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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1919)
Among the Churches * I ST. JOHN’S A. M. E. CHURCH Rev. W. C. Williams, Pastor. Sunday services were unusually good. Two very excellent sermons were delivered by the pastor. There were several persons added to the church. The class dues for the week were $105.15. V, The church sick are Mesdames Jen '■■v kins and J. W. Brown, at University hospital, and Messrs. John Bruce and Johnson, St. Joseph hospital. The visitors that worshipped at the morning service were: Mrs. Watkins and daughter of Boston, W. C. C. workers; Miss Seats, Cincinnati; Miss Osborne, Chicago; Miss Harris, Wiley university; Mr. Bai-ner, Mississippi, and Mr. Adams, Los Angeles. The Junior Stewardess Board, just recently organized, met Thursday evening at the church. The Harmony Boys’ club gave a very unique surprise party for Miss West of Tuskegee institute Tuesday evening at the residence of Miss Madeline Rob erts. About fifty guests were present and a most enjoyable evening was spent. SPECIAL SERVICE SUNDAY NIGHT AT ST. PHILIP’S CHURCH At 8 o’clock Sunday night there will be a special service at St. Philip’s Episcopal church at which the service flag will be demobilized. Good music and an address by Captain W. W. Peebles. All returned soldiers are cor dially invited to attend. ZION BAPTIST CHURCH No services wrere held last Sunday morning on account of the funeral of Deacon Levi Bradley. At night Dr. Botts was at his best, when he spoke on "The Second Coming of Christ.” Four new names were added to the church roll. .. if; - THERE’S A MESSAGE $ FOR YOU AT Bethel Baptist § Church 29th and T Sts., South Side j«: SERVICES | Sunday school, 9:80 a. m. Song service, 10:45 a. m. O Preaching services, 11 a. |>| Bm.; 8 p. m. Rev. Thomas A. Taggart, Pastor. 2120 North 27th St. yrin<miggR:)<-»r^wy)(Ta;m«wreiK9<’Hliri(?i<ii< '.".•'.".•V%M.,,.”.M.,VV,.M.M.M.,VWVVVVVVVWVV‘.M.,VVVVVVVVVV’., .".'v v. ALLEN CHAPEL A. M.E. CHURCH f 5233 South 25th Street *1; ? SERVICES £ Preaching, 11 a. m.; Sunday school, 1 p. m.; Allen Endeavor, 7 p. m.; preaching, 8p. m. A Class meetings Friday nights. J. A. BROADNAX, P. C. f Phone South 3475. £ Pleasant Green Baptist Church Twenty-second and Paul Streets REV. JOHN COSTELLO, PASTOR. SERVICES Sunday school, 9:30 a. m.; morning service and preaching, 11 a. m.; B. Y. P. U., 5:30 p. m.; evening service and preaching, 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting, Wednesday night; class meeting Friday, night. Women’s Missionary Society, Tuesday afternoon at 3:30. | Pilgrim Rest Baptist Church f ^ 26th and Franklin Streets «j> REV. WILLIAM FRANKLIN, Pastor $ 2629 Caldwell Street. Webster 6035. $ SERVICES | j a Sunday School, 10 a. m.; morning service and preaching, 11 a. m. A B. Y. P. U., 6 p. m.; evening service and preaching, 8 p. m. Y Prayer meeting Wednesday night; Women’s Missionary Society, y 1st and 3d Sunday, 4 p. m. X "X“X~X~X~X*«X“X~X"X"X»**X**X“X»*X“X"X“X“X**X~X~X”X**X>.X £..;..;..X-X*«X~X~X~X~X-X~X~X*<~X~X~X~X~X"X~X~X"X****X~X~X».~X. A Church Where | - x All Are Welcome I! Services X Sunday School, 10 a. m. •{• Preaching, 11 a. m_, 8 p. m. X league, 6:30 p. m. .j. Florence P. Leavitt Club, Mon- y day afternoon. X Prayer Meeting, Wednesday .j. Evening. y W. H. M. S. Thursday Afternoon X GROVE METHODIST CHURCH ^^V.^’iJdEAS? | 22nd and Seward Sts., Omaha, Neb. Residence 2202 Clark St. « CHURCH OF ST. BENEDICT THE MOOR ¥ (Catholic) * .j. A MAS8—8 a. m., First Bunday In every month. BENEDICTION—8 p. m., i 6 Third Bunday In every month. Services to be held temporarily In Sacred X i Heart Chapel, Twenty-second and Blnney Streets. Everybody welcome. X 4 REV. FRANCIS CASSILLY. S. J., Pastor. A CHURCH OF DIVINITY $ ;; Inter-Denominational People’s Mission $ <> 26th and Franklin Streets y Preaching, 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m.; Sunday school, 1:16 p. m. X Prayer and conference meeting every Thursday 8 p. m. y ! 1 REV. A. WAGNER, Pastor and G. O. P. X Next Sunday an old-fashioned basket meeting will be held at Elmwood park. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m. Let every one come with a well filled basket that no one may go away hun gry. If rain should mar the day the basket meeting will be held at the church. The Sunday school picnic at Elm wood park last Thursday was well at tended. All reported a pleasant time. The sick members of the church are improving—Mrs. L. B. Burton at her home and Mrs. Lavenia Rose at the Clarkson hospital, where she under went an operation last week. Don’t forget the basket meeting. Set not thine heart upon goods un iustly gotten, for they shall not profit thee in the day of calamity. I Council Bluffs t £ £ mXhX**Xh«hX*'«hMhMhM*4X,,XmM*,XmX Mrs. T. L. Hawthorne, Omaha. Phone Webster 2177. For Rent—Furnished rooms, 1624 South Sixth street, Council Bluffs. Mrs. C. L. Hawthorne. Phone Web ster 2177. A branch of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Colored People was organized August 22 at Masonic hall. The meeting opened with prayer by the Rev. M. R. Rhone nee, chairman. Minutes of the last week’s meeting were approved, after which Mrs. Moss, secretary of the Omaha branch, and also Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Jewell, who was a delegate to the N. A. A. C. P. convention held at Cleveland, O., made some very in teresting remarks as to what the N. A. A. C. P. represented. Mrs. Jewell’s re port of the convention proved very in teresting to all. Mi-. Gallaway, organ izer of the Council Bluffs branch, gave a splendid explanation as to what this organization represents, after which seventy-two members were enrolled. The following officers were elected: W. C. Carter, president; W. C. Lyons, vice president; Mrs. Florence B. Fran kaul, secretary; D. M. Mixon, treas urer; board of directors, Rev. Mat thew R. Rhonenee, Rev. J. P. Jackson, Mrs. Charles W. Madden, Mr. A. C. Stewart, Mr. James Kennerd. Next meeting will be held Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Masonic hall, 18 Pearl street. Rev. M. R. Rhonenee joined in mar riage Saturday morning Mr. F. B. Robertson and Miss Elsie Ewing, both of the state of Iowa. A great time was had in Bethel Sun day. Rev. M. R. Rhonenee, our pastor, preached. Lesson from Zachariah, viii: 16-17. “These are the things that ye shall do; Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbor; execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates: And let none imagine evil in your hearts against his neighbor; and love no false oath: for all these are things that I hate, said the Lord.” Text, “Imagine no evil in your heart against his neighbor.” While the Rev. Mr. Rhonenee was preaching it seemed that the love of God was in every heart and ever soul that sat before him had love for his neighbor. Sun day night he preached from Exodus, xiv:14, “The Lord shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” Sunday school was well attended and also the Christian Endeavor. Every one seemed to have tongues as of fire, as the Spirit gave them utter ance. The Baptist church reports a great time Sunday, although the pastor, i " Rev. J. P. Jackson was out of the city. He and his good wife were in St. Paul, Minn., where he attended the conven tion. Church members and friends are ; looking for their good pastor home this week. The A. M. E. church is looking for ward to a big time Labor Day. The stewards and stewardesses have pre pared for a big dinner and a program at night. Dinner, 50 cents; admission at night, 16 cents. September 12 Mrs. Rodrigue* and Mrs. Young will have a box social at the church. Charles W. Madden will have charge of the Labor Day dinner. The choir will meet every Friday night at the church. Mr. Brown, who is sick at 1117 Ave nue D, is much better. R. V. Robinson of 2426 Fifth avenue — seems to be ipuch improved at this writing. Mr. Robinson is one of the oldest ti'ustees of the Bethel A. M. E. church. _ Mr. D. M. Mixon, a member of the Tabernacle Baptist church, took sick at his home Saturday afternoon. Mr. Mixon is the treasurer of the N. A. A. C. P. branch of Council Bluffs and a fine young man. Mrs. Ella Medly and baby Richard | were the guests of Rev. and Mrs. M. H. Rhonenee. Mrs. Medly is from Fort Dodge, where Rev. Mr. Rhonenee was pastor for some time. The Sunday school of the Bethel A. M. E. church had an outing for the j Sunday school children of the com-1 munity. Mi's. Rhonenee and Mrs. Medly and their babies were the guests of Mrs. G. Hupp of Omaha Friday for lunch. Rev. and Mrs. Robert Ewing of Den ver are in the city. He expects to take up pastoral work in Iowa. £ We Buy for Cash J> £ Stamps and £ Liberty Bonds £ £ Highest Prices. £ •> ♦♦♦ Iowa £ Realty Co. £ Pearl and Broadway. !j! £ Phone 3239. Council Bluffs X <• <• •!mXmXmXmX**X44X**XmX**X*4X**XmX**!' X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X-X^X* i Have You ! Tried it x •? Yet? V 1 .1 — y •!• ... x £ The face cream that is positively guaranteed to remove all grease, shine and perspiration, .j. $ COOLING, HEALING, SATISFYING. % £ CQq Manufactured by jQq * |ap Kaffir Chemical Laboratories « j*d X ."centr1 922 Douglas Street, Omaha. scents £ X postage Telephone Douglas 4390 postage .*. Y Sold by Pope Drug Co., 13th and Famam Sts.; Williamson’s Drug Co., 2306 North 24th St.; Melchor Drug £ X Co., 4826 South 24th St.; The People’s Drug Store, 111 South 14th St.; Holtz Drug Store, 2702 Cuming St.; £ Toben Drug Co., 2402 N St.; Jones Cultural College, 1616 North 24th St.; Unitt-Docekal Drug Co., 1626 Farnam. Ij! £ Mrs. B. A. Bostic, 2124 Clarke St.; Mmes. South & Johnson, 2416 Blondo; Mme. C. C. Trent, £ £ 30th and Erskine; Mme. A. T. Austin, 4911 North 42d; Mrs. Clara Chiles, 2420 Lake St. X lllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillilllllli'llliillHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllilllllllliMlIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINM | Announcement | H It’S a matter of business for every man to know an opportunity, and || == take advantage of it when it comes to h:m. = There’s a genuine opportunity for every man in the special offer this =E == shop is making in our Fall line. We have just received our new line of Fall = Suitings. They are beauties! Every new and popular pattern—every pop- =E ular shade and weave. Guaranteed all wool! Dozens of beautiful patterns =E to chbose from, and we offer you your choice of the entire line, made up into a suit, every stitch hand-tailored in this shop by expert tailors— i at $45ami up i | CAN YOU BEAT IT? | EE It’s every man’s privilege to buy where he chooses. You are cordially EE invited to call and look over this line before you buy. S | Remember, your choice, $45 and up | I VICTORY TAILORS I == 1612 CAPITOL AVENUE. EE ffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiili Bh———■———I I Earn $100 I Or More for Your Church I I To any church sending us 100 New Yearly I I Subscribers The Monitor will give I I $100.00 I 8 and $1 for each additional new yearly subscriber over 100 8 I This Offer Holds Good Only for a Short Time So Get Busy! I ■ The Monitor is $2.00 a year. Everybody who sees it wants it! 8 8 It is not hard to secure subscribers, so here’s a good chance to 8 I Earn $100.00 or More for Your Church I I For Particulars 'T't. ^ 1\/T | 304 Crounse Block I I Address lilt; IVlOllllCJi Omaha, Neb. I