... We Have a Complete Line of FLOWER,GRASS AND GARDEN JCCU3 Bulba, Hardy Perennials, Poultry Supplies Fresh cut flowers always on hand Stewart’s Seed Store 119 N. 16th St. Opp. Post Office Phone Douglas 977 ... . . . .. . . ,.4 •{• Call Webster 1358 After 6 P. M. •! t C. W. ANDERSON i Upholstering of Chairs ;• 3325 Emmet Street. Omaha Ij y • « * .. * * .. Petersen & MK chef sen Hardware Co. GOOD HARDWARE 2408 N St. Tel. South 102 ... ...» . . - |[ Liberty Drug Co.: ;; EVERYBODY’S DRUG STORE ; < > W. Deliver Anywhere. < > Webater 286. Omaha, Neb. ■ TcsUbl’is’hed 'l89o’ ' " .. ' C. J. CARLSON Dealer in j Shoe, and Gents’ Furnishing. j 1514 N*. 24th St. Omaha. Neb.! ....» ...... < i—PATTQN HOTEL AND CAFE j N. A. Patton, Proprietor 1014-1016-1018 South 11th St. j Telephone Douglaa *441 02 MODERN AND NRATLT j FURNISHED BOOMS t... ... ... * i • • • • ».... Hill-Williams Dru§ Co. PURE DRUGS AND TOILET ARTICLES Free Delivery Tyler 160 2462 Cuming 84. ...— ...»■— |l Start Saving Now jff ode Dollar will opon an account in tfee Savings Department of ths United States Nat'l Bank IOUi sad Perea el Streets F. WILBERG BAKERY Across from Alhambra Theatrs Ths Bast Is None Too Good for Our Customers. Telephons Webster 673 in ... C. H. MARQUARDT CASH MAEKET Retail Dealer in Freak end Salt Meet*, Poultry, Oyatara, eta. 266S Cumieg St. Doeg. 1814 Home Rendered I.ard. We Smoke and Cur* our own Hama and Baron. ... J. A. Fdhotm E. W. Sherman Standard Laundry 2401, Near Lake Street Phone Wtbiter 130 Just Call Lyuuglas 3889 Autos Everywhere Empire Cleaners and Dyers 707 South 16th St. 8 For Accurate and Dependable Service See f WILLIAMSON DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, PRESCRIPTIONS 2306 North 24th St. Phone Webster 4443 and we will •end it out. Events and Persons Harold B. Thomas entertained fifty friends Wednesday evening at Wnlks hall in honor of his sixteenth birth day. The decorations were in Hal lowe’en style. Games and dancing were the amusements of the evening. He received many beautiful and use ful presents. Mr. Edward Caldwell of Mason City, Iowa, was the guest of honor. Music wras furnished by Mrs. McCoy and Mr. Holland Harrold. Have you joined the N. A. A. C. P. yet ? Why not ? First class looming house, neatly furnished rooms. Mrs. Georgia Tapps, 207 South 13th street. Tyler 4782. Poro hair culturist, scientific scalp treatment. Mrs. Georgia Tapps, 207 South 13th street. Tyler 4782. For special bargains in stocks, bonds and real estate see Fred Wil liams, Monitor office. Douglas 3224. Mrs. R. K. Laurie, 113 North Forty third avenue, will entertain at a 1 o'clock luncheon Thursday, October 30, in honor .of Mrs. Bums. Covers will be laid for nineteen. The announcement has been made of the wedding of Miss Thirza Arvin i to Mr. Leroy Newton. They will be married at the Bethel Baptist church November 4th. All friends are in vited. E. F. Morearty, Lawyer, 640 Bee Building. Douglas 3841.—Adv. Mask and be one of the ghosts i the grand march at the ghost party given by the club women of St. Philip the Deacon at Wolks hall, 1513 Nort Twenty-fourth street, Wednesday, O tober 29th. Admission only by ticke' Tickets can be bought from the chair I man, Mrs. Pegg, Twenty-sixth am | Erskine streets. Are you a member of the N. A. A. C. P.? If not, why not? Mrs. Scruggs entertained Tuesday evening at dinner. The honor guest were Mrs. W. C. Williams and son Robert, and Mrs. Webster. For big bargains and safe invest ments see Fred C. Williams, DouglaH 3224. Mrs. Roundtree is the guest of hei daughter, Mrs. M. H. Wilkinson. The United Burial association o the Bethel Baptist church recorde fifty-three new members at their las announcement. Be among the thrifty, join now. B. F. LEE, Pres. The Waiters’ Protective Employ ment Association of Omaha has set up a' branch association at Lincoln, Neb. The officers are: Harry Ruggs, president; S. E. Ferguson, secretary; Rev. O. J. Burkhardt, treasurer. Photos painted in oil colors by our method, beautiful and look alive. Send $1 with photo for sample. De scribes color fully. We copy and en large all kinds of pictures. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Representatives wanted. The Photo Color Studio, 2866 Saratoga street, Omaha, Neb. Smoke John Ruskin cigar. Among the happy couples who re cently married at the home of Rev. T. A. Taggart are: Miss Nettie Arvin to Mr. Dewight Moss; Miss Lizzie John son to Mr. George Edwards, and Mis: Ma.vne Paynter to Mr. Emanuel Ma son. We wish them much joy am . success. WANTED—Middle-aged woman for a responsible clerical position. One capable of learning. Reasonable wages with chance for advance. Ad dress the Monitor Office, 304 Crounse Blk., R. 20. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. LaCour, 2421 Maple street, entertained Sunday, Oc tober 19th, from 4 to 6 o’clock in honor of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Haynes, Mrs. Lee, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Watkin and Miss Watkins. About 100 guests spent a delightful evening and en joyed the gracious hospitality of the host and hostess. Monitor subscription contest closes Saturday, November 15. (Jet busy ti your church Is going to earn that $100. A chitterling supper will be given Saturday, October 25th, at Mrs. Smith’s, 2534 Hamilton street, by two jL of the Tribes, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. > Kibbler, captains. The following menu l will be served: Chitterlings, fish', r corn bread, ice cream and cake. f WANTED—At once, five hundred i persons to pass judgment upon the f coffee and meals served by Marsh & Smith, 2709 West Q St., So. Side. Are you going to heip your church earn that $100 offered by The Moni tor’’ For Rent—Furnished rooms for gen tlemen In private home. Call Web ster 3171. H. L. Anderson. Houses for sale In all parts of the city. Tel. Douglas 2842 or Webster 5519. Guy B. Robbins. For Sale—A number of 5 and 6 room houses, strictly modem on paved street. Prices running from $3,500 to $4,200. On terms $500 or more down, balance as rent. See McClure & Ship man, 220 South 13th St. Telephone Douglas 7150. NIMROD JOHNSON, Notary Public, Real Estate and Rentals. 2726 Burdette St. Web. 4150. Miss Frances Shaw of Chicago, granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. War ren Brooks, and Mr. Harry Buford ol Omaha were quietly married in Chi cago Thursday noon by Rev. Cook. The bride wore a midnight blue vel vet suit with hat to match. The be coming costume was artistically set off by a corsage bouquet of pink orchids. After the ceremony the bride and groom registered at the Palmei house until Friday evening when they left for Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Buford are at home to their many friends at 3510 Blondo street. North Side Taxi. J. D. Lewis, pro prietor. Limousine and touring car. Stand phone, Web. 1490; residence phone, Web. 949.—Adv. The people are awakening to thejj duties by planning a co-operativ grocery on the south side. Shares w be sold, as outlines and difficulties o failures are being sifted. We a looking forward to a big move of bringing our people together < • real business basis. Monitor subscription contest closes Saturday, November 15. Get busy If your church is going to earn that $100. For Sale—A number of 5 and 6 room cottages, not entirely modern. Prices ranging from $2,000 to $3,100. Terms easy, upward from $200. Bal ance in monthly payments as rent. See McClure & Shipman, 220 South 13th street. Telephone Douglas 7150. Mr. H. Dixon, who was seriously burned at the Swift packing plant, is able to resume his work. A healthful mouth insures a health ful stomach and both insure a bright outlook. See Singleton & Singleton, dentists, 111 South 14th street. CAMP FIRE NOTES Group Ocowasin held a business meeting last Friday at the Commun ity house. The girls wrote a news paper and planned a Hallowe’en party. G A RDN ER—DIXON. One of the prettiest and most f" ionable weddings of the season was witnessed at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Steward, 2516 Parker street, Thursdav evening, October 16, at 8 o’clock, when Miss Myrtle Dixon was united in marriage to Mr. John A. Gardner. About 150 guests were present. The bridal color scheme of blue and white was carried out in the decorations of the house as well as in the refreshments. The hride was attired in white silk net, with a tunic effect. The sweep ing bridal veil was also of white net and she carried a shower bouquet of bridal roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. Harriet Thompson, wore a beautiful white satin gown with an overdrape of silk The flower girl, little Grace Smith, wore a costume of white crepe de chine. The ring bearer, little Olive Jackson, was dressed in a very pretty white mull. The ribbon carriers were dressed in white and carried pink roses. The best man, Mr. Hubert Glove r, was in full dress. Miss Irene Cochran sang “O, Prom ise Me,” accompanied by Miss Amelia McKinney. They received many beautiful pres ents ranging from cut glass to culin ary articles. The bride and groom are at home to their many friends at 2622 Maple street. VANCE—TURNER On Wednesday evening, October 15, at 8:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Louise Wade, 2519 North Twenty eighth avenue, occurred the wedding of Miss Gcils Turner and Mr. William L. Vance. The house was prettily decorated in green and pink with palms and autumn leaves. The bride was attired in a gown or white Georgette embroidered in bead and wore a veil of embroidered net. She carried a bouquet of white rose buds and ferns. The bridal party consisted of th Misses Louise Wade and Edith Brown, Messrs. Sherman Jefferson and Ros coe Miller. Mr. Kenneth Miller actr as best man. Master Albert Arch! was ring bearer. Just before the ceremony Miss Ra Lee Middleton sang “I Love Yo1 Truly.” After the ceremony an in formal reception was held. A large number of guests were present and many useful gifts we presented. PORO BUILDING HAS NEW INTERIOR DECORATIONS St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 22.—The fa mous Poro building, of which Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Malone are founders, has been newly decorated inside by the firm of Marx & Jones. There ar, now three immense panels in the lobby, called the “Mural Tripartite,” a tribute to our race. They are the Genesis, Exodus and Apotheosis, and each panel has an interesting history. Three heroic figures of the beautiful womanhood of the race personify Lib erty and her hand maidens. SHERIDAN BOYS WIN .. . THE FIRST PRIZE AT STATE FAIR Former Omaha Boy Among Winners * — The Sheridan stock-judging team, £ consisting of Carl Bingemer, John \ Gronski and Alfred Shute, former E Omaha boy, accompanied by Club i Leader L. A. Marks, returned yester- j day on 41 from Douglas, where they , won state championship in judging ; domestic animals. The championship ; was won with a margin of 71 degrees, j1 Fremont county' having a score of [ | 1,470 and Sheridan with 1,541. The 1 team has given many demonstrations 5 in the county, and their work has been j £ warmly praised by numerous ranchers j and stock-growers who frankly' ad- j mitted that the boys had given them, j § new ideas, and as a result they wool j g be better able in the future to judge I g their herds of livestock, eliminating £ the poorer and scrubby animals and g retaining those of a higher quality. g Plans are for the boys to leave ir. £ December for the Chicago Intern:. > tional Stock Exposition, where they’ | will compete with the champion | teams of the other states for national. : championship. Expectations are Ao < secure the necessary funds for tht ' trip through the Wyoming cattle an 1 sheep growers organizations. A large I percentage of the praise for the sue- E cess of the stock judging and canning ). teams in each winning the state g championship is due to the efforts of ’ County Club Leader L. A. Marks who i has worked all summer training the I boys and girls for the club. Pro- I fessor J. J. Marshall, local club leader | assisted in the training of the mem- ! bers of the Canning club. PAYMENT OF PLEDGES URGED ) i - i Case of Dr. Leroy N. Bundy of East : St. Louis to go Before Supreme 5 Court in November. Chicago, 111., Oct. 22.—The case of | Dr. Leroy N. Bundy of East St. Louis i will go before the supreme court in I November. The Chicago Bundy De- 5 fense Fund has reached the amount of jj $1,023.21. Considerable money has | been raised elsewhere and yet it is \ stated by his chief counsel, Hueston ;• & Calloway of Kansas City, Mo., that | many have promised contributions £ who have not sent them in. It will g require about ten thousand dollars to E carry the case through the supreme j court. g Buy homes. -- ---.. I |PHILIP’S DEPARTMENT STOREj 1 24th and O. Sts., South Side | \ = “The Fastest Growing Store in Omaha” == i = “WATCH US GROW” EE | 1 Who L ost Thirty-Five Dollars? $35.00 j j All of Philip’s customers will take a chance of losing a $35.00 gift every week until j=§ ; = Xmas. There will be a drawing every week at Philip’s store for nine weeks. A coupon good = ; == for one chance in drawing given with each and every purchase. = • — FREE—FREE—Drawing at Philip’s Store Every Saturday at 10 P. M.—FREE—FREE ^ ; | Red Week Drawing, Saturday Oct. 25. 10 p. m. | j Philip’s Free Coupon No. fj j . ~ ThlH coupon Good for EVERY = One Chance COUPON li ™ 42-PIECE SET DISHES-42 GOOD FOR = | |= FREE GIVEN AWAY FRKE AT ONE =S ? VV,TH PHILIP S DEPARTMENT STORE CHANCE IN = { EVERY FHEE— 24th mid O Streets, South Side-FREE WEEKLY EEE | H PURCHASE RED WEEK DRAWING drawing H | l = On Saturday, Oetoher 2.3, Ittltt at 10 P. M. — ; Free Ilriiwlmr Every Week Free Coupon With Every Purchase 1 How Many Coupons Have You This Week? 1 \ H EVERY DEPARTMENT AT PHILIP’S GIVES YOU VALUES, MAKING IT DOUBLY = { jj= WORTH YOUR WHILE TO BUY NOW! = > H SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! = Our shoe department is the =j talk of Omaha. For best EE quality; for lowest prices and EE quickest service in shoes for EE men, women, children, infants EE —For work, dress, play, EE school—Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. Men’s Union Suit Sale Heavy ribbed union suits; very fine quality suits, a $2.75 regular value, on sale this week; sale price, all sizes, $1.89. Guaranteed to fit you. Ladies’ and Children’s Coats || We are selling twice as many == j coats as we expected. The fine = j quality, new dressy styles and == ; our small prices on coats are == > responsible for this enormous == > selling. Real art in color com- = | binations; beautiful plush vel- = ■ our, fur cloth, in fur collar or — | collar to match. == | V I ECONOMY BASEMENT FOR BETTER VALUES I = THIS WEEK WE ARE MAKING A SPECIAL SHOWING—ALSO SPECIAL PRICES = f j= ON ALL CHINAWARE == Fancy hand-painted decora = tive, fine china, dinner sets, EE 12 or a hundred piece set. == Both Domestic or Imported. ON ALL ELECTRIC GOODS Only the best makes, “Hot Point” or Universal in lamps, irons, toasters, heaters, per colators. The makers of elec tric goods we carry are world renowned. “Hot Point,” Uni I versa!, at Philip’s prices. ON ALL ALUMINIUM = WARE f Finest of heavy grade alum- = inum for every purchase and == every use. Just what the wife EE wants for the up-to-date =E l kitchen. = \ lllllllliiiiiiiiiiilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil k CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY OF OMAHA’S COLORED BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL FIRMS A. F. PEOPLES! PAINTING PAPERHANGING AND DECORATING Estimates Furnished Free. g All Work Guaranteed. 4827 ERSKINE STREET. I PHONE WALNUT 2111. I IjohnsohI Licensed Embalmer and Funeral c Director 2518 Lake Street The place known for its qual- k ■ ity service, and reasonable prices § We spare no pains for our g \ complete chapel service. Open 5 ■ day and night. Phone Webster 248. BBHHgS3(S®W8t U S&Z-u i! R. H. Robbins & Co. I GROCERIES AND MEATS An Up-to-Date Store. 1411 North 24th Street. Prompt Delivery. W. 241. ! GREEN & GREEN | We Operate the One Minute Shining Parlor jl Chairs for Ladies. Auto Truck and Transfer 1919 Cuming St. Phone Doug. 3157; Web. 2340. §j Dagjgg&ggawwtaggfaaKHnaaregiBKiHtgiB % : Repairing and Storing Orders Promptly Filled « NORTH SIDE SECOND-HAND STORE | R. B. RHODES j Dealer in New and Second-Hand Furniture H and Stoves. Household Goods Bought and i ! Sold. Rental and Real Estate. S 2522 Lake St. Webster 908 6) »llgaB^^R»W8g8l81^i!>