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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1920)
f Among the Churches J ST. PAUL’S BAPTIST CHURCH Fourteenth and Grace Sts. Rev, C. Johnson, Pastor. The services were very good Sun day and well attended. The prayer service was led by Dea con G. W. Lewis in the evening. He was assisted by Moores Bryant of Pleasant Green Baptist church. Sub ject of the sermon, “The acquaintance with Jesus.” Rev. Mr. Smith and Rev. Mr. Berry were with us in the eve ning. Rev. Mr. Berry will preach next Sunday night. MT. MORIAH BAPTIST CHURCH. Rev. M. H. Wilkinson, Pastor. Services were good all day Sunday. Subject of morning sermon, “God Getting Rid of No Counts,” from Matthew, 25th chapter. The subject of the evening sermon, “Praying to bo a better man for Usefulness.” Each subject was well prepared and de livered. The field missionary, Rev. Harry H. Botts, worshiped with us Sunday morning. Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Wilkinson were dinner guests of Mrs. James Crowder, 2631 Parker street, Monday evening. A delightful dinner was SIOUX CITY. IOWA. The rabbit dinner given by the Willing Workers at Malone A. M. E. church on Thursday, February 5, was a success. Net proceeds $13.00. The W. M. M. society will give a Valentine social at Malone A. M. E. church Friday, February 13. A good program and musicale has_ been ar ranged for the occasion. Rev. Mr. Gosser of the Sioux City M. E. church preached at Malone A. M. E. church Sunday to a large and appreciative audience. Two joined the church. Mrs. Curtis, who has been ill at her home, 510% Cook street, with the “flu” for the past week, is improving and able to go about the house. Sunday, February 15, Rev. Tbomas P. Stoval, presiding elder of the Des Moines division, will hold his second quarterly meeting at Malone A. M. E. church. Mrs. Maud Anthony of Grand ave nue, who has been suffering a nerv ous breakdown, is recovering. New Prosperity lodge No. 1 K. of P. held a public installation of officers at Mt. Zion Baptist church Thursday, February 5. Mr. H. N. Nelson, formerly of the F. B. Brown cafe, 711 West Seventh street, has accepted a position with the Wade Burright Buick Auto Co. Rev. P. M. Lewis, pastor of Malone A. M. E. church, contemplates start ing a scries of meetings immediately after the quarterly meeting Febru ary 15. SOUTH SIDE. Mr. Mitchell Glenn, after spending ■ a year in the city, returned to South Carolina. He will return fall with his wife and make this his home. His brother-in-law will return also next fall, provided that he can persuade his father to come west to live. Prof J. F. Clark has returned to the city after a six weeks’ vacation, which he spent in South Carolina, his old home, which has changed served. Many of the members of our church are sick. Rev. Harry H. Botts will preach next Sunday. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH. Dr. W. F. Botts, Pastor. The pastor preached a splendid sermon last Sunday morning. * His theme was “Be Thyself.” At night the state missionary, Rev. H. W. Botts, shokc on the “Abundant Life.” Both sermons were very helpful. The Sunday School and B. Y. P. U. were well attended and the children’s program at the union was very in teresting. The following were pleasant visit tors at our services last Sunday morn ing: Mr. Melvin Wilson, Kansas City, Mo., and Mrs. Nancy Jones, Denver, Colo. The Mission Circle will give a necktie and apron social Friday, February 13. Admission free. Next Sunday, February 15, a spe cial sermon will be preached to fathers and sons by the pastor. Spe cial reservations will be made for them and all are urged to be present on time. Strangers welcome to all services. I i Rev. J. A. Broadnax Reverend J. A. Broadnax, Pastor of Allen Chapel, A. M. E. Church and Past G. M. of Oklahoma, and G. M. of M. W. K. S. G. L. of Kansas and Nebraska Jurisdiction of all legiti mate York Rite Masons, Colored Na tional (Compact) Prince Hall Origin. much during the twenty years he has been away. He stopped off at Mem phis, Tenn., Conway, Ark., Coffey ville, Kas., and Kansas City, Mo. Though he had an enjoyable time he was anxious to get back to Nebraska. COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. The funeral of Mr. Sam Fields was held Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock. Rev. Mr. Jackson had charge of the funeral, assisted by Rev. M. Rhonenee and Rev. S. C. Crucher, who has charge of the revival meeting at the A. M. E. church. Mr. Nathan Turner has been de tained at home this week due to a very painful injury from a fall. Rev. J. P. Jackson has been sick for more than a week. He was not able to fill his pulpit last Sunday. The Square Dealers Investment Co. met at the home of Mr. Jordon Mon =JIIIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII|IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU 1 Oui Great Three Day Sale of 1 [ WOMEN’S KNIT UNDERWEAR | | Priced from Vs to Vi Off m“Es* I 1 Continues Friday and Saturday 1 i biandeis Stores' THIRD FLOOR niimimiiitiimmimiininntmimniiniiiniiimiiniinniiUHimiiiHiiiiiiiHimitinr; Church of St. Philip the Deacon (EPISCOPAL) Twenty-first Between Nicholas and Paul Sts. I REV. JOHN ALBERT WILLIAMS, PRIEST Sunday services, 7:80,10 and 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. COME. YOU ARE WELCOME. l CHURCH OF ST. BENEDICT THE MOOR \; (catholic) !I • • MASS—I a. m.. First Sunday In every month. BENEDICTION—I p. m., A • ‘ Third Sunday In every month. Service, to be held temporarily In Sacred X '' Heart Chapel, Twenty-eecond and Blnney Streets. Everybody welcome. X ;; REV. FRANCIS CASSILLY, S. J., Psstor. | e * day night, February 9. The choir of the Tabernacle church had to sing without an organist Sun day night, due to Mrs. Moore’s in jury by a fall. Miss Virgil Lindsey and Mr. Albert Perkins were united in marriage last Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald, Rev. Mr. Jack son officiating. The following visited Tabernacle Baptist church Sunday. Mr. Outlaw of Chicago, Mrs. Harris and Mr. Tom Lowman of Omaha. Rev. T. B. Stovall, D. D., presiding elder of the Des Moines district, will hold his second quarterly meeting at the Bethel A. M. E. church. Avenue A and Sixteenth street, February 22, | Rev. J. A. Broadnax, pastor of A. M. E. church, South Omaha, will preach at 3 p. m., and his choir will sing, j Rev. W. C. Williams, pastor of St. John’s A. M. E. church, and his con gregation will be present with us. Bethel A. M. E. church is having a great revival conducted by the evan gelist, Rev. S. C. Crutcher. This is a ten-day meeting. We are asking everyone to pray. Rev. Matthew’ R. Rhonenee, pastor. Among the sick of the city are: Mrs. Charlie Hall, Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Minner, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Hawthorne, Mrs. Gample and daughter, Mrs. P. J. Richardson Mrs. J. Freeland, Mr. H. E. Low’ery, Mrs. K. Young, Mr. S. Jones, Mrs. Piesic. Mr. Oliver Telbart died at his home, 1724 Avenue D, Sunday night. Fu- j neral at Cutler’s Friday morning at 10:30 a. m. Rev. M. A. Rhonenee of liciated. A Card of Thanks. We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sym pathy shown us during the illness and death of our beloved husband and brother. We also wish to thank the fihurch and Masonic Lodge for their beautiful floral offerings, and we also thank our Pastor for his kind words of condolence. Mrs. Susie Robinson, wife of R. V. Robinson; Mrs. Lizzie Anderson, sister of R. V. Robinson. The Christian Endeavor society of Bethel A. M. E. church, Mrs. Alice Carter president, rendered their pro gram Sunday evening, and it was one of the best in the history of the church. Mrs. Carter is doing a great work with the young people. Mrs. E. H. Madison is superintend ent of the Sunday school. Every Sun day the Sunday School board serve tea in the basement of the church. Mrs. Madison is doing a good work. The school is well attended. Mrs. Lizzie Payne is the president of the Church Aid. The Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Estelle Codwell, 1317 Broadway, at 2 p. m. Mrs. Alice Davis, president of the choir, is working up a wonderful or ganization with the young men and girls. They meet every Friday night. Mrs. Gertrude B. Rhononee, presi dent of the Missionary Society which will meet next Monday at 3 p. m. at the church, 'is asking all members to be present. Rev. T. B. Stovall will speak on “Missions." LA GRANGE, TEXAS. Regular services were held at St. James M. E. church last Sunday. The pastor, Rev. A. M. Mason, preached at both the morning and the evening service. The citizens met at Ebenezer Bap tist church Sunday afternoon and dis cussed conditions regarding our ceme tery. They organized to raise funds for putting a substantial fence around the same. Mrs. Preston Williams, president; Mrs. Sallie Hudson, vice president; Mrs. L. E. Moore, secre tary, and Mrs. Florence Anderson, treasurer. Mrs. Katherine Robinson was at the head of the movement and collected $7.0. Miss Marzetta Phillips, sister of Miss Jane Phillips, and Mr. Ira V. Kimball were quietly married Janu ary 28th at the home of the bride near Ellington. Rev. L. S. Scott per formed the ceremony. The out-of town guests were Mrs. Amy Fields Taylor and Mrs. India Palmer Weir. Mrs. Dora Randle and Miss Lewis of Eagle Lake are visiting Mrs. Hal lie Johnson of this city. Mr. Mamie Prince and husband of Pallas and Mrs. Eva Prisdale of Smithville are visiting relatives in the city. Mr. James Bass Sealy is visiting his sister, Mrs. Mary Poole. Mesdames Lee Prisdale, M. E. Cato, Susie Mitchell, Mattie Clark, Ada Moore, the Misses Pelphine Oaks and Mary L. Price and Prof. Andrew Johnson were some of the teachers who visited in the city last Saturday. Mrs. Katherine Robinson, who has been visiting relatives in the city since the holidays, left Monday for Los Angeles, her future home. Mrs. Mattie Schermack was called from her school in Brazonia to the bedside of her sick husband. Those on the sick list are: Mr. Geoffrey Schermack, Mesdames Lovie Simpson, Pollie Smith and Clemen tine Riley. Polish up your brains on the emery wheel of study.—Worthington Wil liams. ATCHISON, KANSAS, NEWS By Ralph V. Baylis, Correspondent and Agent If you desire your news to get in on time for publication each week get it in before Sunday night. Mrs. Ira Hickey entertained the Mission Circle last week. The ladies are doing a great work and should be encouraged. Mrs. Hull and Mrs. Fox of Omaha are here attending their aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Keiford. Mrs. Hull will return home Thursday. Misa Vivian Sloan left Friday for Chicago where she will enter the hos pital to be trained for a nurse. All her expenses are paid and she draws $8.00 per week until her course is completed. We wish her success. A few young people went to the home of Mrs. C. George Monday eve ning to meet Miss Walton, the new school teacher, who is an agreeable entertainer. The evening was spent in visiting. At a late hour a tempt ing luncheon was served. Mrs. Mattie Cooper of Kansas City is the guest of her daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stone of the Olympia cafe. She will make her home here. The Surprise Party club is doing its relief work by sending oranges to the sick, w'ho are Mrs. George Keiford, Mrs. J. D. Colbert, Mrs. Walter May ard, Miss Lueile Dorsey, Miss Myrtle Porter and Miss Chloe Byles. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brown in vited a few of their friends to their home Thursday to meet Miss Edith Brown who is visiting from Kansas City. She will return to Kansas City Sunday. Misses Pauline and Mabel Vaughn of Quindaro will give a joint recital at Campbell chapel February 21. On the evening of the 22d Rev. Mr. Vaughn will lecture. On the 23d comes the “Big Mock Wedding,” feat uring Mr. Arthur Allan as the bride.. All of the characters will be new, so don’t miss these attractions. The A. M. E. church, through its pastor and trustees, has purchased the lot east of the church, the considera tion being $300.00. Mr. Thomas Floyd will leave Sat crday for Jefferson City to visit his cousins. The N. A. A. C. P. held an interest ing meeting Sunday at the Christian church. Mr. Thomas Jackson of St. Joseph was a visitor at his home this week. Miss May Wilkinson of St. Joseph was the guest of Miss Cora Moore this week, returning home Sunday. Mr. Green of St. Louis is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Whiteside. Many of our citizens attended the King Hayden show Thursday in St. Joe. The funeral of Mrs. Perry, mother of Mrs. Alma Freeman, was held Sun day from Mt. Zion Baptist church. Mrs. Sarah Glover, a respected old lady and citizen of Atchison died Tuesday and was buried Friday. The public was grief stricken to learn of the sudden illness and death of Mr. Frank Saunders, whose fu neral was held Friday, Rev. G. B. Billops officiating, being assisted by the Masons. THE “MATTER WITH AMERICA” (From the Fargo .3. D.) Forum) What’s the matter with America these days? • Too many diamonds, not enough blue flannel ones. Too many pointed-toed shoes, and not enough squared-tood ones. Too many serge suits and not CitOUgh overalls. Too much <> Mete and not enough aprons. Too many satin-upholstered limou sines and not enough cows. Too many consumers and not enough producers. Too much oil stock and not enough savings accounts. Too much envy of the results of hard work and too little desire to emulate it. Too many desiring short cuts to wealth and too few willing to pay the price. Too much of the spirit of “get while the getting is good” and not enough of the old-fashioned Christianity. ,i Mr. Edward S. Terry, X •J’ of 2922 Grant St., has remod- y X efed his beautiful home that X •j. was bought through A X NIMROD JOHNSON X £ INVESTMENT CO. £ A 220 So. 13th St. A x Tyler 2724 or Webster 1150 X X A •’* »X* *1* '!♦*!• v •** •X,v ♦> ♦x**x**x~xx* For that Neat, Well Dressed 4 * * * Appearance, See 4 ' :: J. H. holmes:! tailor :: IGENTS SLITS TO ORDER ;; i) Ladle*' and Gent'a Suits Remod- < > ,, sled, Repaired, Cleaned and Presaed < • ' • ALL WORK GUARANTEED \ \ ] I We Buy and Sell Second Hand < > i , Clothes. Work called for and de- < > , , llvered. i > ' | 2022 North 24th Street < , i > Phone Webster 3320 < > Too much discontent that vents it self in mere complaining and too little real effort to remedy conditions. Too much class consciousness and joo little common democracy and love )f humanity. “ON TO CALVARY” Slogan of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church in Its Great Financial Drive. The above is a cut of the Calvary Baptist church (white), 25th and Ham ilton streets, erected in 1900. This building has been purchased by contract by the Pilgrim Rest Baptist church (colored) at a cost of'$35,000. Fifteen thousand dollars of the purchase price is to be paid before entering the building. Eleven thousand dollars is to be raised by the congregation and friends by May 1st. We are therefore asking every reader of this paper and the pub lic at large to give us your moral and financial support in the raising of this eleven thousand dollars. Below you will find a coupon which you will please fill in, sign and return with the amount you will give for this pur pose. Please do not lay this aside, but give it your immediate attention. All contributions will be acknowledged in the columns of this paper. Watch this fund grow. Address all communications to REV. W. M. FRANKLIN, Pastor Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church Residence Address, 1318 North 26th St., Omaha, Neb. Enclosed please find $.as a donation on purchase i price of Calvary Baptist Church, Omaha, Neb. Name .-. N. Street Number..-... City .-.-. State. \ , , , , , , t t c , , , , , t , , t , | , | , t t t < « « » | | t T t t~t T t —- * - ------ « Advance Notice to the Citizens ot Omaha and Neor. I)an Deadlines and James A. Clarke have formed a partnership to con duct a General Insurance and Rental Collection Business. Our Motto: “Honesty and Efficiency’* Desdunes is better known as the director of the First Regtl. Band. Clarke is at present the very popular head waiter at the Univer sity Club. Watch this space for further particulars. For any information desired call Webster 710 or Webster 5743. MAIL MAY BE ADDRESSED TO 2516 BURDETTE ST. Dan Deadline* Jame* A. Clarke I MAGIC HAIR GROWER! AND STRAIGHTENING OIL ■ S , MME. JOHNSON AND SOUTH J The most wonderful hair preparation on the market. When I we say Magic we do not exaggerate, as you can see great re ■ suits in the first few treatments. We guarantee Magic Hair I Grower to stop the hair at once from falling out and breaking I off; making harsh, stubborn hair soft and silky. Magic Hair • Grower grows hair on bald places of the head. If you use I j these preparations once you will never be without them. I Magic Hair Grower and Straightening Oil are manufactured * by Mesdames South and Johnson. We also do scalp treating. \ Magic Hair Grower, 50c. Straightening Oil, 35c. j | Allorders promptly filled; send 10c for postage. Money must accompany all orders. ] ■ ■ Agents wanted—Write for particulars. | We carry everything in the latest fashion- I I able hair goods at the lowest prices. We make switches, puffs, transforms- ■ I tion curls, coronet braids, and combings J made to order, matching all shades a | specialty. Send samples of hair with ■ all orders. [ 2416 Blondo St., Omaha, Neb. , Telephone Webster 880 ^ li Patronize the State Furniture Co. i! 14th and Dodge Street* I ! I! The Monitor recommends its advertisers. Reliable and accommo- ' * ' > dating service can be found here. ] |