their new location, Twenty-fourth and Ohio streets, last Sunday. The Rev. R. E. York preached in the afternoon. The con test rally between the men and wo men closed at night, the women re porting $745.50 and the men $609.49. Total amount received from all soilrces for the rally was $1,500. MONITOR MOVES OFFICE. The Monitor has moved its offices to *uite 204 Kaffir Rlock, Sixteenth and Cuming street. For the present our telephone number is Douglas 7074. We expect to have our old number as soon as telephone is moved. JOINS MONITOR FORCE. Ernest M. Banks has joined The Monitor force and will have charge of advertising and collections and in cidentally will boost the circulation. Blame Papare Shortage, Please. The shortage in print paper and the consequent high cost of publi cation ha compelled The Monitor to temporarily reduce to four pages. Other publications are doing the same thing and at the same time raising subscription and advertising rates. NOTICE. Tht <1. I'. O. of O. F. will Hold their annual TbanksgL ing sermon. Sunday, May 9th 1920.. at the Mt. Moriah Baptist Churc, hTwenty fourth and Ohio street, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. M. H. Wilkinson will preach the sermon. R. 1.. WOODARD, Chairman. M. LANDRUM. Cor. Sec.. 980 N. 25th Ave—2t ELECT DELEGATES. The Omaha branch of the N. A. A. C. P., which holds regular meetings eve. Sunday hftemoon at the Ta borean hall. Twenty-fourth and Pat rick avenue, at its meeting next Sun day afternoon will elect a delegate to attend the national conference at Atlanta, Ga., the last of May. A full attendance of the members is requested. a\ ATTENDANCE CAMPAIGN. A committee of men, under the chirmanship of John Dillard Craw ford, are putting on an attendance campaign at St. Philip’s church for the remaining Sunday mornings in May. Their slogan is "A Full Church.” FALLS THREE STORIES. Ernest Bell, colored, 116 South Ninth jitreet, suffered a fractured knee cap when he fell three stories from a scaffolding In the new Farrell building at Ninth and Dodge streets. THANKS FOR AUTOMOBILE. The Douglas County Colored Wo. men’s Republican club wishes to ex press their hearty appreciation and gratitude for the use of Dr. W. W. Peebles’ automobile on Primary day. J. ALICE STEWART, President. CARD OF THANKS. We desire to express our grateful thanks for the appreciated sympathy and kindness of friends during our recent bereavement. A. P. SIMMONS AND SONS. RECENT DEATHS. Mrs. Spencer HilL M rs. Annie Spencer Hill, eldest daughter of the late John and Polly Dennis, died April 19, after a long illness and was buried Thursday aft ernoon from Johnson’s Western Fu nerol Home, the Rev. W. F. Botts, pastor of Zion Baptist church, of which she was a member officiating. c is jrvived by her husband, James Hill of Kansas City, Mo.; a daughter, Mrs. Josephine Metcalfe; a sister, Odessa Jackson, and a brother, William Dennis. Mrs. A. P. Simmons. M> Be: -ie Simmons, wife of A. P. Simmons, died at the State Tuber culosis sanitarium, Kearney, Neb., April 15, and was buried from tne family residence, 2709 Corby street. Sunday morning, April 18, at 9 o'clock, the Rev. John Albert Wil liams officiating. Interment was at Mt. Hope. Mrs. Simmons is survived by her husband, two sons, Albon Jesse and other relatives. Willie Bell. Willie Bell, who died last Thurs day at his home, 916 North Twenty seventh street, was buried from ru,.,. rt Green Baptist church Sun day afternoon, the Rev. John Cos tello officiating. Interment was in Forest Lawn. Abe Redmond. Abe Redmond died at University hospital last Sunday. The funeral was held from Silas Johnson’s West ern Funeral Home yesterday after noon. Interment was at Forest Lawn. REV. HARDY (TRRY. Rev. Hardy Curry, who had been a resident of Omaha for the past thirty years, died at his residence, 1524 North Twenty-sixth street, last Thursday after a long illness. He was born in Richmond county, Georgia, in 1840, and lived for several years In Atlanta, moving subsequently to Miami. Fla., coming thence to Omaha. The funeral was held Saturday after noon from Zion Baptist church, the Rev. W. F. Botts officiating. He is survived by his widow, one son and several grandchildren. Why not learn the Poro System? I teach hair culture, face massaging, manicuring, singeing and hair weav ing. Terms reasonable. Webster. 5450. Mrs. Anna Evans Jones. 1516 North Twentj-fonrth street^Adv. - ■ Mrs. Ada Dlxson Woodson, 122 North Fortieth street; Mrs. Lydia Foster Edwards. 5103 Davenport street; Miss Edna Marie Jones, 1814 Nicholas street, are students at Jones Culture College. 1516 North Twenty-fourth street. OFFICES FOR RENT IN KAFFIR BLOCK Desirable offices can he rented in the Kaffir block, formerly the Warden hotel property at Sixteenth and Cum ing sticets. Heat, light and janitor nrvice. Apply Kaffir Chemical Labora tories. Webster 7074. Patronize The Monitor advertisers ■ ■ I j I Perfect;; I Feet ii V Selz Liberty Hell Shoes fo>' S 15* boys and girls develop perfect J i feet. They save children from S the lifelong foot troubles most S ? adults have as a result of incor- % ^ rect shoes in childhood. % " They are orthopedically cor- 5 rect. They support and pro- % tect every part of the pliable .■ growing foot. No weak arches, JS no crowded toes or twisted % ^ tones in Selz Liberty Bell Shoes. ^ ■[ They are all leather. They JG I* wear surprisingly. *1 •C For Active Boys and Lively J> f Girls £ \ Friedman \ 5 Bros. I ■; Family Shoe Store ;j £ 1504 North 24th Street Specializing in Selz Shoe* J S v .’.SVAVA'.'AWAWAW.V.V Rev. W. F. Botts left Saturday for Chicago, where he will assist the Rev. L. K. Williams of Mt Olivet Baptist church in a revival. John H. Holly died April 22. His remains were shipped to Greenvile, S. C., for burial. His mother and sis ter acompanied the remains. Mr. Hol ly was an ex-service man and also a student at Meharry Medical College, Nashville, Tenn. A very pretty birthday party was given Wednesday evening, April 29, by Mrs. Sherman Cain in honor of her mother, Mrs. Julia Fletcher of 2724 Miami street. A birthday cake, dainty refreshments and music were features of the pleasant affair. Mrs. Fletcher was the recipient of many presents. Miss Lucile Todd of Monrovia, Li beria, who has been the gust of Mrs. J. H. Hutten. a former teacher of hers, left for Minneapolis Tuesday. Miss Todd made many friends during her stay here. Next week's Monitor will contain an interesting article on Miss Todd. After a three-week’s illness the Rev. Thomas A. Taggart, pastor of Bethel Baptist church, was able to be out Sunday. Mrs. Bernard entertained last week at a dinner party, complimentary to her mother, who is here from Kansas City visiting her. Among the guests fALHAMBRA j Y TTie House of Courtesy. i 24th and Parker Sts. !_j | Thursday and Friday— j; $ A Special Pat he Feature 2 | “THE SAGE BRUSH F]R” 2 | Comedy I Saturday— | DUSTIN FARNAM in | “DURAND OF THE BAD t LANDS” $ Pathe News Feature and j Comedy •{• | The Globe | | Realty Co. | Y ALFRED JONES *. SON, | X Managers V £ | X We buy, sell and exchange city property and farms. £ J X X 19 Patterson Block i Y Phone Douglas 7408 Omaha, Neb. £ - L. A. Richardson James Armstrong THE OWL TRANSFER CO Prompt Service Alt Parts of the City. Bus. Phone Web 2095. Res. Har 6073 2122 No. 24th St. Omaha, Neb. V___/ /-———■— HILL’S DRY CLEANING WORKS LATEST IMPROVED HOFFMAN STEAM PRESS Work called for and delivered 2629 Cuming St. Call Harney 7070 --—. / were Mesdames Jones, Hubbard and Robert Williams. Mrs. Ijly Davis and her daughter, Annabel, of the South Side left Thurs day for Arkansas. Dr. R. C. Riddle spent a pleasant day in Lincoln last week. Nate Hunter spent Saturday and Sunday in Lincoln on Masonic busi ness. He leaves Friday ror Philadel phia and other eastern points. Mrs. W. C. Williams and Mrs. Fred McDaniels left Saturday evening for St. I>ouis where they will attend the general conference. Mr. Cunnigan Wilson of Chicago was in the city a few days this week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alphonso Wilson. Messrs Robert and Maceo Williams motored to St. Louis this week. Mrs. Ada Catchings of Cincinnati, Ohio, who was called here by the illness of her brother, Claude Worthy, who died last Thursday, will remain indefinMely with her mother, Mrs. fLuvenia Ayers, of 2210 North Twen ty-fourth street. Fred C. Williams, sales and pub licity manager of the Kaffir Chemi cal Laboratories, incorporated, left last Wednesday on a business trip for the company. He went to Sioux City, la., and will cover territory’ in Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Ili nois, before returning. Diamond Theatre THURSDAY ALL STAR CAST in “BLINK HUSBANDS” And Comedy FRIDAY— ( LEO MADISON and BOB REEVES in “THE RADIUM MYSTERY” Short Feature and Comedy SATURDAY— KOKERT HERRIN in ••OLD-FASHIONED YOUNG MAN" JACK DEMPSEY In “DARE DEVIL JACK” No. 3 SUNDAY— SUNDAY ALL STAR CAST in “RIO GRANDE” Also Short Feature And Comedy Also Short Feature and Comedy } it Friedman’s Place t 1 A Fins Watch Repairing. Red 7»14 A | A We Buy and Sell A y Jewelry, Clothing, Shoes, Trunks Y Suit Caaes, Etc. X |y MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS X •X"X"X"X"X“X,,X"X"X“X“X“M“M' A * A MISS HESSIE GILES y V Y A Public Stenographer and Notary y Y Public. ± A Office Phone Doug. 7812. 41 X 220 South 13th St | >'X"X"X"XX"X:"X~XrxX“XX“>iX<> Office Phone, Webster B784 t Residence, Webster 1219 JOHN A. GARDNER Auto Express and Baggage * ! Stand at Killingsworth & Price f 2416 No. 24th St I | >«■. «..... Patronize The Monitor advertisers. ! HOT CHILI! HOT COFFEE | Yum, Yum Delicious | Gregory’s Kandy Kitchen 1 and Luncheonette 1508 North 24th Street I Webster 267 Home Made Candies. Ice Cream Sodas laBBBgBMSBtSWIBSKlidWMSgPCBBBWKBOSBISKWKBgBBBBMBQSHtBB^BBBCBRlliMBlglSIS } Patronize the State Furniture Co. !j '> 14th and Dodge Street* <• ' [ The Monitor recommends its advertisers. Reliable and iccommo- j ’ 1 • dating service can be found here. < > [ ✓