The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, February 12, 1920, Image 5
| Today Is Your Opportunity jj j The Kaffir Chemical Laboratories jj Is Offering a Limited Amount of Its Preferred Stock \ f. To the % GENERAL PUBLIC \ | 5,000 Shares for Sale I Let Your Money Make You Independent for Life l Jy TTMF^ C* |t/| EJ A W V—THE KAFFIR CHEMICAL LABORATORIES is incorporated under the laws of the State of Nebraska for $500,000—50,000 shares 1® in I ■■ Ci lYI I li T —par value $10.00 per share—30,000 shares is 7 per cent preferred which stock is entitled to cumulative preferential dividend and in 1® ■ event of the dissolution or liquidation of the company is given preference over all other stock as to assets and dividends. Preferred stock is voting stock—20,000 shares is common, 1® ’in also voting stock. Both preferred and common stock is non-assessable. ■" t The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shall be the manufacturing and dealing in pharmaceuticals, chemicals, drag preparations, medi- 1* ■y cines and all other things incidental to or connected therewith. ij To the Man of Vision At this time the Company is offering a limited amount of its pre ferred stock to careful, shrewd investors at the organization price of $10.00 per share. This is the same price at which the officers and di rectors are buying their stock. THERE IS NOT ONE DOLLAR OF PRO MOTION OR BONUS STOCK IN THIS COMPANY. We intend to scatter our stock over the nation. In order to do this we are not offering it whole sale to the general public. This will be your last opportunity to buy in the open market. 5,000 shares offered for sale. Don’t let procrastination lose you a golden opportunity. Fill out one of the coupons below and mail today. 5,000 shares will not last a long time. AND—TOMORROW MAY BE EVERLASTINGLY TOO LATE. Glance over this table and see what investments in kindred concerns have brought: Invested Worth today $500 in Borden’s Condensed Milk. $ 45,000.00 $500 in Postum Cereal ... 50,000.00 $500 in Royal Baking Powder.. .. 80,000.00 $100 in Air Brake Shares... 24,000.00 $100 in Bell Telephone (What the wise ones called the “Fool’s Idea”) .’. 400,000.00 DO IT NOW AND AVOID THE VALLEY OF REGRETS. FILL OUT A COUPON AND MAIL TODAY. Not less than three shares sold to any purchaser. Our Prospects When you become a stockholder in the KAFFIR CHEMICAL LABORATORIES you become a part of a nation-wide enterprise—a Race Enterprise—that will contribute its share toward justifying the Negro in the business world. BIG BUSINESS IS OURS. OPPORTUNITY IS OURS. LET US GRASP IT AND ENTER INTO THE “GOLDEN GATE” THAT SWINGS WIDE BEFORE US. The Kaffir Chemical Laboratories is engaged in the manufacture of drugs, medicines, pharmaceuticals, chemicals and toilet articles. During the months of organization and incorporation it quietly lined up its re sources, machinery, etc., and enters the market, simultaneously with its stock rmpaign, jn the sale of its products. Already there is manufac tured $17,000.00 worth of the following articles: Kaffir Kream—An ideal skin food. Dentlo—A pyorrhea preventive tooth paste. Sultox—A blood antiseptic that acts as a stomach tonic and destroys the poison induced by auto-intoxication. Rem, an antiphologistic compound for external inflammation and fever. A Hair Tonic, A Dandruff Cure, a Hand Lotion, an Antiseptic Wash, an Enema, and a treatment for dread pyorrhea, consisting of a liquid, paste, and tablets. , In addition to the above named preparations we have other formulae ol inestimable value, and as soon as we move to our new location we will add more machinery—thus constantly increasing the number of Kaffir Prod ucts on the market. This business of ours is national in scope. We are offering the public what it wants, goods that bear the stamp of experts. A big sale of goods is inevitable. Big sales, Bigger profits to the investor. TODAY STOCK IS WORTH $10.00 PER SHARE. NEXT YEAR IT SHOULD HAVE DOUBLED ITSELF. Loss than ten years ago the man who invested $10.00 in “Denver Mud” sees that share worth $1,800.00. Madame Walker started with $1.25 and an idea of a hair preparation. In twelve years she was a million aire. Yours is the opportunity of getting in on the ground floor. Don’t let it slip! Our Permit This company has received from the Bureau of Securities of the state of Nebraska a permit to sell its stock. “The Kaffir Chemical Laboratories holds permit No. 738 authorizing the sale of $138,000.00 worth of its common stock and $300,000.00 worth of its preferred stock at $10.00 per share.” Your Safeguards Here is the provision made by the Bureau of Securities relative to the manner in which this company must safeguard funds received from stock sales: “In no event shall the company expend or in any manner allow or pay in excess of 15 per cent of the actual par value of the stock issued here under as payment of commission or marketing expense of said stock, and an additional 2*4 per cent for the purpose of paying expense of organiza tion or promotion.” In Escrow The Kaffir Chemical Laboratories has issued $41,000.00 or 4100 shares common stock for formulae and has placed the same in escrow until such time as the total sum of $41,000.00 has been set aside to surplus fmm the company’s net earnings, and until said Bureau of Securities or its legal successors at law shall have executed and granted a formal order of release. The Promoters The Board of Directors is composed of individuals who are well equipped to handle this proposition—Chemical, Publicity and Sales Ex perts with keen business judgment, who are well known the country over for their integrity and probity and who are on the alert for wide-awake individuals who can be added to the large corps of workers who will form the Kaffir plant. I Kaffir Chemical Laboratories I % (INCORPORATED) Present Location, 922-924 Douglas Street. Douglas 7074. Fg ■JJ References* wyvwwwwww CASH COUPON yvwyuvwuwvwv fu ■C lACIWeilWTO. Kaffir Chemical Laboratories, *, ■ United States National Bank, Omaha, Neb. Omaha, Neb. Fg Fg First National Bank, Omaha, Neb. I herewith subscribe for.'.Shares of Fg Fg Bion Bonding and Security Company, Omaha, Neb. seven per cent preferred capital stock of the Kaffir Chemical Laboratories, Fg Fg Omaha, Neb., at its organization price of $10.00 per share. I understand Fg Fg Officers end Directors this stock t0 be cumulative> non-assessable and voting. Fg gF MADREE PENN, President. I herewith enclose $.as payment in gF ■C G. M. JONES, Vice-President. fu]] for .shares. Fg ■ J E. C. HAYNES, Secretary. ■ < ■ J > ASA E. FLETCHER, Department of Production. city._.. ■ < ■ J FRED C. WILLIAMS, Department of Publicity and Sales. ' _ ||F LARRY N. PEOPLES, City Sales Manager. state-- * j