The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928, February 05, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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| Among the Churches I
Rev. John Albert Williams, Priest.
The Nation Wide campaign ends in
an intensive week and drive for sig
natures to service and pledge cards
Sunday. February 16. W. G. Haynes
is chairman of St Philip's commit
tee and the captains are Sergeant
Isaac Bailey, Henry W. Black, E. W.
Pryor, Dr. W. W. Peebles, Dr. John
A. Singleton, Thomas Reese, M. F.
Singleton, Sergeant Philip Letcher,
Augustus Hicks and Dillard Crawford.
Each one of these captains will ap
point two lieutenants. Every com
municant and member of the congre
gation is requested to attend services
next Sunday morning and also Sunday
morning, February 16.
Rev. J. Costello, Pastor.
The services last Sunday were good.
Two strong sermons were preached
by the pastor. Three additions to the
church were reported.
Quite a number of sick remain on
the roll. We pray for their speedy
Mrs. L. Barker, 618 North Seven
teenth street, will entertain the Mis
sion Circle Monday at 2 o’clock.
Rev. J. A. Broadnax, Pastor.
Services were fairly well attended
last Sunday. Rev. J. W. Stapelton
preached as onlv he con at the 8 p. m.
Juarterly meeting on the 1st and
17th of the month. The Rev. Mr.
Rhonenee will preache at 3 p. m. The
Rev. Mr. W. C. Williams of St John’s
and their congregations will be pres
ent A great meeting is looked for.
Allen Endeavor will have a pro
gram next Sunday at 3 p. m. Rev.
Harris and Mrs. Goode expect a good
meeting and all are invited to be
Those on the sick list are: Mr. A.
Floyd, Mrs. Clarke, Mr. Broadnax,
Mrs. Blue, Mr. Alston and Mr. Ward.
Rev. M. H. Wilkinson, Pastor.
The pastor preached a soul-stirring
sermon at the evening service.
Brothers A. Smith and D. M. Mat
hew were unanimously elected dea
cons and were fellowshlpped Sunday
Mr. Henry A. Ethridge, the Chicago
tenor, will appear in song recital at
Mt. Moriah church February 12.
The Missionary Circle met with
Mrs. Wade Thursday. Many were
present, and a delicious luncheon was
Mr. and Mrs. George Smith were
dinner guests Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. C. W. Woodson, 2516 Maple
street. A delightful three-course din
ner wsa served.
Ur. W. F. Botts, Pastor.
A good covenant meeting was en
joyed by those who worshipped with
us last Sunday morning. At night,
the pastor spoke on ‘‘The Triumph
Ot Truth." Every one gained much
food for thought as they listened to
the well prepared discourse.
The following strangers were
pleasant visitors at our services last
Sunday: Mrs. Carrie Smiley, St.
Louis, Mo.; Mr. R. F. Adams. Sher
man, Texas; Miss Mary Stanton of
Dcs Moines, la., and Miss Atlanta
Dallas of Houston, Texas.
Quite a number of our members
are on the sick list. We hope for
them a speedy recovery.
A program will be rendered Sun
day evening by the Sunbeam section
of the B. Y. P. U., including children
from 4 to 8 years of age. Come out
and see what these small children
can tell you about the Word of God.
Mrs. Odessa Harris is teacher of this
On account of an unforeseen hap
pening, the Lord’s Supper was de
ferred from last Sunday evening and
will follow the 11 o’clock services
Sunday, February 8. Strangers wel
come at all services.
Tabernacle Baptist Church
Mr. S. Fields, one of the oldest dea
cons of the church passed away last
Sunday morning, from the effects of
an operation for gall stones. The date
of the funeral has not been set as his
relatives have not arrived from Texas.
Mrs. V. S. Cooper, who has been
the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. J. P.
Jackson left for her home in Minneap
olis Sunday night.
The Missionary Society did quilting
last week. Committee in charge Mcs
dames Kennard, Fountain and Jack
The choir will give a Valentine par
ty on the 14th and the young men of
the church will give a Leap Year par
ty February 26.
Among the out-of-town visitors at
church Sunday were Miss Hall of
Brockfield, Mo., and Mr. H. L. Pres
ton, of Omaha.
The Coronation club will meet with
Mrs. Martha Herndon, Twenty-first
and Eighth avenue. The Mission Cir- j
cle will meet with Mrs. Manual.
R. U. Roberson, an old resident of
Council Bluffs, who was most highly
respected by a large circle of friends, I
passed away last Friday night. He j
had been a member of Bethel A. M. E.;
church for twenty-seven years and a
trustee for thirteen. He is survived
by his widow, Mrs. Susie Roberson, i
and one sister, Mrs. L. Anderson.
Funeral services were held from the I
church, the Rev. M. R. Rhonenee of
ficiating. The Rev. J. P. Jackson and j
the Rev. W. A. Moore delivered brief j
addresses. The Masonic fraternity was j
in charge. The body was taken to i
Kansas City for burial.
A chance for the kiddies to earn a
prize. Read Monitor Mother Goose
offer on page six.
I' “Gee whiz, Dad, look at •£
.j! those ‘ads.’ ”
!]! “That’s just what they £
!£ are for, son.” |*
Inter-Denominational People’s Mission &
26th and Franklin Streets ;j
Preaching, 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 1:16 p. m. £
Prayer and conference meeting every Thursday 8 d. m. *
REV. A. WAGNER, Pastor and G. O. P. |
V (Catholic) £
£ MASS—8 a. m„ First Sunday In every month. BENEDICTION—8jp. m.. J
y Third Sunday In every month. Services to be held temporarily In Sacred £
y Heart Chapel, Twenty-second and Btnney Streets. Everybody welcome. X
The Rev. S. C. Crutcher, a mission
ary, who has recently returned from
Africa and Europe, is conducting a
revival at Bethel A. M. E. church of
Council Bluffs of which the Rev. M. R.
Rhonenee is pastor. He is a world
wide evangelist and the public is in
vited to attend the meetings. The
pastor requests that all Christian peo
ple pray three times a day for a bless
ing upon the labors of the evangelist.
The very ipclement weather has
been very severe on the poor on ac
count of their not being able to get
wood hauled from the country.
Last Sunday was regular meeting
day at Ebenezer Baptist church, but
the cold weather prevented any serv
Rev. S. C. Smith, Rockdale, was in
town, accompanied by Deacon John
Marshall, We3t Point, attending to
business for Mt. Nebo Baptist church.
Last Monday evening Mrs. Sallie
Williams Scott, wife of Mr. Charles
Scott, died here at the home of her
mother, Mrs. Nancy Hunt, after an
illness of twelve weeks. She was
buried here the following Wednesday
evening from the St. James M. E.
church, under auspices of the S. M. T.
lodge, Rev. A. M. Mason. P. C., offi
ciating. She was a faithful and and
active member of both organizations,
a graduate of La Orange city school,
and a young Fayette county school
teacher. She leaves a mother, father,
brother, and many other relatives and
friends to mourn her. The following
out-of-town relatives attended the
funeral: Mrs. Estelle Matthews, San
Antonio; Misses Nettie Phearse, Hills
boro; Annie Smith, Smithville. and
Mr. and Mrs. D’Orty Williams, Hous
ton, and Messrs. Adel and John L.
Phearse, Waco.
Our sick: Mrs. Polly Smith, Mrs.
Lovie Simpson.
Mrs. Pauline Zachary and baby left
last week for an indefinite stay in San
Antonio at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Estelle Matthews.
Mrs. Cora Robinson and daughter,
Mrs. Callie Palmer, mother and sis
ter, respectively, of Mrs. Carthelia Al
len, returned to their home in Marlin,
after visiting here several days.
By Ralph V. Baylis, Correspondent,
and Agent
If you desire your news to get in on
time for publication each.week get it
in before Sunday night.
Miss Edith Brown, who has been
making her home in Kansas City, ac
companied her aunt, Mrs. Mary Stone,
who has been ill for two weeks, home.
Later Mrs. Stone will go to Hot
Rev. Matthew Kelly of Oskaloosa,
Kas., preached at Ebenezer Baptist
church Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wilson of St.
Joe were the week-end guests of Mr.
and Mrs. James Wilson.
Mrs. Annabelle Moore and Mrs.
Blanche Woods of Omaha arrived Sat
urday to visit their parents.
Herbert Brown, of Kansas City,
visited his brother and wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Brown Sunday and was
made a Mason.
Rev. Mr. Wehb, en route to Mon
tana, preached for the Rev. Mr. Bill
ups Sunday at Campbell chapel.
Mrs. John Ingham of St. Joe was a
week-end visitor.
Mrs. Frank Wilson has gone to
Indianapolis, Ind., to visit her daugh
ter, Mrs. Black.
Andrew Pettis, whose toe was am
putated in November, is improving.
Much sympathy has been extended
him, because this being his senior
year at the university his injury was
received at a football game last year.
Those on the sick list are: Mrs.
Jerry Taylor, Mr. Lewis Letcher, Mr.
Aaron Shackleford, Mrs. John Wash
ington, Mr. John Baylis, Mrs. Minnie
Whitney, Mr. John King, Mr. Buchan
an and two sons. Best wishes are ex
tended for their speedy recovery.
Patronize The Monitor advertisers.
Rev. P. M. Lewis mistakenly an
nounced that the second quarterly
meeting would be held last Sunday
and consequently large congregations
were present at both services. Col
lections totaled $26. Quarterly meet
ing will be held February 15.
K. A. Mitchell of North Riverside
left January' 30 for a month’s visit
to his siter in Chicago.
Last Wednesday night love feast
was held at Malone A. M. E.. At its
close the congregation tendered their
pastor and his wife a pleasant sur
prise in the w-ay of articles for the
larder and household. Rev. and Mra,
P. M. Ferris desire to tender thanks ti»
all who so generously remembered
Walter Williams, manager of the
Marlin hotel shoe shining stand, is i8
from a nervous breakdown.
John Wilkinson and family, who
have been under quarantine are all up
and around with the exception of Mra.
Wilkinson, w'hose recovery is slow.
The Sunday school of Malone A.
M. E. church is growing rapidly un
der the superintendence of Mr. Jesse
Rev. P. M. Lewis baptized Henry
Joseph Parker, Jr., at last Sunday
morning services.
Miss Laura Askew is very ill at
her home at North Riverside.
If you want the news read The
Monitor, the best newspaper in the
N. .
Of delicately colored, beautiful old!
rose Shantung silk Is this charming
"Palm Beach” outfit. The blouse is
plum-colored satin brocaded with sil
ver, while cords of silver emphasize
the waistline of both the blouse and
the coat.
Remove Grease Spots by Holding Over
Fire; French Chalk and Press
ing Recommended.
A good way to- get grease spots frpm
silk, writes a correspondent, is to hbld
the spotted port over a warm Qre,
not ifot enough to burn the silk, bul
hot enough to melt the grease; put a
piece of blotting paper over the s£ot
and then put a warm Iron on the
A good method for cleaning black
silk is this: Mix strong coffee stud
ammonia. Brush the silk thoroughly
and then rnb the liquid on with a soft
cloth. Wind around a board to dry.
French chalk will remove some
spots from sillk. Rub the chalk thor
oughly In the- garment and let It stay
there for a day or so. Then brush It
out with a velvet brush.
Water spots can sometimes be re
moved by pressing the silk on t)ie
wrong side, with a piece of thin mus
lin between the Iron and the silk.
If silk han lost Its body and stlffnftsa
follow the method of a renovator: I’.p 11
an old, clean kid glove In water aftd
sponge the silk with the somewhat
sticky liquid resulting.
Whenever silk is pressed a sheet jof
tissue paper or a piece of thin muslin
should be spread over the silk to pre
vent glazing. The silk should -he
placed with Its right side toward tji« I
board. Ironed on the wrong side. •
• I
If You Want a Straw Hat. I
So used have we become to seeing
straw hats in midwinter and furs in
summer thut we think nothing of it
when the smart hat shops offer straw
and sports things in midwinter ns the
only things entirely new. A new hat
is of rose colored hemp, faced with
rose georgette, and attractively em
broidered In wool und silk.
Slogan of Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
in Its Great Financial Drive.
The above is a cut of the Calvary Baptist church (white), 25th and Ham
ilton streets, erected in 1900. This building has been purchased by contract
by the Pilgrim Rest Baptist church (colored) at a cost of $35,000. Fifteen
thousand dollars of the purchase price is to be paid before entering the
Eleven thousand dollars is to be raised by the congregation and friends
by May 1st. We are therefore asking every reader of this paper and the pub
lic at large to give us your moral and financial support in the raising of
this eleven thousand dollars. Below you will find a coupon which you will
please fill in, sign and return with the amount you will give for this pur
Please do not lay this aside, but give it your immediate attention. All
contributions will be acknowledged in the columns of this paper. Watch this
fund grow. Address all communications to
REV. W. M. FRANKLIN, Pastor Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church
Residence Address 1318 North 26th St., Omaha, Neb.
' 1
' 1
Enclosed please find $.as a donation on purchase
' • '
I 1
price of Calvary Baptist Church, Omaha, Neb.
Name __
Street Number._____
•••• 1* • • • •> • ,
!Hear Henry A. Ethridge j
•j- Dramatic Tenor at
X Thursday Night, February 12. Admission 40 Cents X
•j* 1. (a)—“Thank God for a Garden”.___Del Reigo ^
X (b)—“Nita Gitana”.. DeKoven I
.j. (c)—“Star” ...._ Rogers *
y 2. Recitation......Mrs. Mary Duncan y
X 3. (a)—Romanza, “Non E Ver”. Mottae X
•{• (b)—Recitative and Aria, “Vesti La Guibba,” from Opera ❖
X Pagliacci ______Leon Cavallo Y
X 4. (a)—“Three Shadows”.- X
❖ (b)—“Bye and Bye” (Spiritual)- H. Burleigh <•
X (c)—“Young Warrior”.... %
A 5. Recitation.....Mrs. M. H. Wilkinson A
X 6. (a)—“Call Me No More”._Cadman y
X (b)—Vale .. Russell X
... *■*
! ___ ,-. :
The most wonderful hair preparation on the market. When
we say Magic we do not exaggerate, as you can see great re
sults in the first few treatments. We guarantee Magic Hair I
* Grower to stop the hair at once from falling out and breaking
off; making harsh, stubborn hair soft and silky. Magic Hair
Grower grows hair on bald places of the head. If you use
these preparations once you will never be without them.
MagicHair Grower and Straightening Oil are manufactured
by Mesdames South and Johnson. We also do scalp treating. I
Magic Hair Grower, 50c. Straightening Oil, 35c• !
All orders promptly filled; send 10c for postage. Money must accompany all orders. J
1 Agents wanted—Write for particulars. J
We carry everything in the latest fashion- I
able hair goods at the lowest prices.
We make switches, puffs, transforms- I
tion curls, coronet braids, and combings J
made to order, matching all shades a |
specialty. Send samples of hair with ■
all orders.
2416 Blondo St., Omaha, Neb. •
Telephone Webster 880 !
(S J
. ...
l Patronize the State Furniture Co. f
!14th and Dodge Streets <.
The Monitor recommends its advertisers. Reliable and accommo- 11
dating service can be found here. . I