The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, April 01, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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    Among the Churches j
The $1,000 rally for May 16 at Al
len Chapel A. M. E. church, 5233
South Twenty-fifth street, began in
earnest last Sunday. The pastor.
Rev. J. A. Broadnax, donated $20, IV.
C. Mallard, $20, Rev. Mr. Parker $20,
C. .T. Goode, $20, C. Bradford $12, L.
S. Pegram $10, A. Floid $10, W.
Goode $10, C. Chainey $10. Mrs.
Stapleton $5, Mrs. McDonald $5, Mr.
McDonald $5, W. Duley $5, Mr. Van
trice $5, Mrs. Jackson $5, Miss M.
Coleman $5, Mrs. Redd $5, Mr. C.
Bush $, Mrs. McCain $2. and D. W.
Gooden $1. Total, $205. We show
our sincerity by doing for ourselves
then we call on our friends to help
us in our struggle.
Rev. H. Hansley will be with us
next Sunday.
(Rev. Thomas A. Taggart, Pastor.)
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Secret
a baby boy weighing eight pounds.
Mrs. Lela Williams entertained at
luncheon on Thursday evening Dr.
and Mrs. R. C. Riddle.
The members and auxilaries of the
Bethel Baptist church are helping to
buy a car for the pastor. The pub
lic donation of $21 was led by Dr.
Riddle and the auxiliaries reitorted
as follows: Sunday school $25, Mis
sion Circle $15. Star Light Band $5,
Dorcas Industrial club $5. The Bibl*
Band and the B. Y. P. U. will report
later as every auxilary feels they
must do their share towards helping
their pastor get his six-cylinder
Pierce Arrow touring ear,
Mr, Wallace has been operated by
Dr. Riddle at his home and is con
valescing nice!}
Visitors of Bethel Baptists church
are J. T, Scott. Parsons. Kas.; Mr.
and Mrs. Morris, Chicago, and James
Ambrose. Quarna, Texas.
Friday evening. March 26, may
well be called a rennalsance in the
religious endeavor at St. John's A.
•M. E. church, when the Rev. T. L.
Scott of Chicago, closed a three
weeks’ campaign. Never before in
the history of the church have there
been so many accessions as in this
great movement—167. A remarkable
record. The way in which men ac
cepted Christ was phenomenal—
three-fourths of the converts. A
wonderful influence to wield! He
preached to a packed house nightly.
On Friday night the grateful audi
I ence placed upon the table within
ten minutes, $201. Following his
I farewell sermon the W. W. club en
tertained at an informal reception in
the lecture room. Mr. Scott was en
tertained during his stay by former
school mates, old and new friends.
Rev. J. Costello, Pastor.
Services were good Sunday.
The Sunday school will render an
Easter program at 5.30 o’clock Sun
‘ day evening.
The revival services are being con
j ducted by Rev. J. Terri] of St. Louts,
Mo. Baptising at Carter lake Sunday
‘ at 2 o'clock. The meeting will close i
Sunday night.
Secure your tickets from Rev. J.
Costello or at the church. Twenty
five-cent round trip cars will leave
Twenty-second and Nicholas streets
1:30 o’clock.
Mission Circle is doing good work j
Rev. John Albert Williams. Vicar.
T.he Palm Stmdav services were j
largely attended all day.
The services on Raster Day will be
as follows: Holy communion at 6:30
a. m.; matins, holy communion and
sermon at 10:30, with special music; I
children's service at 6 p. m. Dan Des- 1
dimes, eornetist, will assist with the
music at 10:30.
The Woman’s Auxiliary will meet
next Thursday with Mrs. J. H. Craw
ford, Brake apartments.
Mrs. Bradey of Ottawa, Kas., was
the guest of Miss Ada Barnett last
Roy Faulkner of Kansas City was
here to attend the funeral of his sis
The funeral of Mrs. Idllie Smith
was a very sad one and much sym
pathy is extended to the bereaved
Mr. Phillips of Ohio gave a very
interesting recital at Ebenezer
Noble Edwards has purchased a
high-powered motorcycle. He spent
last Sunday in Leavenworth.
Miss Rogenia and Georgian Beard
of Washington, Kas., was the week
end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Burney
Messrs. George and Clarence Ker
ford made a business trip to Chica
go last week.
Mr. Henry Wiley and family are
guests at the Johnson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Ogden spent
last week in Olatha, Kas., the guests
of Ogden’s parents.
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Allen, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Allen, Mr. Emmet Jor
don and Mr. Ralph Baylis spent Sun
day in Weston, the guests of the
Hamilton sisters.
Lincoln Real Estate
& Insurance Company
103 South Fourteenth Street
Phone Douglas .V>03 OMAHA, NEB.
In Charge of Insurance Dept, u
_ ■"
We have associated ourselves together for the pur
pose of being of great service to the public, if it is in
,, , . , the line of Real Estate, Loans or Insurance. If vou
Oui- Manager needs no intro- Our Insurance Department is
auction Horn and raised in Want to ,JUy a homc* see Us- ff you want £ood reliable .
auction. r>oin ana laisea in in charge of a young man just
r\ l u . , , • 11 insurance of any kind, let us write it for you. We are
Omaha, he received his school- ... . , ‘ completing his course at Com
, , writing insurance with Old Line Companies, such as
mg at the public schools, Omaha mercial High School. lie has
it- u i j t>„ i . r> ■ the (ilens rails, State Insurance Company and The
High School and Hoyles Business ' lived in Omaha the greater part
» „ ., , Columbia hire Ins. Co. Said companies stood the test
College. A young man who has . of his life and has always been
j , . , ■ ,, ,. through the San rrancisco earthquake. W’e also
always stood high in the estima- a straightforward young man.
t- „ nf ,.ii q_j would be glad to take lull charge of your rental prop
J tion of all who know him, and He was very active in his school
n„ uQU erty. We can save you the commission fee on the up
well liked by eveiyone. He has work and a favorite among his
u 1 • • , , , , keep bill alone. Expert advice on all matters pertain
had expenence in real estate and classmates and the faculty. He
■ ...__ „ . mg to Real Estate, Insurance and Loans gladly given
insurance, previous to his posi- , ‘ is president of the Douglas De
, , . , ,. without cost to the individual. Our motto is a square
tion in the court house where his ^ ^ hating Society (Colored). We
expei ience has bioadened into * feel sure jje has the hest wishes
many lines. He will give the ___ of the pub]jc in this his first
public the best that is in him. business venture.
Watch Us Grow!
■ ■ Our President has been a resident of
Fg Omaha for the past seventeen years. He
jF began work as waiter in the hotels and
■ ■ restaurants of Omaha, and being a man
Fg of pleasing personality and easily met, he
g" made friends with men in all walks of life.
■ ‘ His desire has always been to stand for
Fg something in the community in which he
g1! lives and as a result he began to acquire
■ g real estate. He now has accumulated
F| quite a deal of real estate, which brings
him a good monthly income. Never being
satisfied with working- for the other man,
he went into business for himself. He has
been engaged in both restaurant and hotel ■"
business, but always leaned toward the "■
l eal estate business which he has carried 'mm
on in a small way for some years past. Mr. ■_
(ialloway is a race man and never fails to %
give his time and money to anything that
tends toward the betterment of the Negro "g
Slogan of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
in Its Great Financial Drive.
The above is a cut of the Calvary Baptist church (white), 25th and Ham
ilton streets, erected in 1900. This building has been purchased by contract
by the Pilgrim Rest Baptist church (colored) at a cost of $35,000. Fifteen
thousand dollars of the purchase price is to be paid before entering the
Eleven thousand dollars is to be raised by the congregation and friends
by May 1st. We are therefore asking every reader of this paper and the pub
lic at large to give us your moral and financial support in the raising of
this eleven thousand dollars. Below you will find a coupon which you will
please fill in, sign and return with the amount you will give for this pur
Please do not lay this aside, but give it your immediate attention. All
contributions will be acknowledged in the columns of this paper. Watch this
fund grow'. Address all communications to
REV. W. M. FRANKLIN, Pastor Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
Residence Address, 1318 North 26th St., Omaha, Neb.
Enclosed please find $.as a donation on purchase
price of Calvary Baptist Church, Omaha, Neb.
Name ..... <
Street Number..... !
City ....... State....
• !
■ I
The most wonderful hair preparation on the market. When
I we say Magic we do not exaggerate, as you can see^reat re
1 suits in the first few treatments. We guarantee Magic Hair I
Grower to stop the hair at once from falling out and breaking
I off; making harsh, stubborn hair soft and silky. Magic Hair . |
• Grower grows hair on bald places of the head. If you use I
these preparations once you will never be without them.
I Magic Hair Grower and Straightening Oil are manufactured
by Mesdames South and Johnson. We also do scalp treating. I
l Magic Hair Grower, 50c. Straightening Oil, 35c. —- I
l Allorderspromptly filled; send 10c for postage. Money must accompany all orders, j
Agents wanted—Write for particulars. J
Wecarry everything in the latest fashion- *
able hair goods at the lowest prices.
We make switches, puffs, transforma- I
tion curls, coronet braids, and combings |
made to order, matching all shades a i
specialty. Send samples of hair with •
all orders.
2416 Blondo St., Omaha, Neb. i
^ Telephone Webster 880 I
| U a healthy, active. Industrious liver. Small doses of these pills
takan regularly insure that. You may also need a purgative i
sometimes. Then take one larger dose. Keep that in mind; i
it will pay you rich dividends In Health and Happiness.
Genuine yJT -- Small Pill
Smell Doee
signature Smsll Price
ROSY CHEEKS o HEALTHY COLOR iodlcatea Iron in the Blood. Pal« or I
asa.Mgg&,!!!a,ag£«l2rs carter's iron pills
!• Patronize the State Furniture Co. ii
14th and Dodge Streeta
The Monitor recommends its advertisers. Reliable and accommo- ‘ ’
dating service can be found hare. \