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About The monitor. (Omaha, Neb.) 1915-1928 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1919)
>v,X"jw,WK"M'v<"><"K"/W,^vv'X"W"!"X"!"X”X"!"K"M"i"!"X,,!"H"H">X"!"!"M”;"W X*X-X"X,X-X,,X"X“X-X*X-X*X*X*X,X,X"X"X“X**X*,X‘"X"X"X"X"X"X“X**X*':'X"X~X*4X“X"X**X*,X,,X"X”X,,X"X"X**X*X**X~X*,X**X* ipj-\ [ckets - Free j (bring to the office of The l »ds on this page, properly I >n Picture Co. (Inc.) man Li ticket, absolutely FREE, fving of “A Man’s Duty.” I isspelied words. No tickets will be given away • olutely correct at The Monitor office. ;i icture Company j TED •: VISIT * . v War Camp Community Service Club | Corner 24th and Burdette Streets X upstairs ♦♦♦ ACTIVITIES I • • • Reading Room Writing Games Athletics Music Social Evenings Free Employment Bureau Community Singing Free Lodging Home Registration Bureau ❖ American Legion Headquarters I Ask about Government Insurance, Allotments, Land, Vocational Training * COMING! RAORDINARY! t:E CO. (Inc.) Presents DUTY’’ Brooks s.rss» Clarence A. Brooks, the handsome, likeable leading man you so admired in “Realization and "Law of Nations,” will be present in person and will he delighted to shake hands at the close of the performance with any of his lady ad W miters (and gentleman also) who may so desire. A play deep in theme* thrilling and superb in action; gripping in situation; beautiful in set tings and crystal clear in photography. A beautiful story of the power of love over % ambition and “A Alan’s Duty” to a faith that rang true. inn* by Andrew Singleton. One Reel Lincoln New* Pictorial, 1 nnl Appearance of Lincoln Star, Clarence A. Brooks. One B Colored Troops at the Front.” INJOY THE BEAUTIFJJL AFTERNOON SHOWS FhEATER ..rSST R * R a~JM *■ *-''**- Children 15c, afternoon - only. I’Iuh War Tax. I . X I | “A Man’s Duty” | • A : ♦ _ + !: To make the happiness of his ♦♦♦ family secure by ‘i * * ❖ i Owning His OwnI Home f ❖ * We have some very choice prop- ♦♦♦ X erties in certain desirable parts of X X the city at prices that are right and ♦♦♦ ? will be of interest to you. A per- | ♦> sonel call at our offices will con- ♦> * vince you that we are the right * ♦> firm to see concerning a home or y * v X . investments. <♦ ❖ PAYNE ! 1 Investment Company | f 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. X :j: ♦> Telephone Douglas 1781 <* I % Y yi/» '«■ .... ... .... .. | it is | it is it is fi m TX v” I 'A Man’s D“ty’ I ‘A Man’s Duty’ I ‘A Man’s Duty’ \\JL,vmon.,I »i.h». i S5S-T2SS ^STTJI ■ -.. »»>«*, *-1 «» Read ffvicE | Gregory tment an,‘,ecreation- $ The Monitor c { ice Cream Parlor $ The Monarch and patronize its More f and Delicatessen £ Billiard Parlor % Advertisers ,, street 4* 1508 North 24th St. f 109 South 14th St. £ _ , Call U» Up. X I.. O. GREGORY, Prop. 4. Supplies That Opportunity. | $2 Per Yedr vvvVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVyVVV%,VVV,.M.,,*”.".'’.”.*VVV-.-’.'VVVV.-'. » r . • • • • * • * * J > jx jg X IX IS •{• At this time of the high cost of *♦* | ‘A Man’s Duly’ | ‘A Man’s Duly’ | ? \ To alwoys bn nice and neat in Y To see to it that his beloved X . _ _ _ — |. appearance. Suits for both la- ones are lai,i to rest jn the prop- f • A ^|B(1S DUIV ♦> f dies and gentlemen that are y T. . .y ♦ t made bv us are correct in all X er rnanne,‘ It is o|i . ? x0 secure the best of food at V details. A <lo that for you and when so X ^ minimum price. We afford A M I vwrw ? doirK’We remernbcr the econom- $ you that advantage. A • LTNtn I ical Y t The Taiior £ JONES & REED £ Sou,h & Thompson * 1807 North 24th St. •{• “Standard Colored Undertakers” VAl C «,♦* [! Phone Webster 2988. $ 2314 N. 24th St. Web. 1100 !j! 2418 N. 24th. Web. 4566. ^